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10/01/2011. Interview with the admin of PrimoEarnings



Hi everyone! Today’s first update (don’t worry, the news will be along later as usual) is an interview with the admin of PrimoEarnings, a short term online HYIP that launched a month ago and took the unusual step of not accepting the usual favorites of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, favoring AlertPay instead until today. All that changes today with the addition of LR and PM giving the program a respectable total of three payment processors in total, and what’s more payments to all three are instant.

The admin’s name is Trevor and in the interview he explains the reasons behind this move with the payment processors as well as some very controversial allegations made against him concerning fraud and atacks on other HYI websites.

Before we hear from Trevor let me just remind you that PrimoEarnings is offering terms of 112% after 7 days, 128% after 14 days, and 180% after 30 days, principal included. For more information you can see the original review published on MNO here.

1. Hi Trevor, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within PrimoEarnings. You said in the past that you have some experience in the HYIP industry. What kind of involvement have you had in managing online investment websites?

Hello all Money-News-Online Readers! My name is Trevor Rogers and I’m the lead admin of PrimoEarnings. My work is to make sure everything is working fine and our members receive the best possible service.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on PrimoEarnings?

Program is now online for 30 days. We started PrimoEarnings 2010/12/10. Besides me there are also Support manager who is answering phone calls. Phone Support will be fully functional after 15th January now it’s in BETA only.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

We offer three different investment plans:

PE 1 – 112% after 7 days – $10.00 – $25000.00 – Total profit 112.00%
PE 2 – 128% after 14 days – $10.00 – $35000.00 – Total profit 128.00%
PE 3 – 180% after 30 days – $10.00 – $50000.00 – Total profit 180.00%

4. Tell us about the payment options available from PrimoEarnings. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

We accept only AlertPay at the moment but Liberty and Reserve will be added in January 10th. I think after publishing interview LR and PM will already be active for deposits and withdrawals.

5. I believe we are about to see some changes to this list very soon. Most programs start with LR and PM and then add others later, but you’ve decided to go the other way. Why was this and how do you think it’s going to benefit members?

We’ve started PrimoEarnings in “Black December” so we decided to add only AlertPay for deposits because it will be safe for members if the program collapses and members can get refunds.

6. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Our website is hosted at BlockDos which is the best hosting provider in this industry. We also have Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect our member accounts.

7. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?

Our website is using a GoldCoders licensed script. Script is very safe and easy to manage. Users can easily access it and deposit/withdraw. Script offers instant payments which is really great.

8. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? What have been the most common questions you have had to deal with so far? Is support available in any languages other than English?

Customer support is one of the fields we paid a lot of attention to. Members and visitors can contact with us trough Phone support, Email support, Live support, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ and Support form. Email support is the best way to contact us and get fast reply. The most common question is when LR and PM will be added. Support is available in English and Russian language.

9. I notice you have a Live Chat feature but I never seem to see it online, morning, noon, or night. What hours (GMT) would be the best time to find an operator there? Please answer the same for your ICQ, Yahoo, and Skype accounts.

Yes we have Live Chat feature and members can contact us 8-16 hours a day. GMT 00:00 p.m. – GMT 03:00 a.m. YM, SKYPE, ICQ is available at same time. Soon they all will be available 24/7

10. What other outside business and investment activities are PrimoEarnings involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?

I think all investors already know that all HYIP’s are the same ponzi. We are not different from others. With good experience it’s not hard to run HYIPs for many months.

11. Are there any plans to develop PrimoEarnings further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive?

Our Marketing strategy is try to keep new features in secret and publish news only after adding this “feature”. There will be interesting changes soon for sure.

12. How are you promoting the program right now? Cash Flow is vital to any business so what are you doing to attract new members?

We are buying banners and sticky listings in forums and blogs. After adding more payment processors we will start to advertise in forums and best monitors.

13. The fact that the introduction of LR and PM coincides with the expiry of your first 30 day plan has lead to a lot investors expressing a great deal of caution, if not cynicism, about going any further. Especially as you can’t use AP to fund payments to members using either of those payment processors.

The 30 day plan is not so popular. And there is nothing to worry about. New investors are coming and old ones are redepositing. I think we proved that we are reliable in 30 days and will be running site for more months.

14. Your original hosting provider (Dragonara) removed your website from their servers amidst some very serious allegations of fraud, saying you had been responsible for sending forged billing invoices to their other customers in an attempt to steal from them. It has also been said that you were responsible for launching DDoS attacks on other investment websites. How do you respond to this?

Some one tried to make a bad name for us and they succeeded so as a result our previous hosting provider blocked our account. We are now hosted by BlockDos. Already talked with admin who got DDoS attack and explained all. He received emails from a different email and there was my full name so he thought it was me. I have no intention to badmouth or in other way make very good sites disappear. Those “frauds” who attempt to be admins and try to ruin reputations would do better to take down websites who are here for a fast buck and run their sites for 2 days without ever paying out a cent. We are making this industry better by running our sites for months!

14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?

Thank you Paul for providing me with an opportunity to explain details about PrimoEarnings.

I would like to highlight that we are open to suggestions, so if you have anything to advise about the site, bonuses, contests or anything else please contact us trough email support@primoearnings
Wishing you all a great 2011!

Thanks a lot to Trevor for that and best of luck to anyone participating in the program. I have to say that I don’t know about you but I for one am totally fed up with all the stories, particularly regarding ForEx trading, that HYIP admins continue to force feed us. So it’s refreshing for a change to hear at least one admin candidly admit the one thing we all know about the HYIP industry yet no one ever wants to talk about – everything is a ponzi scheme this program is no exception, so I appreciate the candor!

That’s it for the moment, guys, but don’t go too far as I’ll be back in the evening with the usual full news round-up from all the programs covered on the MNO monitoring page so stay tuned for that and see you soon!

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