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18/07/2012. Interview with the Admin of ExpertKapital


Beware! ExpertKapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I don’t have much news for you today as I’ve just got home from my vacation in Finland (which was wonderful by the way!) so I’m just gonna take it easy this evening. What I do have for however is the following interview I received last night from Julie, the admin of a new online program called ExpertKapital. They’ve only been online a little over a week but have gotten off to a good start with a lot of investors expressing a degree of optimism, if not enthusiasm for their prospects.

Despite offering just one simple investment plan, a remarkably simple but profitable 7% for 22 days with principal included, ExpertKapital is still unique in many ways and a lot different from much of what you see in the industry at the moment. Julie explains much of this pretty well as we are about to see in her interview, but if you like what she has to say and would like further information on the program, I would of course suggest you start with the detailed review of ExpertKapital that was first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Julie, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

I am Julie Ballin, one of the Admins in I have been a part of this investment firm for over 8 years but was working offline in managing our client and trading portfolios that have expanded to around 650 since we began. Thus my exposure and experience in managing funds with my team has been a part of my regular professional duties for many years before the launch of this online program, So my firm believes in my abilities to handle all the duties that this position requires. Thus, I have been appointed to manage a part of the Administration.

2. Can you share some facts about the ExpertKapital business with us? How long have you been in operation? Are you the sole employee or do you have an assistant or a partner?

Sure. ExpertKapital was officially registered as an investment firm in 2010 right here in Bahamas by our trading partners although their ventures in commodity trading dates back to over 8 years ago. ExpertKapital, as you all know – is a week old. I am not the sole employee here. Our firm has 35 employees in various departments ranging from accounts and technical to support. I am one of the administrators here managing our support staff who control the HelpDesk, Email, Live Chat and Phone Support services in our firm.

3. As your program is very different to what most investors might be used to, can you talk us through a step-by-step guide in how to become a member of ExpertKapital and what happens afterwards?

Yes I would be happy to do that. Although our system appear very authentic to most investors, many of them have complimented its simplicity and effectiveness as they get accustomed to how it works. It is designed to cater to investors who seek for a hassle-free, automatic and simple investing program.

The investing process requires NO registration or logging in. To become a member in EK, you must be an active investor. So, to invest – click on the Invest Now button in the website and after filling in the form, submit it to proceed to deposit your fund. You will receive an email confirmation from our system confirming the receipt of your investment.

Our customized payment system processes payouts automatically in 24 hrs slots following the day you invest. You will not have to request for a withdrawal and wait for it to be processed. You just have to invest and relax for we will do the rest. Payouts are processed automatically and directly to your e-currency account daily.

4. What are you offering investors in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

EK has one simple plan. This plan pays a 7% profit daily for 22 days. So, in total an investor makes 154% from each deposit. The minimum investment is $10 and the maximum is $10,000. We do accept multiple investments from each investor and the same investing process must be followed for every investment. Each deposit will be treated separately but added under the same username. Profits will be paid separately too for more than one investment.

5. There’s no “members account area” in the traditional sense like most online programs have, is there? Can you explain how investors can keep better track of their money in that case, and why you think doing it this way is more beneficial than other programs?

No, we do not have member accounts online. Our entire database is programmed into our system for added security. Members who wish to access their accounts will simply have to send in Transaction Enquiries that will be automatically sent to their email. It will contain all account transaction details and updates. This unique system of maintaining a non-invasive database enables us to maintain a higher level of security for all private and confidential member information and account details. It also prevents the loss of valuable database that may otherwise occur during possible hacking/DDOS attack attempts. Our website has been completely protected from such incidents.

6. What payment processors are ExpertKapital currently dealing with? I heard you are in the process of adding SolidTrustPay, is that correct? Why does this take so long and is any progress being made?

We accept deposits in Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Payza for now. We are in the process of adding STP although they seem to be facing a lot of downtime and taking a long time to process our request too. They gave their website’s technical issues as a reason for the delay. We have been waiting for them and the last message from them stated that it should be completed in a few days. We are looking forward to adding STP next week.

7. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

Yes. I must say that we are very humbled by the warm acceptance this industry has given us in such a short span of time. Currently, in a matter of a week online, we have seen our investors’ milestone reach the 1500 mark. The total investments and withdrawals have reached astounding levels to the point that we prefer to not enter the digits here. But rest assured, the amounts are much higher than what most people might estimate. Lol!

8. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? I notice you have a “Live Chat” feature. Can you tell us what kind of schedule you keep there? What are the best times (GMT) to find an operator?

