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15/06/2009. Interview with the admin of InvestiMates


Hi guys! To start the new week I want to bring you a new interview with an old admin. His name is Roger Miller and you may have known him previously as the admin of what was a highly promising but ultimately doomed autosurf called USDozen. Not a man to stand around and watch grass grow, Roger has bounced back with some style and launched a new HYIP with the rather quirky title of InvestiMates. It’s a short term program with almost a surf like appearance to the plans which offer you a choice of earning 10% paid daily for 12 days, or 12% earned daily but paid on expiry also after 12 days. For further information you can always refer back to my original review published here. But first let’s here from Roger.

1. Hi, Roger. Please introduce yourself to my readers and tell us what experience you have in this industry.

Hello readers of Money-News-Online blog. Many of you already know who I am. My name is Roger Miller and I am the administrator of InvestiMates. I was also the administrator of USDozen autosurf. Obviously, I have prior experience in this industry. Many of you also know by now that I am a dedicated admin and I handle things properly in my sites.

2. Many of us would like to know what was the main reason behind the closure of your previous program USDozen after just 4 weeks online. Do you think InvestiMates will have a longer lifespan that its predecessor?

USDozen was closed due to the lack of support / new upgrades in its last 12 days of being online. Surely, many of the members knew that it was about to die at that time. The main plan 11×11 was probably one of the reasons why it did not last for a very long time. Many did not find it attractive. It would have been closed much earlier but I risked the possibility of making some money off of USDozen and hoped that one of those last days would make a difference and possibly push the program even further at least. But my expectations were not met and so I had to close it. I wouldn’t lie about things when it comes to my website so there were members who were asking for refunds for those not in profit but unfortunately, I cannot magically produce money. I paid off all the funds in the payment processor accounts and left myself with just about $200-$300 in total.

With the way that InvestiMates launched and the way it has managed to impress those first time members and previous members alike, I am almost sure that it will last longer than USDozen did. The plans also play a major role in attracting deposits.

3. Please tell us why you decided to open an HYIP and not an autosurf after USDozen. Do you think that HYI programs are most popular among online investors than autosurfs now? Why did you choose this interesting name InvestiMates?

We must admit, that the autosurf arena has gone bad since the year started and it got worse as the months passed by. USDozen‘s failure was also because of this downward trend in the autosurf industry.

Upon noticing that the HYIP industry is more active than the autosurf industry then I thought it was best to try and open one. Many previous members agreed and gave me the thumbs up on this idea. So here it is, InvestiMates was launched.

4. On InvestiMates website I found the expression in your introduction of the program: “Please play by the rules”. Can you explain to you us what you meant by saying this?

Oh it simply means that members should read the terms and policies which they agreed to when they signed up. Many USDozen members did not read the terms and conditions in my previous website so that text serves as a reminder for them to read the terms.

5. Please tell us more about the investment plans InvestiMates is offering to the online investors. In your opinion which plan is suitable for which category of investors?

We have 2 plans available for the members. If you like receiving payouts daily then you should choose the 10% daily for 12 days plan, where you get paid 10% every 24 hours for 12 days, and you can withdraw daily earnings. This will yield you 120% total. This is smaller compared to the 144% you can earn with the 2nd plan. With this 2nd plan you get paid 144% after 12 days, this means you will only be able to withdraw your earnings after 12 days. This plan is suitable to those who are risk takers and would not mind waiting a little bit longer to get paid a bit bigger.

6. What is the minimum and the maximum to deposit in each plan? Are you going to raise this maximum level in the near future?

You can deposit $5 to $500 on each plan. Right now, there are no plans to raise the maximum deposit.

7. What payment processors does InvestiMates accept and do you have any plans to add more payment processors in the near future?

InvestiMates accepts the same processors we accepted in USDozen. SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, StrictPay & LibertyReserve are still the best payment processors for us to use in this website.

8. What advertising strategy did you choose this time to make InvestiMates known to the potential investors? Are there some changes compared to what you did with USDozen?

Yes, we will be conducting some contests in the coming days. And we will not stop there, I am still thinking of unique ideas to implement and also looking for more places to advertise at. One of the places where I advertised is in your blog Paul. Because it has proven to be a very effective way to advertise a program.

