August 2012 Archives

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 Beware! MTResults has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! After a bad start the week looks to be picking up for me now, with a couple of new additions to my monitoring page to look at for you here during the next couple of days. The one I’m starting with however isn’t exactly brand new as such, just new to me. It’s called MTResults – short for Max Trading Results – a short term HYIP that’s been online for what’s just coming up to four weeks now. That’s enough time to have completed at least one cycle of all MTResults investment plans and therefore putting all of their early members comfortably into profit. I don’t know why the admin waited this long to ask for monitoring on MNO, but as I can see some improvements have been made to the service since first opening maybe this is all part of that.

You’ll find three plans on offer from MTResults, named simply A, B, and C. Two of them make daily interest payments to members while the other one just pays you once on expiry. Plan A runs for 20 calendar days and can be joined for a minimum spend of $20. In return MTResults are offering you a daily rate of 6.5%. Your initial principal is being counted as part of those payments and so will not be returned separately on expiry. That means that you break even (ie earn back what you spent) 16 days into the cycle and finish up with a total return of 130%, or your own money back plus 30% profit. Maximum deposit is $5,000.

For larger investments MTResults have Plan B, which is basically just an extension of the first plan. In this case it will cost you a minimum $5,001 to join but everything else is the same apart from the interest rate. The term is still 20 calendar days with MTResults making daily payments of a slightly increased 7%. You break even after 15 days, and after that it’s all profit. You will complete the cycle with payments adding up to 140% in total, and as MTResults will not be returning your principal that’s 40% net profit. The maximum amount allowed here is $20,000.

Plan C takes a different path, being less profitable than the first two options but getting you there a lot faster. It runs for a term of 10 calendar days, paying you just once on expiry with MTResults combining your principal and profit. The final return is 125%, or your own money plus 25% profit. If you’re a smaller investor or just play the HYIP industry for the fun of it then keep in mind that the minimum cost of joining this plan is a bit steep compared to Plan A with MTResults charging a $75 minimum to get in. After that you may deposit anything up to $20,000 if you wish.

By the way, you don’t exactly need to be a mathematician to work out some numbers here. Yes, it’s obvious that by joining Plan C for two 10 day cycles (20 days) you might earn a good bit more money than one single cycle (also 20 days) in Plans A and B. The thing you need to remember though is that this comes at a substantially higher risk. Lose in Plan C and you lose everything, but lose in Plan A and at lest you get something back. It’s really just a question of personal taste, whether you think the risk is worth it, plus what you honestly believe MTResults can genuinely achieve.

Up to this point the selection of payment options wasn’t great to be honest, but all that’s changed now. Until yesterday MTResults were only using LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, however in addition to joining the MNO Premium List the program also announced the introduction of SolidTrustPay which opens up a lot more possibilities for expansion. Payments need to be requested from inside your MTResults members account area. Once done the admin is committed to making all transactions are completed instantly. Just log in, make the request, and the money should be in your e-currency account within seconds. For the moment STP withdrawals are still made manually but I imagine the admin will be making the necessary adjustments to process them instantly too. Just keep in mind that instant payouts are normally the case but are in no way guaranteed. There’s any number of reasons these need to be turned off from time to time, such as security concerns for example, or the more typical reason that the MTResults admin needs to replenish the accounts. In these circumstances payments will continue to be made manually but should return to instant soon thereafter.

On the technical and design side of things, MTResults are running off a script under license from GoldCoders. The website is fully SSL encrypted and hosting is by DdosBurn on a dedicated and protected Staminus server. For any further questions to the admin or any account related issues the MTResults admin can be contacted by filling out the online ticketing form and submitting it via the support page. If you prefer then you can write to them directly at the e-mail address listed. There’s a postal address in the Seychelles though I’d imagine this to be no more than a registered serviced office at best. And finally MTResults have a telephone number you can try during business hours.

The website content of MTResults is I suppose quite typical of what one finds in the wider HYIP industry. At least it’s not copy/pasted but there’s almost nothing there to begin with. Just “offshore investments”, and that’s it. No further information about what that involves or even means is available. Not that I’m suggesting you pursue the matter or anything, I mean don’t bother looking for what isn’t there. I don’t see MTResults as anything other than an online HYIP and neither should you, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t time to make money out of it. But just remember the risk and set your spending limits accordingly. And as always if joining MTResults at all then it’s best to keep them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It looks like NewGNi is still very much on top of the online investments industry and while so many programs closed after the unfortunate downtime of LibertyReserve NewGNi remains strong and process all payouts as usual. After over eight months online with stable payouts to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and PexPay there is no doubt in any investor’s mind that unlike many other fly-by-night admins Jurgen, the admin of NewGNi (interviewed here) proved to be a serious and committed professional. Many of the investors are already in good profit from 1% per business day and 6% weekly plans and I believe soon we will see the first principals returned as the mandatory lock-in period of 180 business days expires. Of course since NewGNi offers no expiry plans you can stay in the program and earn a totally residual income for the program’s duration. The previous incarnation of NewGNi proved to be extremely successful and ran for 18 months between 2008 and 2010. You can read more about the history of NewGNi and its investment plans in my detailed review of the program here. By the way, I hope you’re aware that MNO is the exclusive monitor for NewGNi as chosen by Jurgen and it’s proved to be a very wise move for them. The program remains the first choice for many experienced investors.

