August 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello, guys. How is your weekend so far? Mine was not so good as there is a lot of thunderstorms at the moment and I can feel autumn approaching fast. It would usually be a very good and productive time for HYIP investors if LibertyReserve wasn’t down all week. This was enough to force several programs to collapse prematurely and significantly decrease activity from investors in general. Anyway, let’s hope that the situation will stabilize next week if LibertyReserve is back to normal.


The admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) promised yesterday that even when LibertyReserve gets back to normal which is expected to be early next week the current exchange between them and other currencies used by the program (EgoPay, SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney) with 0% fees would remain intact. Even currently anyone who invested in the 8% for 20 business days plan offered by Finvance can easily exchange their earnings from LibertyReserve to STP or EP which are two currencies that the admin has some healthy balances in at the moment. So you can do the exchanges from your member’s area in Finvance (reviewed here) from now on as specified in their latest newsletter:

Liberty Reserve 0% Rate to other E-currencies
When Liberty Reserve systems are back online, we will be offering an exchange service for those who wish to convert Liberty Reserve into SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney or EgoPay. We will be offering it at a 0% rate. The Liberty Reserve downtime has allowed us to conduct our currency exchange tests which have been very successful over the course of the week, and we believe this will be a great offering to those who wish to move Liberty Reserve funds to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay.
When Liberty Reserve is operational once again, you may submit your Liberty Reserve new deposit through your account panel as usual. Afterwards, please open a support ticket stating your e-currency of choice – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay.

Please note that today the admin of Finvance took another step to ensure the program’s success and prosperity by purchasing the big top banner on MNO monitor for one month. I hope that will help Finvance to become even more popular with investors and we’ll see how the program progresses over the coming weeks.


Just yesterday the admin of Absolutiva Harry introduced a new investment plan which basically overshadowed the two old plans and made investing in them totally pointless. Let’s have a closer look at this plan and see why.

It’s called the Growth Market Fund. The minimum starts from $10 like Absolutiva‘s other two plans. The interest is much higher though and starts from 2.5% for 90 business days for amounts under $500. Compare that with the 7.5% weekly for 30 weeks plan (it’s 5% more per week) and with another daily plan offering 1.4% for 120 business days the increase is even higher at 5.5%. So the new plan makes investing in the old ones out of the question, even though the old ones apparently return your original principal in contrast to the new one where it isn’t.

For those brave enough to risk $500 to $5,000 from their LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PayPal or EgoPay accounts there is a new option of being paid 3% for 90 business days. That is 6.5% per week higher than on the old daily plan offering 1.7% for 120 business days on the same conditions and 6% more than the 9% weekly for 30 weeks plan. Again we should feel no reason to touch the two old plans unless you believe that Absolutiva is going to return your principal back while on the new plan the principal is already included in the daily earnings.

Finally, for $5K+ investors the interest in the new Growth Market Fund plan increases to 3.5% (!) per business day for the same 90-business day term with principal return on expiry which is a 17.5% weekly return higher than the daily plan by 7.5% per week (it offers 2% for 120 business days) and higher than the weekly plan offering 10.5% weekly for 30 weeks by 7%. So again I believe it’s much wiser to invest in the new plan compared to the two old ones.

So what’s the reason for adding these new plans? Obviously it’s clear that Absolutiva has some cashflow issues caused by LibertyReserve’s maintenance which has been going on for about a week now. I believe the members of Absolutiva stopped depositing, especially as the admin never actually offered to exchange LR earnings to other e-currencies like many other programs did this week. It’s clear that Absolutiva is far from being a big programs as it’s currently in only the #17 spot out of 19 programs on my Premium list. I bet that’s why the admin of the program Harry is so sour about the success of other programs which he kept attacking on MNO ShoutBox (and one of the reasons he was banned from it last night). Anyway, I consider this new plan a warning sign and an indication that Absolutiva is not performing as expected. Here’s the latest news from the program (reviewed here) taken from yesterday’s newsletter:

Newsletter 8/24/2012
This email is to inform you that we have made some technical adjustments to our website, including but not limited to template as well as security work. We would also like to take this opportunity and introduce you to our newly released investment product called Growth Market Fund. For more information on our newly released product, please read here:
If you have any question or comments regarding this newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact us at any given time.

