Beware! YachtWealthClub has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! Continuing with the latest batch of new programs to be added to the MNO monitoring list, before tonight’s news section I want to look at a short term HYIP called YachtWealthClub. You may have noticed this one already on my monitor but had only been found under the Basic List until now, when the admin saw the light and decided to upgrade to Premium. Before we get to a more detailed look at the program’s features I should just say that YachtWealthClub has already been online since mid July, and several cycles of their investment plans have been successfully completed without any problems that I am aware of.
YachtWealthClub are offering two investment plans, both of which I think by short term HYIP standards are actually quite sustainable. There may well be others that offer more money, but not so many that could keep the payments ticking over so long. And that’s really the first priority. So anyway the first choice is called The Caribbean Plan (you’ll notice everything on YachtWealthClub has a kind of nautical theme) and it can be joined for $10. The term runs for 7 calendar days, during which you will receive a daily interest payment. On expiry of the 7 days your principal is then returned. The amount you get paid is determined by the amount you invest, and the rates are as follows:
From the $10 minimum up to $500 YachtWealthClub are paying 3% per day. That will generate 21% net profit at the end of the term in addition to your own money.
Bigger investments between $501 and $2,000 can expect a daily payment of 3.25% for the plan’s duration, adding up to 22.75% net profit at the end when your principal gets handed back.
And for deposits starting from $2,001 up to a relatively conservative $5,000 maximum (though why you’d seriously need to spend that much is something I don’t see) YachtWealthClub are paying 3.5% interest per day. On top of your own money back on expiry that yields a net profit of 24.5%.
A marginally longer term option, though in real terms barely noticeable, is The Mediterranean Plan. Clocking in at 10 calendar days in length, YachtWealthClub require a rather more hefty $50 minimum to join. As a reward your interest rates which are again paid out by the day. Rates are as follows:
A $50 deposit up to $5,000 this time gets you a daily payment of 4%. Once your principal is returned on expiry that leaves you with 40% net profit.
Not that I imagine many people would go past that, but if you’re interested then a deposit from $5,001 up to $8,000 will earn you 4.25% per day, totaling at 42.5% net profit when your principal is returned.
And finally the most expensive offer from YachtWealthClub is for deposits from $8,001 up to the maximum accepted amount of $12,000. The rate is 5% per day giving you a profit of 50% when your original principal is returned on expiry of the term.
One major plus to the program is that YachtWealthClub are accepting all the most popular payment handlers, at least in the HYIP industry anyway. The almost universal names of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are joined by newcomers but up and coming industry name EgoPay as well as the ever reliable SolidTrustPay. Also accepted are direct bank wires, though I’d imagine a whole new set of rules comes into play if using this option, e.g. substantially bigger deposit and withdrawal minimums, etc, so best contact the YachtWealthClub admin for information on that if interested. But going through the usual HYIP channels means that all payouts are made manually so you will need to request them from inside your YachtWealthClub account area. Once done the maximum waiting time specified by the admin is 24 hours for all transactions to be completed.
Regarding the design and security of the whole thing, well, I’d think it’s fair to say that YachtWealthClub seems up to a reasonable industry standard. Average, nothing spectacular, but at the same time no obvious flaws and nothing overlooked. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection supplied by Koddos, and the website is using SSL-encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. There’s also a decent support network, better than average in fact given that not only do YachtWealthClub have a Live Chat feature, unusually for the industry theirs actually works. Other than that you can also forward any questions or account related issues on to the admin by filling in the online support ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. You’ll also notice a phone number and mailing address in Malta, though is of course a serviced office and you’d be unlikely to find anyone from YachtWealthClub (or possibly even anyone who’s heard of them) were you to call in. it’s common practice in the HYIP industry as most experienced players will know, though it does make them look more professional in the eyes of the newbies I suppose. They are also maintaining Facebook and Twitter accounts, and while activity hasn’t exactly been hectic on either, YachtWealthClub are at least making better use of them than the average HYIP.