In today’s newsletter NewGNi announced the removal of internal exchanges from LibertyReserve to other e-currencies which was available during the week LR was offline. Although still problematic for some I guess NewGNi‘s LibertyReserve account was not blocked like many others and the withdrawals from it are processed as usual. Just today it was announced that NewGNi has already processed hundreds of withdrawal requests to LibertyReserve.

Unfortunately, for some investors there are still issues when they try to find their e-wallet in NewGNi which is required prior to making any deposit in the program. There are only a few members affected by this so if your’e one of them please submit a detailed report to NewGNi which will help their team to get to the root of the problem. Also if you’re unable to fund your e-wallet in NewGNi you can as well proceed to the direct payment to the e-currency accounts provided by Jurgen in the newsletter, the full version which you can find below:

Newsletter 28 August 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
It must have been a relief for our members using LibertyReserve to finally have them back. Although we’ve offered alternatives to withdraw proceeds to other processors, very few took advantage of this option. We have processed a few hundred of pending LibertyReserve withdrawal requests yesterday and everything went smooth and flawless. We have therefore decided to disable the Currency Exchanger for now.
A few of our members are still having problems funding their e-wallets. You might remember that this problem occurred first once we changed our server to BlockDos at the end of July. We have tested and tried and debugged everything, and still can’t comprehend the problem. Everything is as it was on our previous server, no files were altered or added.
If you have such problems, please let us know, we’d like to get to the bottom of it:
We need a DETAILED explanation of the exact steps used to trigger this error. We also need to know exactly what browser/version you are using. This info may help us uncover what’s going on.
If you have problems to fund your e-wallet, please try another browser such as Firefox or feel free to deposit direct in one of our payment processor accounts as follows:
STP: newGNi
PexPay: 121262
Liberty Reserve: U2289630
Perfect Money: U2829944
Please add your newGNi username and the plan you’d like to deposit into. We will add your deposits manually. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Last but not least, a reminder of our current Sweepstakes contest: You got three more days to join our Giveaway contest for the month of August. This month we are giving away three $50 iTunes Gift Cards and the competition closes at noon (GMT) August 31st. You can participate via our Facebook page or our very own Sweepstakes page here
Thank you, take care and all the best!
 Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


Another successful low-ROI program BensonUnion (reviewed here) also resumed work and payouts are made instantly to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney once again. As LR and PM are the only payment processors currently accepted by BensonUnion you might also want to make your deposits via direct Bank wires which are also accepted. BensonUnion has now been monitored on MNO for 222 days and I hope it will be paying for many more to come. The only investment plan available is quite simple and pays 1.2% to 2.45% (fixed interest depending on the deposited amount) for 170 business days with the principal available for withdrawal on expiry. In a couple of weeks the first deposits should be handed back to investors and we will see what BensonUnion is going to do next to maintain the investors’ attention. By the way, the next feature available to BensonUnion members will be a callback service available on five languages. I will report about this exciting feature as soon as it gets implemented, and meanwhile please read the latest newsletter from the admin of BensonUnion (interviewed here) below:

BensonUnion official newsletter
Dear investors! BensonUnion is happy to let you know that all pending withdrawals to Liberty Reserve of last week were processed by yesterday evening. It took us a few hours to complete all withdrawals because there were thousands of transactions. We hope that our clients appreciate the level of security and stability that is provided by BensonUnion. Now everything got back to normal and all e-currency withdrawals are processed instantly as always. BensonUnion will announce 5 languages callback request opportunity within 24 hours. Stay tuned!


Today the fourth newsletter was issued by the administration of YachtWealthClub which marked an important milestone reaching 40+ days online which will rightly be a source of jealousy for admins of similar programs. YachtWealthClub pays on two short-term plans returning the original principals on both – 3%-3.5% for 7 days and 4%-5% for 10 days. The program recently entered MNO’s Top 10 most popular programs on my monitor and I know that many readers were in good profit. I hope they continue paying members with the same success it enjoyed so far.

