Beware! OnwardAds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! A brand new business week starts today, and there’ll be plenty to talk about on MNO as there always is. Before getting on with today’s update however (which starts with a review of a brand new HYIP/surf hybrid called OnwardAds) I just want to give a very short message to my e-mail subscribers. Since MNO first started over 3,000 of you have signed up to receive my blog posts directly to your e-mail boxes everyday, and a sincere thank you if you’re one of them. The subscription list itself is managed by FeedBurner, and unfortunately there’s been a technical glitch that I myself have no control over. The updates are still being sent to the vast majority of readers, however a very small number of users stopped getting the updates, and were unable to re-subscribe. Luckily it was only a handful, but everybody counts and many of you have written to me asking what the problem was. So if you were affected, please take the following steps:
Go to the last news feed e-mail you received from MNO. At the bottom of the page you will see a message saying “To stop receiving these e-mails you may unsubscribe now”.
Because you are already on the subscription list, any attempt to re-subscribe will be rejected. Therefore you need to click the “unsubscribe” link to remove yourself from the list, and then go back to my main blog page and re-enter your address again, just like you did the first time you signed up. The whole process should take you no more than a minute, and hopefully this will fix the problem for you permanently.
So, now that that’s out of the way let’s move on with OnwardAds. Like I said they combine autosurf plans with the more traditional HYIP style ones. For those of you unfamiliar with autosurfs, what this means is that you are required under the programs terms and conditions, to log into your account at least once every 24 hours, and view a series of ads that have been placed there by OnwardAds advertisers. It’s very simple, you just click on the Surf tab on top of the page in your members area, and the ads will start turning on and off by themselves in front of you. Each one runs for ten seconds, and when you have viewed ten such ads you are finished for the day. Of course when I say “view” them you don’t actually have to sit there while this is going on (even if it is only a minute and forty seconds). But if all that’s too much for you then OnwardAds also feature a non-surfing plan which just pays you like any other online HYIP.
As for the numbers, you can join OnwardAds for a minimum deposit of $10. All plans, both surfing and non-surfing run for a term of 60 calendar days, and return your initial deposit on expiry. So I’ll begin with the slightly less profitable straight HYIP plan. Your $10 deposit here gets you a return of 1.7% interest every day for 60 days. By the end of the term payments should add up to a total of 102% at which point OnwardAds are supposed to return your original deposit. That’s just over double your money, though I must say it takes an awfully long time, almost the plan’s entire duration in fact, just to break even. There’s no substantial profit to speak of until OnwardAds get around to returning your original deposit some two months after you joined.
Higher deposits can avail of higher interest rates, with OnwardAds offering 3.2% per day for 60 calendar days on investments starting from a $100 minimum up to a top value of $50,000 with principal back on expiry, giving you a final net profit of a more reasonable 192%.
After that we see the more profitable surfing plans, though like I said above this does require a bit more effort on your part. Not much of an effort mind, but for some reason more than a lot of investors seem prepared to make. I don’t know why because you can just switch on the surfing tab automatically while you do other things like make withdrawals from the other HYIPs you’re in, so it needn’t occupy too much of your time. Anyway, having said that I would still expect this to be the less popular plan due to you being required to deposit a $250 minimum. For that OnwardAds will pay you 4% interest per day for 60 calendar days. On expiry this should add up to 240% in total, which can be considered net profit once your initial principal is returned as promised.
For larger investments the plan works more or less the same way, you need to surf ten sites per day for 60 calendar days, but in return for your investment starting from a $500 minimum up to a top value of $50,000 OnwardAds are offering an improved rate of 6% per day. Adding up to 360% in total on expiry, this can only be deemed your net profit once OnwardAds have returned your original principal.
Payment options are as good as anything else in the online HYIP business at the moment with OnwardAds taking all the popular processors, so there’s really no need to change things around as far as that’s concerned. Currently you’ll find deposits accepted via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members will be made manually by the OnwardAds admin and so will need to be requested from your private members account area. Once done you are asked to allow anything up to a possible maximum of 48 hours for the transaction to be completed. Minimum withdrawal is $1 by the way, so smaller investors please keep that in mind.
On another note, two other points you need also to be aware of regarding the plans include that when your surfing and expecting a daily payment for doing so, your earnings will only be credited 24 hours after you have completed your surfing requirements for the day. So in other words if you surf on Monday the payment for it doesn’t show up in your account until Tuesday when you can ask to withdraw it. It’s vital that you remember to surf once per 24 hours (server time) by the way, otherwise you will not get paid and lose your earnings thus making the whole thing a monumental waste of time for you. The other thing is that compounding is allowed for all plans. I wouldn’t recommend this myself due to it being a lot more trouble than it’s worth, and I know a lot of longer term industry players will be able to cite past experiences with it to agree with me. Nevertheless, it’s no actual reflection good or bad on the program offering it, and if you want to risk it anyway then OnwardAds will accommodate you.
