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01/11/08. Interview with the admin of FastProfitSurf


Today it’s time for another interview, guys! This time it’s with the admin of FastProfitSurf Paul. His program gained much attention right from the start but today, after two successful weeks onine when the first payouts have been processed already it’s simply exploding from new sign-ups and upgrades. And this would not seem unusual to you if you saw how hard Paul worked to achieve the highest standards matching the best autosurfs with fast payouts and no-issues attitude. I like the thing that Paul isn’t copying others but rather is trying to be original in everything by making different plans, creating a wonderful design, using different script and hosting provider. It seems that his experiment called FastProfitSurf turned out to be a very successful one because I didn’t notice a single issue during these two weeks online. I gave my honest opinion in my review of FastProfitSurf that I published here and I hope today Paul will tell us about his program himself.

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. Do you have any prior experience in the autosurf industry as an admin or as an investor?

My name is Paul Bernudez. I’m from Columbia. I’ve been an investor online for few years now. This is my first autosurf project.

2. What plans does FastProfitSurf offer to the investors? Why is there a difference between the investors that deposited less than $500 and more than $500?

FastProfitSurf offers plans of 140% after 10 days and for investors over 501$ then they get 145% after 10 days.

We feel that larger investors deserve a greater reward for the trust they place in us and our program. Also we are able to make higher profits with higher amounts of funds so naturally we can pass those earnings on to our members.

3. Do you think such high paying plans can be sustainable in the long run? What should be done in your opinion so that the program like FastProfitSurf could last as long as possible?

Absolutely, I see no reason whatsoever why the plans of 140% after 10 days and 145% after 10 days can’t last. I also want to bring to your attention that we pay upon expiry which always will add a greater level of stability to a program.

I think the best thing for an admin to do it to pay quickly and keep a good momentum for the program to grow. If our first period of time online is any indication then you will quickly see us as a leader in this industry.

4. What are the surfing requirements to earn the daily rebates? What will happen if I miss a day of surfing?

You must surf 10 sites to earn and if you miss a day of surfing then the script will enlarge the surfing term so you aren’t missing any. It will just extend so you always get the full ROI.

5. What e-currencies do you accept for upgrades and do you have plans in adding more payment options in the near future?

Currently we accept StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and we’ve just added AlertPay.

6. I know that the first payouts from FastProfitSurf have already been processed. How would you describe the rate of growth your program is having now? Are you completely satisfied with the members support so far?

The rate of growth for our program has been better than I could’ve expected. All you have to do is to visit the forums to see the happy investors to know how things are going. It will continue very far into the future too I believe.

7. What hosting provider is FastProfitSurf using? Does it provide you with some level of DDoS-protection?

FastProfitSurf is hosted with CIF-Hosting and yes, they do provide me with DdoS protection.

8. What autosurf script does your program utilize? As far as I can see this is the Pats Pro script, am I right?

It’s a new script. It might well be based on Pats Pro script but it’s much more than this…it’s more safe and more secure than that and it’s originally made.

9. Do you think there are some unique features that differentiate FastProfitSurf from similar autosurfs? Why do my readers should prefer your program among many others?

FastProfitSurf has attractive plans….a safe and secure script…great support both from admin and members. As we go through the coming weeks and months all of your readers will know very clearly why they will prefer FastProfitSurf.

10. What are your plans for the future? Where can you see FastProfitSurf in say a month from now?

I see FastProfitSurf as one of the clearly defined leaders in this industry. Competing with some of the bigger programs out there or possibly being the biggest ourself.

11. What is your honest opinion about my blog?

You do a good job Paul. Your reviews are good and you are a good tool for both Admin and investors alike.

I would like to say kudos to Paul and thank him for this wonderful program FastProfitSurf that he created and brought to all the online investors. So if you really wish to earn 140%-145% after just 10 days you’re welcome to try FastProfitSurf which has been paying for two weeks now (and paying fast, by the way!). Just remember the golden rule: don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose! And I would like to wish Paul and his program the very best of success and many months of stable online work. I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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