As far as the alleged business activities of the program backing the whole thing up are concerned, I have to hand it to the admin on this one. Just when I thought I’d heard every possible half baked story out there YachtWealthClub come up with something new. In this case they are supposedly involved in the buying, selling, and renting of luxury sailing craft in the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas. Running an online HYIP seems to be an odd way to go about financing that, but hey, at least it’s more original than anything I’ve heard recently. OK, I’m not out to look cynical here, and at the end of the day it’s up to you guys to assess what you do with your own money and the risks involved. A month online might seem long for a shorter term program like this but you need also to consider that the returns being paid out are more sustainable that a lot of others programs with similar terms, and that’s something I think would give a lot of people a more relaxed attitude to this one. But do keep in mind that there are no guarantees in this industry, so if planning on spending a few bucks in YachtWealthClub then make sure you can afford to lose what you spend first. And of course try to make better use of them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
I would like to start the news for today with a worrying message about 711Finance which possibly turned into a scam today. Why possibly? Well, it’s because the admin herself was pretty active on the MNO ShoutBox today and in front of 70 members online denied all the allegations of both selective payouts and cashflow issues her program might have been experiencing now due to severe payment delays. Just exclusively on MNO ShoutBox the admin said that due to the double-checks to eliminate referral cheating it would take more time to process the payouts. The question why the existing pending withdrawals to both LR and PM cannot be paid at the moment remained unanswered. Instead Amanda, the admin of 711Finance promised to cancel all the currently pending withdrawal requests and allow members request only one payout per 24 hours and to one payment processor while the payouts themselves are going to be made within 48 hours instead of yesterday’s promise of 8 hours. At the time of writing no change in the FAQ has been made yet, no withdrawals (at least, in my account) were canceled, no news update issued and obviously no payments done. Another question arises why Amanda would want to cancel all the pending payouts and make them within 48 hours while yesterday 8 hours was more than enough for her. Anyway, it looks more like stalling tactics from my point of view now and though I truly appreciate Amanda was able to come to the MNO ShoutBox today and explain everything in her own words I would like to warn you about possible cashflow issues in 711Finance and advise you to stay away from investing there. The admin pledges to recover and regain its Paying status on MNO in a couple of days, and I will gladly give her such an opportunity, but not at the expense of the current members who might not get the proper information on other resources or have been misinformed in other way. So until the payouts from 711Finance resume (if they ever are going to resume!) the program stays on Problem status on MNO and is a suspected scam until proven otherwise. Please refrain from making any additional deposits at this point and watch MNO blog as I will keep you informed if anything changes. By the way, I have just noticed the MNO logo has been removed from 711Finance‘s rating page which might be further evidence that the program is not going to return.
According to the latest newsletter from the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (interviewed here) the latest webinar for the program was a huge success and hundreds of members participated in the Q&A session. I personally did not attend attend (lack of either time or interest) but got some information from someone who was actually there that only 30+ members took part and that “Ragnar” looked very surprised and was not able to answer some rudimentary Forex related questions until consulting Google or Wikipedia. That’s quite odd for a man claiming to know how to make money for his investors, but as with any HYIP nothing appears as it seems and it takes BensonUnion an enormous effort to persuade members they’re involved in something better than a ponzi-scheme. I would not be surprised if for the next scheduled webinar in October “Ragnar” would be either unable to participate for some reason or will be replaced by someone more professional when it comes to answering Forex-related questions. Anyway, BensonUnion has some ambitious plans for the future while trying to establish a proper call-center where you can request a callback and even offering a video appointment with management of the program. I will be watching the developments of BensonUnion carefully on MNO and will keep you informed of any changes as they occur. As a reminder to you all, BensonUnion has been online for about seven months which enabled many early members to profit from its offered 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days investment plans. And I hope that in a month from now, after the first original deposits are to be returned to members it will not affect the program badly and BensonUnion will be able to keep the momentum by paying instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and also allowing bank deposits and withdrawals. For more info on BensonUnion you can always refer to my original review published here and for the latest update please check out the newsletter below:
“BensonUnion official newsletter
Dear investors! BensonUnion debut webinar took place on Monday. Ragnar Wellington, the CEO of BensonUnion, answered all questions and provided some information about upcoming updates. Hundreds of our clients participated in this event. The next webinar is scheduled for October and we are absolutely sure it will be even more global and professional. We are getting ready the callcenter where any active or potential client will be able to give a call and get assistance on 5 languages. It will be Two-Side customer service with callback option. Just submit a callback request and you will be called by our customer service operator speaking on your native language. Also there will be a chance to schedule a video appointment with management of BensonUnion. Video appointment option will be available for every active client with a deposit exceeding $1,000. We will keep you informed once these updates are implemented in BensonUnion website. Stay tuned!”
