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18/07/08. Interview with the admin of BristolCapitalGroup


Hi, guys! Since LR is still offline today I really don’t feel the need to publish any news or analysis today. Let’s postpone it till a time when LR is fully stable. Instead today I decided to publish another interview.This one with BristolCapitalGroup which recently became my pick of the week. You can find out why I decided to reward it with this status if you read the review of BristolCapitalGroup which I published not long ago here. I would just like to add that BristolCapitalGroup in my opinion is a high-class DDoS-protected and registered quality program with sustainable returns starting from 1.5% for 90 days with principal return. The admin of BristolCapitalGroup tried to answer my questions for the interview in a detailed manner and providing all the necessary info for the investors and I appreciate that. So I hope the interview will help you a lot when making your investment decision.

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. What position do you occupy in BristolCapitalGroup?

My name is James Christie and I am the founder of Bristol Capital Group.

2. Can you tell us about the history behind BristolCapitalGroup? Why being online from the late 2006 you only became known to potential investors now?

Previously our website was only of an informational nature, describing investment consulting activities of our company and offering existing investors miscellaneous reports about progress of their investments. This year we decided to explore possibilities of attracting investors from
internet. We understand that investor level of trust is very low when it comes to HYIP, but we hope to overcome that with stable payouts for long period of time and by making our operations as transparent as possible. I decided that it is easier to attract 100 investors with 1000$, then one investor with $100,000. Also internet allows us to reach investors from all over the world instead of regular business model where most of our clients were major local investors (I consider all of UK local) Time will tell if it was the right decision.

3. Where is your company located? Is your company registered and legal? Can you provide the copies of registration documents to your investors on request?

Our company office is located in Bristol, and for several reasons (taxation and legislation being the main two) the company is registered in Dominican republic, an offshore zone. Upon request we can supply registration documents.

4. What are the plans BristolCapitalGroup offers to its investors? Do you think they will be sustainable in the long run?

Well, it is better to go to the website for precise rates for the current investment plans, especially considering that we might change the terms in the future and I don’t want to provide information which will become outdated with time. Of course, present investment will not be affected by the change in rates of return. Regarding sustainability, yes I am positive that we will be able to sustain them in the near future: this is at least for the next 6 months. After that… In financial world it is often unreasonable to make solid plans for longer terms. I think that yes, we will be able to, and we are constantly working on assuring that. In any case the money of our investors is secure, we don’t offer and we will not offer opportunity to invest unless we are positive that the funds of our investors are secure.

5. What are the income sources that will help you to sustain the payouts to online investors? What will happen in case your investments fail?

We diversify our portfolio, we trade on Forex and stock market as well as on mercantile exchange and our investments simply can not fail altogether. If we have a loss one day, we will recoup the next day. Investors will not feel the effect of an occasional mishap.

6. Why do you only accept LibertyReserve as your payment processor? Do you have plans to add other e-currencies in the near future?

Despite LibertyReserve being offline due to DDOS attacks, currently LibertyReserve remains the best online currency due to the ease of integration, ease of conversion and low fees. Paypal charges too much for transfers, E-gold is not very reliable either and as you know there are rumors or E-gold going bankrupt. Since it is impossible to check, we choose to avoid it altogether. We plan to offer E-bullion as a payment processor in the nearest future.

7. What kind of script do you use on BristolCapitalGroup website? Who developed it? Is it safe and secure?

We are utilizing our own custom script which was developed exclusively for us by a small software company, name of which isn’t going to tell much to you. Afterwards, it was significantly modified by our programmers in order to serve our purposes better and make our website as simple and convenient for our clients as only possible. And to answer your question about security I can only tell that there are no 100% secure systems, networks or scripts. Even Pentagon gets hacked on permanent basis. When it comes to security our approach is continuous monitoring and updating in order to keep our service hackerproof, utilizing contemporary safety and security measures. On our website you can see Hackerproof seal from Comodo, and that alone should tell you a lot. Also we have several programmers who constantly check our system for bugs that could compromise the security of our service and customer data. They also make sure that our system works reliably.

8. I noticed that BristolCapitalGroup recently upgraded its DDoS protection and is now hosted on BlockDos. What was the reason for it?

There are hundreds of HYIPs online, and upon information and belief very few if any of them are legitimate organizations. And being such they often engage in illegal activities (I believe term unfair competition does not apply in this case) like DDOS. Without such protection it would be only a question of time when situation like this would appear: one day, our clients log on our server and see that our webpage does not respond, so they are unable to place requests for payouts, email and online support are not accessible either, and the phone line is always busy due to the dozens of calls coming from disturbed clients. It would start a panic. And sometimes DDOS attacks last for days. Naturally we could not allow this to happen, so to offer stable service for our clients adding DDOS protection was a necessity.

9. What is your advertising strategy for the next few months? Where do you like to advertise BristolCapitalGroup in order to make it known and popular among online investors?

