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12/01/2011. Interview with the admin of AmilloTrade



Hi everyone! For the first update today I’m pleased to have an interview with the admin of an ambitious new short term HYIP called AmilloTrade. The admin’s name is Nick and he’s been running the program since just before the New Year’s holiday. The plans available include 111% after 7 days, 138% after 14 days, and 162% after 21 days of which the first two have successfully completed their first cycles and putting a good number of you well into profit by now. If you’re not a member of AmilloTrade and would like more information on them I would suggest you start by checking out my original review of the program here.

Before we hear from Nick however I’m pleased to announce that he and AmilloTrade are the latest sponsors in the MNO Forum cash contest. It will cost you nothing to participate (all that’s required is that you be a member of the MNO forum) and all you have to do is to answer one simple question about AmilloTrade every day for a chance to win a $5 cash prize paid directly to your LibertyReserve account. You can visit the contest thread on the forum here and check back every day for a chance to join the winners. Good luck everyone!

1. Hi Nick, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within AmilloTrade. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing the funds of others?

Greetings Paul and all MNO readers. I’m Nick Stone and I am the administrator of the program. That means that I solve problems, handle all transactions, direct the advertising, and manage the website’s security. In short, I have many administrative responsibilities.

I began as an HYIP investor, putting in a few thousand dollars here and there and I recognized the HYIP market potential for raising capital and, eventually, I opened AmilloTrade.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on AmilloTrade?

For only two weeks. AmilloTrade includes, besides me, four other people who assist me. We saw many HYIP programs failing in the early stages and could tell that they don’t calculate things seriously. We decided to design a program which would help others to make the best possible returns with the lowest risk possible.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

We offer 3 investment plans.

Our first plan is – 111% after seven calendar days. The minimum deposit is $10 and maximum deposit amount is $20000. The total profit for this plan is 11% and the principal is 100%, so a total of 111% will be returned on expiry.

Our second plan is 138% after fourteen calendar days. Here, the minimum and maximum deposits are the same as in the first plan. Because of the second week time difference, the total profit for this plan is 38%.

Our third plan is a 162% return after twenty-one calendar days, including the principal. While multiple investments are welcome, the maximum for each is $20000. For example, if $1000 is invested, it will yield $1620 in 21 days. Your NET profit will be $620.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from AmilloTrade. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What have been the most popular choices among investors? Are you currently allowing instant payments?

For payments, we accept PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve and AlertPay. The most popular payment systems chosen by our investors are AlertPay and LibertyReserve. All the payments are processed instantly, but sometimes we also may process them manually within 24 hours.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Our highest priority is website security! AmilloTrade is running on a dedicated server with DDoS protection for maximum effect. services us with invaluable protection against hackers that can launch a denial-of-service attack (DDoS).

6. I notice that you are running off a custom made script, is that correct? What would you say the benefits of this are to your members and how safe/secure/easy is it to use?

We make use of an original script designed especially for us by a professional web design studio. Before adding the script to the website and putting it online, it was tested many times. Convenience for both the administrator and the end user were key considerations in developing the script. In addition, we offer members a Secured Socket Lawyer (SSL) by COMODO, so that important communications are hack-free. Again, we place high priority on security.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

Our members may contact us by sending an email directly to or using our website contact form. We make every attempt to handle all incoming emails within the average of two hours. Sometimes, however, this is impossible when we are overwhelmed by correspondence. Then, a reply letter may take up to 24 hours. Also we will be adding a live chat support feature soon, towards the end of the week.

8. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Not surprisingly, we get many questions. Most queries are about the frequency of our payout schedule, whether it is daily or weekly. Our answer to this question is clear: you can receive your earned money seven days a week.

Also, let me remind you that there is a FAQ section on our website which is quite helpful. Before anyone sends us a question, I recommend they view this section to see if their question has already been answered. The answers found there, are the result of a detailed analysis of submitted questions.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are AmilloTrade involved with? I said in my review that you didn’t have much information about that on your website. What evidence can we see of these projects or are you simply an online based HYIP related game?

We are an investment company dealing primarily in Forex trading and stock markets. We trade with the money invested by our members in Foreign Exchange. Most profits are a result of forex trading and the rest comes from stock market trading. The results of our trading will soon become available on our website.

10. Are there any plans to develop AmilloTrade further in the near future? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new programs opening every day? With things picking up again in the industry how long do you realistically think you can keep a short term HYIP online for at the moment?

Yes, there are a lot of changes and features that will be added in the nearest future but we are still keeping them under wraps for now.

We are growing quickly and, of course, we are proud of that fact. I am confident that, employing our effective income yielding strategy, before long we will be leaders in the market field. Our strong points are that we make lightning fast payouts, offer strong customer support reply service, and have investments guided to advertisement and SEO.

I want to thank you, Paul, for this interview. I am so grateful to present the favorable aspects of our work and want to send warm greetings to all your blog readers. They should be aware that AmilloTrade is growing very fast and is determined to rise to the top of the investment world!”

Thanks a lot to Nick for that and best of luck to him and all the investors of AmilloTrade. And of course don’t forget to check out the daily cash contest sponsored by AmilloTrade on the MNO forum thread here.

That’s it for the moment, guys, but remember to check again later tonight when I’ll have all the main news stories from all the programs covered on my monitoring site as well as a closer look at one highly promising new program just added. So stay tuned and see you all then!

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