Jan 17th, 2012 Archives

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Hi guys! The start of the new business week isn’t quite as busy as you would normally expect in the industry for a Monday, due to the fact that it’s been taken as a holiday for many admins. It’s Martin Luther King day in the US, and while it’s not a holiday where I am I would still like to celebrate the life of what was undoubtedly one of the greatest men of the 20th century. Unfortunately as far as the HYIP industry goes there really isn’t much in the way of positive news to mark the event as a number of programs either look to be in trouble or have collapsed completely.


We’ll start with perhaps the most obvious and expected scam of the day, which is also perhaps the sneakiest and most cowardly – HYIPInnovation. This program (or should I say the admin) had been making it clear to me at least that he was having problems in coming up with the money to pay his investors in the last week. But worse than that was also much more interested in coming up with all sorts of tricks and lies to fool investors into thinking everything was fine rather than even attempting to find a real solution to the problem. But then again when we look how events unfolded they were really indicative of the true nature of this admin – in his opinion the fact that he ran out of money isn’t really his problem you see, it’s yours.

So it’s been in the pipeline for a while now, but as of now it’s not just a rumor or an opinion anymore. It’s a fact. HYIPInnovation is a scam and it’s admin is one of the more despicable forms of pond life to be found in an industry already rife with them. The thing is that while we all know that HYIPs are a high risk game where some people will inevitably lose something, not all of the admins are necessarily bad guys as such. In my own dealings with the programs covered on MNO I would say a lot of them are quite sporting in their attitude to the business. They don’t deny that it will end badly for some members but in the meantime will try to do their best to make sure that you get a fair and equal shot at making a profit. No guarantees but at least they give you a chance.

The admin of HYIPInnovation however is not one of these admins. Rather than give you a gamble like so many other admins do, he’s just out to deliberately rob you. How do I know this? Well, I think I’ll just let you read the latest newsletter from them first, and then I will explain in detail to anyone who doesn’t already know what the problem is:
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
Our sincere apologies for the not intentional delay in processing some of your recent withdrawal requests. Unfortunately, we’ve had several recently pending requests canceled by accident and corresponding funds went back to the account balances. This in fact happened on two occasions, but it should not repeat again.
This unwanted cancellations were due to our AlertPay system addition and deposits/withdrawal requests testing, as it was recently announced. Please bear with us and have a little patience to let us get back on track.
Your account earnings have not gone anywhere, kindly place new withdrawal requests and they will be processed in accordance with our terms of service.
Once again, our apologies for the inconveniences this event may have caused.
 Sincerely, Sean. HYIPInnovation”.

You see, what’s going on here is that HYIPInnovation does NOT have an AlertPay account. They never did and they never will! Contact AlertPay yourselves and ask them if you like. But let me save you the time and trouble here. The reason HYIPInnovation are pretending to use AlertPay is as a very simple ruse. By adding AlertPay more LibertyReserve investors might think “Oh! These guys seem serious. They might be around for a lot longer than I thought. Maybe I’ll invest a bit more”. But it’s just not going to happen! I mean come on! Doesn’t anyone else know anything about the HYIP industry here? How on earth does the testing of your AlertPay account result in LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payments getting canceled? It doesn’t. As it stands HYIPInnovation are still not officially accepting AlertPay (nor will they be, trust me) but for some reason this has still prevented payments to LR and PM, two processors with no connection whatsoever with AP. Sorry guys, but I am having an enormous problem believing that I am the only one here who thinks this is the absolute height of nonsense!

This admin is trying to play you all for a bunch of mugs. He’s trying to make fools of you and he’s laughing at you all while he’s doing it. But I’m pleased to say that finally MNO is not the only one warning about this now, and at least one other monitor also has this scam on Problem Status. HYIPExplorer, one of the more popular monitors at the moment I think, also has HYIPInnovation an Problem Status. You may not know this of course, because the HYIPInnovation admin has now altered the monitoring buttons of any website that gives an honest picture of the programs status. It’s my experience that NO program who ever does this will recover.

So to finish let me just sum it all up in two brief points:
1.To investorsHYIPInnovation is on the brink of collapse. Payments have stalled, a well rehearsed excuse that was written at least a week ago has been passed on to you in order to stop you complaining, but this program is finished now.
2.To the HYIPInnovation admin – Sir, you are a liar and a coward. The industry is a far better place without people like you, and I sincerely hope you will take your own advice and stay away from MNO when launching your next scam. I can get along just fine without you and there are plenty of sheep out there that will be happy to play along with you without asking too many questions. I will not be one of them however so please take your business elsewhere. If I recognize one of your programs on my list in the future, rest assured I shall have no hesitation in exposing you. Though just for personal amusement I’ll be glad to take the monitoring fee off of you first, lol!


