17/08/2013. Interview with the Admin of GoodnessSuccess
Beware! GoodnessSuccess has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! I hope your weekend’s been going well so far. I don’t really have much news to report on today but nevertheless will be kept busy on MNO as I have two interviews for you today. And I do hope you’ll find them more interesting than usual as I can tell you they are two very very unique and individual programs with very little in common but still entirely different from what you might be more accustomed to seeing in the industry. The first one then is with Nikolai, the admin (or one of the admins as he describes himself) of GoodnessSuccess. That’s a mostly short term program offering terms of 110% after 1 week and 150% after 2 weeks, though since first being reviewed on MNO the admin has decided to add a seemingly pointless (if you do the calculations and compare it to the earlier ones) plan of 409.6% after 90 days. Anyway, I’ll let Nikolai explain all of that to you in his own words below, but if you like what he says and are interested in getting more information on the program, GoodnessSuccess was first reviewed on MNO here, as good a place as any to start.
“1. Hello Nikolai, please introduce yourself to the readers of money-news-online. Tell us about your own role within GoodnessSuccess. Who else is involved in managing the program with you? What can you tell us about your experience in running an online investment program?
Hi Paul, there’s a special atmosphere in GoodnessSuccess. The thing is that there’s no one admin of the project. It is a group of 9 leaders living in different countries (Pakistan, Canada, Russia and Ukraine) and all of us are the administration of GoodnessSuccess. All the decisions are made after we discuss it together, and also we pay a lot of attention to the feedback from the participants (yes, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true; participants’ suggestions have inspired us to make improvements in our project a couple times). If we consider all the “staff”, there are 24 professionals of different spheres who actually made GoodnessSuccess. If we talk about about the experience of making suchlike online investment projects, we have our own philosophy how such a one should look like. The majority of all the experience we have right now is due to our leaders’ work in really big projects in Russia, like “MMM” and a couple more MLM companies. There’s never too much experience, trust us.
2. Can you give us some background information on GoodnessSuccess? How long have you been online? Are you running the site alone or do you have an assistant or business partner? What are you realistically hoping to achieve by launching this site?
The background is quite interesting. From the very beginning (about 5 months ago), GoodnessSuccess had about 13 thousand participants, and it was a part of one of the biggest online investment projects. After some serious events, GoodnessSuccess had to separate and become autonomous. The majority of all the work was being done offline, meetings with people, real live promo actions and other PR stuff. The project had successfully functioned for about half a year and got even more participants, and there was more work to be done, as a result. So we decided to do our best to manage this machine and simplify all the work; we have made our official website and software, which made all the work go faster, and now we have totally switched to digital currency system (we had to work via international banking earlier, which was tricky) and the internet users and investors from all over the world are joining us. GoodnessSuccess has been functioning for about half a year (6 months) in total. The website though was made about one month ago.
3. For those unfamiliar with online HYIPs can you explain how the process works? From the moment I decide to invest in GoodnessSuccess to the moment I get my first payout, what happens? What do I need to do before and after joining?
It’s quite easy. You should create an account in one of e-currency systems we work with and deposit some money there. Then you register at our official website via a referral link or “Register” button, fill in the form, and then you sign in and can actually make a deposit. You press “Send goodness” and make a transaction – some of your money will be instantly paid to other participants. The term of your investment is up to your choice.
According to the plan you chose, your money will be available for withdrawal in a week, 2 weeks or 90 days. When the time has come, you press “Get goodness” button to have your money withdrawn. You will get money from other participants who had “sent goodness” earlier.
Everything is that simple. That’s how financial aid systems work. All the HYIP programs use this scheme, but not all of them say that they are a financial pyramid, which is deceiving their participants. You help people today – you get helped later.
4. What are the investment plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?
We have 3 investment plans: first – 10% in 1 week (you invest 100 USD – you withdraw 110 USD a week later); second – 50% in 2 weeks, and the last one – 180% in 90 days
We are using PerfectMoney because it’s very popular in Russia and many other countries, except for USA. Minimum investment amount is 10 USD, maximum – 1000 USD – this is for the first two plans. For 90 days plan the limits are different: minimum 500 USD and maximum 30,000 USD.