9. What kind of customer service and support do you offer to investors? What are the most effective ways of getting in contact with you if I have questions or problems? Will you be having live support or phone support like in the case with USDozen?

For now, I will stick with the usual email support system and forum support. I will still reply to the emails in a quick manner which was the case in USDozen.

10. What script do you utilize to run InvestiMates and what hosting provider do you use to ensure the site’s integrity and security? Do you think that you’re entirely protected from DDoS-attacks that can be the major obstacle on the way to build a successful program?

The script that I used in USDozen from Neversay is a very secure script and I am using the HYIP script version of that autosurf script and I trust that it will still be very secure. Hush hosting also provide me with the same security and level of protection from DDOS attacks on this dedicated server from them so everything will surely be smooth and secure.

11. Are you satisfied with the level of members’ support so far? Do you believe that it’s the members’ support that can make or break any program? What would be the major factors that will assure the longevity of InvestiMates in the long run?

I have seen many programs in the past which succeeded even without hardcore advertising and without a huge advertising budget, so I know that by being active and doing my job with flying colors and just satisfying the members and proving the naysayers wrong, then InvestiMates can acquire the support needed from the members to make it a successful program. If you notice, it is already growing steadily from the first day it was launched.

12. In your opinion what differentiates your program from similar HYIPs? Why do you think the investors should put some money in your program?

From a member’s point of view, I know that the member’s fear is that the admin would run away with the money and that is one thing that will never happen with InvestiMates so you can be assured that as long as the website is doing great and smoothly growing then one should never fear of it being closed and him not getting paid for his deposit.

13. How are you planning to assure the stable growth of the program to make it a long-lasting performer? Do you have any ideas in mind and plans for the future to make InvestiMates a success?

Advertising, promotions and contests are being planned right now and I am ready to become more active than before so that members know that I am a serious and easy to reach admin. If there is one thing that members love, it is the way I communicate with them. If they see that I am easy to contact, then they will not think twice in joining my program.

14. Whether you like it or not some people will consider your program a scam because of your association with USDozen. If they lost money, they won’t care what the reasons are. How do you respond?

While there are some who still cannot accept their loss at USDozen, there are many who joined InvestiMates and know that I did what I had to do with USDozen and it was not my fault that it failed. Many of these people had a change of heart and they joined again too. At first they will be upset about it but after some days they will realize my point and the reason why it had to fold and they saw how serious I am in trying to provide them with a great program. There is only a small number of previous members who did not join InvestiMates and I do know that come the time that InvestiMates has proven itself worthy of attention and support then they might just join again.

15. Finally, what would be your professional advise you could give to the investors to minimize their losses and be in profit from HYIPs and autosurfs?

Just be observant. Even if it is my program if you notice a major decline in new deposits for at least a week then have second thoughts. But if you see a continuous growth then I see no reason why one would not make a deposit, especially if the admin’s name is Roger Miller.

We’ll assume he means Roger Miller from InvestiMates and not the famous country music singer Roger Miller who sang “King of The Road”, lol! But seriously I think the more seasoned investors out there may appreciate Roger’s words a bit more than the newer ones. Like it or not folks, this is how the game is played. There are winners and there are losers and it comes down to simple mathematics as often as it does the honesty of the admin. I believe that Roger has at least tried to give you a fair chance at turning a profit and has had the honesty to admit his past failures and also to not lure you into anything with claims about ForexTrading or precious metals or other unsubstantiated claims. It is what it is and that’s how it gets presented to you here. Some of you will know what I am talking about and some of you will not. If you lost a few bucks in USDozen I suggest you not take it personally but rather learn a lesson about how to make a gamble in a gambling industry. Your chances of winning in InvestiMates are certainly no worse. In fact I think they are much better if you remember that you are now entering this one with your eyes wide open to the risks.

My final word? I got into this business because I like a gamble and accept I can get it wrong sometimes. That’s the nature of it, but I love it anyway. So please think about that first when joining InvestiMates. But I do think you’re in with a fair and equal chance here, so enjoy the game!

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