Unfortunately, HYIPInnovation is not the only program that was moved to Problem status on MNO today. Two more programs the investments in which are not recommended at the moment include PaidJack and LedgerWallet both of which have been moved to Problem status on MNO today.

PaidJack appeared to be a pretty badly organized program with the disappointed lifetime of four months only which was just enough to be in slight profit for the program’s first members. I remind you that the program offered quite low returns of 7% weekly but due to its extensive advertising budget was considered as possibly the next industry leader. Sure, that was not about to happen as PaidJack stopped paying a few days ago and was already featured on Problem status on many monitoring sites. I was not able to move the program to Problem status until verifying that it’s not paying to my readers, and since I had no complaints submitted for those few days and could only verify its non-payment status today when I haven’t received the usual weekly profits myself everything became clear to me. Of course, with an option of withdrawing principal anytime with 10% fee some of PaidJack‘s smarter investors managed to be in profits anyway, provided they were not too greedy and demanded their principal to be paid back to them a week or so ago. Also I heard unconfirmed rumors that the admin of PaidJack might be the same person standing behind short-lived scam RiskCapitalFund which was even bigger disappointment, and most possibly the cashflow level of PaidJack might be severely affected by principal withdrawals of those investors who were dissatisfied with his service as an admin of RiskCapitalFund. But it’s just rumors and speculations. So it shouldn’t be taken lightly. What we know for sure right now is that PaidJack unfortunately scammed and lived online for four months only which is worse results than any short-term program show nowadays, if we compare the level of profitability for its members.

As for LedgerWallet, I do not get what is on admin’s mind at all. He behaved himself rather in a weird way since the first introduction of his program on MNO blog less than a month ago. Already in my review of his program it was stated that the admin of LedgerWallet might be the person standing behind the obvious scamming payment processor of eDollarPoint as he was the only person actually soliciting for acceptance of that shady payment processor in the first place. The mentioning of that scam in my review of LedgerWallet made the admin angry and he demanded to remove the part about that from the review. A couple of days ago I noticed that some of the monitors moved LedgerWallet to Problem status and just yesterday I realized that out of the blue and without actually making any announcement the investment plan on offer was suddenly changed from 1.5%-4% for 75 days to 1.2%-2.2% for 100 business days. This wasn’t the weirdest thing about that though but the thing that the admin actually came so far as to apply the newer lower rates of interest to the already deposited amounts made me think that his program might have some severe cashflow issues. I wrote to him about that issue last night and asked to explain the reason why the investment plan was changed. As you might imagine, no answer followed which prompted me to move LedgerWallet to Problem status today also taking into consideration the fact that no interest were credited to my account for a few days already. Anyway, the general impression about LedgerWallet – the program is totally abandoned and the admin doesn’t care to reply to any inquiries anymore. Neither do I, so the program will stay on Problem status on MNO for the time being. I would not recommend anyone to invest in LedgerWallet anymore!


I’m glad to report that not all the programs on MNO actually scammed of which I had my suspicions last night. The admin of ReProFinance (interviewed here) actually removed my doubts by replying properly to one concerned email I received from my reader. Also, despite of some delays with withdrawals from ReProFinance which were reported to me over the weekend by worried readers which used to be paid instantly otherwise, by now it looks like everything is back to normal and the payouts are processed fast as usual. So, I would like to admit I was wrong in my assumptions and ReProFinance still remains on Paying status on MNO.

I remind you that ReProFinance (reviewed here) remains the oldest listed program on MNO paying for nearly 600 days now on several investment plans accepted on the deposits via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days, 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days, 2.2% for 60 business days with principal returns on expiry of each plan. The recently announced fake Caribbean conference in the late January along with some recent delayed payouts raised some eyebrows but didn’t actually prevent ReProFinance from paying to their members. Let’s hope that trend will continue for months to come!

Today there was a short announcement published on the website of ReProFinance informing the members about yet another holiday on which the interest will not be credited to investors’ accounts. This day (Martin Luther King Day) is actually considered as a bank holiday and so observed by many HYIPs allegedly involved in some trading activities. Here is the latest from ReProFinance:
Martin Luther King Day 2012
Dear investors,
On January 16, 2012 all USA markets will be closed due to Martin Luther King Day. Therefore no profit will be credited to ReProFinance investor accounts today.


It looks like many other HYIPs listed on MNO also followed the example of ReProFinance and discovered that they can save some money by not paying to their investors on that day. Obviously, that was done because they can’t “trade” on those days and “make” profits. Well, let’s have a look at those programs that did that and announced today as a day without payouts.

