Dec 24th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! FxGP has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I wasn’t really sure if I’d have any new programs joining the MNO monitoring page since the last review – actually I was sure there wouldn’t be – but I was surprised. A brand new short term program called FxGP has just been added, having just opened for business last Friday. So tonight in what will definitely this time be my last update because I’m looking forward to Santa coming tomorrow just as much as the rest of you, I want to take a look at the investment plans plus some of the other main features of the program and see if you think it’s suitable to add them to your portfolios. I’ll just start by saying that FxGP is a short term HYIP. A lot of you are suspicious, and rightly so, about such programs opening in December with the sad fact of the matter being too many of them are set up with the sole intention of the admin never paying anyone and getting as much cash for himself as possible for his own holiday celebrations. However I don’t really see this as being much of an issue now that the holidays are practically upon us. I mean that’s not to say the program can’t fail or can’t collapse, I’m just saying I doubt that a fast holiday scam is the primary motivation for the FxGP admin. With the industry in hibernation at least until January it’s going to be at least the second cycle, maybe even the third, before we see any serious traffic going through FxGP. But for the sake of those of you like myself not taking a break from the industry I’ll try and describe what it’s all about for you here.

There’s three plans to choose from, or to be more accurate three different versions of the same plan that rewards you according to how much you’re prepared to gamble. But no matter what you go for, they all have something in common which is that they run for a term of 12 calendar days. FxGP require a minimum deposit of $10 to join, and for that you get into The Starter Plan. Spending anything up to an upper limit of $1,500, which I guess will include the overwhelming majority of investors, will earn you a return of 9.5% interest per calendar day. That adds up to 114% and as FxGP are including your principal as part of the payments leaves you with a total net profit of 14%.

Or to put that in monetary terms, let’s say you joined with $100. For that FxGP will pay you back $9.50 per day, adding up to $114 by the end of the 12 day term. Your initial hundred is already counted as part of that, leaving you with your own money back plus $14 net profit.

If you’re prepared to go further than that, assuming you can afford it that is, FxGP have The Advanced Plan open to minimum deposits of $1,501. It runs for the same 12 calendar day term, the only difference being the interest rate rises marginally to 9.75% per day. That should add up to 117% in total by the end of the cycle. FxGP have already counted your initial principal as part of that, so you’re left with your own money back plus 17% net profit. The maximum spending limit (for this plan) is $5,000.

And lastly there’s The Professional Plan for investors looking to spend $5,001 or more, up to a maximum level of $10,000. This plan also features daily interest payments for a 12 calendar day term, this time at a rate of 10% making it again only slightly more profitable than the option going before it. FxGP include your initial investment as part of the payouts, so the final return of 120% is your own money plus 20% net profit.

The list of payment options is up to a good standard with FxGP taking all the popular ones right from the start. Then again that’s very often a minimum expectation for a lot of investors these days anyway before they ever get involved. Granted most people will only use one, but it’s the choice and the appearance of professionalism that counts. So as of now you can join using SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Payments to members you’ll probably be pleased to hear are instant. You’ll still need to log in to your private member’s account area and make a request, but once you’ve do so the money should drop in to your chosen payment processor account in under a minute. Just be aware that this does NOT apply to EgoPay. If you’re using that processor to withdraw then you’ll need to allow a maximum of 24 hours for the FxGP admin to do it manually.

On the design and security side of the program, FxGP is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlockDos who will no doubt be well known by now to experienced industry players. The website runs off a script under license from GoldCoders and is SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions or account related issues you need to raise with the admin, you can get in touch either by filling in your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting it, or else by simply writing directly to one of the e-mail addresses listed there. FxGP also include a phone number, though to be honest I have no idea if anyone will ever pick it up if you call. But if you do wish to speak to someone in person then there’s no actual work schedule for when (if ever) the lines are active.

The most, in fact the only, thing original about the website texts and content is probably the name, FxGP being an abbreviation for ForeX Grand Pips. Otherwise it’s a straight copy/paste job, so whatever is said about the program supporting member’s payouts through ForEx trading I suggest ignoring that part unless substantially better evidence that you can verify for yourself is offered up. Until that happens you know the rest – regard FxGP as you would any other high risk online HYIP which you should only play once you know full well exactly what you are getting in to. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and if joining FxGP at all then try to do so only as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



After more than 48 hours of downtime in NewGNi I received an answer from Jurgen today who blamed a corrupted file in the script which the program is using and due to it being a holiday weekend it took them some time to get connected with the script’s developer and fix everything. The NewGNi website is now fully functional and all the withdrawals requested before Sunday midnight have been processed by now. Here’s what Jurgen replied personally to my email which I sent yesterday:

Hello Paul
Sorry, I just noticed your mail now, was just briefly online yesterday morning. There is a file corrupted causing the problem, same happened a few weeks back, if you remember. Once we overwrite the file with a new one, everything is working fine for an hour or so until the problem re-occurred. But we were assured that everything will be fine today, so that payments can be processed.
Merry Christmas, Jurgen

NewGNi definitely keeps the leaders position in the HYIP industry after almost a year online (the first review was published on MNO last December and can be found here). Even after the privatization of the program a couple of weeks back it’s still proving extremely popular with existing members. Four payment systems – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and PexPay – are available for two investment plans paying 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the original principal available for withdrawal after a lock-in period of 180 business days. The latest interview with Jurgen addressed most of the common questions about NewGNi, its privatization, and plans for the future was a must-read for all members can be read here. You can also check my first interview with Jurgen published on MNO a few months ago here.

In an end-of-year review of 2012 Jurgen told us about the huge success of the program which made it to #1 on MNO’s Premium list after a couple of months where it has stayed until now. With 9,000 members NewGNi has no immediate plans for further expansion so I guess the program feels really good and keeps paying to everyone. As many of other programs announced already, Jurgen and the team behind NewGNi will also have a well-deserved Christmas and New Year break, so the scheduled payouts next Monday will be skipped in favor of the first Monday of 2013 when the next batch of payouts will be processed. Customer support will be limited during this period, but won’t affect interest being credited to your accounts which should still happen automatically daily or weekly, depending on what plan you joined. Please read the latest official newsletter from Jurgen below and stay up-to-date on all developments with the program on MNO which remains the exclusive monitor for NewGNi:

Newsletter 24 December 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
It’s time for our last newsletter of 2012. For all of us here at NewGNi, 2012 was a great year and a huge success! We’d like to thank our almost 9000 member for being with us and believing in us. Looking back on a great year – at the same time we are looking forward to the new year: With all your tremendous support, we believe we can even do better in 2013!
We wish all of you, a festive Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Chris and I are taking a break and some long awaited holidays, until we are back in January to be again at your service.
Please notice, that due to the Holiday Season the next withdrawal requests will be processed on Monday, the 7th of January. Interest will be paid during all the holidays as normal, daily or weekly, depending on your investment plan.
Also during the upcoming holidays only very limited support will be available. Thank you!
We wish you and your loved ones all the best,
Chris and Jurgen
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO


As the admin of ProfitableSunrise Roman (interviewed here) always positioned himself as a devoted Christian he took the opportunity to send his best wishes to investors for Christmas. In fact the newsletter had little to do with ProfitableSunrise per se, but was an interesting comment on the commercialization of Christmas which I tend to agree with. I would like to echo these sentiments as there is a lot of truth and wisdom in it. However I simply can’r help but mention the amazing achievement ProfitableSunrise had over the last thirteen and a half months and its enormous positive impact on the HYIP industry by putting thousands of members in profit while reaching the #2 spot on the MNO Premium List, just behind NewGNi. ProfitableSunrise (reviewed here) joined MNO in December 2011 and over a year working with them I cannot help but wonder how Roman made his program one of the true gems of the industry. Perhaps his Christian faith is really the miracle that keeps the program afloat for so long and keeps it paying the 1.6%-2% for 180 business days, and 2.7% for 240 business days plans with principal back on expiry. Payment processors include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay. Whatever he’s doing, he’s doing it right and thanks to his brilliant efforts and prompt payouts many people will now be able to afford to celebrate Christmas and New Year. Hope that 2013 will be as prosperous for the admin as the investors of ProfitableSunrise. Below is the Christmas message from Roman sent today:

ProfitableSunrise – Merry Christmas!
My Dear Friends,
What a blessed time of the year! Obviously, the most popular time of the year for most of us. I love Christmas and I love everything about it.
Many say that over the years Christmas became more commercialized. The true message of Christmas tends to be lost. But for me, December is the favorite month of the year.
You can see how people change this month. Everyone seems to be in a totally positive mood. People start showing love and compassion towards each other. You can literally feel the Christmas Cheer is in the air.
Even though corporations push hard to advertise their products, we still manage to find the time to think about what we can give or do for others. It may be that our modern times dictate the way how we show our love for each other, the essence of the Christmas spirit is still there.
-=A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.=- John 13:34
I believe that the joy and the great mood that come every year on the month of December in anticipation of the Christmas day are because we follow this commandment.
Merry Christmas to You and Your Loved Ones!
Roman Novak
ProfitableSunrise Founder