Another minor newsletter sent by Absolutiva recently concerned the spammers trying to get access to your account in the program. Such advice is fair when it comes not only when getting phishing emails from the programs but also from payment processors, banks etc. Please be very careful and I’m glad the issue was raised:

We will never ask you for your password
A reminder, as this crops up periodically, you will never receive an out-of-the-blue email from us requesting your password.
Do not respond to email which does not identify a specific person or persons particularly if they are requesting secure information like your password. Do not respond to email that does come from an Absolutiva address, but claims to require your account password.
Absolutiva will never ask you for your password in an email. No other organization you do business with should ever ask you for your password via email either. When you receive messages like this, you can trash them.


Despite the LR issues and other programs going down every day it looks like we have one exception here in the form of a program which was moved from Problem and even Scam status back to Paying today – MegaProfitAds (reviewed here). If you remember I asked readers last time if they were paid as well like I was and I’m glad to say the response was positive. I would like to remind you that MegaProfitAds offers only one investment plan and paying 10% for the duration of 16 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve.


I would like to mention that the SolidTrustPay account of InflexCapital has been blocked due to an attempt to access it via an IP-address different than the country it was originally signed-up from. I can confirm that this is not something the admin Andrew (interviewed here) is making up. I’ll admit I was skeptical at first but just tonight I discovered that my own STP account was also suspended with the following message displayed on screen:

You are attempting to login from a different IP address that does not match the country you signed up from. Your account has been suspended.

So if it happened to me too then I guess Andrew’s version is true and I do believe he’s trying to resolve the situation. So Andrew took the only right decision under these unfortunate circumstances when LR is still down and STP has suspended his account – to temporarily close all deposits and withdrawals in InflexCapital. That means you will not be able to withdraw for the time being but also that you will not be able to deposit. I think it’s the only course of action open to him and sincerely hope this is dealt with soon. Don’t access STP from any IP address that is different from the country you originally signed up from until I find more information regarding the new security feature that is obviously automatically perceiving this as suspicious activity. I will keep you updated on this on MNO when I have something. Here is the latest newsletter from InflexCapital (reviewed here):

SolidTrustPay Blocked & InflexCapital halts a day of operation
 Today, SolidTrust Pay blocked our SolidTrust Pay account due to suspicious browsing activities. It turned out that our admin, Andrew was browsing the net via a different IP address from the one that we usually use, and that triggered an alarm in SolidTrust Pay’s system. As this is an unprecedented event, and an honest mistake, we are unable to process any withdrawals to SolidTrust Pay at the moment until SolidTrust Pay decides to reinstate our account. We are attempting to contact them to figure out a solution at this point, so please have patience with us.
We are trying to get in contact with SolidTrustPay at this point, but it seems that their only support option that could be of use now (LiveChat) is offline. It is known that SolidTrust Pay has been having some issues recently, and the emails are taking up to a week to be processed. Hopefully this will not be the case for us. We sent an email already, and are attempting to gain contact with the SolidTrust Pay administration. If you know of any other forms of communication that can possibly help us in this situation, please do let us know.
Thank you for understanding, and as our SolidTrust Pay account is blocked, please know that we will not be able to process withdrawals to that e-currency at this point.
*Important* With the recent LibertyReserve issue, compounded by the blocking our of SolidTrust Pay account, we have decided, therefore, to suspend our operations for today. We will resume activities on next Monday.


