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02/08/2011. OnlineInvestmentBank Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! OnlineInvestmentBank has been moved to Problem status! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! There’s been a fairly eclectic mix of programs introduced on MNO over the last week or so, though I’d have to say one of the more straight forward ones is definitely OnlineInvestmentBank which is the one I’m going to be looking at before today’s news. It’s by no means a new program and I’m sure many of you will have heard of it already, though it is new to the pages of MNO. And with just one single investment plan it’s fair to say that OnlineInvestmentBank is also a much easier and simpler program than some of the ones featured recently.

That plan, which has now been in operation for approaching three solid months now, is open to deposits starting from a $10 minimum investment. It runs for a term lasting 20 business days – that’s four weeks – and offers daily interest payments from Monday through Friday. The rate will be the same no matter how much you deposit, and there is no upper limit placed on that. You will be paid 7% interest per business day, however please note that your principal is already factored into those payments and so will not be returned to you on expiry of the plan. That means that the total payments will accumulate to 140% of your principal, 40% of which is profit.

Or to put it another way let’s suppose we invested $100. Over the next four weeks OnlineInvestmentBank will pay us back $7 every day from Monday to Friday. This gives us $35 per week and allows us to reach the break even point (where we earn back our original investment and can’t possibly lose money) after 15 business days, or three weeks. All payments from that point onwards constitute net profit until the plan expires leaving us with a grand total of $140, or $40 net profit.

Pretty simple, eh? There’s really not that much more to OnlineInvestmentBank, with everything else being streamlined and kept to a pretty basic standard. Though not necessarily a low standard either. The list of payment processors for example is limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are made manually and so will need to be requested from within your OnlineInvestmentBank members area. As such they won’t be instant either so after you have requested your payment you are asked to allow the admin up to a 24 hour maximum to make sure everything is fully processed. Keep in mind that the program is as I said only generating interest from Monday to Friday so be prepared for a wait if trying to withdraw something on the weekend.

OnlineInvestmentBank is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server by Dragonara who also provide DDoS protection, so I wouldn’t expect too many problems on that front (not that the safety of the website has much affect on the safety of your payments of course). The members area is SSL protected. Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then you can get in contact with him by either mailing him directly at one of the addresses provided or else by just filling in your details on the support ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. OnlineInvestmentBank also has some multilingual versions and can be viewed in German, Spanish, and French. Just be aware though that it’s not a professional translation but rather one done with an internet translation tool. It’ll be a bit rough but should suffice in getting the general idea across to anyone with no language skills in English.

Texts are extremely brief as one might expect from short term online HYIPs and give precious little in the way of real solid information as regards any kind of a viable business plan to support the whole thing. For the record OnlineInvestmentBank are alleging they are involved in what they describe as “highly profitable trading programs” but then say nothing about what this involves (which I suspect is nothing anyway). So as ever you need to treat OnlineInvestmentBank as a regular HYIP and not spend too much on any one program. Difficult to say how much of an impact being online as long as it has already will have on their future ability to maintain payments though I don’t believe the program is widely advertised so may have room for a little more growth left in there yet. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious either by the way, so stay within a strict spending limit and use only as part of a more diverse portfolio.


