August 2012 Archives

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Beware! RoyalMaxDealers has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! It’s been a surprisingly busy day on the news front so I have more than I expected to catch up with tonight. I guess with the ongoing situation at LR a lot of admins need to keep their members updated and pretty much just keep their names out there in the public eye lest anyone forget about them. So I’ll get to all that in the news section later, but first I want to start with a closer look at a program just added to my monitoring page called RoyalMaxDealers. This is a short to mid term HYIP that some of you may already be familiar with, given that it’s been online for something like three weeks now. So while RoyalMaxDealers might not be exactly brand new, they have completed a minimum of one cycle in every plan they offer so there’s no reason why some readers wouldn’t be well into profit already if you joined at the right time.

Of course, when I say “every” plan has completed at least a single cycle, RoyalMaxDealers only has two of them. One that makes daily payments and one that pays you once on expiry. They both have their merits I guess so it’s a matter of the investor’s individual needs to determine which is better. Or if you prefer there’s nothing to stop you from splitting your money between both plans, assuming your joining RoyalMaxDealers at all in the first place that is.

I’ll start with the daily plan as I would suspect it’s going to be slightly more popular, RoyalMaxDealers first require you make a minimum deposit of just $5, which is a bargain by most industry standards. The plan then runs for a term of 18 calendar days with RoyalMaxDealers paying you 11% interest on your deposit every day. They count your principal as part of those payments so that will not be returned at the end. But on the final day your payments will add up to 198% in total, so that’s your own money plus 98% profit. Almost double your money back.

Or to put it in monetary terms a simple $100 investment gets you back $11 every day for 18 consecutive days. You earn back an amount equivalent to your original deposit after ten days, and after that it’s all profit. You should then finish up with $198 in total. By the way, RoyalMaxDealers take a maximum deposit of $20,000 for this plan.

The second option is even more simple. It has the drawback of being less profitable but the advantage of getting it to you much faster. It runs for 10 calendar days, and at the end of the term RoyalMaxDealers will make one single repayment to the amount of 150% interest, principal included. So that’s your own money back plus 50% profit. You can still join for the same $5 minimum and spend anything you like up to $20,000.

RoyalMaxDealers are accepting all four main payment processors, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are made manually and so need to be requested from inside your RoyalMaxDealers members account area. Once the withdrawal is requested the admin requires 24 hours to pay make sure the transaction is completed.

As for the design and security of the site, it’s up to an acceptable standard for the industry. The RoyalMaxDealers website is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. They are hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by AntiDDos who have earned a solid reputation in protecting programs against DDoS attacks over the last couple of years. At least I can’t really remember any of the programs they hosted having any serious downtime issues, not the ones I monitored anyway.

If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues need dealing with then you can get in touch with RoyalMaxDealers by a variety of ways. Firstly there’s the usual online ticketing form that you can fill out and submit, but also you can just mail them directly at the e-mail address provided. RoyalMaxDealers have a Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time, and have a telephone number if you want to give that a try, though it does specify this is for business hours only. Lastly RoyalMaxDealers have a postal address listed in the UK, though I recognized as one of countless serviced offices available purely for registration and message forwarding, ie RoyalMaxDealers won’t actually be there if you dropped by. You’ll also find them on Facebook.

The actual written content of the website gives next to no information about what goes on behind the scenes with your money. Some vague references to “the market” (whatever that means!) are made on the homepage, but it may as well be the local farmer’s market as far I’m concerned because there is nothing to suggest there’s anything backing payments up to existing members other than new deposits from new members. And until proven otherwise that’s how I suggest you treat RoyalMaxDealers. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to live without if things don’t go your way and if joining RoyalMaxDealers at all then do so as part of a well balanced and diverse portfolio.



It looks like we have to face two more days of downtime from LibertyReserve as announced on their blog this morning. And the first person who spotted that and let his members know was the admin of HYIPla (reviewed here) Jeff who’ll be interviewed on MNO tomorrow. Anyway, LibertyReserve is down and it’s not the case that it’s going to be online by tomorrow as promised. They might as well extend their downtime for a few more days while figuring out what to do with their flawed and unsecured system and/or the money they have stolen when blocking the accounts of hundreds of their own members. Well, what good can you expect from a scam payment processor with an already tainted reputation? So just hold your breath and be prepared for when LR eventually comes back online it will be not for the better but for the worse.

