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20/11/08. Interview with the admin of URInvest



Today I have an interview with Paul Sartori from URInvest. I think you’ll agree it’s quite an interesting one and Paul does seem to relish his role in the whole thing. I can honestly say that after nearly 12 weeks online, my own enthusiasim certainly hasn’t abated either. Before continuing however, I should point out that since my original review, published here, the terms of the investments on offer from URInvest have changed. While Paul clearly outlines the reasons why below, I would just like to remind you that the plans are now 4% to 4.24% paid daily for 30 business days, or else 150% to 160% paid on expiry after 30 calendar days. So without further ado, take it away Mr. Paul Sartori!

1. Hi. Please introduce yourself to the readers. Do you have any experience with online investment programs?

Hello, thank you for inviting us for the interview. My name is Paul Sartori, I am financial advisor and a partner of Ultimate Ratio Investments LLC. I am representing and am responsible for our online financial venture URInvest. My personal experience with online investment programs from administrator’s point of view, is unique with URInvest, but I should say that for the past three months of managing the program, I have gained a lot of very specific skills, that are already in full use on a daily basis.

2. Tell us about how URInvest came about. How did you come up with the idea to start your own program?

While already being a partner at Ultimate Ratio Investments, I have been following other online programs relatively closely and even participated in some, for about 4 years. I felt that instead of simple descriptive company website, it should have been worth it, to take on more active role and actually offer managed accounts to investors world wide. Frankly, considering all known issues within so-called HYIP world, the more we learned about it, the tougher it was for our partnership to make the decision, but we finally did it and so far, it has been a complete success.

3. I was quite impressed with the investment plans available in URInvest. Can you please explain them in detail to my readers?

Considering that you requested this interview prior to our recent plan adjustments, I probably should explain the overall rational behind them and what is actually has been accomplished so far. We feel strongly that our currently offered plan is highly competitive, but realistic at the same time. The rational behind offering rather aggressive plans at venture’s inception, was in line with regular advertisement expenses. Simply put, the payouts that we already delivered to our users per our promotional plans and rates, are part of our advertisement expenditure. So, unlike most other programs, who spends exclusively on conventional advertisement methods, we figured that it might be a good idea (and unique at the same time) to start sharing that budget with our users directly. In turn, our users have gained more confidence in our program and, of course, shared it with investment community, creating more solid advertisement effect indirectly. With that said, I should point out that for smaller amount deposits the plan’s rate has not changed. Also, our main plan does not lock user’s money, because payouts include principal. Those users who are willing to stay with us longer, can easily re-deposit earned money, right from their account balance, instead of requesting a withdrawal. We also decided to keep longer our promotional “after 30 days” plan, with only slight reduction in maximum allowed deposit into it.

4. What payment processors are you currently accepting? Do you intend to expand this list anytime soon?

Perhaps, this answer cannot be considered as a direct one, but I’m sure you would agree that things around us evolve, change and require adaptation, per demands and to account for external risks dealing with electronic money. Let me put it this way: We currently have “the all stable LibertyReserve“, which is so far the best choice among investors. The second, really needed to all of us choice, seems to be the “perfect one”, the rising PerfectMoney.

We’ve also received quite a few deposits via V-Money, but while we see no problems with this payment processor, the user’s preference is clearly not there.

As you probably know, we have just recently became verified merchant with StrictPay, the unique features of which, add a lot of payment processing flexibility, in our opinion. The only drawback we get via feedback from users about StrictPay, is their website’s look, which we feel is secondary, because what is more important, is what is “inside”.

5. You’ve changed hosting providers a couple of times and even changed domain name as well. Tell us why you needed to do that.

We changed hosting provider once, very soon after opening the program. We found that our first host’s server environment was not secure enough and unfortunately, we even had one hacking accident right at the start. We now have DDoS protected hosting from DDoSWIZ and so far, we have been pleased with its service.

6. Tell us more about the security of URInvest. What script are you using? Are you on a dedicated server? What kind of anti-DDos protection do you have?

Quick answers are: 1. Advanced, licensed GoldCoders script. 2. LiteSpeed powered server 3. DDoSWIZ.COM managed, upgradable DdoS protection.

Now, let me expand a bit about the script answer, because I know some of your “expert” readers out there may start making fuss about GoldCoders. Bear with me for a moment here, please. We’ve made an informed decision to use GoldCoders, as in our opinion, NO other script on this planet has been used in the harsh “HYIP environment” as much, or even close to, as GoldCoders. The (wrongful) negativity picture of GoldCoders brand is most likely there from those administrators, who either used pirated versions, or some “fixed” ones (or, so they think). I can add that for the past two months, we’ve upgraded our script more then once, which means that GoldCoders is constantly receiving script usage feedback, therefore can regularly and effectively take care of reported vulnerabilities. In the right hosting environment (with basic server supporting software regularly patched), with all available script’s security features enabled, this script is nothing less but by far superior to any other “home made” product.

7. What are you doing to promote URInvest among potential investors? How are you advertising the program? Are existing members attracting many new spends?

First of all, being fully transparent program, we’ve created the “reviews” page on the website, where we already have rather big collection of external links, leading to various resources reporting about our program and we encourage website owners to submit their website links to us. In addition to our start-up promotional plans, which we discussed earlier, we also use conventional advertisement methods via investment related external websites, where we order banners, text ads and newsletters.

