16/06/2011. Interview with the admin of InpladoFinance
Hi everyone! Yet again the summer slowdown seems to be eluding me because today I have two updates for you. The news will be along tonight as usual but for the first update I was pleased to receive the following interview from Robert, the admin of InpladoFinance. That’s a short term HYIP that was first reviewed on MNO here, and also might I say one that shows a huge amount of potential, an opinion shared by many MNO readers if the feedback I have been getting is anything to go by.
InpladoFinance also has a very unique way of rewarding members – by which I mean real people as opposed to just monitors – for their support of the program in public. That’s something else you can read about in the review, as well as the terms that offer 105%-115% after 1 day, 117%-150% after 3 days, 130%-200% after 5 days, 165%-350% after 10 days, and 270%-850% after 25 days. So let’s hear from Robert.
“1. Hi Robert, please start by introducing yourself to the readers of MNO and telling us a bit first about your own role in InpladoFinance and then about your background in the HYIP industry. What kind of previous experience do you have in managing funds?
Hi Paul and MNO readers. I am very glad that you gave me this opportunity. Now I’m standing face to face with you. My name is Robert Nelson. I am the Administrator of InpladoFinance. I am from Sweden. I have a really great experience in the administration of such programs. I’ve been doing this since 2007. Our previous programs usually worked very well.
I don’t think that InpladoFinance will be an exception. We have great plans for our program.
2. Can you also tell us a bit more about InpladoFinance itself? How long have you been in business? Are you running the business alone or are there others involved with you? Why did you start the program ?
InpladoFinance has been running for 3 weeks. We started our program on 05.24.2011. Now we are engaged in the development of our program. We are constantly making improvements and we want to add new features to our program. I am running InpladoFinance with my co-admin Alex Kemp. We work well together and I think we have a really great team. We have a lot of work but we can handle a project. We decided to make a good program that people would like and that would work for a very long time.
3. Please explain the investment plans to us in detail. What are the minimum and maximum amounts accepted into each plan? What rates of interest do you offer and how long do they last? What are the most popular choices so far?
I am pleased to tell you more about our investment plans. We have five investment plans for any preference.
The first plan is called “After 1 day” It provides income up to 115% after 1 calendar day..
It will set you back as minimum $5 to join and it’s considered for deposits up to $300.
We will pay you back 105% interest on expiry, a figure which includes your principal sum. So invest $100 today and get $105 back tomorrow. For those who wants to invest larger sum the next rates are applied: you can earn 106% on $301 to $1,000, and 107% for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000. We will accept deposits up to a $50,000 maximum with a top rate of 115%. See your members area for details if interested.
The second plan is called “After 3 days” It provides income up to 150% after 3 calendar days..
It requires the same $5 minimum to join and deposits up to $300. We offer 117% paid on expiry, principal sum included. For deposits between $301 to $1,000 you can expect 120% and for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000 the rate is 123%. See your member’s area for details of larger deposits if you are interested, but the maximum investment is $50,000 which carries the top rate of 150%.
The third plan is called “After 5 days” and it provides income up to 200% after 5 calendar days..
For a $5 minimum deposit we offer a payment of 130% made on expiry, a rate which is applied to deposits up to the value of $300. The rate of 135% is offered for deposits between $301 and $1,000, and the rate of 140% for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000. Check your account for information about deposits bigger than these ones, but the maximum allowed is $50,000 and the top rate is 200%.
The fourth plan is called “After 10 days” and it provides income up to 350% after 10 calendar days.
For a $5 minimum deposit for the investment up to $300 will be offered the interest rate 165% , principal sum included. For deposits between $301 and $1,000 the rate is 175%, while for deposits from $1,001 to $5,000 the interest rate offered is 185%. You can see details of the other offers inside your InpladoFinance account area, however the maximum deposit is still $50,000 and the top rate is 350%.
Last plan is called “After 25 days” provides income up to 850% after 25 calendar days..