Anyway, problems with LibertyReserve obviously prevented the admin of HYIPla paying members via LR, but the payments to PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay remain instant and are processed like clockwork. I myself got paid a few times today and I believe many members are satisfied with getting paid instantly from the 12% for 12 business days plan offered by the program. Here is the latest update from HYIPla where they also quoted the latest LibertyReserve update:

Latest News From Libertyreserve
Hello members,
We got the latest news on
“Liberty Reserve will be unavailable:
From August 20 until August 22,
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.”
Sincerely, HYIPla Admin”.


I believe that the admin of EurexTrade Christopher (interviewed here) seems like a smart enough guy. Of course he is, otherwise he would not be able to run his program for a breathtakingl 540 days. The program is just the best as investors who joined it from the beginning are still enjoying a totally passive income of up to 2.9% per business day paid at various rates which can be withdrawn daily and instantly to their LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts (more about the oldest program on MNO EurexTrade can be read in my detailed review posted here). Anyway, obviously seeing the latest LibertyReserve troubles and therefore the huge reduction in incoming deposits Christopher did a clever trick and announced three days without interest. The reason was also given and allegedly it’s a necessary update to their trading platform that is responsible for bringing you different returns daily varied depending on their “trading” performance. Experienced players will surely know that it’s all just stories and the real reason for not adding the interest from 21st to 23rd of August is obviously the LR downtime. But it’s still a wise move I must repeat as it indicates the admin is in the loop about the situation in the market and always makes important adjustments in order to help EurexTrade. And it’s a strategy that works perfectly well. Just ask anyone who invested in EurexTrade and still enjoying their profits even now! Here is the latest news announcing the non-payment days while emphasizing that all the deposits and withdrawals would be still processed instantly as usual:

EurexTrade Maintenance
 EurexTrade is going to accomplish routine maintenance during 21-23 of August to update trade platform All deposits and withdrawals will be processed as regularly, except profit which will *NOT* be paid for this period.


I believe that DonaldsGroup was another program on MNO which stopped paying and therefore was moved to Problem status on my monitor today. Please be advised that any further investments in DonaldsGroup are not recommended as not only the payouts to LR have stopped but those to PerfectMoney too which is simply inexcusable. I would say that the admin just surrendered after a month online seeing that his program wasn’t getting popular with investors. This was after a very short period of time while DonaldsGroup had more potential to take-off soon. It looks like the admin had a different opinion and decided to pull the plug, which is bad news. Anyway, the situation with DonaldsGroup certainly wasn’t helped by the current LR downtime and account blocking issues and I think that there will be more victims to follow.


Thank God it’s only a few admins giving up on their programs, while others like the admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) who not only paying promptly and on time are even offering an appropriate temporary solution to investors trapped by the incompetence LR. To alleviate the suffering of such members Finvance are offering to exchange their earnings from LibertyReserve to the other three payment processors accepted by them – EgoPay, SolidTrustPay or LibertyReserve. For this purpose everyone in the only investment plan in Finvance – 8% for 20 business days – are required to submit a support ticket via the program’s interface. I did it today and was replied to very fast with a link enabling me to make a successful exchange from LR to PM paying absolutely no fees. I think every member of Finvance (the program was first reviewed on MNO here) should appreciate the extra service provided by the admin and I’m sure that it will make the current members even more loyal. Here’s the latest newsletter from Finvance containing all the info on that:

Temporary LR Exchange
We are offering a temporary LR exchange to our LR deposit users. You may exchange your LR earnings to EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or SolidTrustPay. To begin, please open a support ticket with the following information:
“I would like to exchange my LR earnings into _____ and my username is _____”
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information.