I want to start today’s update with the latest regular newsletter from PrimFix (reviewed here). As you know, PrimFix has been online for four months now and reached the #7 spot in MNO rankings. They’ve attracted countless investors looking to profit to their LibertyReserve, AlertPay, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay accounts from four available investment plans – 120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days, 210% after 45 days. In today’s newsletter the admin of the program Derek (you can read my interview with him here) showed a few more diagrams and proudly announced the continued growth of the program with over seven thousand investors and hundreds of thousands invested capital. Derek also emphasized the importance of further advertising to PrimFix to ensure further growth and development. With that purpose in mind the PTP contest has been launched and everybody is welcome to participate. I remind you that PrimFix is allegedly involved in sports arbitrage betting to generate profits. I know that the admin is not to blame for not providing any particular proof of that apart from diagrams and charts which actually proves nothing but that’s ok by me as long as PrimFix pays its members on time. Anyway, no program on MNO was ever able to provide any evidence of their investment activities and PrimFix is no exception. The only thing I guess HYIP investors want to hear is if the program is paying or not. And PrimFix has been paying well so far, so I wish them every success in keeping it up for months ahead. The first investors of PrimFix who decided to stick with the program have reaped some good rewards and those in from the very start have multiplied their money many times already. Here is some encouraging news from PrimFix along with the rules of the promotional contest which will run for the next month:
4th month results + PTP contest
Dear members,
Here is our monthly profit report as you were expecting. PrimFix continues to grow and every day we are receiving your thank your messages. We are very glad to see that PrimFix is already changing lives. As we write this message, our total invested amount is approximately $600,000 and there is over 7300 registered members. The total investments have increased a lot if we compare to our 3rd month’s results and that involves your hard work to promote PrimFix. We have paid more referral commissions than ever in July and it is a highly positive sign that many of you are recommending our program.
Our total profit was not very different from last month as we kept pretty much the same techniques and included trading bets as we mentioned, we didn’t make a huge profit with it this month because we’re still testing the waters and discovering new techniques involving bets buying and selling. We are sure our profits using this type of investment will increase a lot next month though. The results of July are shown in the charts below.
As you may see, the money on hold in our accounts decreased from 10 to 5%, we only did because there were some great arbitrage opportunities this month and we decided to allocate more funds to it as we knew it wouldn’t affect our performance and still increase our profit from this source. We know that placing general bets instead of arbitraging bets can be very risky on the long run but if things keep going as they are now, we have absolutely nothing to worry about for a very long time. We have a few arguments with our betting traders this month because we didn’t agree with some of the bets they told us they would place, but time proved they were right so once again, we are working with experts and if we put together your hard work investing here and their hard work to generate the profits, PrimFix will be around for a long time.
Some of you have asked us about proof of the bets and as we said to some of you in response to support tickets, it would generate a huge extra load of work for us as most bookmakers are against this type of activity and the risk of getting our accounts limited would increase significantly. We honestly don’t believe these proofs would actually prove anything, money is in our hands and with or without proofs, many companies work on generating a profit for its members, like PrimFix, and proofs are not everything it takes to run a successful business.
Contest time!
 We expect PrimFix to reach 10,000 members in August so here’s a little promotion to celebrate this. Our first PTP contest is officially launched today and it will run through the next 30 calendar days. The rules are our usual PTP rules, no spam is allowed and members using spam techniques will have their accounts terminated, if you are unsure about some type of advertisement you plan to use, please contact us before and we will let you know if that is allowed or not. There will be 20 winners and they’ll share a $1000 prize, the prizes will be credited to your account balances and you’ll be able to either withdraw it or make an investment. We developed a rank so you can keep track of who’s winning the contest, only credits earned from today and on will be counted for the contest. You can see this chart here: PTP contest We had some meetings in July about new investment possibilities for PrimFix. As we’re getting more investments from you, we are discovering more ways to deal with this money and make it grow, it’ll still take a few months for us to include these new sources on our profit report but the discussions were very positive
To finish this newsletter, we would like to thank you once more for being a part of PrimFix. You’re all doing an amazing job by investing and promoting our site. There’s still a lot of money to be made with PrimFix and most of you know that. Enough said, we wish you all a great week and as usual, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Best regards, Derek Rochester”.

Today was the first day when the fees for requesting withdrawals from JPDaily (reviewed here) increased from 3% + $0.05 to 3% for $0.25. This was obviously done by the admin Rich to reduce the amount of requested payments. The good thing is that you’re still able to get any part of your profits or even principal back at any time. I guess this is the thing that really differentiates JPDaily from other HYI programs and make it one of the most flexible on the net. Of course one thing still depends on the admin and that is profits. Today the result was not so good and not even 1% was achieved. The latest update from JPDaily was kinda short and is posted below:
Daily Result: +0.89% for JPDaily
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report:
Investor Balances:
Referral Stats:
Sorry… not really in the mood today.
Try again tomorrow!
Regards, Rich”.

