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25/11/2010. Interview with the admin of RevenueBuild



Hi everyone! For today’s first post (the news will be along later tonight as usual) I have an interview with Steve from RevenueBuild. That’s a short term investment program that’s gathered a fair amount of interest from investors since opening around a week and a half ago. Investment plans are extremely short term and include terms of 105% after 2 days, 107% after 3 days, 110% after 5 days. All plans have now completed several cycles so if you joined early enough when first reviewed you would have been nicely in profit by now. Still time for that however, so let’s hear what Steve has to say for himself.

First however let me just remind you that if you require any further information on RevenueBuild after reading this then I suggest you start with my review of the project first published here. And if you have any comments or personal experience with them you can leave them on the MNO forum thread given over to them here.

1. Hi Steve, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within RevenueBuild. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing the funds of others?

Hello Paul & all the readers of MNO, My name is Steven Cone and I’m the Administrator of RevenueBuild. I’m an investment banker by profession and I’m in this field for the past 7 years. I’ve always felt there is something more in the Investment industry that can be implemented if it is planned properly, strategically and financially. I manage the entire site and perform the duties of an Administrator along with my two friends who manage the Support area including Live Support and Email Support.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on RevenueBuild?

RevenueBuild is designed to provide returns to our membership for a long haul as it has all the elements that are needed. The main idea was to keep the rate of return as a direct proportion to the kind of revenues we generate. We have our own set of earning protocols through which we feel comfortable to say the least that we are here to stay.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for? Which ones have been the most popular?

This question I feel needs to be answered a bit elaborately to our members.

i) The First Plan offers 105% ROI in a span of 2 days. The Minimum and Maximum Investment is 5USD – 250USD respectively.
ii) The Second Plan offers 107% ROI in a span of 3 days. The Minimum and Maximum Investment in this plan is 5USD – 1000USD respectively.
iii) The Third Plan offers 110% in a span of 3 days. The Minimum and Maximum Investment is 5USD – 2500USD.

The main motive was to give everyone a chance to invest in all the 3 plans and hence we have placed the “Number of Deposits” as “3” at a time. The referral commission is a lucrative 5%. So far the most popular ones have been the 2 days & 3 days plan. But we are slowly getting members with deposits in 5 day plans.

4. I said in my review of the program that I didn’t fully agree with how the plans are organized as I think they only benefit a small number of investors and think there is no reason to join the longer term plans unless you have a substantial amount of money to spend. How do you respond to this and why have you organized them the way you did?

The idea was to create a platform to all the investors with an equal opportunity to earn money. We agree the difference between the 3 plans is not much, but we also had in mind the stability to run this Investment Platform for a long time to come. We felt that consistency & stability is more important to us than to offer a lucrative deal to our members. We do not want to push our members to invest big time with us on the GO, we just want them to take their time and invest with us at ease. Please look around our website, ask a question or two and then make your Investment strategy. That’s the way we work here at RevenueBuild.

5. Tell us about the payment options available from RevenueBuild. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What have been the most popular choices among investors? Do you think you may be isolating a large section of the investing community by having such a narrow choice?

We are currently offering two Payment options to our members i.e. Libertyreserve and PerfectMoney. We are also looking into other options as well and add them in a due time. We are studying their requirements and once we get to know how they operate we will surely add them at later stages. We will intimate our members and MNO readers about this once we add them.

6. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

We have given Security of the website, the highest priority. We are hosted on a World class DDos Protected server from Black Lotus with a Security Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted with it. We have chosen the Neversay script as it’s the most secure script online. So, we have taken utmost care about the security issue so that it will not be a hassle in the coming stages.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? I notice you have a Live Chat feature but have never seen it open. Is it used and if so what time (GMT) does it work?

As stated earlier, we offer both Live Support & Email Support to our members. We do have certain timings though as we carry out our operations for 8 hrs a day. For any emergency activities like technical glitches in the Account Summary, Deposits not working etc can be addressed to our Live Support who is online from 3PM to 11PM GMT. We also provide Email Support to our members where we address all their queries in an elaborate manner the following business day.

8. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Most of the emails we received till the end of last week were the Advertising Monitors. We have just begun to receive some serious emails where members are posing some good questions regarding the rate of returns, payout strategy implemented by us, the earning strategy of revenue-build etc. It has been an immense pleasure to answer the emails which are of good quality.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are RevenueBuild involved with? I said in my review that you didn’t have much information about that on your website. What evidence can we see of these projects or are you simply an online based HYIP related game?

Basically, there is not a single source from where the earnings are flowing in and out. As an Investment Banker, I’ve tried to put in my heart out to use my expertise in various sectors. We are involved into a bank trade operation which provides reasonable returns and contributes bulk of the returns at this moment. Although we have a small share in it at the moment, we plan to increase our size of investment in that regard as RevenueBuild grows higher. Likewise, we are involved with some serious ventures which give us reasonable returns to keep RevenueBuild moving in a Positive direction.

10. Are there any plans to develop RevenueBuild further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

As discussed earlier, we will be providing more payment options to our members in the coming time after studying their requirements. We will also start a few contests in the coming few weeks. I would also like to take this opportunity to share with our members to check out MNO forum as I’m available there on a daily basis. You can clarify your doubts if any at MNO forums as well by posting there. We will intimate our members as and when we go about every change we do at RevenueBuild. Coming to the last part, we would like to keep our heads down to ourselves and concentrate on our growth rate.

11. And finally, is there anything else you wish to say to readers that you feel wasn’t covered in this interview? Anything in the review you feel you’d like to comment on?

We strongly believe in simplicity and we are going to use this to our advantage. RevenueBuild was built with an idea of providing reasonable returns, with a blend of excitement as well. We are very much dedicated and passionate to make this successful and make it a leader amongst everyone. This very idea of making it a leader in the HYIP world makes us look out and out different from others. We suggest our members to have a look at us initially before making any decisions and plan their investment with us in a better way so that the ultimate motive of getting benefited is obtained.

Finally, I would like to thank you Paul for providing me and RevenueBuild an opportunity to showcase ourself. We appreciate your efforts of what you are doing and hope you keep up the good work.

Thanks a lot to Steve for taking the time to answer my questions. Good luck to him but especially good luck to any investors choosing to take a chance with RevenueBuild. I hope it works out as well for you as it has for the existing members up to now.

That’s all for the moment guys, but not for the day. As I said I’ll be back again tonight with all the important news updates as well as a closer look at a brand new long term HYI program, so stay tuned for that!

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