Not all admins are so generous though and the admin of InflexCapital Andrew (interviewed here) is also there to help the LR users and offers them an exchange to two other payment processors – PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. This exchange can be done for a fee (although I will admit it’s pretty competitive compared to the current extortionate rates offered for transfers from LR by some exchangers) within your account area. All you need to do is to click on Fund Management – Currency Exchange and choose your direction. Current rate for LR-PM exchanges is now set to 9% which is (relatively) reasonable and I used it to get paid today by InflexCapital to PerfectMoney. I remind you that InflexCapital is paying 2%-4% for 22 business days while returning your original deposit on expiry. The program is on its second successful month now and I hope that Andrew will keep up the good work and offer more services like this that are actually popular among HYIP investors. Here is the latest newsletter from InflexCapital (reviewed here) in full:

Withdrawals for STP and PM processed. LR is still down
Following a massive server maintenance on LibertyReserve’s side, they have announced officially on their blog that LibertyReserve will come back online on the 22th of August 2012. As such, we have no access whatsoever to the site at this point, and thus, we cannot process any withdrawals via LibertyReserve until they return back online.
Nevertheless, we had anticipated something of this nature would happen, and so we enabled a new feature on our site called Currency Exchange that allows you to exchange your funds into a different e-currency. The rates are very competitive and reflect the current market conditions. Therefore, we would like to urge you to take a look at the new feature should you wish to make your withdrawal to a different payment processor.
Prior to that, however, we would also like to urge you to add your PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay account details in your back office. Due to security purposes, you cannot edit your account’s e-currency section at the moment, but if you submit a ticket via our ticketing system, we can add it on for you. Again, we are recommending that you do so because it will enable you to get paid to different payment processors should you decide to take advantage of our Currency Exchange service.
That is all for today, and we hope that you have a great weekend ahead!


It looks like the endless issues with LibertyReserve slightly overshadowed another important event in the HYIP industry – the three month anniversary for the one of the most popular low-ROI programs online now – KISnP (reviewed here). The referral contest that has been running for almost a month is almost over but it appears that despite MNO leading with most of the active referrals in the program there won’t actually be a winner as one of the main conditions for claiming the $2,000 prize was to reach 60 active referrals within the month. I was able to score “only” 39 which is obviously not enough. And I really doubt I will have another 21 in the remaining few hours. Anyway, I’m pretty satisfied that I was able to promote KISnP on MNO with such good results and a professional and hard working admin like Zepp (interviewed here). As usual he announced that payouts to LR are delayed while payouts to the other payment processors accepted by KISnP (SolidTrustPay, PexPay, EgoPay and PerfectMoney) are processed as usual. More changes are coming soon and I’ll keep you updated on that on MNO in due course. Meanwhile I want to congratulate KISnP on its first three months online and remind you that you can invest there in three “forever” plans with 1.1% per business day, 6.25% weekly, 30% monthly with an optional principal return after 150 calendar days. If you have at least $500 you can try two plans with defined terms – 4.5% for 50 business days and 3.75% for 80 business days. Below is the full version of the newsletter from KISnP and its talkative admin Zepp:

KISnP Update: LR Payouts, KISnP Turned 3 Months Old, Referral Contest Update
First batch of payouts for today are already processed.
However for those who have pending requests to LR, I would like to inform you that LR site is still offline till now for maintenance. And as per they latest update on their blog, they will be offline till August 22nd.
Once up, I will process all the pending requests to LR.
Today is August 21st, which means KISnP is celebrating its 3rd month of being online.
We are so happy to reach this new milestone and this is because of the great support given to us by every member of KISnP.
So for that, BIG THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
We hope that you will not get tired supporting us and in return we will always do our best to make KISnP better and better each day.
We look forward celebrating our 4th, 5th, 6th, 1 year and so on years, with you all.
Also update for our Round 3: Active Referral Contest – Race to 60.
Today is the last day for this contest and tomorrow we will announce the winner of the sole prize of $2,000 + 25000 Ad Credits, if ever there is any winner.
Well, as of this moment, Paul of MNO is at number 1 spot but his total active referrals counted for this round is only 39. To be able to win, he still need 21 active refs.
So let us see if Paul can get that within this day.
Lastly, we are now finalizing the new features we will be implementing very soon in KISnP.
We just want to make sure that it is perfectly working and will not create any issues and errors once added into our script.
Before we will implement them, I will send another Newsletter to let everyone know.
Ok so I am going to stop now.
I know many of you hates long emails. But please pardon me if I send long emails everytime. Because that is the only way I can explain everything in details the situation if ever there are any issues or errors.
Really. I am stopping now.
Admin, Zepp.