On the design and security side of things, OnwardAds is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by Koddos. The website is SSL-secured by Comodo for an extra layer of protection, and is running off a script licensed from Gotenks. One of the peculiarities of this script which those new to the HYIP industry might not know about yet is that here you are first required to fund your account area. So once you have made your deposit there, you will then need to re-distribute the funds to the plan or plans you wish to invest with. I know it might sound a trivial thing to most of you, but you’d be surprised how many people forget this. So remember, your investment does not actually “go live” until you do this, and you won’t earn a single cent until you move the money from it’s initial account area to your chosen OnwardAds investment plan. For any further questions for the admin, or account related issues you need him to deal with for you, OnwardAds can be contacted by filling in your details on the online e-mail ticketing form and submitting it via the support page. If however you have a problem with an overdue payment then there is a separate e-mail address you can write to directly to report that.
Fans of social media will be able to find OnwardAds keeping pages on Facebook and Twitter as well. While these are increasingly common among HYIP admins no more than a handful at most have ever made the most effective use of them. There hasn’t really been much activity to speak of the the OnwardAds pages yet, but to be fair they’ve only been online a day or two so we’ll see how that goes for them.
Regarding the program’s alleged business activities, OnwardAds sort of positions itself as an advertising site. It’s a pretty straight forward concept, and one that’s been around more or less since the birth of the HYIP industry itself – website admins pay OnwardAds to advertise their sites, who in turn pay you to become the captive audience viewing those ads. I have to be honest with you here and say that it’s been quite some time since I’ve noticed a program like this be anything even approaching successful, popular, or profitable for members. Maybe this one will change that, but we’ll see in the next few weeks. It’s just that I myself don’t see how the activity of viewing ads by itself can generate new money and maintain payments. I mean if it was really true that the advertisers are the ones paying you to view their ads, why do OnwardAds need members to deposit their own money at all in the first place, right?
Generally speaking most of the websites you see advertised on autosurfs are in some way connected with the HYIP industry, and most of the users would also be regular industry players, so you’d think it kinda makes sense to buy that kind of traffic. But for the most part this is “empty traffic” of very little value, as the viewer only sees the advertisers website for ten seconds (and that’s assuming he’s even sitting in front of his computer at all!) before the next ad pops up. The websites are unlikely to attract that many paying members on the strength of those ads, despite the increase in traffic. I don’t really know anyone who uses surfing sites as a source of information about what new programs are out there, when there are various forums and news sites that do it more effectively. However if you have a website yourself and you’re looking for some extra traffic for whatever reason, you can check out the rates on the OnwardAds website for advertising there. Indeed you don’t necessarily need your own website at all to advertise, you’re perfectly free to advertise your own ref link to your favorite HYIP if you really believe it would generate more for you in ref commissions than would cost you in the price of ads.
OK, that might be a rather long winded way of making what’s basically a very simple point – I wouldn’t treat OnwardAds any differently than any other online HYIP and I wouldn’t take their claims of being able to support interest payments to members by way of advertising any more seriously than the claims made by other HYIPs claiming to do it with ForEx trading or deals on the stock markets. So just as in anything else you might discover over the net, exercise a little caution and a little common sense when joining these things. It’s possible to make money, and it’s possible to lose it. Anyone who can tell you which ones to join and which ones to avoid are probably multi-millionaires by now, and given that there aren’t any of those in the HYIP industry I guess that tells you what you need to know about predictions! So just remember to always follow the golden rule which is to set yourself a spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose (as it is a very high risk venture after all and there are no guarantees). And of course if joining OnwardAds at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
After the successful migration from Koddos to BlockDos last night CashROTOR regains its title as the hottest short-term program of January and continues its reign over the industry. The lucrative returns of 15% for 10 calendar days and prompt instant payouts for over 25 days already earned them a reputation as a solid and sustainable profit-maker and a program to invest in. The program has been growing tremendously over the last couple of weeks and brought nice profits to a good number of investors, but the best gains were made by those who, just like myself, saw the enormous potential and spotted an experienced admin from the very beginning (late December 2012, when CashROTOR first launched and was reviewed on MNO here) and took the chance without hesitation, as CashROTOR is on its third cycle already and is still paying smoothly to everyone.