For a $5 minimum deposit we offer a payment of 270% made on expiry date , this rate is applied to deposits up to the value of $300. A rate of 290% is offered for deposits between $301 and $1,000, and a rate of 500% for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000. Check your account for information about any other bigger sum than these ones, the maximum deposit is $50,000 and the top rate is 850%.
I want to repeat that the principal sum is included in the total return of every plan.
4. I notice that many of your texts are extremely vague about what you are doing with investors money. Why is that? Not that I think there’s something wrong with it, but aren’t you basically just an online HYIP based game?
We work with leading experts in the stock markets. Basically it is buying and selling shares.
We have always worked with securities and we continue to work in this direction. We don’t work with the forex market.
5. Now that most of your plans have completed at least one cycle can you give us any statistics regarding the program? Particularly in relation to the number of members, the amounts paid in and out, and from which plans.
Yes. Sure. The main statistics is shown on the site. I want to note that the number of members grows every day. Now we have more than 2200 active accounts. Likewise, we have many large deposits more than $1000. I think it’s only beginning of our journey in HYIP world.
6. If a reader wants to join InpladoFinance then what payment processors are you using? Is there something preventing you from adding other verified options like AlertPay and SolidTrustPay? Do you think your program would be more popular if you did add them?
For investment we accept Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. There are the most popular payment processors. They are used by millions of people. Also we thought to add Alert Pay. We will do it in the future.
7. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?
We use DDoS protected hosting from Black Lotus communications. This hosting is suitable to us in every way. It showed its effectiveness. We don’t have any problem with our site. So that we can only praise it.
8. What about your script? Who is the provider? What do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Are you using SSL encryption?
We use licensed GoldCoders script. This script is very easy to use and it has proved to be the most stable for this kind of program. We also have SSL encryption from Comodo so that our site is secure.
9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and the most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? Tell us about your Live Chat support. I don’t see a schedule when it operates. When is the best time (GMT) to find an operator there?
In our site you can find Live Support button. My partner Alex Kemp can quickly help you and answer to all your questions. We try to be online as often as possible. We work seven days a week.
You can also use our support form and send message directly to me. We have two mails: admin@inpladofinance.com and support@inpladofinance.info
10. What are the most common questions, problems or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid to contact you?
Every day we resolve a lot of questions from our members. Basically, these are issues relating to investments and profits. These details were already described above. Some people have forgotten their passwords. In this case you’d better go to our support. Just want to point out that all the news that we send to our members is duplicated in our news section. Just want to repeat that we have only two mail boxes admin@inpladofinance.com and support@inpladofinance.info so if you received a letter from any other mailbox then it does not originate from our company. Many fraudsters can pretend to represent our company and mislead you. We try to respond quickly to all criticisms and suggestions.
11. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by InpladoFinance. What are you doing to bring InpladoFinance to a wider investment audience in this very competitive market?
We are conducting an extensive advertising campaign. You can find our company on dozens of forums and monitors. Now we spend quite a large sum to support the advertising campaign. We are constantly adding new ads on related sites and monitors. We take the most visible and effective listings in monitors and buy new banners.
12. Are there any plans to develop InpladoFinance in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? There is a huge number of new short term HYIPs now, so how are you planning to keep the program competitive?
We always try to encourage further growth in our program. We regularly hold competitions and lotteries. I think we’ve become more than another short term HYIP. We also plan to add a member’s forum where every investor can express their views and hold discussions with the administration team. We are very much a customer oriented company. And we listen to the wishes of each member.
I was very pleased to talk to you.”
And what else can I say except I was pleased to talk to InpladoFinance too! Hope you all found some useful information in there that helps you decide one way or another if this is a program worth joining, or at least suitable for your needs, or not. Good luck to Robert in expanding his program and good luck to all the members there. That’s about all for the moment but not for the day as I’ll be back a bit later today with all the main news stories from around the industry, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Jun 16th, 2011.