August 2012 Archives

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Beware! KBSInvestment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready start looking for some new money making opportunities from the web for the new business week. Already even on Monday I can tell you it’s going to be a busy one for me with MNO as I have several new programs lined up to examine in more detail between now and Friday. The first of these, though not exactly new, is one called KBSInvestment. It’s been online for around a month now and is a medium to long term HYIP that you may have noticed on other monitors. Exactly why it’s taken them this long to make their way to MNO I can’t really say, though it has to be said that KBSInvestment is unnecessarily complicated in places and without a proper explanation is something that may have put others off joining, or at least distracted them.

So let’s start with the investment plans, and that’s one thing KBSInvestment has in abundance. There’s eight of them in total, though they all fall into two basic categories: KBS Trial Fund which covers more medium term options and the KBS Basic Fund which covers the longer term ones.

Medium term options open with The KBS Silver Trial Plan which runs for 18 days. You can join for a $28 minimum spend. In return for that KBSInvestment make a daily interest payment of 0.8% per calendar day. At the end of the term your initial principal gets returned, bringing the total return to 114.4%. The maximum investment is $188.

For a minimum spend of $189 KBSInvestment have The KBS Gold Trial Plan. The term lengthens to 28 days and the interest rate, also paid by the day, goes up to 1.18%. The principal is then returned on expiry leaving you with a profit of 33.04%. The top deposit for this plan is $788.

The final medium term plan runs for 38 days and is referred to as The KBS Platinum Trial Plan. With a $789 minimum deposit requirement it’s a bit expensive to be treated as a simple “trial” plan, but that’s up to you. Interest payments are made on a daily basis at a rate of 1.38%, and at the end of the term KBSInvestment will return your principal. That should leave you with a total return of 152.44%, or your own money plus 52.44% profit. The maximum spend is $1588.

The longer term plans start with The KBS Silver Allocated Plan which runs for 68 days. At $288 to join it’s not cheap but is still more affordable than the last trial plan, though while being more profitable doesn’t make you a profit quite as fast. That’s because the interest rate goes up to 1.58% per day so will still take most of the term for that to happen. KBSInvestment return your principal on expiry, meaning your interest payments will have amounted to 107.44% net profit. The maximum deposit you can make here is $888.

Taking up where the last plan leaves off, KBSInvestment require a minimum investment of $988 to join The KBS Gold Allocated Plan. In return you can earn 1.68% interest per day, adding up to 131.04% on completion of the 78 day investment term. Your principal is then returned meaning the full 131.04% now becomes your net profit. The maximum you are allowed to deposit in this plan is $1,888.

For the remaining plans KBSInvestment change direction a little bit. The plans are for similar terms but the daily interest rate can fluctuate. They won’t be any less profitable than the previous options, that much is for sure, but you won’t be able to predict the final outcome either. Similar HYIPs in the past that made variable daily payments would frequently include an historical payments record where potential investors could gauge the previous payment rates and at least come up with an estimate of what an average payment might be. Unfortunately no such feature exists in KBSInvestment.

So The KBS Silver Unallocated Plan (note the subtle difference in the names, so don’t get them confused) runs for 78 days making daily interest payments that vary from 1.78% to 1.98% on deposits that start from a $988 minimum. It’s pointless me making any calculations for you on this one. You can do that yourself anyway but at the bare minimum it would still be more profitable than the previous plan. Just keep in mind that it would be a bit ambitious of you to expect the maximum payment every day. The maximum spend is $1,888 and your principal is returned on expiry.

Next up then for a minimum deposit of $1,988 deposit is The KBS Gold Unallocated Fund. Just like it’s predecessor, it too makes variable interest payments. The term stretches to 98 days this time however, and the rates can swing anywhere between 1.78% to 2.08% per day. The top deposit is $8,888 and KBSInvestment promise to return your principal on expiry. Again any calculations would be purely guesswork so not worth doing, but don’t expect to be getting the top rate all the time.

