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10/02/2013. Interview with the Admin of Profitable2013


Beware! Profitable2013 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! This is one Sunday where I won’t be taking things easy as I have quite a lot to catch up with for you today. I’ll be posting twice so do make sure and come back a bit later this evening when I’ll have all the day’s news stories, but I want to start things off with an interview I received just last night with the admin of Profitable2013. Seems to be something of a “man of mystery” having neglected to give us his name, but never mind, the information that you need to know and the facts about the program and its plans are all contained within. Before we hear from him though I’ll just remind you that Profitable2013 is a short term HYI program offering terms of 105% after 5 days, or else 10% daily for 12 days. If you would like some further information then you can see a more in-depth description of the program in the original review of Profitable2013 first published on MNO here:

1. Hello Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in Profitable2013. What experience do you have in the HYIP industry?

Hello, Paul!

Thank you for doing this interview. I am the Admin of Profitable2013.

I’ve been mainly in the PTC industry before. Then I was fascinated by a few very good HYIP programs in the past. I decided to start investing in HYIPs. Of course at first it didn’t go that well, I lost a couple of thousands, but it was a game to me anyway. I must say, today I’m addicted to HYIPs and still have a five digit number invested in different HYIPs, as a regular investor. But today I can proudly say I’m in profit in almost all of those HYIPs.

Profitable2013 was meant to be my first own program, but it wasn’t. It never became fully ready, and the results were never fully satisfying. So the project was left aside for a while, and other projects started. Then Profitable2013 after all got revisited, and when it reached a level of completion, it finally started. The waiting was worth it.

2. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?

There are two independent investment plans in Profitable2013:

The first one gives 105% ROI on your investment after 5 days. That means your deposit plus 5% profit. You can invest from $10 to $100 in that plan.

The second one gives you 10% on your investment for 12%. You can withdraw your profit every calendar day. At the end the ROI will be 120% or a 20% profit. The limits for this plan are from $50 to $5000. But I wouldn’t advice anyone to invest more than $1000 in any single HYIP. Anyway if someone wants to, the limit is $5000. If someone would for some insane reason to invest more than $5000, Profitable2013 support should be contacted.

3. What payment options are you currently accepting? What’s the time scale between members requesting a payment and actually receiving it to their payment processor accounts?

Profitable2013 is configured to automatically accept deposits in Perfect Money, Liberty Reserve, EgoPay and SolidTrust Pay. All payments are processed manually, even in form of mass payments within maximum of 24 hours, usually faster on working days, but a 24 hours limit is set, just in case.

I’d like to use the tribune here and issue a warning about SolidTrust Pay (STP) to all fellow HYIPers out there. If you verify an STP account with a US ID, the STP account will become verified and simply…. blocked….with a whole page of excuses about waiting for US regulations and approvals.

4. How secure is the website of Profitable2013? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

Security of Profitable2013 is up to the usual standards. Payments are checked and manually processed. We had some hacking attempts in the beginning, but nothing happened. The site is uploaded on a privately owned dedicated server, antiddos protection is by Koddos, and payments utilize SSL protection from GeoTrust.

5. What kind of script is Profitable2013 running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

Profitable2013 uses standard GoldCoders script with the latest API upgrades. It is one of the most suitable for this kind of programs. That means…when you already know how it works and how to configure it.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding Profitable2013? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

There are about 200 members in Profitable2013, most of them have invested. The program still has a lot of potential. About 10% of the member refer others.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? I notice a phone number on your website, so during what time (GMT) will members find an operator there?

Actually the fastest way to resolve an issue about anything in Profitable2013 is to use the online contact form. Why wasting money for a phone call, when it would be much more convenient to send a message through the contact form and get an answer, or the problem solved within a few hours. Besides, most Profitable2013 current and potential future members don’t have English as mother language and don’t feel comfortable trying to speak English on the phone. That’s why we realize the most practical contact form is through the online support system.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

There have been almost no problems with Profitable2013 so far. Sometimes it could happen, that the automatic deposit system misses a deposit, but that happens in most programs. When an investor contacts us about such an issue, it is solved usually within the same day.

9. How have you been promoting Profitable2013 so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

I noticed people started talking about Profitable2013 already the first day it launched. For now it is listed on a few monitors and got a couple of reviews. But mostly talk between investors. In the beginning I was curious to see what they were talking and tried to follow the conversations on every place, but it got too much to follow, so I gave up. But there were mostly positive opinions. I think it is enough for now for a couple of more cycles, then we will see what the next promotional strategy will be. However a small addition will be created soon to the Profitable2013 program, it is a secret now, but when it is ready, MNO readers will be among the first to know.

10. What plans do you have for the future of the program? Will there be any changes or improvements coming?

It is a very sensitive thing, to make changes to an already established program, and many could perceive that as a red flag. The setup is quite satisfying as it is, so changes to that are unlikely to happen for the upcoming cycles. We have one or two things in mind, but it is too early to tell, as not even we have widely discussed them. The small addition I mentioned above will be announced soon.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt unfair or mistaken then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

I would like to thank you again Paul for the interview and for the time, dedicated to Profitable2013. I just wanted to correct something in the review about the content, which is original and there is no copy/paste from any other current or former HYIP program.

Other than that, I’d like to wish success to all investors and colleagues admins in their endeavors.

Thank you!

And thanks a lot to the admin (whoever you are!) for taking the time and effort to complete the interview. I know this is an opportunity for him to communicate with readers here in his own words so I rarely comment on individual answers, however I think it’s worth clarifying one issue raised in his final reply. Content is most definitely copy/pasted, and if the admin doesn’t know it then I do. I wasn’t suggesting he was the one responsible for it, but if he paid good money to a designer and was promised original copy then he needs to have a serious talk with the man who sold it to him. Anyway, I’m not trying to make a bigger deal out of something minor, because the only thing that matters is the status and as of today the status of Profitable2013 is still Paying.

That’s it for the moment guys, but don’t go too far. I’ll have the news updates for you later like I said, so I’ll see you all then!

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