Thousands of investors witnessed last night how efficiently and quickly a change of server could be done and the admin of the project Steven (read my interview with him here) proved once more that interruptions could be less than minimal when you deal with an experienced and technically savvy admin. Moreover, in an exclusive newsletter issued especially for MNO readers today Steven told us about the successful prevention of multiple hacking attempts and malicious attacks carried out by the program’s former hosting provider Koddos and the potential harm that could have been done to CashROTOR by such hostile actions. Luckily Steven was able to foil such attacks. Due to some grave security concerns the submitting of a one-time verification PIN was introduced and is required to be entered once you try to login into your account for the first time after the switch to BlockDos was made. This is a one-time procedure that needs to be done for the security of your accounts in CashROTOR and to ensure the program’s safety in long run. You can find how it all works in the latest newsletter. Along with that, please pay the utmost attention to the security rules that concern your withdrawal safety and efficiency. Note that due to the instant payouts made by CashROTOR and the need to enter your payment processor account details manually every time you attempt to withdraw, it is very important to follow the advice provided in the newsletter to ensure a safe and instant transition of funds from there to your payment processor account – be it LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PexPay. Please find the latest exclusive newsletter from CashROTOR below and closely follow it if you have any questions or concerns regarding the recent shift to BlockDos that has been successfully completed today:
“Dear members! We have finally completed our backend server migration to SoftLayer. This was not as smooth as I expected, but it’s finally done.
For those of you who are technically savvy, CashROTOR is now hosted on a dedicated computer using a Quad Core Xeon microprocessor with super-fast SSD drive and is protected by BlockDOS.
Now CashROTOR no longer has dependence on KoDDOS, which was a pure evil for all of us. It’s not easy to admit, but this was a mistake. These guys have a really interesting “business”. They host HYIPs for such low prices, but good things seldom come cheaply. Mature HYIPs hosted on their servers is their main source of profit. HYIP administrators get blamed when things go wrong, while KoDDOS remains nice and shiny.
Now that our website is in a safe place, I can openly say that KoDDOS was trying to hack CashROTOR since the 7th of January 2013. They were uploading rootkits, switching off PHP’s safe mode, tweaked .htaccess files, but could not do anything to reach your funds! CashROTOR stood even when they modified the database to add $5,000 to their account. So, if you were to ask me where to look for real scammers, you know the address.
Now let me tell you few words about the Account Security Guard. This new feature of CashROTOR activates when you try to login to your account for the first time since our migration. After you enter your valid credentials, you will see an additional step asking you to enter your Account PIN (immediately sent to your email), and your chosen new password – TWICE. This is a required security measure to protect your account’s safety after migrating from an untrusted environment.
Basic rules of using Security Guard are the following:
– If the system prompts you for an Account PIN and you can’t find it in your Inbox folder, then please check your SPAM folder.
– If you still can’t find the Account PIN email, most likely you have registered with a different email address.
– If you registered with CashROTOR using a non-existent email address, contact me through the support form and I’ll guide you on further steps.
Some users were reporting that our system was not sending Account PINs, or they have requested PINs multiple times. This is a known bug, which has already been fixed. All related support requests were answered in under an hour.
Now, about failed withdrawals and funds that are just not there.
Sometimes when CashROTOR investors request a withdrawal, they get confused what to specify in the “Account” field. Solid Trust Pay allows up to 16 alpha-numeric characters in their account names. So, you might enter almost anything. The system tries to send funds to the specified STP account. In most cases when the account does not exist, the withdrawal request is returned for revision.
In some cases, however, accounts occasionally do exist and funds are sent to a different owner.
So, here is the warning:
– If you withdraw your Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money, you need to specify your PAYMENT ACCOUNT in the following format: U1234567.
– Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money accounts share the same format. So, if you specify your Perfect Money account, but select Liberty Reserve, the chances are high that someone else will receive your withdrawal.
– For Solid Trust Pay withdrawals you need to specify your STP username. This allows almost any alphanumeric string up to 16 characters. Please make sure you enter your own STP account username.
Making a brief of the above, I acknowledge there is a usability problem that requires fixing. Take my word – it will be done very soon. In a very short time you’ll see that CashROTOR offers you the best possible usability. There are still things to do in the background, but now I’ll have more time to improve CashROTOR‘s visual side. I hope all of you will enjoy it.
Finally – thank you so much for your support of CashROTOR!”