Forums like TG, MMG and DTM are good places to start. Plus we already have a significant pool of investors offline, and so far, much of our advertising is word of mouth, because after all, a recommendation from a friend will always be more reliable for many potential investors than any information that we post on our website. It is our firm belief that once we establish our reputation, word of mouth and online forums alone will be sufficient for attracting new investors from internet.

10. Please tell us more about your remote trading educational program. When are you going to start it? Who can participate in this program? How much will it cost?

The market is constantly changing, and trading strategy that worked perfectly yesterday, can be working very well today and quite possibly won’t be working at all day after tomorrow. Take carry trade for example. In its time many traders made millions of dollars using this strategy, but now this strategy does not work at all, and just as it made millions for those who utilized it at the right time, it made those who were late to start using it lose millions. Why did the second wave of traders lose money? It is simple – they wanted easy money, lacking the knowledge and skills to analyze the market, and therefore blindly followed obsolete strategy which did not work anymore.

So the primary goal of our course is teaching operational research of the market and helping develop student’s personal trading system utilizing our proprietary software. To elaborate a little bit I can tell you that if a trader is using a trading system which is commonly available to the public, he is practically doomed for failure. Statistic shows that there is a critical level of trading system occurrence which is equal to approximately 10000 traders. When the occurrence reaches the critical point, marketmaker banks like Saxo bank, UBS, Barclays Capital etc change the market against this system. There are many ways to do it and I don’t want to describe them all in the interview. But I can assure you that the only way of reaching real success on the market is utilization of a unique trading system, which is not commonly accessible to the public. We can help develop such a system from scratch.

I must also mention that upon completion of education and creation of such a personalized system for our “graduate”, the graduate will have to pay 20% from the profits generated from utilizing this system for a period of 6 months. In exchange we will offer technical support and advisories. Without such financial arrangement this program, which from some perspective is creating highly skilled competitors, would be counterproductive for us.

But right now the main question regarding the start of the program is not when we start it, but if we are going start it altogether. Those people who contacted us and expressed interest in the program changed their mind when they learned about the potential costs which are currently estimated to be around 3000. And naturally, we cannot provide the education and our proprietary software for free. So IF we get a dozen of “students” we will start the program. Of course there are legal issues like non-disclosure agreements, making sure that our software will not be sold by our students et cetera. Right now we are shifting towards breaking the program in several stages, so that the student can pay step by step and we will be able to filter the people who simply don’t have what it takes to be a successful trader, because despite what many websites tell you, no matter what software is used, if the person who is using it lacks the intelligence and understanding of the market, there can be no profit.

11. How much time does BristolCapitalGroup plan to stay online? What are your plans for the near future?

Right now we are building up our goodwill. That is why we allow such miniscule investments as 20$. Once customers realize that we are way beyond the lifespan of a regular HYIP, it will be the best proof possible that we are not a HYIP in common understanding of the concept. It is simple math – to have such a long lifespan, program HAS to be real. We plan to stay online as long as it takes to build up a pool of serious investors. After that we will simply raise the plank of minimum investment to at least $1000.

12. In your opinion what differentiates BristolCapitalGroup from similar programs? Do you think your HYIP can be successful among many scam programs?

Similar is a very vague term when it comes to HYIPs. To answer this question we would have to know for sure, how many programs are for real. So primary difference of course is the fact that we are actual traders unlike most companies online.

13. What is your honest opinion about my blog? Do you think it is useful for online investors to help them make the right decisions among hundreds of different programs online?

It is definitely useful, although making the right decision in HYIP world is often impossible since there is no guarantee that any of the programs are real.

14. What would you say to your potential investors who are reading this interview right now to encourage them to participate in BristolCapitalGroup?

I would like to leave the methods of encouragement, persuasion and luring to the scam programs. We would prefer if our clients use their reasoning. Research the company, and you will find proof that we are working for a quite some time already, and we plan to stay in business much much longer. Read through our website, talk to our tech support. See for yourself that we are professionals when it comes to investments. All these factors should contribute to your circumspect decision. Thank you.

As you can see from the interview BristolCapitalGroup is a serious program that is intended to attract serious investors and once it becomes popular the minimum to invest will be increased from the current $20 to a much higher amount. I really hope that BristolCapitalGroup will take its deserved high place in your investment portfolio and you will consider to deposit there after LR is online. The programs is really worth it in my opinion and I can highly recommend you to invest in BristolCapitalGroup.

I’ll see you tomorrow on my blog and hopefully LR will be online by then. It’s really getting ridiculous that such a huge company can’t afford high-class DDoS protection and stop the attacks once and for all. But who directs those DDoS attacks at the LibertyReserve site in the first place? Well, I’ll try to answer this question in tomorrow’s post. Also I have some speculation about different programs for you to consider. So stay tuned and see you tomorrow on my blog!

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