Dec 20th, 2012 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the regular daily news update from the HYIP industry! Christmas is coming and the festive spirit is in the air now so I hope you’re also ready to celebrate. Many investors take a break during this period and stop investing, and at the same time are trying to get money back out of many programs that could potentially lead to their collapse. That, in a nutshell, is why December is generally considered to be unsafe for the investors and admins alike. Still, there are a lot of people who invest in HYIPs during this time anyway, and for them I continue working to keep you updated on the latest developments from the programs monitored on MNO.


The admin of EurexTrade Christopher (interviewed here) made many investors unhappy by announcing an unprecedented two week moratorium on members earnings. Starting from December 25th up to January 7th withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney will be unaffected and are expected to be processed instantly as usual, but the actual daily profits of up 2.9% per business day will not be credited. This makes any claims of the alleged involvement of EurexTrade in ForEx trading more than questionable because real financial companies don’t take such extended holidays. In my opinion it’s just a strategy to save the program from the seasonal volatility in the HYIP market and save money to pay investors during 2013. I guess the admin knows what he’s doing, otherwise EurexTrade would not have survived for the last two years. If you’re worried about the lengthy holidays announced by EurexTrade (reviewed here) you’re free to hold off from investments there until the program is fully functioning on January 7th. The latest newsletter shows what days you will not see any payments, so please read carefully to avoid further confusion:

Christmas and New Year working Schedule
Dear Investors! Please pay your attention on our working schedule during Christmas and New Year holidays.
We have NON-trading days DEC 25-28, DEC 31, JAN 1-4
Deposits and withdrawal requests are processed as usual even on holidays and week-ends
Regular trading and profit calculation will be started from JAN-7.
We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Even a few weeks after privatization, NewGNi (reviewed here) continues paying fine, scuppering rumors that’s it’s impossible to run without new members. As the admin of NewGNi Jurgen mentioned in the recent interview (click here to read it) it’s not about the quantity of members but about its quality and their ability to invest which will be good for arbitrage trading and will significantly reduce the costs of handling the money from payment processors back and forth. I don’t think that the decision to privatize NewGNi was too hasty as I respect Jurgen for his skill in running the project for the last year. Unfortunately no new members are accepted now, but I can still see a lot of deposits made by hundreds of my referrals in NewGNi still joining 1% per business day or 6% weekly plans with no expiry date and original principal available for withdrawal after a 180 business days lock-in period. NewGNi is only accepting deposits from existing members from $20 via four processors – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and SolidTrustPay. However, with one significant change in force since the beginning of December investors are only paid weekly rather than daily. So, the latest reminder posted in NewGNi‘s personal member’s area a couple of days ago dealt with this. Please ensure that you withdraw your interest and profits from NewGNi by midnight Sunday in order to be paid on the following Monday – that’s the rule some of you may have forgotten. So, please read the latest reminder from NewGNi carefully and follow the suggested withdrawal deadline if you wish to be paid on schedule:

Withdrawal requests
I need to address one issue regarding our new withdrawal schedule. As stated in our newsletter:
“Please post your withdrawal requests by Sunday midnight (GMT) and we will process all withdrawals requests on the following Monday.”
We’ve received complaints from members who requested their withdrawals later than our deadline and thus do not get paid on Monday.


Please note that there are a lot of problematic programs from my list to report tonight, therefore please pay attention and do not invest there if you don’t want to lose money.

The first one moving to Problem status is GuaranteedProfit. I already talked about it last night, but still had some slight hope that the admin would resume payouts. It looks though he failed to do so and I had to move GuaranteedProfit for that reason and advise against investing there. The program was overall a good performer with two and a half months of stable payouts, but it had to come to an end eventally.

The second program moved to Problem status on MNO today is PlatinumVertex. The site has been offline for over 24 hours now and though the admin said on his Facebook page last night it would be available shortly, it hasn’t happened by now. I’m not very confident that PlatinumVertex is going to survive even if it comes back at some point due to above mentioned pre Christmas issues. Also I noticed that even before going down PlatinumVertex needed longer than usual to process withdrawals which is never a good sign either. We’ll see if the program is going to recover, but at the moment I would not advise investing there even if the website is back to normal soon. First wait until all the pending withdrawals are processed and only after that will I move PlatinumVertex back to Paying status on MNO. I doubt it’s going to happen though. Here’s what was posted on Facebook last night regarding the downtime and the alleged reasons behind it:

Good day to all PlatinumVertex members. We regret to inform that the site is currently being attacked with DDoS. Rest assured that our technicians are working extra time to get back our site online. They are currently on 60% done with the work so please be a little more patient. Thanks.

Two more program have to be moved to Waiting status on MNO due to delayed payouts and I would recommend to stay away from them at the moment too – StartUpInvestCapital and Lightraffic. I will wait till tomorrow morning and see if I get paid by them, but usually delayed payouts don’t promise anything good. Please note that both Lightraffic and StartUpInvestCapital might be in trouble too, and I bet they will not survive Christmas. I’ll update you tomorrow in case they resume the payouts, but it’s especially unlikely.


A brand new project that just launched picked MNO as its first monitor and purchased Premium listing on my site – CashROTOR. The program has only one simple investment plan paying 15% interest for the duration of 10 calendar days with no principal return on expiry, so at the end of the term you will hopefully finish with 50% pure profit. The minimum accepted by CashROTOR is $10 with the maximum limited to $10,000 accepted via three popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay. Some readers might be pleased that since CashROTOR is running of a custom script created by the admin himself he’s very confident in its security and therefore promises instant payouts to all payment processors. I can confirm this myself as I got paid some referral commissions already, and therefore am going to review CashROTOR on my blog tomorrow night. If you’re already going to invest I should tell you that the process is done in two stages – first you add your funds via your chosen payment processor/s (click “Add Funds”) and only after that you deposit the desired amount in the investment plan (by clicking “Make Deposit”), so be aware of that. On the security front, CashROTOR is up to a decent standard what should be expected from this type of program, with SSL-security by Comodo, and hosting on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by Koddos. More info will be posted tomorrow, and meanwhile here’s the short welcome message on the website:

Dear members,
We are pleased to announce the official launch of the CashROTOR.
CashROTOR Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Mox, UsdTrading.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, StallionGold, SureInv, ProsperaNova, BensonUnion, 4FXInvestment, DiamondAsset, ProForexUnion, TureProfit, SecureIncome, Nubcoyu, ReferToWealthStravia, CashROTOR (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list:  TrackInvestFxen, Sun7LifeInvestmentCapital, TheInvestmentBank, MainaLimited, Finance7.

That’s it for tonight, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow with the conclusion of the business week news and the full review of CashROTOR!

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