We have an automatic payments system, but every withdrawal is monitored and checked by a dispatcher. This was made to avoid fraud schemes and any possible cheating. You always need a human touch in any automatic system – only human can make important decisions when automatics can’t.
5. Limiting deposits to PerfectMoney only is going to narrow the potential membership of the program and will at some point have to be expanded. Is this going to happen, if so then when, and what other processors will you be adding?
The deposit limits were made for stability. So, that the system could grow calmly and remained under control. This is very important at the beginning. Now the system is strong enough, and maybe we will remove the current limits. There are more interesting improvements coming soon.
6. On the GoodnessSuccess website you have claimed that the program is growing beyond your expectations in the USA. But you only accept PerfectMoney and on the PM website it’s explicitly stated (and I quote) “all accounts that belong to US Citizens/Residents/US Companies will be disabled on 1st of July.” So if PM, the only channel through which you accept money, is no longer prepared to deal with any users coming from the US, how can you possibly see any growth in that market?
Unfortunately, US policy differs from the rest of the world. Within a month we will add SolidTrustPay and EgoPay, which are also very popular. We have something that nobody has – experience of working with official banks and software for suchlike machines. Even if all the systems that HYIPs use for their work are disabled, we will continue functioning.
7. One of my readers pointed out that when he went to join GoodnessSuccess the registration form asks your country of residence, but then only allows five possible answers. Why is this? And please explain if (for example there was an issue IP addresses accessing an account) it could cause a problem for a member who doesn’t live on one of those countries.
There are no problems with IP at all. We just didn’t expect such a growth rate outside of Russia and Asia, and we will add all the necessary countries in a couple days. Investors like the system, it looks like there’s something special about it.
8. What about the security of the GoodnessSuccess website? What steps have you taken to protect both yourselves and members from things like malicious hackers or identity theft? What about spyware and anti virus protection? Are you on a dedicated server and how protected are you from DDoS attacks? Tell us also about the script and any other security features.
The latest DDoS attacks security system is used. The website is hosted on all the necessary web resources, which allows us to provide security for suchlike projects. Also, mirror links and alternative info resources exist, but we are not going to use them unless something unexpected happens. The main thing is monitoring all the processes of the system. Money can’t go anywhere except for the participants of the system. All the money flows are under control.
9. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy are you using? How big a part have the existing members played in this? Are you satisfied with that level of support?
A couple words about promotion. The majority of work is done with live people, printed materials, charity events, interesting and entertaining contests and promoting the ideas of Goodness. Using banners in the web, on the best HYIP monitoring systems made the project more attractive for foreign investors and more interesting for all the online investors’ audience.
The participants play a really big role in promotion. We are organizing business trainings, actions, contests, digital and printed promo materials. The majority of all that is made in Russian, but we have started to translate it all into foreign languages and actually do offline work abroad as well.
10. I believe you have recently launched a competition to motivate members to get more active in the promotion of GoodnessSuccess. Tell us about that.
We have 2 types of contests – for all the participants and for active leaders.
We have a “Goodness in Your Heart” contest for all the participants. You should take a video with you doing something good(anything!), upload it on YouTube and spread it within your friends and social networks. The winner will be the one with the best video which had got the maximum amount of views. The winner gets 2000 USD, and the others (up to 10-th place) will also get prizes 1000 – 10 USD.
The second contest if for activists and leaders.
The most active member who will invite the biggest amount of people will be given an amazing prize – 1% from all the daily deposits in the system (once). This is really good money – the prize may be thousands and thousands of dollars.
All this activity gives people an idea of doing good things. Not always for money or fame, but just because if the world works the way when people help each other, then we would reach a true success. Our system is just an instrument of uniting people using financial machine.
11. I see the referral commission system in GoodnessSuccess in general is also quite generous. Can you explain to us how that works? Aren’t you concerned that by rewarding the promoters so much that you might leave yourself short of money when it comes to paying the actual investors?