By the way, you can see that YachtWealthClub has upgraded its listing on MNO to Sticky today and hopefully it will result in more investors and a longer lifetime for them. Please note that in the latest newsletter the admin acknowledges the extended waiting time for processing withdrawal requests to LR due to the necessity to replenish their LibertyReserve account, so it could take up to 48 hours to be paid to LR compared to 24 hours as is normally the case. Those who don’t want to wait can ask to exchange LR funds to STP within their members’ area and get paid faster. Anyway, in the near future YachtWealthClub is planning to move its servers from Koddos to BlockDos soon which will allow it to become more secure and offer to investors fully instant payouts to all the payment processors, so this waiting time issue should be solved by then. Also the admin of YachtWealthClub announced about some other new features planned for his program and invited the members to participate in the MNO ShoutBox chat with him. I remind you that to be able to post on MNO ShoutBox you should be manually accepted by me personally and if you wish to do so please send me your chosen username and password to and I will try my best to activate your account asap so you could login and participate in the discussion there.

The latest newsletter from YachtWealthClub (reviewed here) is below in its entirety:

Hello Dear Investors,
Our liner sails steadily for 41 days online and we really appreciate your trust and loyalty. Despite the storms and winds in the industry we strain every effort to avoid any cash-flows and issues.
LibertyReserve payment processor has been damaged the industry enough due to long-term maintenance. We are happy to seeing LR is back online with a new features such as Credit Card Funding and more secured system. Hope it was worth it!
Due to LR Maintenance we exchanged our LR funds for security measures and since LibertyReserve is back we are funding our account back. One part of LR withdrawals have been processed already. As you might already seen on our social network pages, for LR withdrawals, we requested you to allow up to 24-48 hours to get paid. If you don’t want to wait, we offer a good opportunity to exchange your LR withdrawal to STP with 0% fee and get paid according to our time frame allowed.
You can cancel your current withdrawal to return your money back to account balance in order to exchange to STP.
You can find an exchange button on the main page of your member area or by following the link below:
The following features will be added by this week:
– Callback Request
– List of Representatives
– Bonus program
Within next few weeks we are going to switch our host provider to BlockDos in order to allow instant payouts 24/7. BlockDos is one of the industry leaders in hosting and DDoS protection.
If you would like to participate in chat with Admin of YachtWealthClub you can join MNO Shoutbox within next 2 hours.
We hope everyone happy with YachtWealthClub and enjoy your profits! Stay tuned!


The admin of Absolutiva Harry announced security maintenance which investors can expect anytime soon. More news from the program:
Anyone, who invested via PayPal can now request their invoices to be sent to their billing address. I remind you that the acceptance of PayPal remains the main point of concern for the members involved in the HYIP industry as PayPal is not allowing such programs if they become aware of them. Anyway, along with PayPal Absolutiva (reviewed here) also accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay and the admin also confessed that SolidTrustPay would be also added no later than in a few hours. I’ll let you know when that happens. I would like to remind you that Absolutiva accepts deposits into three investment plans – 1.4%-2% for 120 business days, 7.5%-10.5% for 30 weeks with principal back on expiry of both, and 2.5%-3.5% for 90 business days with no principal return. Here is the latest news from Absolutiva:

Website Maintenance
We would like to inform you that we are currently performing a website maintenance in order to fix the issue that was causing the secure socket layer to not function properly. We expect to have that fixed by 6:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
We would also like to notify you that we will no longer use Twitter and Facebook as a way to communicate with our clients due to low usage. Company news and announcements will be made available to you via Newsletter and Company News (
Lastly, clients who use PayPal as their payment method can now request their invoices to be sent directly to their home address. You will have to open a support ticket with that request and include your complete billing address.
Below is a quick peek on what you can expect to receive:
The estimated delivery time frame is 2-5 business days.
If you have any question or comment in regards to this newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact us at any given time.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: YachtWealthClub.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNiOneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, BensonUnion, Finvance, FelminaAlliance, FixedMonthlyIncome, PlexCapital, WestFinanceGroup, RightFive, RoyalMaxDealers,  Bull&BearCapital, Absolutiva, KBSInvestment, Kommerciality, MTResults (the first payment received), PipsFund (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Please note that InflexCapital and KISnP have been moved to Waiting status on MNO for various reasons and I expect to get some updates from the admins pretty soon. I will of course share this information with you. So please check MNO blog and ShoutBox more often for the most recent information from the HYIP industry. Tomorrow along with the latest news you will be able to read the full review of a new program PipsFund the admin of which has already purchased the top banner on MNO for two months, so I fully expect it’s going to be a huge success soon. See you all soon!

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