I am glad that you asked about user’s advertisement activity. Yes, while we cannot legally solicit for deposits, we feel double obligated in front of many of our users, who are finding their own ways of sharing their experience about our program. We are even considering to increase referral commissions for the work, that some users are volunteering to do. For instance, we never expected this, but based on our traffic tracking and analysis software, we see that a lot of our users have very successful recruiting rate from having their referral links rotated in various autosurf websites. I think this is a very smart move: people are earning some money in autosurfs, while at the same time advertising the investment programs of their choice.

8. After a couple of pretty good months online, are you satisfied with the progress of your program to date? Are you pleased with the support given by members so far?

I’ve mentioned it already in other interviews, but would gladly repeat it again and say that URInvest is, in a sense, our partnership’s internal investment project of it’s own. In other words, the launch of URInvest, all our advertisement spends, promotional plans and rates payouts, are all our own investment into the community. Today, I can easily say that this investment of ours, is no longer a risk. In other words, yes, this venture is by far a full success. This conclusion is based on all the support and expressed interest in the program, that we are getting from our dearest users.

9. How do you see URInvest developing between now and the end of January? Given that Christmas can be a slow period for many programs, are you confident about being online into 2009?

We feel very strongly that offered by our program plans, backed by solid investment strategies, are sustainable for an indefinite period of time. Our partners and fund managers have their own money invested in developed strategies (this is in fact a condition extended to every newly hired partner or manger), therefore we have direct interest of well being for the entire program.

About Christmas, it is is one of the greatest times of the year and just like everyone else, we are looking forward celebrating it with all the users. However, I will allow myself to make a correction in your statement about Christmas being “slow period”. This is not a slow period for a forward looking savvy investor, because it is the peak season for all kinds of sales, travel related business blossoming and a great time for various new business beginnings? In short, I would conservatively state that we do not expect anything “unexpected” for months ahead. I would rather suggest that we arrange another meeting and talk again some time early next year.

10. Tell us about your parent company, Ultimate Ratio Investments LLC. And tell us also about the programs own investment activities. What are you doing with investors’ money? How are you sustaining payouts?

Perhaps, just like any other established investment fund or venture capitalist firm does it, a few years back, we started our activity by investing in other selected funds, while closely studying their actual investment activity to the fullest possible extend. We’ve learned, what can be done, how this can be done and most importantly, how much money will it take to start each and any of our own investment projects in any given specific investment category. At some point, Ultimate Ratio Investments LLC was formed and strategically registered in the offshore zone, as an asset protection vehicle, serving as the nominee company for the offices of our partners, physically located in the countries of their primary investment activity. We operate with great deal of various investment products, but not all of them (such as real estate, for instance) are currently directly associated with URInvest, due to the terms and amounts of money restrictions involved.

Our favourite profit creation approach, to no surprise, is fast sale deals, which involve finding and bringing together buyers and sellers, followed by the fee based transaction mediation on our part. These kinds of deals, if available in quantities, often allow “recycling” of the “same money” more than once, for higher profit outcomes.

11. So why do you think URInvest is better than any other HYIP out there? What makes your one so special?

Probably, a more valid and objective answer to this question would be given by an independent third party, simply because from my personal prospective, our “own baby is always the best”. I also cannot really judge any other program, because it will require detailed knowledge of their operational strategies, which is normally not a subject for public disclosure, being a part of proprietary corporate intellectual property.

12. Is there anything else you would like to add? Is there anything else you would like to say to encourage potential investors into URInvest?

From our program’s prospective, we are exceedingly happy with the fact, that so many investors are making URInvest being a part of their investment portfolio. However, being realistic by nature, I would suggest investors to make their own judgements of different investment projects and to diversify.

If I may, I would also like to take this chance and to reach out to other investment project organizers, who, perhaps, do not have proven and stable investment ideas, readily available to them, and to consider URinvest being part of their investment strategy. I feel that our highly flexible payout terms and offered yields may serve extremely well not only to the individual investors, but to other pooled funds.

13. What is your honest opinion of my blog? Do yo think its a useful resource for investors? Do you think it could be improved in anyway?

I think that is one of the few “MUST READ” resources. Even though it is mostly an opinion of one, it is no doubt an opinion of great essence. The one, that gives a good overall picture of an entire alternative investments area, just after reading of few reviews. It makes people think in the right direction and quickly form their own opinion, as well as (through the time) to start “seeing important messages between lines”.

On improvement part, If I may, it probably would be better for both, investors and program managers, if there would be less of an explicit negativity towards some of the reviewed programs. I think it is important, because considering blog’s strong popularity, this may create unnecessary, otherwise avoidable problems for some of the reviewed programs. As you know better then me, some programs are built on cash flow models, which by definition, have a lot lower threshold of withstanding publicly displayed negativity.

This was, of course, just an opinion (of another ONE) and I am sure you know better when it comes to reviews.

I sincerely wish your readers and you personally all the best and I wanted to thank you once again for inviting me to this interview.

Well there you have it folks. Rarely have I seen such clarity of vision from an admin. He certainly knows what he wants to say and makes himself understood with perfect clarity. If only a few more were like him. Anyway, I think now that everything is coming into place for URInvest to establish a well organised and stable program that we can all share in. They have proven themselves over the last couple of months, and I see no reason why it cannot continue as such. Thanks again to Paul and thanks to you guys for reading. Stay tuned and see you again tomorrow for more news and views from the industry!

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