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28/06/2010. Interview with the admin of SevenStarProfit



Hi everyone! For the first post of this new week I want to return to one of the most recent additions to my monitoring page – SevenStarProfit – and bring you this interview I received only this morning from the program’s admin John Smith. He seems to have plenty to say for himself so I hope you find it of some interest to regardless of whether or not you’re even a member. His is another short term HYI program and has recently paid out on expiry on one of the three plans on offer with another plan expected to mature tomorrow. And with at least one cycle completed that already makes SevenStarProfit better than a good number of other new HYIPs we’ve seen recently.

Before we hear from John let me just remind you of the terms. SevenStarProfit offers 17% for 7 days, 117% after 4 days, and 180% after 15 days. It was originally reviewed on MNO here and can be discussed on the MNO forum here.

1. Hi John, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within SevenStarProfit. What are your own duties within the program? What qualifies you as an admin of an online investment project? Do you have any previous experience in the HYI arena?

Hi Paul, SevenStarProfit members and MoneyNewsOnline readers and visitors. I would like to start with expressing thanks Paul for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed on MNO blog.

My nickname is John Smith and I’m SevenStarProfit administrator. My role is quite simple, administrating the program that means handling the incoming and outgoing transactions, taking care of the website’s security, answering the support tickets, solving problems, advertising.

First and foremost, I’ve to say that I’ve been an internet user for ten years. That certainly helps me to run any kind of online activities as I clearly understand how it works. Thus I have real chances to fix any problem, if something goes in a wrong way. Also, I’m an experienced HYIP investor.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on SevenStarProfit?

The starting date of SevenStarProfit was on the 22th of June, so the program is pretty new. Honestly, I was tremendously bored with all that prevailing HYIP tendency falling into downtrend for last months and eventually decided to try and make something better on my own. For now my aim is to reach at least a few thousand members. I have my friend helping me with running SevenStarProfit. Not only with technical wise piece of advice but also with inspiring me.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for? Are any of your early members in profit yet?

First of all, I must say that our plans were chosen for investors’ benefit and not for administrator’s. I thought “What plans would be good for me as an investor?”, and wound up with three of them:

Our Short Plan pays on expiry 117% after 4 days, principal included. Therefore, 17% total profit. Minimum to join it is $10, maximum $5000. This plan is very profitable but you need to wait for some time before you can touch your earnings.

Our Medium Plan pays daily returns 17% for 7 days, principal already included in earnings. After a week of payments you will get 119% in total. You can join our Medium Plan for as low as $10. Maximum is $10000 (it’s for the sake of it, I’m not inviting anyone to make such highest possible deposits).

At last, our Long Plan pays 180% on expiry after 15 days. You might think it’s unbelievable but we’ve received a few deposits on this plan already. I’m surprised as well. Can’t wait to pay such the brave investors whom I’m sincerely thankful for their trust! By the way, you need only $10 to deposit here. Maximum is $20000 just for the record.

We pay 7 days a week to all of our plans. That means no weekends.

Yes, we have a plenty of members who are already in profit. Short and Medium plans have almost the same popularity so many investors made deposit for the 4 days plan.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from SevenStarProfit. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

SevenStarProfit currently accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Alert Pay payment processors which obviously have got the most popularity nowadays.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Security of our website is very important for us. I have tried my best to make it as secure as possible. I believe our overall security is pretty good. SevenStarProfit is hosted on DdosWiz provider with Staminus dedicated server. I think they are OK as we haven’t experienced any significant issue with hosting since we launched the program.

6. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?

Our script is latest licensed version of GoldCoders. The benefit is user friendly interface both for investors and admins. GoldCoders script on which based plenty of HYIPs is easy to understand and handle.

7. I notice you say you don’t allow instant payments because you don’t quite trust the security of GoldCoders to handle that safely. So why use GoldCoders at all? There are other scripts available, or why not commission your own?

While it’s true that I said about not having trust in GoldCoders instant payment feature, but at the same time I do like other things in this script. For example, its friendly interface. I believe GoldCoders still is the best on the market for high ROI programs like ours. We were waiting for half month until SevenStarProfit’s design got to be ready and encrypted into the website. So I don’t want to wait for another 1-2 months for a unique script, if all what we need has been already installed in instant-to-buy-and-install GoldCoders.

8. Do you have any opinions on the current crisis in the HYIP industry? What do you think lead up to it and would you have any suggestions as to how the situation could be improved?

Let’s see some destructive things in the HYIP industry. On the one hand, we see a lot of out-and-out scammers among the admins not letting any of their members be in profit, on the other hand, there’s whole army of HARS (hit’n’runners) plus some investors creating multiple accounts to get more referral commissions. On the whole, those destructive things have had a very bad influence on the HYIP industry leading up to the current crisis.

Still, as many others, I believe that this HYIP crisis won’t last forever. I have hopes for some real improvements in August-September. But I’m also not looking at HYIP industry in negative colors even now. There’re just too many overly greedy admins lately. And few good ones as well. Maybe some good and well-experienced admins just took a vacation till Autumn? Needless to say, there will be better opportunity for them to earn more money. So they don’t want to mess around for now. If my theory is right, there’s a good chance for me to take a difficult challenge and try my own strength and skills at running a decent HYIP program. SevenStarProfit is meant to be running for a good number of cycles. That’s how I’m going to improve current HYIP situation with my own hands.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are SevenStarProfit involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Or is it fair to assume you are a regular online HYIP?

In short, you can call us a regular online HYIP with all its pros and cons, great investment opportunities and risks. I just want to save you all from reading one more trite story of generating such huge profits that would seem like I was pulling the wool over your eyes and promising you the moon. It’s better to estimate efficiency of the program by its up-to-date work and results.

10. Are there any plans to develop SevenStarProfit further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive in the current HYIP climate?

Sure, we’ve been improving our program on a regular and well-tried basis. As for the plans, I’m planning to start some advertising campaign pretty soon. We’re going to keep our program competitive with fast payments and payments in time, good customer support and of course advertising.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?

What are you waiting for, guys? August? Or maybe, September? Don’t waste your time, go ahead, join SevenStarProfit now, try it out, tell your friends about the program, start supporting us on our forums as well as on our monitors posting your payment proofs and voting for us.

Here I’d also like to make a humble request to all SevenStarProfit members. Please, keep some reinvestments in the program to make it more stable and workable. If you helped me a little and did some of those things giving me a chance that governs all, you would definitely have some good profits for a good number of cycles with our program. It’s the only thing you need to get from HYIPs, right?

Thanks a lot to John for taking the time to complete my questions there and best of luck to him, and especially to the investors, who decide to get involved with SevenStarProfit. That’s it for the moment but not for the day as I’ll be back later on tonight with a full round-up of all the main news stories from the programs on my monitoring page, so stay tuned for that!

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