The system grows due to people, not due to money. The total amount of money is not that important – the growth dynamics is, this principle had made the most popular Russian financial aid system and a lot of people know its name. The activists who promote the system and spread our ideology of Goodness should be awarded. Our bonus system had worked offline for half a year and it works now – it’s very important at the start, and maybe we will decrease bonuses for stability in the nearest future.
12. What are your expectations for the program over the coming months, especially as the industry begins to get busy again as always happens in September and October?
The industry might become less active, but people remain will being people J. Our principle is making all the society classes come together, we are not limiting ourselves to online investors, and the plans for the nearest couple months are really exciting. Nevertheless, everything must be done thoroughly and step-by-step, all the sweet things are coming and you will see, our guys will see
13. What kind of customer service and support do you offer to investors? What are the most effective ways of getting in contact with you is I have questions or problems? Do you contribute to any of the main investment forums? Tell us more about the operators listed on your site as being dedicated to providing support to African and Indian users. Are they directly involved with running the program as well or just hired online for support?
The people on the official website are the current leader of the system from 9 different countries. You will be able to find some key persons, who participate and promote the system in any country.
The Support works pretty good. We have a number of chat rooms in Skype, the Support form on the website, also groups and public pages in social networks. Also, we are, possibly, the only HYIP system who actually does real charity, business conferences from the leaders, and you can actually see the real people.
This is just a different atmosphere which unites us.
14. Moving slightly off topic, but as you have been kind enough not to deny your program is a pyramid then what’s your opinion of the online HYIP industry in general? Perhaps you could share some of your experiences with us, both good and bad? I don’t mean as an admin, but as an observer and an investor yourself.
Any HYIP project is a financial pyramid; any bank, insurance foundation, casino, currency – all of these are financial pyramids. The difference of GoodnessSuccess from the others – we say about it honestly, we are not trying to deceive our participants by demonstration of fake Forex and stock trade documents, etc. The financial part is the most powerful instrument of uniting people. The main GoodnessSuccess system’s goal is creation of the new understanding of the meaning of the world “unite” and changing the values and the way of thinking of the participants.
15. What are the future plans for GoodnessSuccess? How do you see the program developing in the near future? Will there be any changes made, any further promotional activities or competitions?
Of course, contests and promo actions with prizes have always been a necessary part of our system. All the previous contests are available in the web, on videos on YouTube, they are real.
Plans for the nearest future:
-Official Windows and MacOS software
– Making major conferences, business trainings in Russia, CIS and abroad.
– Coverage of 80% of countries using internet resources
– Making the leaders network worldwide
– LOTS of charity
16. And finally, is there anything not covered in this interview that you feel the readers of MNO should know about GoodnessSuccess? Also, please feel free to comment on the review of the program on my blog. If there was anything you disagreed with, felt was mistaken, overly critical, or in any way needs to be corrected then please give us your opinion here.
We like the clarity of your MNO blog. Of course, it’s not very easy to discuss such a unique project from the common HYIP industry point of view, but GoodnessSuccess goals differ from the majority of investment projects. Finally, everyone will become our participant one day due to the atmosphere we have created, real people and actions. A lot of interesting features, improvements are in the process of creation – many of them were based on participants’ feedback. We have a lot of serious work to be done, which will give all us a lot of Goodness and Success.
It is possible for us to organize a LIVE online broadcasting with our leaders, who will be able to speak about the system in English and answer all the questions from the internet audience.
We are open for cooperation, new people, any kind of interview and questions”.
Thanks a lot to Nikolai for taking the time and effort to answer my questions, and I hope anyone thinking about joining GoodnessSuccess but still unsure has had at least some of their queries explained there. Good luck to him with the program, but more to the point best of luck to all the members there in making a profit. I hope it works out well for as many of you as possible. That’s about all I have for you for the moment guys, but don’t go too far as I’ll be back a little later with a second interview, this time with the admin of one of the hottest and fastest growing short term programs online at the moment. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Aug 17th, 2013. Comment.