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28/04/2014. Interview with the Admin of BitcoFinancial


Beware! BitcoFinancial has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi guys! I had intended taking a day off today, indeed I haven’t quite given up on that just yet, so I won’t have any news updates until tomorrow. However in what was a fortuitous case of good timing, I received the following interview from Jocelyn, the admin of BitcoFinancial who regular readers might know from being an active contributor to the MNO ShoutBox. So let’s see what she has to say about the program and why she thinks it’s a good idea to join. And who knows? You might even agree! Before we hear from Jocelyn though, I think I should remind you that BitcoFinancial is a mid term program with one of their plans having recently been modified to allow members set their own investment term. Currently then you can choose between 5% for 30 days (principal included), or 2.5% daily forever (principal back anytime). BitcoFinancial accept all the major payment processors, just one of many reasons I’m sure behind their meteoric rise, and have just crashed their way into the #4 spot on the MNO Premium List despite just two weeks online. You can use any of SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, PexPay, or BitCoin to join the program, and BitcoFinancial was first reviewed on MNO here:

1. Hi Jocelyn, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in BitcoFinancial. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello Paul and everyone at MNO. I am Jocelyn. I am the online administrator for the web program, BitcoFinancial. My duties comprise of maintaining the online operations of this website for our company. Yes, this is our first online investing website and is an extension of our offline business in Preston, Lancashire as a Cryptocurrency trading firm.

2. Can you also give us some background history on BitcoFinancial? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

BitcoFinancial, as mentioned in the previous answer, is the online extension of our physical presence in Preston, Lansachire. Together with our team of Cryptocurrency traders – Shawn Smith, Howard Lurke and Steve Walker, we began as part time Bitcoin miners a few years ago when little was known about this currency. It in fact held only a single digit value and as far as we were concerned, was a potential source of income for the future. As we grew along with the industry and gained momentum as traders and miners of various crypto currencies – the global communities encouraged us in expanding our business as an establishment which then led us to introduce it to other online investors like you.

3. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What is the payment schedule, ie how long from the moment I request a payment do I need to wait before actually receiving it?

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the plan updates. Firstly, the updates basically enhance your investing experience as well as promote longevity strategically to this program. Let’s go over them here.

The first investment plan pays a principal inclusive 5% every calendar day for 30 days. If we were to split it up, it would be a 1.67% profit + 3.3% principal return which adds up to a total of 5%. The compounding feature for this plan has been disabled for all future investments. Therefore, all investments that have been made after this update has been made and announced will not have the compounding feature attached. You would have thus received a grand total of 150% when the plan matures.

Plan 2, which has been aptly named as the Unlimited Plan, pays a neat 2.5% on every calendar day until the day you decide to withdraw your principal amount. This gives you the choice to withdraw from the plan when you feel like it. You are also given the option to compound with a setting of upto 100% for as long as you have an active investment with us. This plan basically entitles you to the freedom of earning for as long as you wish.

For all e-currencies except Bitcoin, the minimal investing amount has been set to $10 and the maximum – $10,000. For Bitcoin investors, the minimal investment amount is equivalent to $25 and the maximum is $10,000.

You can invest using Bitcoin, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay and Payeer. We accept direct investments from Bitcoin users as well where they can choose to omit the Signing In process.

The withdrawal processing can take anywhere from being instant upto a few hours. It would not exceed beyond maximum of 24 hours even during peak payout traffic.

4. Staying on the subject of payment processors, SolidTrustPay have become notoriously selective over the last six months or more with the companies they will allow verified accounts with. Can you discuss the process by which you managed to secure a verified STP account for BitcoFinancial, and how beneficial do you think its been for business?

Being a legally registered firm with documents that support the fact, it was a relatively simple process for us to obtain a verified SolidTrustpay account. We waited patiently for them to complete the entire process before launching BitcoFinancial. It is important to attend to all aspects of securing the funds and business to sustain a long lasting and successful program – which we continue to work on with great care.

5. I’m also aware of almost a completely different set of rules governing investments made via BitCoin. Please talk us through this, and explain why this is the case.

For Bitcoin users, the traditional investing methods more popularly accepted in this industry appear different and thus our script has been designed to cater to both kinds of investors. This process has taken us a considerable amount of time to design and integrate but as you all can see – our effort has been well rewarded.

We have also provided Bitcoin investors with an alternative process of investing directly without having to hold an account with BitcoFinancial.

This further simplifies their need to understand the investing methodology of the standard e-currencies. Bitcoin users are familiar with a parallel medium of investing and trading with their cryptocurrency and thus it becomes a necessity for us to help them adapt to a new environment that is both user friendly and versatile.

6. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of BitcoFinancial. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DDoS attacks and malicious hackers?

BitcoFinancial is hosted on a highly Protected Dedicated Server with premium DDOS Protection shield provided by DDOS Guard. Our server contains an optimal level of DDOS Protection shield of upto 140 Gbps protection on any DDOS attacks.

It contains a Secure Socket Layer secured by Comodo with 2048-bit protection and 99.9% Browser Recognition. Our website is also tested daily for threats or vulnerabilities by Norton Security and is entitled as Norton Safe Web.

7. What about the script? Where did you get it from, is it licensed, and why do you feel it’s the best option for you as an admin and for the members who join?

BitcoFinancial runs on a highly customized Licensed GoldCoder Script which is fully tested and modified by our own programmers. We prefer this particular script as it is known for its user friendly and versatile character that many investors are familiar with.

8. What advertising strategy are you using to further promote BitcoFinancial among potential new investors? Are you happy with the level of support offered by existing members?

So far, we have been adding our banners in many reputed online global forums and blogs such as MNO and this has placed BitcoFinancial in the frontline of many communities and platforms worldwide. Our creative and marketing divisions are working on other advertising strategies that will continue to promote our investing program as we grow. Yes, we must say we are very pleased with our efforts and the results so far.

9. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months?

In just 10 days or so, we reached the milestone of having 1000 members and with over 85% of them being active investors – we are proud and grateful for the highly positive support we have received thus far. We are confident that the current statistics will grow exponentially over the months and we will indeed succeed in merging the cryptocurrency and online investing fields. This will begin the new era for both industries and an evolution that will encourage many more new investors to be a part of.

10. What kind of customer support do you offer members? What is the best way to contact you if we have any questions about the program? Do you have a Live Chat feature and during what hours (GMT) is it available?

BitcoFinancial has a multi-faceted member support package where Email, Phone, Live Chat, Social Networking Pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc), Official Blog and Forum are currently available. Our Live Chat and Phone Support service have been equally busy with frequent member interaction worldwide. We have no fixed schedule for their availability but so far we have been able to attend to almost every request.

Alternatively, the other platforms also are available to raise any query or discussion that would need our attention.

11. I see you’re organizing a regional representative program as well. How does that work? What are the criteria for being hired and what is expected of the successful candidates? How are they rewarded? What happens if one of them is quite incompetent and does more harm than good to the program or members he is supposed to help?

Yes, we have included a global network of Representatives in and it has been gaining popularity over the past few days as we have been receiving several requests from members worldwide who wish to become a part of this reputed network.

Interested members need to submit some information about themselves that will be displayed and secured by us. These representatives will be liable for all future communications and operations in their respective countries/territories in regard to BitcoFinancial. For their contribution, they will be generously rewarded with incentives and a higher percentage of referral commissions through us.

In an incident where we find any particular representative to be incompetent in handling the responsibilities involved, he or she will be asked to discontinue their services with us. However, we do value their contribution and services greatly and are proud to have them with us for the years to come.

12. How effective have Facebook and Twitter been for BitcoFinancial? How have they been using them? Are they mostly for news and communication or have they helped you in attracting new investors?

Our social networking pages have been vital as a medium for sharing and conveying updates and current developments in the industry and website alike. Our team makes it a point to update these pages and interact with members/visitors who frequent these accounts regularly. Yes, they have been helpful in attracting new members to our program as well.

13. BitcoFinancial has claimed to be generating money by trading and mining crypto currencies. Can you explain to everyone exactly what that means, how it can be guaranteed to generate such a consistent rate of profit that never seems to fluctuate from one day to the next, and how members can independently research such claims?

Yes we have been and continue to be crypto currency miners and traders. We have provided a whole lot of information on our website about this and would like to say in brief that Bitcoin trading in particular is very volatile in nature. Thus it is only through consistent study and monitoring can one gain a steady profit from trades each day. And we also mine other cryptocurrencies daily to exchange for Bitcoins. This helps generate more funds which also compensate for any minimal imbalance in our trades.

Therefore, to understand these facts, one has to be deeply involved in it. It is possible for anyone to gather all this information online but to actually manage and sustain a business from this source is a completely different story. Cryptocurrency trading is gaining popularity worldwide and in recent times, many new alternative coins are being introduced into the market, raising the value of the trades considerably. As pioneer miners, we have ample experience in managing and rotating these alternatives for Bitcoins which equate the margines we set for ourselves.

Recently, we have included a page in for newbie Bitcoin users to get Bitcoins for free. This is just the beginning and we look forward to including more opportunities for them to understand cryptocurrencies in a way where they too could become a part of the communities worldwide.

14. Do you have any plans for the future development of BitcoFinancial? In a very competitive business but only a relatively small market, how do you intend to keep BitcoFinancial competitive and keep growth at a steady sustainable level at the same time?

When something stops growing it only leads to decline. We have only seen growth in our business since the day we launched. We are very proud and grateful for it. MNO has been very supportive as a monitoring partner and we really appreciate all the encouragement we have received from you, Paul and your readers worldwide.

Our effort and dedication to BitcoFinancial will only increase over time and regardless of how small a market is – there will always be ways to gain a strong foothold in it with proper management and resources – both of which are bountiful in our company.

As for plans, our aim is to merge both the cryptocurrency and online investing industries and transform it into one massive global online community. People are constantly seeking for ways to improvise their financial health and this has every quality to lead them in the right direction. Remember, when we began years ago, Bitcoin was of no value except of that as a potential answer to our financial success. And we would be honored if many other online investors will find their way too.

15. And finally, is there anything you would like to say to the readers of MNO that you feel wasn’t really covered in this interview? Anything you feel is important for everyone to know about BitcoFinancial? You may also feel free to comment on the review that was posted. Was there anything there you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification?

MNO is definitely a wonderful productive medium for online investors and the commitment that Paul has put in over the years much be applauded. It is not easy to sustain the momentum of such a responsibility but his effort in bringing you the best programs and sources of passive income is indeed a blessing to many.

We thank you for all your support and we wish you the very best in the future.

The review was splendid. We could not have said it better. In fact, we ask our members and visitors to read it before proceeding to join BitcoFinancial. Thank you, once again – for the effort and time taken.

And for the readers – thank you for taking the time to read this interview. It is valuable to us as we hope it has been for you.

That’s all for today, guys. Just to say thanks a lot to Jocelyn for taking the time and trouble to answer my questions, and I hope you all found it at least interesting but also in some way useful in helping you make a final decision about whether BitcoFinancial is suitable for you or not. I also want to sincerely wish the best of luck to everyone involved in the program, from the smallest investor to the admin, and hope the program can generate a profit for as many of you as possible. As I said at the top of the page I don’t have a news update for you today (in fact I hadn’t even planned to publish today at all) but I think most likely we’ll catch up with all the news for two days tomorrow. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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