16/12/2009. Interview with the admin of SurfVesper
Hi everyone! I have quite a lot to get through again today so as seems so often the case these days I’ll be posting here twice again. So to start with today once more we have an interview with quite an interesting player from the recent surge in the autosurf industry. His program is called SurfVesper and I really must credit the admin with a refreshingly frank and open approach to running an online investment business. It really is all too rare that somebody spells out the true nature of what they are doing and SurfVesper is as good an example as we have seen recently. The program offers just the one plan which is 9% for 15 days with daily payouts. More sustainable than a lot of recent examples I think and you can check it out for yourself if need be in my original review published here.
After we here from the admin by the way let me remind you that I’ll be back a little later this evening all the day’s news highlights and a more detailed review of a new HYIP. So make sure and check back here again for that.
“1. Please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us if you have any experience in the autosurf industry as an admin or an investor.
I am T.K., and I am the admin of SurfVesper. I love to be the best, and I always try to win. Most of all I try to do the impossible, like playing dead games. Games others give up and say I lost, game over, but there are always turning points, and even with a game that looks dead you can still be the winner in the end, how many times you played chess and someone says check to you, sometime you were maybe not passionate and give up. I never give up until there is really no turning point, and if there is I will find it. So see me as the perfect gamer, who want us to play as long as we can and make money even when others would give up, The game is on, and I am your game guide, help me to make you money! Read on to see if this will make any more sense to you.
2. What was the reason for opening an autosurf program in December – a time which is traditionally not so popular among surfers?
I believe it is the perfect month to start an adventure like this. What I see in the autosurf industry is sites with quick success but going down even quicker. Starting in December means slow growth at the beginning, and this is the foundation for a long project like I plan with SurfVesper. I do not need to make quick money, I want us all to make money, and this is why December is perfect for a start-up like ours.
3. When I first looked at your website I was quite fascinated with the theme you chose? Flying bees (or are they wasps?) are quite original I think. How can you come with this idea and does it have some hidden meaning?
It has Vesper, the name of my girlfriend, and she is aggressive like a Wasp (LOL), so I decided to make this site in a style that is not only different but easy to remember, Black, and Yellow are also colors I like very much. And it should be as a warning signal (not against investing) but to show the autosurf industry, there is an aggressive admin, who is going to be dominating the industry .
4. Now that you told us a bit about yourself and the reason why you started SurfVesper I want to ask you about the investment plan you’re offering to surfers. What is it? What is the minimum and the maximum to invest? What payment processors are accepted?
SurfVesper offers only one plan, 9% for 15 days, and as I see in this industry it is a safer ROI than the 12% for 12 days style programs that seem to be coming and going within days. I also opted for daily payments for two reasons:
1) Members are happier and safer if they get paid daily
2) As the admin I do not need to pay a big amount after the 12, or in our case 15 days. I reduce the risk of collapse dramatically.
I am happy to accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and AlertPay. So I hope that includes one of the e-currencies you prefer.
5. How many sites do I have to surf in order to earn my daily rebates? What happens if I miss a day or two of surfing? Will I be somehow penalized for that?
You need to surf daily 20 sites, these sites are advertisers on our network and this way we are generating part of the income for the site. If you miss one day of surfing, you miss one day of earnings. Nothing is for free in this world, and if you do not surf then I can’t sell ads, and you do not get paid. Easy, and still the way to go to make a good surfer and a successful site.
6. What script and hosting provider do you use? Why did you pick them for SurfVesper?
I choose Neversay for the script as it is the most popular autosurf script and I never read anywhere in the internet about them getting hacked or cheated. I looked around for a good host and I saw some really great successful sites hosted with HushHosting. I contacted the admin of Hush and got a quick and professional reply within minutes. So that’s is why I chose them, in case of a problem I need to be able to get a quick response and have things fixed. Out of all the other hosting providers I got a reply a long time later, or one not professional enough to choose them. So I am sure it was the right move to choose these two.
7. You stated that your program is mainly an advertising program. Does it mean that it doesn’t rely entirely on new investments alone? How can you expect that SurfVesper will be sustainable and will be able to survive Christmas?
I have enough funds to get us comfortably through the Christmas holidays and remember that the site was intended to start during this month. As I said in an earlier answer, slower starts will more often lead to longer term success. And I am sure we will have great success in the new year, so this is just a like a kind of trial period if you like. The site will have a few more features to integrate the members into direct advertisement sales soon. To be totally honest with you, yes, of course I need new members. But not only that. We are generating money from our advertising income, mostly over the rotator, but I hope on our home page soon.
8. Your program has been online for less than two weeks. What is your opinion about the level of members’ support so far? Where do you prefer to advertise your program and what rewards will the investors get for promoting it?
The rewards are between 6% (for non investors) and 8% for SurfBite Investors. The number of investors we have at the moment is fine. I am happy we were not having all those huge numbers day one because as I said this is actually what mostly kills a program in the end. The hit and runners and the like. But again, since we pay daily we lower the risk and I am sure we will all make money from SurfVesper over the next few months.
9. What do you think makes SurfVesper to stand out from the crowd? In other words why would the investors want to choose your program from dozens of other similar ones?
Are there similar programs? At the moment, when I see the surf section in MMG and the other forums, I don’t really see that many good surf sites. But to answer your question, I am passionate with this program, and I make sure people get paid quick, and daily, most autosurfs pay after the units expire, this was maybe good in the old days, but people want to get paid daily, they are scared to lose, and they got scammed a million times, so would you prefer to wait 15 days to get your money and profits back, or see every day money coming to your currency account? I guess it is the key to make a good site better, daily payments, passionate and a aggressive design.
10. Many investors are really cautious about spending the money in December. What would you like to say to such investors? Do you think it’s a good decision to wait till January and not to invest in short-term programs at the moment?
I did not launch the site to go for a short time project, I want this site up for as long it is possible, and even when we face bad times, I will make every effort to get the members helping me (or in this case us all), most admin took a site up, and when they are running out of funds they not communicate and close their program, I try to do this different, as I said on our site, I love strategy games, and I sometime need to fix things in the game to get the game rolling and make it better for myself, did you ever play monopoly? Sometime you trade one of your streets with a different player to get a greater success, sometime you sell some streets to get some money. The key is communicating and seeing the other people on the board (or game) not as enemies but partners in business, to make you the greatest gamer on the board, this is what I try to do, I will communicate, because we all are gamers, and we all want to win. I am sure if I ask you to trade a card, to not lose the game (and we all would lose) you would trade it, because you KNOW, this way the game goes on, and you’re not losing your money, but make more money, and own a few more streets in the end.
So see yourself and me as a business partner and gamer, as a community and a gamer you want to win, and yes I want to win, but see me as a key for your success and help me, and I make you a successful gamer, and remember even when you be not the biggest street owner, in the end you have mostly more money than when you started (if not you may play the game wrong, or not communicate).
11. Would you mind sharing with us some of your plans for the future? Where do you see SurfVesper as we enter 2010? What new features will you implement?
I want to integrate a reward program to sell ads on the site so you as a member can assist us all in generating a little extra cash flow. And you know that will all make the program survive longer. I don’t really plan much else at the moment, but I want to encourage members and their downline to join up!
12. Thanks for the interview. Maybe there is something else you would like to add that was not covered here. Please feel free to do so here and make any statement you want.
I want to say thank you for this opportunity, and thank your readers for reading this interview. Join SurfVesper today, and communicate with each other and help each other to earn some money!”
I would also like to thank the admin for taking the time to answer my questions and wish him all the best for the future of his program. Make sure and check back here again later tonight for all the days news stories, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Dec 16th, 2009.