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28/02/2011. Interview with the admin of FirstMonetaryFund



Hi all! A fairly promising longer term HYI program (albeit one with some decent shorter term plans as well) that started up during the early part of February was FirstMonetaryFund, and today I’m pleased to have an interview for you with the program’s admin Stefan.

A recent trend that seems to have developed among admins that I’ve interviewed on this blog is that lately they seem more and more likely to talk about their programs in greater detail and really take advantage of the opportunity to get their message across to the only people who really matter – the investors. And fortunately this trend seems to be continuing with Stefan, who I think has made quite a good attempt at explaining FirstMonetaryFund, what he does, and how it’s all supposed to work for you.

Before getting to that however let me just remind you quickly that FirstMonetaryFund offers four investment plans that pay 1.1% for 15 business days, 1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, and 2.2% for 90 business days, all with your principal back on expiry. If you need a further explanation of the plans or any other aspect of FirstMonetaryFund then you can always refer back to my original review of the program first published here.

1. Hi Stefan, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in FirstMonetaryFund.

Hello dear readers! My name is Stefan Kepmeley and I’m one of the founders of great FirstMonetaryFund company. I’m 36 and live in New York city. I have gotten economy education and I’m well experienced in both marketing and the financial markets. In our team I’m responsible for the program development and providing great customer service.

2. Can you give us some background information on FirstMonetaryFund? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

The history of our company started in 2009. At the first stage of company existing we worked as privately-owned organization and accepted the investments of limited number of our clients. That gave us a chance to develop perfect investment activity and create our own strategy for financial markets. The beginning of our company history was hard and sometimes unsuccessful due to inexperience and lack of team work. After the first mistakes the company management had made decision of firing most of employees and hiring new experts in the field of investments. The process of hiring was hard and long because to find brilliant team is always a trial for any company. It lasted up to 2010 when the final team was tested and approved by administration of our company. The whole process of team building and its testing lasted for 6 months. Then we have come to the point of opening separate organization that would work online. Our president has marked the basic rule for us which sounds like “To be always first and best on the investment market”.

Now our company consists of 16 people which are 5 professional traders, 4 support men, 2 employees in financial department, 2 web developers who are specialists in the security of our site and other staff. The site is available online for a short period of time. It was launched on 6 January, 2011. The official launching took a place on 10 January, 2011. We have first month anniversary couple days ago and want to welcome everybody with that. We are young and promising company that put its goal to become number one on the investment market.

3. I see you offer a much better selection of plans than most programs. Can you explain them in detail to us? What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment, and are payments instant or manual?

Yes, Paul, you are absolutely right. While planning the company setup, we have made detailed analyses of investment offers on the market and come to the conclusion that some companies don’t accept investors of any level. Taking into consideration the potential of our traders and experts in investments we have decided to create investment packages that would be interesting for any investor with any budget.

The minimum investment amount starts from $1 and has no limits. Our team can support any amount of money and these words are not shacking of the air. Now we accept Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money as the most stable ones. We plan to make this list much wider in future. All payments are processed by our financial department. We are confident that any serious company can allowed itself to make instant withdrawal. This would be a fatal mistake.

It would take me 10 pages to describe all details regarding our investment products that’s why let me ask our dear readers to check the plans over here

However I still want to stick on our VIP-INVEST plan, the top offer of our company. It allows our clients to earn fixed 2% daily from Monday to Friday during 30 business days. It is unique offer for those who intend to increase significantly own finance for the short period of time. Full description of it can be also viewed here I want to mark that principal in all plans is returned on its term expiration. You can calculate your possible profit with the help of online calculator which is available here.

4. I said in my review of your program that the payment options are very limited and could hinder the growth of the program. How do you respond to that?

As I have mentioned above we plan to widen the list of payment processors in future. Our online program is young and actively develops. We have lots of things to do with it and our experts are working on it.

5. Can you explain the bonus system you are using to reward members making deposits? How does it work and how much do members need to deposit in order to take advantage?

Our bonus system is an award for all clients that chose our company for cooperation. All bonuses are paid from the company income. We save some part of company profit daily for such transactions. The system is available for every single person and all you need to do in order to be awarded is open an account and decide which amount you want to give to our experts for managing. The script will automatically add you the bonus according to your investment rank.

The award system has several active levels that allow our investors to use our company support and get nice surprises for choosing our company as reliable partner all the time. The minimum bonus rate is 2.5% of your principal at the start level and 10% of your principal in the last level. You can read all details regarding this question on our site here

6. What exactly is the VIP Club? How does it work? Can anyone join or do you need to be a regular FirstMonetaryFund member first? What are the advantages of becoming a member?

VIP INVESTOR CLUB is a special club of our investors created in our fund. Any user, that has registered personal account in FirstMonetaryFund system and applied for participation in VIP-INVESTOR CLUB, can get its membership for free. You need to login to your personal account and check the VIP CLUB section for further instructions. After application to its membership you will get individual access to new VIP-INVEST deposit offer in VIP CLUB section and your personal investment account will be treated on a priority basis. Any withdrawal requests from accounts with VIP-CLIENT status are processed immediately by our financial department.

I want to mark that all clients that applied for VIP CLUB membership has chosen VIP INVEST plan. They get during 30 business days the profit that others companies can provide only during 3 and more months. This is a really unique offer and we are glad to have such products for you guys.