You know how I usually treat newly added short-term plans – as a commonly used trick by admins of long-term programs just before scamming. So I find it very suspicious that the admin of ProsperaNova Darren (interviewed here) introduced a new investment plan paying 135% after 10 calendar days on investments starting from $1 and accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. I’m well aware of the great performance of ProsperaNova over the last few months and the investors in profit from its original 2% for 365 days plan. However this past performance doesn’t guarantee the safety of your principal. I find the addition of this new plan just before Christmas very suspicious and I would definitely NOT recommend joining. On the contrary, I would advise holding off from investments there for the next 10 days and see if the admin is actually going to pay to those who did join this new plan. Of course there’s a possibility that ProsperaNova (reviewed here) will pay everyone and I will gladly take my words back if that actually happens after January 4th, what is the deadline for investing in this New Year promo plan. However, usually it is exactly the opposite and they may collapse straight after this date. I hope that is not going to happen, but please be careful and think twice before spending. The newsletter is entitled Good News though I believe it may turn out to be exactly the opposite:

ProsperaNova: Good news!
Dear investors,
We have some good news for all of you!
We have achieved what we wanted to do – we will continue working regularly even during the holidays!
So you can ignore all that about non-trading days, which we talked about in our previous newsletter, as profit will be paid out with no interruptions.
We have managed to do this in the last moment and it was quite a difficult task to achieve, but that is not all we have been up to.
We have decided to offer you, as a special gift for the new year, a celebratory short term plan.
The plan offers a very special 35% after 10 days plus principal. Yes, that means if you were to invest a $100, after precisely 10 days you can withdraw $135.
This plan is temporary and will be open for investments up to January the 4th of 2013.
Following are some details about this special offer for you:
The plan lasts for EXACTLY 10 days, and that means, if you invest on December 26th at 12:00 PM, you’ll get the profit plus principal on January 6th at 12:00 PM. At that time, the profit will show on your account balance, and then you can request the payment using a payment processor.
The profit is, as we said, 35%, meaning that if you invest a $100, you’ll get $135, which is your principal plus 35% profit.
The minimum is the same as in our other plan, which is $1, and there is no maximum. We accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.
This plan lasts until January the 4th, after which it will be closed for new investments, but of course all the people who invest before January the 4th will receive their payments, as we have explained in the previous paragraphs.
Once again we would like to note that this is a special plan which is only temporary. After January the 4th our original daily plan will, of course, continue as it always has.
This may not seem much in comparison with some other online programs, but we are here to stay and we plan to work for a very long time.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards,
ProsperaNova support”


Mox (reviewed here) is another program sending Christmas greetings to investors today. Mox is currently #1 on MNO Sticky Listing and performing really well, paying promptly on the 11% for 13 business days investment plan for over four weeks already. Initially having been processed instantly, withdrawals from Mox are now done manually by the admin within 12 hours of request to ensure the tightest level of security. Mox accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from an $11 minimum and is currently on its second cycle. Hopefully we’ll hear only good things from Mox as the admin promised to continue through Christmas and New Year and process payouts Monday to Friday as usual. Here’s the latest short newsletter sent today:

Merry Christmas
Hello everyone,
Our team of Mox would like to wish you and your family Merry Christmas. Hope you can enjoy your holidays and have more time to stay with your family. We also hope you can also earn some extra money with Mox because we will not rest during this holidays as we promised before.
Sincerely, Mox Admin


The subject of today’s newsletter from ProForexUnion (reviewed here) was also Christmas. The program itself is a major success, paying for three months already on several investment plans all of which return original principals on expiry – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days. Only recently they expanded the list of payment methods and now take LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from a $10 minimum. Withdrawals are usually processed within a few hours of request and I must say that the admin was always responsive and reacted quickly to all my requests. I just want to share the good wishes from ProForexUnion and hope 2013 continues as good as 2012, especially as it looks unaffected by the holidays with payouts continuing uninterrupted. Here’s the latest from the program:

ProForexUnion. Merry Christmas from ProForexUnion Company!
ProForexUnion Company Wishes you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout!
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year!
Merry Christmas, you all !
Mr. Christopher Clarken
Mr. Zhao Xu-ShangXiang
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


Another very successful and long running program 4FXInvestment celebrates its first year online just in January. That run has been truly phenomenal when you consider the plan pays 11%-14% for 10 business days with instant withdrawals to all three accepted payment systems – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The full review of 4FXInvestment can be read here and the latest newsletter from them sent holiday wishes to all their clients, many of which were in huge profit. Hopefully 4FXInvestment will continue the good job in 2013 as well:

