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04/03/09. Interview with the admin of StablePackages



Hi guys! Today I have an interesting interview with the admin of a site that has turned out to be something of a surprise package. No pun intended, but I am referring to StablePackages. Given all the recent turmoil surrounding LibertyReserve I was expecting enormous problems with a number of programs, especially short term ones with a high ROI such as StablePackages. I was pleasantly surprised this morning though when I received payment in full for all my pendings in the program and a quick look at the major forums would indicate that everybody else has been paid as well with no negative reports thus far. So just a brief recap before we here from the admin. StablePackages offers three short term plans lasting for 4, 5 and 7 days and paying in total between 125% and 140% on your investment, principal not returned (read more details in my review published here). Not a bad return of all but what’s more is the plan to introduce StrictPay and SolidTrustPay as payment options in the coming days so those of you still uneasy or uncertain about LR might want to wait a short while for this option to be introduced. So now let’s here from the admin Robert and here what he has to say.

1. Hi Robert. Please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO. Tell us a bit about your own background in the HYIP industry. What kind of experience do you have in running online investment programs?

Hello Paul and readers! My name is Robert and I’m the founder of StablePackages online investment program. I am in the business of HYIPs since August 2006 and ran few good projects since that time. Being a professional market analyst I was always asking myself such questions like “Why people want something?”, “What makes people risk?”, “What makes them excited?”. Having mastered an official marketing skills I decided to start learning the “dark side” of my occupation, gambling. I started to seek for a suitable market and figured out that running HYIPs is the right choice. Well, my first projects were not good at all. I faced a new world and it’s laws seemed to me unclear and meaningless. My competitors with much weaker products had success and grateful audience while I was desperately trying to understand what’s actually happening. Three long years have passed since those times and I decided to start a professional program offering best investment plans, top-level customers service and highest stability possible. It was evident to call the project “StablePackages“.

2. Can you also give us some background history on StablePackages? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

StablePackages is my first HYIP by the very long period. Most people think that starting a well-running project is only a matter of DDoS-protected server, SSL certificate and a good-looking website. Must admit, I was thinking the same way at the very beginning. Quite a deceptive mirage. Starting an investment program which is intended to gain recognition and success also needs experience and at least a month of an accurate market analysis/preparation. What is the current saturation of the market? Who will be our primary competitors? What plans do people expect right now? How to calculate a growth stability corridor and keep within it? Where to advertise? Where not to? What software to use? How to provide local network security? As you can see, everything is not that trivial as it might seem at first glance. I would say, it’s hardly possible to maintain a project like StablePackages alone. This is why we work in a team consisting of me and two other experienced professionals.

3. For those unfamiliar with online HYIPs can you explain how the process works? From the moment I decide to invest in StablePackages to the moment I get my first payout, what happens? What do I do?

First of all, I find it reasonable to speak about what HYIPs actually are. Offering a highly profitable investment opportunities, those projects are specifically different from real banks. The procedure of depositing through the Internet does not impose any obligations on the owners of the fund. This is because there is no effective international legislative framework that would regulate the activities of such companies. Moreover, probably all e-currencies that support HYIP market legalize such projects (not always stating this directly). Having all that, HYIPs are something intermediate between real investment companies and a casino. Every deposit into any HYIP is a risk. However, the positive side of the coin is that this risk can be foreseen with a pretty good chance. So, how can we predict the behavior of some HYIP to be safe? Stability primarily depends on two major aspects: advertisement and people’s trust. Advertisement can be controlled by marketers, while trust is a matter of time multiplied by quality. Being the administrators of StablePackages, we do everything to provide our investors with a top-level services. We focus on an integral quality of the project as a whole to create a solid and professional image.

4. What are the investment plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?

StablePackages offers three highly-profitable investment packages: Silver, Golden and Platinum. Silver package pays out 30% daily during a period of 4 days. Golden package pays out 25% daily during 5 days. Platinum package pays out 140% after 7 days. As you can see, all those packages offer high profit and therefore principal is held. Allowed deposit range is the same for all three package and is between $1 and $3500. Also we have a referral program offering 5% of every deposit attracted into the program. StablePackages pays 7 days a week. We process payouts manually. Generally, once per hour during working hours. To make a deposit with StablePackages one will need a LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney account. We plan to add SolidTrustPay and StrictPay processors in the coming days.

5. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of StablePackages. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DdoS attacks and malicious hackers? What script are you using?

One of our team members, Alex, is a certified specialist in a computer security. He carefully planned our safety measures and maintains the technical part of the project. So, StablePackages is equiped with all must-have security features! We host on a DDoS-protected server from DDoSWiz which is able to hold multi-gbps attacks. Every connection within the members area is protected by a PositiveSSL certificate from COMODO. Finally, we use latest licensed version of Waylex FundManager script which is getting more and more popular. Our local network is behind a hardware firewall and local machines have software security suites installed. Those security measures lower the chances of being hacked to a minimum, if ever make it possible.

6. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy are you using? How big a part have the existing members played in this? Are you satisfied with that level of support? Could anything be done to improve on this? Is there any referral competitions to motivate members to get more active in the promotion of StablePackages?

Advertising of StablePackages is one of the most carefully planned aspects. We promote on multiple monitoring websites (link to Only few of them play key roles in attracting new capital while others are primarily used for branding. Besides all said, we know that providing a highest quality service and working on reputation (not profit) are the keys to a long-living project. Even if you deal with a “short-term” HYIP. StablePackages is online for only few days, but we can see that investors trust us more and more with each day. And this is not something that can be bought for money, rather it must be earned and proven by facts.

7. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months?

I think it’s too early to speak about any success of StablePackages. We are online for 10 days only and such a short period cannot be significant at all. So, let’s better talk about our further plans. You remember, I was talking about a stability corridor. So, what actually is this? Being a HYIP, we need a constant flow of incoming depoits to pay those who joined the program days before. When the level of deposits falls down, we risk our backup insurance capital and the project itself, finally. In turn, when incoming deposits exceed a certain border being a splash in a long run, the risk is almost the same. The only difference is that it’s waiting for us in the future. Now you can clearly see that stability can only be a result of a hard work, this is what our project name stands for. By now the project is growing pretty well and you are welcome to check the openly shared statistics on our website. We do not have strict expectations about a project growth. Such an approach would limit our strategy and make us less flexible. Again, the only parameters we care of are quality, stability and reputation.

8. What kind of support do you offer members? How can they contact you if they have any issues with their investments? Do you now, or will you later, offer telephone and e-mail support?

Convenient and fast feedback communication is a must for a good project. At the moment we already have email support available through a webform on the website. We respect our visitor’s time and respond to all issues immediately in our working hours. It is planned to add an online support chat to let members solve their questions instantly by providing a night shift operator. This will be done in 2-3 days right after we reach 2000 members.

9. A lot of good HYIPs have opened recently. There is a pretty big choice out there for the investor so if you had just one thing to say to potential investors to convince them to give you their money, what would it be?

Running StablePackages, we do not convince by using words. Instead, we tend to prove our value using facts and deeds. So, I encourage everyone to first check and see if our program fits them. We respect, appreciate and consider every opinion. This helps us to constantly improve the level of our services.
Every visitor and member of our website can make sure that we are a stably growing project. This is why we openly share our detailed statistics which includes daily reports. Everything is open and nothing is hidden – that’s the principle.

10. Finally, what is your honest opinion of my blog? Could you please recommend some changes that you think might improve it?

I truly think that MNO is the best HYIP-related community of professional online investors. I cannot imagine anything else on it’s place such as a forum or a monitor. Being made as a blog, MNO provides a well-tested information to it’s users on a daily basis and you, Paul, are doing just great! I want to thank all the readers for their attention and, finally, wish everyone good day and seamless profits! Join us today.

Quite an interesting insight there I hope you’ll agree on the inner workings of an online HYIP. I don’t know about you guys but I for one am always interested in hearing as much information as possible on every possible facet of this industry and that’s why I find this interview so interesting. And if nothing else it’s always good to come across an admin who at least appears to know what he’s talking about. So it appears StablePackages is in good hands and remains one to watch.

On an unrelated topic I would just like to say that due to an unusually high workload recently I may start posting a bit more often than just daily for a while until I clear the backlog of programs I have joined but have not been able to get around to reviewing yet. So keep an eye out for even more updates from around the HYIP and autosurfing industry and always stay on the money with money-news-online!

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