We have quite a few Support services for you to choose from. In fact, we even added a chat room for our members to interact both amongst themselves and with us. We do try and maintain an online status that lasts several hours a day. There is no fixed schedule for our operators as most of them have multiple responsibilities. But I must add that we do manage to stay online for several hours.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Yes, the most common queries come from people who still find our unique system complicated. Our system offers direct investments and payout. No registration. No login. No withdrawal Requests. Period.

You just click on the Invest Now button on the website and proceed to invest. You will receive an email confirmation shortly after your deposit is registered in the system and that will be all you need to do. It really is that simple!

If you need to access your account, just send in a Transactions Enquiry and you will receive the complete account details by email.

You do not have to make any withdrawal request. Payouts are made automatically every 24 hours from the next day for 22 days. They will be automatically sent directly to your e-currency account. You just have to invest and we will take care of the rest.

10. Can you tell us in detail about the security of ExpertKapital? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? Are you using SSL encryption? Explain why you have so many registered domains and how that will benefit the program and its members.

The ExpertKapital website security components are as follows:

ExpertKapital is available on 5 domains which are all hosted on DDOS protected dedicated servers. You may access our website on any of the following domain names:

They contain the same information and you can access any of the 5 domains. Even if any one of the domains turn inaccessible under any circumstance, you can continue to visit the other 4 domains which will remain unaffected. We have enabled server and network level Secured Port DDOS protection from Staminus on all the servers with a protection capacity of 5000 Mbps / 500,000 PPS.

Our website is SSL encrypted through Comodo. We have used the best of service providers for our security features and the frequent interaction between them and us ensures that our program is free from any technical or security issues for maximum efficiency.

11. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

We have provided elaborate details about our business and investment activities offline in our About Us page but to give a brief overview of it, let me begin by saying that our trading experts specialize in Commodity trading that is globally popular amongst both online and offline traders and investors.

We have our portfolio in some of the most respected International Exchanges such as The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), London metal Exchange (LME), Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) and the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX).

Our assets have been expanding exponentially annually with more business opportunities in other forms have found their way into our drawing board in recent times such as travel and tourism, crude oil, platinum generation and communications.
As Expert Kapital is barely a week old and our website is still in its primary stage – we are looking at adding more features and activity monitors to help our members keep track of the business operations here at Expert Kapital Ltd. This is expected to come into effect soon.

12. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by ExpertKapital. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

Well, being just a week old and with 1500 active investors – we must say that we are overwhelmed with the kind of support and encouragement that has come our way through members and monitors thus far. We have been making sure that our support services excel in quality and efficiency and the levels are maintained throughout. This, we think is one of the biggest positive traits of EK and we strive to maintain it.

As for advertising, we are looking at possible options of global outreach through various mediums. Our creative team is taking care of that and we believe they will come up with some great concepts in this area.

13. Are there any plans to develop ExpertKapital further in the near future? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many other options open to investors?

As I have said in the previous answer, we have reached an unprecedented level of members and investments in just one week. We are very pleased to know that all these months of effort and hard work is appreciated. We are working much harder now to make sure that every area of this program is covered to bring the best of services an online program can offer. Our 5 servers and domains make accessibility a ‘cake walk’ for everyone while our automatic payment system presents a complete hassle-free investing experience for EK investors. So, we are doing the best we can and our only aim is to make this program a long lasting and successful one.

14. And finally, is there anything you feel that wasn’t covered in this interview that you think the readers of MNO should be aware of? In particular feel free to comment on the review I published. Was there anything in it you felt unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification?

I believe everything has been covered in the questions above. We would like to, however, thank each one of our members and MNO readers for the continuing support and encouragement and hope to grow with each new day into a long lasting and successful program.

In regard to the review, I would like to thank you, Paul, on behalf of all of us at ExpertKapital for the professional and extensive review. We wish you the very best for your monitor and blog and hope that it will reach many more achievements in the future.

Thank you for this opportunity for us to connect with MNO readers worldwide. We truly appreciate this gesture.

That’s about it for this evening, guys. All that remains to be said is a big thank you to Julie for taking the time and effort to complete the interview questions and I do hope you found it both interesting and in some way helpful in deciding whether ExpertKapital is worth you taking a chance on or not. And of course good luck to all the current and future members there, I hope it’s a profitable experience for you all.

I’ll be back again tomorrow with a full news update from all the goings-on in the HYIP industry, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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