Such announcement was made today by EurexTrade (reviewed here) which has been listed on MNO for over 300 days already and keeps paying variable returns of up to 2.9% daily to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts with no expiration date and principal return on request. In my opinion, such flexibility in daily rates of interest made EurexTrade such a popular program as it is now and provided the admin (he was interviewed on MNO here) and extensive platform to manage the program properly without having much cashflow issues. Hope EurexTrade will survive 300 more days as easily as it did already. Here is what I found on the website today:
U.S. Holiday, 16-th of Jan. Martin Luther King Day
Dear investors,
 On January 16, 2012 all USA markets will be closed due to Martin Luther King Day (official bank holiday). Therefore no profit will be credited to EurexTrade investment accounts.
Deposit and withdrawals are processing instantly as usual.

Another program with similar flexible returns of up to 3% variable returns for 180-240 business days and principal returned on expiry to LR and PM is SolidForexLtd (reviewed here). Although the program’s achievement is much more modest and it’s been online for only two and a half months it also makes it an attractive bite for some investors looking for fresh programs with big potential which I believe SolidForexLtd has. And just as EurexTrade, the admin said that the holiday would not affect the withdrawals which will still be processed instantly to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here is the holiday announcement from SolidForexLtd:
16/01/2012 – 01/16 Martin Luther King Day .
Dear investors
Our trading platforms will be closed on January 16, 2012 due the Martin Luther King Day celebrated in USA
During this time, profits will NOT be credited to users’ accounts, all withdrawal requests will be paid out as usual.

A weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) came earlier than usual this week and as you might imagine it was also connected with today’s celebration of Martin Luter King’s Day in the US which was very conveniently added by the program to the list of their observed holidays on which the usual profits on 1%-1.6% for 180 business days plan with principal return on expiry are not credited to members’ accounts. Apart from LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are usual options for such type of HYIPs FelminaAlliance also accepts AlertPay and even direct bank wire deposits. To take advantage of the lattest the members should request an email containing the necessary transfer details which they must use when depositing via wire. It’s very convenient that after direct wire deposit the profits gathered on one’s FelminaAlliance‘s account can be requested to either AP, LR or PM accounts which will save him on much bigger banking fees one should pay to take his money out. The problem that was described in the latest weekly newsletter was actually connected with non-receipt of such wire instructions on which the administration is diligently working to fix it. For now, the members of FelminaAlliance willing to take advantage of bank wires are advised to contact support in case they don’t receive the instructions to their email automatically as it’s discussed in the weekly newsletter from the program which full version you can read below:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is an official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
In has come to our attention that some of our customers may not have received the emails containing the instructions for sending the bank wire transfer deposits after submitting the requests. We are investigating this issue and have already revised the process of sending the instructions via email. Please do contact our customer support if you have not received the email containing the instructions within several hours from the moment you have submitted the request for instructions. You may also check the spam folder in your email account. At times emails from us may be put in there by mistake.
Today is January 16, 2012, Martin Luther King Day in the United States. It is one of the official holidays that we observe. So no interest will be paid today. According to our terms of service, no interest is paid on weekend days and official holidays.
Please find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This is the fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


The admin of FXMoguls Jason (interviewed here) makes everything possible to promote his program in the best possible way. He encouraged the members to post testimonials about his program on main forums promising to pay $10 bonus prizes to three lucky winners weekly, opened the program’s own forums and announced the deposit bonus of up to 11% on all the deposits of over 50% made in the investment plan offered by FXMoguls – 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal return on expiry. Originally, the minimum deposit was allowed starting from as low as $0.01 but since AlertPay was recently added as the third payment processor (in addition to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) the minimum was raised to $1 which is still pretty affordable to everyone. Today there was another useful feature announced that will make voting for the program easier for the grateful members which in turn will help raise FXMoguls in popularity on different monitors. As you might know, investors are usually quite lazy when it comes to voting on dozens of monitoring sites but the new Maxivote feature will allow them to vote in several websites in one go. The further instructions on how to do it when you want to vote for FXMoguls after you get paid are given in the latest newsletter from the program (reviewed here) which was issued today:
MaxiVote added to FXMoguls
Dear members,
This is just a very brief email to alert you to the fact that we have added a new feature to the FXMoguls website called Maxivote. Maxivote is a pretty unique piece of software that allows our members to vote at over 30 monitors automatically without having to visit them individually.
This will allow you to vote for FXMoguls after you have been paid and will only take around 3 minutes of your time in total. This feature has the potential to really increase the strength of the marketing that we are doing and increase the effectiveness of our rankings on the monitors that we have hired to monitor our program.
If you visit FXMoguls and look on the right hand side of the home page you will see a small maxivote banner. Simply click on the banner and follow the prompts. You will be asked to enter all of the normal monitor voting information but only one time.
Once you start the process maxivote will ask you to confirm a few turing numbers. Then it will automatically submit your vote to 29 of the monitors that monitor FXMoguls. You will receive confirmation emails from some monitors and it is as simple as confirming your vote and it will be added to their website thereby increasing our ranking and popularity with them. Please be sure to check your spam folder for some of the confirmation emails as some may end up in there.
This feature increases the financial stability of our program and allows us to dedicate funds to upgrading our website and offering you more innovative features rather than spending it on advertising.
We greatly hope that if you feel that we have done a good job thus far that you will take the time to vote after you have been paid.
Thank you. FXMoguls LTD Staff”.