As DecoFunds is going to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow I’m glad to announce that finally the first payment from them was received today so I moved it to Paying status on my monitor. As promised by the admin of DecoFunds in the newsletter issued late last night, today the program has changed hosting provider to Koddos and its server to a proper and DDoS protected dedicated one. In addition to that, SSL was installed too which makes the program more appealing to investors. After that was finished the pending withdrawals were processed too as was promised in that email:
“Server Migration
Dear DecoFunds members
We are almost finish with the server migration, we have move to a dedicated server, as of now our site load faster, we are also in the process of adding SSL for added security.
All payment will be process withing 24 hours.
Thank You”.
Before the review of DecoFunds is done tomorrow I would like to remind you that the program accepts all the popular payment options including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. There are three main investment plans on offer paying 6% for 50 days, 10% for 20 days and 15% for 10 days. For more information on them and the program’s other features please don’t forget to check my review of DecoFunds tomorrow.
Please beware of emails being circulated at the moment disguised to look like they come from EurexTrade. The program itself never sends any mass emails to the members and only post occasional updates on the website itself. So it should be pretty obvious to everyone that offering some ridiculous plans like 200% after 10 days and asking for the money to be sent directly to some LR account is a scam offer which leads you nowhere and by participating in this scheme you will only lose money. Here an example of this email which is NOT really from EurexTrade but republished here simply as a warning:
“EurexTrade New Investment Plan
Dear Valued Customer!
We are happy to inform that we start a new short-term investment plan for limited time till Aug 25, 2012. you will get 200% after 10 days.
Minimum deposit is 100$ and maximum is $1,000,000
you can deposit in this plan thought LibertyReserve office website. all payments will be sent your LR account directly. NO need to reuqest withdrawal.
We are happy to gain your business and to serve your investment needs!
If you need additional assistance with your EurexTrade account, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
EccPub – Invest With Confidence!”
As for the real EurexTrade program, it’s actually the oldest entry on MNO with the program very famous now for its longevity (running for 530+ days!) and stability of instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The program’s rate of interest changes every business day and can climb as high as 2.9% daily on your investment with them which can start with from as low as $10. According to my review with them published more than a year ago (click here to read it) you can also get the principal back from EurexTrade on request and I know that this was the practice until recently. Anyway, even despite that EurexTrade has become a legend and an example for other admins of how such a program offering low but steady returns can run not for months but for years. I can only respect the admin of EurexTrade for this uninterrupted service provided for 530 days already and would invite you to read an interview with him published here. Perhaps you will find some fresh information there that will allow you to look at the HYIP industry from a fresh angle. EurexTrade is currently ranked as #5 on MNO and I’m truly surprised why it hasn’t reached a higher position yet, but perhaps it’s due to the low returns which would also explain why it’s been running so long while flying under the radar. But if that really makes EurexTrade run longer I don’t mind so keep it going this way!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, OneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, BensonUnion, DividendService, PlexCapital, Finvance, Ivecon, GeniusCapital, SafeRisk, InflexCapital, MegaProfitAds, WestFinanceGroup, MutualAssets, StockFunds, DonaldsGroup, Absolutiva, YachtWealthClub, KBSInvestment, DecoFunds (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Dynasty7, BGTGroups (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, Profit4Saving.
That’s it for tonight, guys. Have a nice evening and see you all tomorrow with more news and a more detailed analysis of the much improved DecoFunds. See you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Aug 15th, 2012. 3 Comments.
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