I think that of all the scam that the investors can imagine the Palme D’Ore must go to the admin of FeoCash which has been moved to Scam status on MNO today. The thing is that after a couple of days of selective payouts it seems some investors finally noticed a strange thing happening in their account history when the batches that supposedly prove payments were actually fake numbers. Well, possibly the script was configured so that the profits were paid but to some different account (possibly the admin’s one). Somebody told me today that he was not paid by PerfectMoney but I wasn’t able to verify that because that processor doesn’t provide a tool to verify if a payout actually took place or not. Fortunately, such a tool is available for LibertyReserve account holders and today I was able to verify a few fake payouts. I must say FeoCash has been a good program and lasted for over 50 days which is an exceptionally great result for a short-term program like this one. Unfortunately, I must say that like with every HYIP FeoCash had to end at some point and after confirming the complaints the program has been moved to Problem status on MNO today. Please do not invest there anymore!

The following programs have paid me for the last 24 hours and therefore stay on Paying status on my monitoring page:
GorgonProjectInvest, Opulentia, UnicornInv, HitNRunMasters, ComoditiesCapital, BrantonsGroup, EurexTrade, EarnGroups, InvestNetGroup, ReProFinance, PermanentProfit, SilverPinePartners, StraDox, PrimFix, StockBiz, BaseBucks, HyperCompound, PowerfulStrategy, MaxiEarn, ViscoCorp, GlobalFxTrades, JPDaily, NeoProgress, LibertyHoard, HotInvesting, SecureEarn, OnlineInvestmentBank and SpringPoints (the first payment received).

I’m glad to report that SpringPoints which just launched yesterday became the first program on MNO to purchase Exclusive Listing, a new category of listing created specifically for admins who don’t want to spend money on countless useless monitors and prefer an exclusive advertising platform on MNO. Please note that the programs in Exclusive listing will enjoy higher positions on my site and will be monitored only on my site, (hence the name). You must remember that a couple of years ago GNI which was officially monitored exclusively by MNO achieved great results and was considered as one of the largest and most successful programs online. So with the Exclusive listing on MNO I hope to revive this tradition of quality programs available exclusively for my readers.

SpringPoints launched yesterday and the admin placed an introductory message on his website announcing the following:
Welcome to SpringPoints
On this day, August the 1st of 2011 we the management team have our program officially opened for operation, New members are welcomed as we aim to deliver powerful and risk-adjusted investment returns to our investors, achieving consistent performance through the quality of our people and experience.
I will tell you more about the program in my upcoming review but for now let me briefly introduce the investment plans SpringPoints has. So, all the plans can be divided into two categories – paying daily and paying weekly – and all of them return your principal on expiry. The minimum to invest in SpringPoints is kinda high compared to other HYIPs – $20 – but on the plus side you have all the main payment processors at your disposal to make a deposit. SpringPoints accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay and SolidTrustPay. The daily plans pays 2% for 60 days and 6.5% for 15 days, while weekly plans offer 8.5% for 12 weeks and 14% for 4 weeks. I don’t think the plans are balanced enough and I will explain why in the upcoming review. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, has a good attractive layout and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection provided by Koddos.

For tomorrow I will have a surprise for you – the interview with the admin of HitNRunMasters (reviewed here). The interview will touch a lot of topics on the industry and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Their highly controversial and very interesting modus operandi is the core of the program which is paying 1.5%-2.8% daily for 365 days with principal returned on expiry to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors. However the program would be nothing without its admin and I would like to invite you all to read my extensive interview with the admin of HitNRunMasters. It will be hot and controversial but never boring – this I can promise you. See you on MNO tomorrow, guys!

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