By the way, along with new security feature/issues I have much more questions to SolidTrustPay to ask of its administrator Stella who kindly agreed to do another interview for MNO to clarify any issues and shed some light on the rumors and speculation surrounding them recently. I’m sure that all MNO readers will be eager to know more about STP’s features and new developments and I will be accepting your questions for the next two to three days. So do you want to know something about SolidTrustPay in particular? Then please do not hesitate to ask Stella directly by submitting your questions via this contact form or to my email address with the subject “Questions for STP”. Please only ask general questions as any personal issues in your account should be dealt with via their support ticketing system. I will greatly appreciate all your help so let’s make it as detailed as possible with all interested readers involved.

The latest official update from the STP blog had nothing to do with the payment processor itself but rather updated us on their charitable activities, encouraging everyone to join the STP and UNICEF Canada initiative to stop the crisis in the Sahel and feed the starving children in the eight African countries in the region suffering yet another all too predictable and preventable crisis.

Crisis in Sahel Supported
SolidTrust Pay has donated a significant amount from its annual charitable donation budget to the present crisis in Sahel and surrounding area. SolidTrust’s contribution was matched by the Canadian Government in partnership with Unicef.
Double your donation for children in crisis in the Sahel
For every dollar donated by individual Canadians to UNICEF between August 7-September 30, 2012, the Government of Canada will contribute a dollar to relief efforts in the Sahel.
A multiple disaster is stalking children in the Sahel. There is little time left to stave off a disaster facing more than a million children below the age of five. Children in eight countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria and Senegal – are at imminent risk of severe malnutrition and death.
We are responding to a crisis caused by poor rainfall, failed harvests and rising food prices affecting over 15 million people. The Sahel is one of the poorest regions in the world where children already face daunting odds of survival. Without immediate humanitarian aid, an already desperate situation will only become worse.
View the video of this crisis here: CRISIS in Sahel”.


Another new payment processor PexPay which is already accepted by such giants as NewGNi (reviewed here) and KISnP (reviewed here) reminds users of the last chance to use their promotional offer of reduced fees on incoming bank wires when funding your PexPay account. In order to take advantage you need to sign up to PexPay and open an account here and get it verified within two business days. A further step-by-step guide on what to do next to wire the money through your bank are given via the latest newsletter from PexPay posted below. Remember that discounts are available only till the end of August, so you have only a few days to complete your wire deposit:

Bank Wire Promotion Ends Soon
Hello PexPay Customer,
We wanted to send a quick reminder about our wire promotion. You still have time to take advantage of this discounted fee. Here is the email that was sent before explaining the deal, and also how to add funds to your account via the wire funding option:
For the rest of this month we are lowering our wire deposit fee to 10.00 for all customers that send in a wire for 200.00 or more. We are doing this as a way for you to try PexPay’s wire deposit feature. We have a good number of new customers joining daily now, and many of them are also either verified or submitting their verification documents, so we thought this would be a great time to allow everyone the chance to fund their account by wire with a discounted price.
To make a deposit using a wire you will need to do the following:
Login to your PexPay account.
Click on the deposit tab at the top of your main account page.
Complete the required fields on the wire deposit page
Enter your Security Guard Pin, and then click the add wire funding button.
Click the link for the printable wire instructions.
On the instructions page click the print wire instructions link.
Take the printout of the instructions to your bank.
Wait 2-3 business days for a deposit notice from PexPay and your done.
We must have all wires in and processed by 8/31/12 to get the discounted rate. As soon as 9/1/12 EST is here the fee will return to the normal 25.00 fee.
We feel it is a great way for people thinking of using PexPay to give us a try at a discounted rate.
If you have any questions please open a support ticket from within your PexPay account. Thank you for choosing PexPay for your payment processing needs.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  HYIPla, Kommerciality.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, Finvance, FelminaAlliance, MegaProfitAds, WestFinanceGroup,  YachtWealthClubRightFive, RoyalMaxDealers, Absolutiva.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, InternationalForexLLC.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope my update was of interest to you. So see you next time on Monday when the next business week in HYIP world begins and let’s hope for some better news then!

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