And finally something I’m going to include purely for information purpose is The KSB Perth Mint Certificate Fund. Sounds bit of a mouthful, but with a $9,888 minimum required to join I guess it won’t go any further than curiosity value for most. But if you want to know then the term runs for 38 days with daily interest payments ranging from 2.08 to 2.28% per day with KBSInvestment returning your principal at the end. The top deposit is $98,888.

Despite so much imagination going into the investment plans, a disappointing effort was made on the payment options. KBSInvestment are only taking LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, and after a month online there’s nothing to indicate that’s going to change. If anything goes wrong you’re literally pretty much on your own as regards any kind of support from your payment processor, so forget about refunds and spend accordingly. Payments are made manually and need to be requested from inside your KBSInvestment members area. The admin should then have the transaction completed within 24 hours. As I already mentioned in the plan descriptions that payments are currently made to your account on calendar days. Starting from September however this changes to business days only, so remember this if joining and don’t complain about it later because you have been given plenty of advance warning on the change. Also when joining the first requirement is to fund your account. After that you will need to re-distribute the money between whatever plans you are interested in. Given the high cost of some of them I guess the choice is practically made for most of the smaller investors anyway, but that’s how it works.

One of the most impressive features to KBSInvestment is its design, though good as it is it may also be something of a drawback due to it being a little confusing. I mean it’s not that difficult to navigate or even to understand, but what I mean is it can be a little tricky to separate the usual HYIP industry spiel about how successful the admin is at “trading” and find the information that you may actually need. What’s useful gets kinda buried under what’s not. Once you get past all that you’ll see that KBSInvestment is actually quite a solid website, very professionally made, and with some unique features that include a number of instructional videos.

The script is what first caught my eye, being totally unique and custom designed especially for the program, and also an indication of the work put into developing the project therefore how seriously it’s been taken by its admin (not that this guarantees the safety of your investment, but few admins go to this much effort and expense for a fast scam). The KBSInvestment website is hosted on a dedicated server with support and (the admin assures me) a very high level of DDoS protection by LeaseWeb. Also in place is SSL encryption from GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

For any support questions or account related issues then the admin can be contacted by a variety of methods. Telephone numbers from both the UK and Canada are listed, and there’s a ticketing form where you can fill in your details, the nature of your enquiry, and submit. This service is also available in Russian if that makes things any easier for you, and you have a Live Chat feature for direct discussion with an operator to get your questions answered in real time. Or else you can just e-mail them directly at one of the e-mail addresses listed. In a sort of weird homage I’m guessing to the Reservoir Dogs movie KBSInvestment have a list of admins referring to themselves only by colors, like Mister Black, Mister Orange, and so on. Just hope the program doesn’t finish up the same way as the movie, lol!

There’s a wealth of reading material throughout the KBSInvestment website, some of it really quite interesting though most of the articles are sourced from other financial news related websites. The content relating to the KBSInvestment website and program as a HYIP is quite original though, as is the design and retro style graphics. The business interests allegedly held by the program are all in the area of gold and silver trading, all quite interesting but again utterly without substantiation. It really is set apart from other programs in most ways, except one – it’s still an online HYIP. And impressive as it might look at first, it’s not without its flaws. So if you’re going to press ahead and join KBSInvestment then it’s best for yourself to do so as part of a wider and more diverse portfolio, and of course comfortably within a spending limit that’s affordable to your income.



The admin of KISnP Zepp (interviewed here) sent out another newsletter over the weekend containing some important information about adding their fifth payment processor PexPay which joins SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The program is now ranked #2 on MNO’s Premium list and I believe the addition of PexPay and the coming implementation of the features aimed at sustaining the payouts for the long run as discussed in my previous article on KISnP will lead to even more popularity. Of course such exposure also leads to attempts by some people at blackmail and extortion. That’s what happened to KISnP this weekend too when the site was brought down for a few hours by a DDoS attack which was successfully mitigated shortly afterwards by their provider EasyCloud. The result of that attack however was that the deposits were not instantly added to members’ accounts automatically after making an investment. So please make sure to carefully check it again and contact the admin in case you don’t see the investment made into one of the various plans being offered by KISnP (reviewed here) – 1.1% per business day forever, 6.25% weekly forever, 30% monthly forever, 4.5% for 50 business days or 3.75% for 80 business days. Here is the latest newsletter in full:

KISnP Update: Back from Attack, Missing Deposits, New Processor Added
Hi Members,
KISnP was down earlier for 3 hours due to a large scale DDoS attack from some extortionist asking for us to send them $750.
So far, our hosting provider were able to mitigate the attack completely and now KISnP is back up running smoothly and fast.
And they also gave us a better solution so we can be more resilient to future attacks and will lessen the down times.
However it seems that crediting automatically of deposits in all processors got affected. And we already informed our programmer about the issue and he will check it and fix the errors so everything will be back to normal very soon.
So to those who made a deposit and will make a deposit, while errors are not yet fixed, after sending your deposits and it was not credited into your accounts, please just click the Report a Missing Deposit link inside your member’s area and provide all the needed details then submit it so I can cross check them and afterwards manually activate your deposits.
Also we would like to announce that we now added Pexpay as our fifth accepted payment processor.
Pexpay offers ACH deposit and withdrawal to US members and currently offering a promo of lower fees for Bank Wire for International members.
To those who does not have an account with them yet, you can sign up HERE.
Their verification is really fast and they also process deposits and withdrawals fast.
So those are the important updates for today.
If anyone is having issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email.
And would like to say thank you to all those who sent me an email regarding their take and opinion about the incoming implementation of the new features to KISnP.
We are very glad to say that majority of the feedback is positive and most seen them as beneficial for everyone in the long run.
Enjoy the rest of your weekends everyone and God Bless us all.
Admin, Zepp.


And just today I received also an email from PexPay customer support informing me about the first two HYIPs (which incidentally are the two largest in the industry now) starting to use their services. They are of course NewGNi and KISnP. More on that can be read in the following newsletter from PexPay which is the newest payment processor with a lot of potential to be a hit:

New Merchants
Hello PexPay Customer,
Hope this email finds everyone doing well. We wanted to take a moment to let you know that we have two new programs that are now using PexPay for their payment processing needs.
The two programs are: added last week. added yesterday.
As new merchants announce that they are adding our service we will try to update the news section, so please check it out for the most up to date information. Here is the link.”.


Perhaps following the example of KISnP the admin of InflexCapital Andrew (interviewed here) has decided to change their hosting provider from the former GeniusGuard that gave him some headaches with frequent downtimes for the last few days to the more reliable CloudFlare which it seems gets more popular among HYIP admins all the time now. Also the admin reported increased growth in InflexCapital for the last few days which is hopefully also a result of MNO promotion and him being available on my ShoutBox to answer some questions too. Paying 2%-4% for 22 business days with principal back on expiry to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve accounts InflexCapital is currently in its second month online and I believe is moving in the right direction with stable and timely payouts (only processed from Monday to Friday by the way), and the quality level of communication Andrew provides to his members. Here is the latest newsletter from InflexCapital (reviewed here) in full:

Dear members of InflexCapital,
Today, we are announcing with great delight that we are now protected by CloudFlare, a top-notch server protection company that helps accelerate websites to help enhance your browsing experience!
This announcement should perhaps come as no surprise to some of you because following some erratic downtimes two days ago, we decided that it would be too much of a risk to let this happen again. As such, it is only a logical move forward to further secure our site, and see that downtimes should be the least of your concerns. Hopefully with this new protection in place, we can put downtimes behind us and move forward, as we have for the past month and a half.
InflexCapital has grown quite substantially since our first days online. We have a strong, supportive member base and it is great to know that you guys have our backs. Your continuous support has driven us to scale new heights, to do better than we did yesterday, and to continue to provide top-notch service. With that said, we are looking to add a new Testimonials page on InflexCapital, and we would love it if you could submit a word or two about what you think to our support team. Your name and comment will be placed on InflexCapital, and hopefully that will serve to inspire confidence in others, just as we have inspired you to join us.
For some of you that are not familiar with our payout schedule, we have now included both server and payout times on our home page. The differences: Server time is used to track when your interests will be credited, whereas Payout time is used to find out when your payout will be processed. Our current payout schedule is set at 7am and 7pm GMT -6 from Monday to Friday. Therefore, if you have any questions about when your payout will be processed, please take a look at our home page.
That is all for today, and we are proud to have you onboard! We are targeting the top in the industry, and with your support, we believe that future is not too far ahead.
Andrew Lucas
CEO InflexCapital.


