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24/02/09. Interview with the admin of Nova-Surf


Hi everybody! Today I have an interview with the admin Nova-Surf. Her name is Irina Orzetic and she is from Croatia. But what’s more important is that so far she has proved herself a competent and professional manager, capable of successfully managing an online surfing program and dealing with all the problems that might crop up from time to time. And as we all know a good admin, along with the members of course, is a vital ingredient of any successful autosurf. Just to refresh your memory Nova-Surf pays you 10% daily for 14 days of surfing and has just yesterday completed it’s first round of payments on expiry. So let’s hear from Irina and see what she has say about it all.

1. Hi, Irina. Please introduce yourself to the readers of Money-News-Online. How did you come up with the idea to start your own autosurf? Do you have any experience in the autosurf field as an investor or as an admin?

Hello. My name is Irina Orzetic. This is my first time as an admin of an autosurf. What made me want to start my own program was that I saw many programs die lately and each time I saw something that I thought could be improved upon and instead of complaining about it I decided to do something about it so Nova-Surf was created.

2. What do you want to achieve by running Nova-Surf? In what way do you think it should be different from others?

Lately we have been seeing a lot of 12% and 13% daily sites coming out and while these may be good sites it would take a huge mount of member support to keep it going. The 10% daily for 14 days plan was the plan that was made so successful last year by 14DaysHitsSurf which successfully ran for around 8 months. This plan is much more stable and I think over time people will see that Nova-Surf has the ability to be the best.

3. Tell us more about the investment plan you’re offering to potential investors. What makes you think it will be more sustainable than others?

I guess I shouldve read question # 3 before answering question # 2…lol Like I said previously is that the 10% daily plan can be much more easily sustained because of the longer time frames to payout and slightly lower ROI. Believe it or not a day or two extra on a plan can make a world of difference as to whether a program can live or die.

4. Do you think any additional income or reserve funds to provide the smooth payments to the members of Nova-Surf in the long run? To what extent is your program dependant on the new spends?

I do have a reserve fund in place as I feel any serious admin should. The fact is Paul that no reserve fund will sustain a 140% ROI for very long though without new spends coming in. But because I have taken the time to put this in place it will give Nova-Surf the ability to successfully make it through its infancy to the point at which people will see how fairly I run the program and the earning potential here.

5. How many sites should one surf in order to earn a daily rebate? Will I somehow be penalized if I miss a day surfing?

Members should surf 10 sites in order to get their earnings for the day. If you missed a day surfing because of me or my site’s fault than you get a surf holiday. If it would be because of you, than you miss your earnings for the day.

6. What payment processors does Nova-Surf accepts at the moment? Do you have any plans to add more payment options in the near future?

Currently Nova-Surf accepts AlertPay, StrictPay and LibertyReserve and EvoWallet (which is the only one not automatically for the moment). We have plans to add PerfectMoney in the coming days.

7. What kind of script do you use to run Nova-Surf on? Do you think it provides all the necessary features to run a successful autosurf program?

I’m using a licenced neversay script wich is the most used lately in this industry and that’s for a good reason. It’s easy to use, safe and I think has all features an admin needs.

8. Why is your site hosted on a shared server? Do you think your hosting provider will give you good protection against possible DDoS-attacks? Do you plan to upgrade your server to a dedicated one when this necessity arises?

We are hosted through CIF hosting and as you can see we havent had any problems thus far even if the site has been under attack twice up to now. A shared server is more then enough power as long as the Ddos protection is good which I know it to be. I have no doubt that we have the proper infrastructure in place to handle our growth. If and when it will be necessary the host can provide me a dedicated server very fast and with the same kind of protection.

9. Are you satisfied with the members’ support so far? Do you think Nova-Surf will become more popular now that the first payouts have been processed already?

I’m quite happy with the turnout so far. Of course there are always things that I feel could be improved upon. I know that nowadays with all of the scams that we have seen lately people are a bit cautious where they put their money so I assumed that before first cashouts came out would be slow. Now that the first cashouts have been processed I fully expect things to pick up. We are well over 12k invested though which I do feel is a good enough accomplishment for the first cycle.

10. What advertising strategy do you use to make Nova-Surf known and popular among potential investors?

At first we will just be utilizing blogs and forums to get our name out there but as we grow I will be looking into more banner ads. We did purchase one banner ad on PAC though.

11. How much time do you honestly think Nova-Surf could last? What are your plans for the near future?

Nova-Surf can last as long as the members would like it to. We saw an identical program in 14DaysHitsSurf which ran approximately 8 months last year and I see no reason why we cant do that again with Nova-Surf.

12. What is your honest opinion about MNO blog? Do you think it provides the most up-to-date info from the HYIP and autosurf world? What would you change if you were an admin of MNO?

Yes you do a wonderful job Paul. I love your blog and I’d just say to keep up the good work. What I think could be improved is the design but it’s ok even like it is now as long as the information there is great and so easy to read.

So thanks a lot to Irina for taking the time and trouble to answer my questions. I hope it goes some way towards explaining the workings of Nova-Surf but remember of course that for further information on it you should read my full review of it here. In light of some recent high profile autosufrs folding, a little stability would be most welcome in this industry and I think Irina and Nova-Surf will go some way towards providing us with that.

P.S. Just wanted to let you know that another promising autosurf has been launched today. It’s called E-CashWave. The site offers different investment plans where you can deposit any amount in $6 installments (the price of 1 ad pack). E-CashWave accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. The program is hosted on a dedicated server and is using neversay licenced script. There is only one plan where you can surf: you will be paid 10% for 14 days with the payouts processed on expiry. There are two plans also available if you’re not a fan of surfing. You can be paid 9% (or 9.5% if you upgrade more than $600) for 14 days with the payouts on expiry or 5% for 30 days. E-CashWave only launched today so there is a big chance to be in profit for those who like to be early birds. I’ll try to describe E-CashWave in detail in my upcoming review that will be published on my blog soon. Stay tuned for that and see you tomorrow!

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