Although not quite so impressive the admin of YachtWealthClub (reviewed here) also boasted of his program’s five weeks online in the newsletter issued today. You might be more impressed if you consider that YachtWealthClub is actually a short term program paying 3%-3.5% for 7 days and 4%-5% for 10 days with the principal returned on expiry. So many members of the program should be well into profit to their SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. In addition to that YachtWealthClub offers Bank wire deposits and withdrawals with no fees starting from $500, so you can avoid payment processor fees too. Other important topics discussed in the third already newsletter from YachtWealthClub include phone support numbers, hiring of representatives around the world, and the ongoing LR issues. I really appreciate that the admin of YachtWealthClub mentioned the MNO review and sent the link to his members while also promising to come to the MNO ShoutBox from time to time to answer any questions, so watch out there as it becomes a very popular tool for HYIP admins. The full newsletter from the program is included below:

Hello Dear Investors,
YachtWealthClub is happy to celebrate 34 days of being online successfully with thousands of happy investors around the world. As we are a serious company and always looking out to reach potential customers, we believe that in near future our client stats will gradually rise to a lot more thousands.
An amazing work have been done since we launched and our 3# newsletter has a lot of good news!
The most important goal of YachtWealthClub is keep our program stable with a constant growth.
We have registered a new Bank Account and now we are able to accept Wire Transfers with no fees for depositing and only 1% for withdrawals. Also the minimum deposit for BankWire reduced to $500. Need STP? You can buy STP directly from us using BankWire with 0% fee! Hope you will really like it and appreciate!
Currently we are monitoring by more than 30 monitors and marked as sticky on the most premium onces and some forums. Recently we started to buy monthly advertising to extend our promo strategy. Since our last newsletter, a review has been done by MoneyNewsOnline. Please follow the link below to read:
Special thanks to MNO Admin!
By the Way, this week we are going to participate in discussion on MNO shoutbox to answer on all questions you have.
We got few letters that some of our clients have difficulties to calling us. Please note, that our phone support available from 10AM to 6PM (GMT+2) from Monday to Friday! Nevertheless, we have added a Toll Free number which is available for all countries. Feel free to call us: +16782534481 and +356 3550 0771
We are currently looking for regional representatives around the world, if you are interested, please send us a letter to
Liberty Reserve has schedule maintenance (From August 20 until August 22) and all withdrawals to LR will be processed once they get back to normal.
All withdrawals have been processed in time and we are looking forward to get your testimonials and votes!
We wish you a good week and make your life brighter with us!


There was another newsletter issued by FelminaAlliance today. The program has been paying successfully for over a year and accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay into the 1%-1.6% for 180 business days plan with original principals returned on expiry. Direct Bank wires are also accepted and recently FelminaAlliance even lowered the minimum to invest directly from your bank to an unheard of $200 minimum which will be really handy to someone wishing to avoid payment processor fees. Along with this FelminaAlliance also mentioned the current LR issues and invited everyone to participate in their regular weekly conference calls. For more info on that please check the full newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) below:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
This is an official newsletter from FelminaAlliance Inc.
We are happy to announce that we have finally managed to lower the bank wire transfer deposit minimum requirement to just $200.00. Please note that the bank wire transfer fee will reimbursed only if you deposit $500.00 or more.
We would like to let you know that we will process all pending Liberty Reserve withdrawal requests as soon as Liberty Reserve servers resume normal oepration after the announced maintenance.
We would like to remind you that we are holding live conference phone calls to help new and potentially new members get the answers to all the questions they may have. Calls are not recorded and will not be posted anywhere as we do care about your privacy.
Bring any questions to the call. Members may bring guests to the call.
Please note that the contact phone number and the PIN code have changed.
To take part, please dial:
+1-530-881-1300 pincode is 478782
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:05pm EST
(for english speaking only)
Find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at This is the fastest way to get the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  HYIPla.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, ProfitableSunrise, FelminaAllianceFinvance, InflexCapital, YachtWealthClubRightFive, RoyalMaxDealers (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, InternationalForexLLC.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all from the HYIP industry for today. I’m taking a break of sorts tomorrow and publishing the interview with the admin of HYIPla Jeff, so don’t miss it if you’re thinking of investing in this new program paying 12% for 12 business days and offering instant payouts to STP, LR and PM. Possibly some new programs will be added to my listing, so watch my monitoring page carefully too. See you on MNO tomorrow!

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