7. How secure is the website of FirstMonetaryFund? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

From the first steps of our company creating we completely understood the potential dangers to our system from hackers and competitors. That’s why we were so serious about it and took the best available tools. Our host provider is Dragonara that gave us dedicated server and supported our site with Ddos protection of high level. You can be ensure in safety of your money.

8. Who is your hosting provider and what kind of script are you running FirstMonetaryFund off? How highly do you rate them as service providers?

As I said Dragonara did the best service for protection of our site. Regarding our script protection you can see that we do things nobody else does. We secure our system with 3 leveled security and 2 leveled confirmation of any transaction inside your personal area.

Our script was individually programmed by our team of web developers and security of the site was the key point for them.

9. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

We have a special statistic module regarding all data about out activity. You can view the whole statistic daily in real time. All that can be found here

You can feel that all info is presented laconically and illustrated to maximum effect. The total deposit amounts, partnership statistics, geographical trends and lots of other things is available for in that module.

10. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Our company provides an excellent customer service that works every day. You can use live chat support that works from 10 AM till 6 PM (GMT) on business days. Our live chat operators will be happy to help you with any necessary support regarding our fund. Also you can use feedback form in contact section in non business time and you will be answered within maximum short period of time.

11. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

The most common mistake of our clients is the wrong confirmation of deposits and withdrawal requests. Lots of investors used to 1 click service. However that one is not secure at all and that’s why we divided the procedure in several easy steps.

STEP 1 After opening an account with us you need to set your profile in “Settings” section. Please put all data the system will ask you and your account will be good to go.

STEP 2 After setting your account you need to transfer money to your personal account in our system. You can do that in “Transfer” section

STEP 3 After successful transferring of money to your balance, you need to make deposit to desired investment plan in “Deposits” section

STEP 4 After making deposit, you need to confirm that transaction in New transaction section. You can find that in the right block of your personal cabinet and you need to click open. Confirmation procedure is processed with ITP code that you set in your profile. ITP is a special code that consists of 4 numbers.

If you did all this steps right, your investment would be accepted. You can view your active deposits in “Active deposits” section here In order to withdraw your money you also need to make confirmation of that transaction.

12. I can see that the FirstMonetaryFund website is available in several languages. What are they? Will customer support be made available in any of these languages or will it remain just in English for now?

Till now we got 5 language versions of the site like English, Russian, German, Chinese and French. We plan to add more available languages soon. Customer support is available in all mentioned languages.

13. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Honestly I would love to share with you all secrets of our advertising campaign, but I can’t allow myself to do that. This information can be used by our competitors which is not wanted by us. I will tell you the main point of it. The best promotion of our company is happy and positive feedbacks of customers that share it with their friends and relatives. We don’t want to take as much customers as possible. The main thing for us is a quality of customer service. If we aim this goal we will not face with the problems of non popularity and we can see the first result of such policy even now.

14. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

FirstMonetaryFund has own investment policy that has been developed according to current market tendencies, and it includes several investment directions.

Stock and Forex market. The main part of investment capital of our company is involved in those segments of economy. Taking into consideration the role of those markets for making company profit our team of experts has developed the system of managing funds and risks. It allows our traders to obtain optimal balance between profitable transactions and risks involved with them.

In order to minimize the risks of unsuccessful transactions on Stock and Forex markets, FirstMonetaryFund came up with the decision to research other economy fields for investment portfolio. We have included the transaction for buy/sell of precious metals. This segment shows low but stable profit for company’s profit that has positive influence on activity of FirstMonetaryFund.

The whole description of our company activity cab viewed here.

15. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into your program, what would that be?

I want to thank you for this opportunity to talk with investors via your blog. Thanks to all who has already cooperated with us and welcome everybody to the most successful and happy community of investors on the internet. FirstMonetaryFund will change your feelings regarding earning money from your investments.

Thanks a lot also to Stefan for taking the time and effort to explain how everything works in the program. I certainly hope you found in at least some way helpful in deciding whether FirstMonetaryFund is a suitable investment platform for you or not, but I also want to wish the best of luck to all current and future investors taking a chance on them.

That’s about all for this evening guys, but as always I’ll be back as usual tomorrow with all the day’s main news stories as well as hopefully a closer look at a brand new program just added to my monitoring page. It’s called ImperialFund and has been online for 10 days already. ImperialFund accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and WebMoney and offers some very reasonable daily returns including 6% for 20 days (the principal is counted as part of the daily payouts and is not returned on expiry), 1.75% for 25 days and 1.95% for 45 days (where the principal is returned on expiry), and 2.4% daily forever (no expiry date with the principal returned on request at any time). The minimum to invest in ImperialFund starts from just $1 and the admin promises instantly payouts – though I’ll confirm that tomorrow when (if) I actually receive one. Compounding of up to 100% is also allowed in some plans. The program is hosted on a dedicated server by a Russian hosting provider not previously known to me, however I do believe it’s a private server, fully dedicated, and protected from DDoS attacks. ImperialFund is also a bi-lingual website in both English and Russian. It utilizes a licensed GoldCoders script which should be instantly recognizable to the majority of the investors. So for more details about ImperialFund check out MNO again tomorrow. See you all then, guys!

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