It’s sad to see that two more programs – AProfit and WealthFreedomFund – had to be moved to Problem status on MNO today.

I assume AProfit was really badly damaged by the whole LibertyReserve issue which happened over the weekend and severely affected the cashflow for many programs. Since AProfit has been online for over two months already it was vital for its whole survival to be able to maintain the uninterrupted cashflow which was affected by the LR issues and might be one of the main reasons for its collapse. Of course these is just speculation as the admin Denise never bothered to answer my emails anymore, but at the same time didn’t forget to make a last push by introducing a new investment plan paying 110% after 1 day of which I did received a notification:

New Investment Plan Added 110% after 1 day
Dear members,
We are glad to announce that a new investment plan has been added. You can earn 110% after 1 day. And each one can only invest once in this plan.
Best Wishes
AProfit Team”.

Please be aware that such tricks are very old and honestly, it’s used so often by HYIP admins trying to scam the last few pennies that I don’t believe it will work for this admin the way they expect. Failed payouts and complaints are all over the forums and monitors now and I don’t believe anyone would be so careless as to invest there. For all the newbies though I would still try to be the voice of reason and ask you all to stay away from investing in AProfit. It’s a pure scam now with Problem status pending Scam status on MNO!

The second program moved on my monitor tonight was WealthFreedomFund. The program was only featured on MNO for ten days and in total was able to survive for one full 20-day cycle, so I can’t quite call it as successful as AProfit. Please note that the payments to STP are still being made by the admin of WealthFreedomFund but LR payouts have stopped completely now. Mine has been pending for over 36 hours now with the promised timeframe of 24 hours. The admin fails to reply to my emails and I can safely assume the program is gone now. Please refrain from investing there as it’s a suspected scam at the moment!


You might have noticed that Finvance increased its advertising activities recently and purchased a banner on MNO blog for a month a few days ago. Just last night I published an interview with its admin (who calls himself the President, lol!) Mark giving a detailed explanation of everything I needed to know (read it here). In addition to that, just last week two more payment processors were added to Finvance so now you can also invest via EgoPay and SolidTrustPay alongside LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which were featured when I first reviewed the program almost a month ago (click here to read it). Please note that EgoPay deposits are credited to your account manually for the time being of which Mark also mentioned in his latest update. Finally, today is the day when the first deposits in Finvance in the 8% for 20 business days plan have to expire and the second cycle will continue. I hope that all these activities including the latest interview on MNO will help Finvance catch the attention of potential investors. Here’s the latest update from them:

Finvance News Update
Finvance President, Mark Jacobson was interviewed by Paul Abramson of Money-News-Blog. You may read the interview in its entirety here:
To round up our last week additions to Finvance, SolidTrustPay and Egopay were both added to Finvance as additional payment processors. You can make a SolidTrustPay deposit from your account panel. To make an Egopay deposit, just deposit from your account to our account: and your account will be credited.