New year
Dear respectable clients,
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Merry Christmas, a prosperous and Happy New Year in 2013.
Thank you for being our client in 2012, we hope in this new year we can improve the our service satisfactory in order to satisfy you respectable clients.
Our trading desk will be opened for business on Christmas holidays, so interest will be paid to members in these days.
We appreciate your support and, indeed success of the 4FXInvestment Organization is result of your understanding and support. We hope you will notify us on our service failure cases, and lead us to provide our service quality.
Please feel free to contact us and our support staffs will reply you as soon as possible.
Regards, 4FXInvestment Group


Although the investment plan paying 102% after 1 day on deposits ranging from $1 to $10 (effectively a test plan) was added to SecureIncome a few days ago, the official update announcing it was sent only today. This is available for small investors while those with at least $10 or more in SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney can try any of the others – 120%-125% after 7 days, 160%-170% after 16 days, 200%-220% after 25 days, 320%-500% after 45 days, 700% after 70 days. The program has been paying for more than 40 days and made a profit for many investors. I sincerely hope that SecureIncome will survive the holidays and get more new investors in 2013. It still has to survive another week to make that happen. Here’s the latest update from SecureIncome (reviewed here):

Dear investors!
Merry Christmas dear investors, I wish you good health, love and wealth.
We have already more than 45 days and are pleased to announce a new test investment plan.
102% after 1 day (principal included)
minimum deposit of $ 1
maximum deposit of $ 10
With best wishes!
Admin – SecureIncome.


Three extra days this week and three extra days next week will be taken as holidays by DiamondAsset (reviewed here). This is due to the Christmas and New Year celebrations which obviously they have no wish to keep crediting interest during that time. Plans offer 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry via EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay. I must say that at least with DiamondAsset members will see a couple of days with crediting interest while they should dismiss the extra days as the bare necessity to keep DiamondAsset up and running for 2013 which the majority of the investors (some of them already in profit) are in the longer term more interested in. Here’s the latest newsletter from DiamondAsset announcing the festive schedule, so take note of it in your diary:

Christmas And New Year Holidays Schedule!
Dear Client,
The end of 2012 is coming and this year the results of our work brought many people a feeling of financial stability and independence.
In 2013 we will continue our global presence and will introduce a lot of new and useful services.
There will be no interest payments on Dec 25th – 27th, 2012 and Jan 1st – 3rd 2013. On Friday, the 4th of January, we will start working again.
Stay with us, we wish you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous holiday season.
DiamondAsset Support Team.


While processing the last batch of payouts to investors today, the admin of BGTGroups announced that for the next 8 days no interest would be credited to members’ accounts and no withdrawals would be allowed either. Of course there was no mention of deposits which I believe will still be gladly accepted! Plans include 1.2% per business day and 7% weekly with no expiry and the option to leave after a lock-in period of 180 days. Read more about the BGTGroups plans in my review published here. After the first four and a half months online they’ve shown an excellent performance putting the first investors in profit. But if this forced holiday is really what it takes to keep the program alive and kicking in 2013, I doubt many members will be objecting. Please take note of the holiday schedule announced by BGTGroups in the newsletter re-posted below:

BGTGroups Holiday Schedule
Dear Member,
We are grateful of serving you for more than 4 and half months now and thankful for your supports during this time. BGTGroups team hopes to serve you even better and more efficient in the New Year.
The main purpose of this newsletter is to inform you of our schedule during the holiday season. It is universally known and no need to explain why we are having this time off, going straight to the point:
Last batch of withdrawals were processed a few minutes ago (24th December 2012, 5PM GMT). From this date, till 2nd of January, 5PM GMT, you will not receive any interest and will not be able to request any withdrawal. Our support will be available part time and for sure you may experience delays in getting a response but we do our best to meet our 24 business hours time-frame to get back to you.
Here, on behalf of the whole group, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance.
Enjoy your holiday season!
Best Regards, BGTGroups Administration


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Mox.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNI, ProfitableSunrise, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, SureInv, ProsperaNova, BensonUnionDiamondAsset, ProForexUnion, TureProfit, SecureIncome, CashROTOR, Stravia, FxGP.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: XtremeRichness, TrackInvest, PickProfit, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, TheInvestmentBank, Finance7.

That’s all for today, guys. Even if it’s Christmas time you can see that I was inundated with news and Christmas greetings which I am never tired of reading. Please also accept my Christmas wishes for you and let tomorrow’s holiday be bright and happy for you and your family. Merry Christmas, everyone, and see you on MNO on Wednesday!

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