The admin of LifeTimeProfits Lara seems to be a really candid person and he’s like myself think that compounding in HYIP industry is simply not safe and such an option would not be popular among the investors anyway. We all know that HYIPs are gamble, so what is the reason to keep the money in the system and let the admin fool you that you have multiplied your money tenfold while he might just stop paying you the day you are going to request your compounded interest and profits? Anyway, LifeTimeProfits is not using compounding on the offered 3%-5% for 50 business days plan and that means you can request your profits to be paid to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on a daily basis. Isn’t that how all the HYIPs supposed to work? Here is the latest short newsletter from LifeTimeProfits (reviewed here) regarding this matter:
We have received many supports requests asking if compounding is available for any of our plans. Please be informed that compounding is NOT applicable in our program, and we want to advise our valued investors to AVOID compounding in any program you invest with.
Shall you require any additional information, feel free to contact us any time.
Regards. Lara. LifeTimeProfits”.


If you were looking for a new short-term program accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on a huge variety of paid on expiry plans you should look no further but for EasyForexInvestment – the program that was listed on MNO’s monitor today. The program was launched two days ago, so the first payouts on expiry should have been paid already. The shortest plan provides you with profits after 1 day only and the longest one promises you to pay after 25 days. All the plans in EasyForexInvestment start from $10 and in a nutshell look as following – 105%-125% after 1 day, 117%-185% after 3 days, 130%-240% after 5 days, 170%-580% after 10 days, 400%-1800% after 25 days. Of course, I’m going to discuss the plans in more detail in my review of EasyForexInvestment tomorrow, but I’m sure you’re already getting the drift of which this program might look like. Here we see the whole package – generic plans for fast HYIP players, SSL-secured site hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by DdoSWiz and of course, a licensed GoldCoders script and a lot of monitors. The most important question though that the potential investors of EasyForexInvestment are going to ask is how long is the expected time of the processing of withdrawal requests – and the answer to that will be up to 9 hours maximum. Well, I will be able to confirm it tomorrow, when I’m hopeful to receive my first payment on 105% after 1 day plan.

I must say that I’m surprised that only after two days online EasyForexInvestment was already DdoS-attacked and apparently the website was offline for two hours today according to the news posted on the site:
DDos Attack
Dear clients, Our website was unavailable for two hours. We were exposed to very serious DDoS attack.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We tried to make our service more convenient for you and our server has been improved to prevent similar problems. If you have any questions about accident you can ask us in Live Support centre or use our support form.

I hope that such attacks would not be happening often, as this could damage any short-term program like EasyForexInvestment. It looks also that the admin is an experienced guy and it’s definitely not his first program of such kind. He’s very active and posting the news updates every day which should help him in keeping the investors’ interest for longer periods of time. Just read the first two updates that were posted in the News section of the website for the last couple of days since its first inception to know what I’m talking about:
Welcome to EasyForexInvestment.
EasyForexInvestment is progressive online investment program who works in the Currency Exchange market and we will happy to present our new web-site for investments worldwide.
In our program you can find excellent opportunity for investment money via internet.
Thank you for your interest to our program.
You can find our program at the most popular monitors
I am very pleased to announce that our program has a great start.
We start promotion at the most popular monitors and you can find this information in our page “Monitors” or “Rate Us”. If you have questions you can ask our Live Support centre and our operators can answer to all your questions.
Stay with us and we can meet your expectations.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas, OnlineInvest, RelaxCapital.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, OneInv, Royalty7, NewGNi, BaseBucks, ForexReflex, FXMoguls, GeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, WinningProfits, PlexCapital, IncomeInt.
From MNO Standard list: StrongDollars, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment.

That would be the end of today’s news, guys. Hopefully, you found the MNO’s update worthy of your attention and I hope to see you all on MNO blog tomorrow with another review and daily news from HYIP industry.

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