Please note that OneInv (reviewed here) is going to be a scam very soon and the first signs of that are already clear. Just like with the other programs run by the same admin he is again up to his old tricks offering MasterCard Debit Cards to members which obviously cannot be issued by a ponzi-scheme which OneInv basically is. I have already warned my readers about the dangers of investing in those on-expiry plans cleverly disguised as the daily paying plans. However some investors didn’t listen to my advice and invested anyway. In this case their deposits will expire pretty soon and here is what is going to happen then. The admin will refuse to pay you and give some stupid reason that you are in urgent need of a non-existent MasterCard which he will be glad to sell you for a small fee. Maybe it will not even be for sale, and he will offer it for free but which you will have to verify your home address and submit all types of sensitive information which you would not want to be in hands of some serial scammer. Then it’s just a matter of days and weeks of waiting for your “debit card” to arrive by post. More excuses will follow, as the mail is delayed, more information needed to post, etc. All will result in just another scam by OneInv, and therefore you shouldn’t invest in that program under any plan anymore, as the admin prepares the final scam:

OneInv Master Debit Card
OneInv Master Debit Card now is available.
Its easier for members to withdraw or funding your LR or PM account or direct fund your debit card by transfer money from your OneInv account balance.


The admin of Dynasty7 informed his members today of the opened Facebook page and invites you to participate. I believe that Facebook is a good tool to communicate with investors but only if the admin actually tries to maintain it and updates it with the latest news from his program. It looks to me that this admin has managed to do it so far and I can see that the latest message left there was about the recent review of Dynasty7 which was published on MNO over the weekend (click here to read it). In a nutshell, Dynasty7 is a program paying 7%-9% for 20 business days on $10 minimum deposits which can be made via all the popular e-currencies – EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here’s the latest short newsletter the admin sent today:

Dear Members
Dynasty7 now have fans page on Facebook now. We will update latest news and feedback on Facebook. Please join and follow us on Facebook Fans Page.
Please visit OUR FACEBOOK PAGE for up to date news and updates.


I think the admin of Absolutiva made an absolutely right and reasonable decision in upgrading his program to Premium listing on MNO. It will certainly give him better exposure and a free 125×125 advertising banner for the lifecycle of his program on my blog and also his program will be able to participate in MNO ratings and interviews. By the way, I’m sending the interview questions to the admin of Absolutiva Harry and despite his busy schedule with his program I hope that he will be able to take some time aside and answer my questions so the interview could be published on MNO soon. Absolutiva has been featured on MNO for over three weeks offering two main investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.4%-2% for 120 business days and 7.5%-10.5% for 30 weeks. Currently they accept four payment processors in LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and even PayPal. The minimum starts from $10 and the admin is also pretty communicative as you can see on the MNO ShoutBox often. More info about Absolutiva‘s main features are in my detailed review posted here.


A brand-new program has been added to Standard Listing on MNO today – BGTGroups. The program is obviously trying to play the field of such industry giants like NewGNi and KISnP offering a slightly higher return than them and also with no expiry date – 1.2% per business day forever and 7% weekly forever – with an opportunity to withdraw your original principal after a lock-in period of 180 calendar days. Currently SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are all accepted as payment processors. The minimum starts at $20 for the Daily paying plan and the admin promises to process payouts on every business day (Monday to Friday). Even the script BGTGroups is running off is none other than Shadow Script which is also used for NewGNi and includes the necessity to fund your internal e-wallet in the program first before making investments to the plan of your choice. The layout of the website looks like a template to me as I saw several programs using the same layout in the past. BGTGroups site is hosted with Gossimer on its dedicated server and the admin claims to be fully DDoS-protected by Dragonara. The name BGTGroups which stands for Best Global Trading Groups is officially registered in the UK as a company though it’s not a guarantee of anything as it can be done online, quickly and anonymously. I guess that is all the essential information you need to know about BGTGroups for now and more details will be in the upcoming review on MNO blog to be published soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list711Finance, PerfectLiberty.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, OneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTradeDividendService, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, Finvance, Ivecon, GeniusCapital, SafeRisk, InflexCapital, WestFinanceGroup, MegaProfitAds, MutualAssets, StockFunds, DonaldsGroup, KBSInvestment, Daily2Profit (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, InternationalForexLLC, Dynasty7.
From MNO Basic list: YachtWealthClub.

That’s all I have to report on MNO for today. Please stay tuned for another review tomorrow and the latest news from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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