Despite the nature of EpicRoyalFund which being a private investment club doesn’t usually issue newsletters but just notifies members on updates posted in their account area, I, as a monitoring site, feel obligated to post any newsletter and make them public to MNO readers, especially if they have important information. Yesterday it was officially announced the program had acquired protection from the leading HYIP market provider BlockDos, though I cannot see any trace of EpicRoyalFund being relocated to BlockDos servers myself I can only assume they are just protected by them. In any case, I believe that upgrading the site’s protection to a higher standard is essential for EpicRoyalFund and that is what will ensure the stability of the project in the long run.
The program originally started in late November 2012 and came to MNO a month later when the admin purchased Premium listing on my monitor and promised to answer some interview questions. In my original review of EpicRoyalFund published here I got into great detail about the four on expiry investment plans offered by the program – 108%-112% after 7 days, 120%-130% after 15 days, 150%-170% after 30 days, 230%-300% after 60 days – and also described the types of membership available in EpicRoyalFund. Joining under someone else’s referral is mandatory, and then your account must be verified manually by the admin. Once done, you become eligible to fund your wallet via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve and start earning by allocating funds to your desired plan. That may well have attracted more investors over the last few weeks and EpicRoyalFund soared to #7 on MNO’s Premium listing where I believe it can climb even higher with time. Positive developments announced by the admin Jeffrey about the coming new payment methods, releasing new due diligent materials and expanding its online support will positively affect the program’s presence in the HYIP market and make it more popular. I hope that at least that by next week he will be able to send me the answers to the interview he’s been promising his own members for months now, a promise made before I’d ever even heard of them I might add. For the full version of the newsletter please read below:
“Update from the Founder
Dear Members,
This is just a short Update to inform you all on what has been happening here in the background since the start of new year.
First of all, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. After a restful break, the start of a new year is a good time to summarize what we achieved last year and set new goals to accomplish in the year ahead. So we started off by covering our “weak spots” and the very first thing to do was to get our Website secured by BlockDOS, a reliable and consistent DDoS mitigation company, which is simply the best protection Service in its class!
In fact, we switched to BlockDOS last Sunday, but the reason I’m updating you on this a week later is because we needed some time together with Tech Admins to set everything up and configure the server to form a synergistic platform with the BlockDOS’ Gateway. We are still monitoring and testing the system 24/7 and if something goes wrong, we know it before you do and are ready to fix whatever issues may appear.
Besides, we may require some time next Sunday to change our Server to the best hardware available and give you faster browsing experience with more security.
Now, as many of you already know, I received a list of questions for the Interview from Money-News-Online Admin, Paul Abramson, which I am going to submit for publishing on the MNO Blog once I get back to my Stockholm office. I’m currently on a business trip connected to some new investment opportunities (housing projects in Stockholm and Uppsala) and will be back in about a week or less.
Also, we are close to announcing new banking facilities in Europe as well as an option for funding your EPIC Wallet with Cash/Western Union. The latter alternative, however, will be used for deposits and payouts only up to $5,000 in USD or EUR. I will myself email each Member waiting to deposit via Bank Wire with instructions on how to deposit. It shouldn’t not take longer than ONE WEEK.
Finally, we have a nice amount of NDA requests for Due Diligence materials piled up here due to the holidays and myself being extremely busy with all the reports and annual audit, so I will try to catch up in a timely fashion – next week most (if not all) these requests will be handled (day by day on a time available basis), but you are all in my radar, rest assured!
Almost the same with Support Requests. However, there is one good thing about support, and this is probably the best news today… We have two new support staff members whom I will introduce on Tuesday in a special Update on the support related issues.
Actually, I have a HUGE lot of News & Updates to share, but this is all for today. Moreover, the most important aspects concerning the further development of the Club will be addressed next week in the Interview, so stay tuned to not miss out on anything!
Sincerely, Jeff
Jeffrey Ericson, Managing Director and Founder
EpicRoyalFund / EpicRoyal Investors Intl”.
I can safely say that after the completion of the first investment cycle paying 18% for 8 days yesterday SafeguardWallet experienced a significant boost in membership also helped by the recent addition of the ever popular SolidTrustPay and EgoPay to the list of payment processors, joining LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and taking the program to #6 on MNO’s Premium list. At the same time it looks like there’s more and more members asking the same questions about payouts and the time when the daily interest is actually credited to one’s account and available for withdrawal. I think that’s been covered many times already and I also clearly specified this in my detailed review of SafeguardWallet published here, but for some newbies such information must be repeated I guess. So first of all, please take note that all the withdrawals requests from SafeguardWallet are processed within 24 hours maximum, and that means anything from 5 minutes after your request to 23 hours and 55 minutes, so there is absolutely no point wasting everyone’s time submitting a support tickets if your payout is still inside the promised timeframe. Finally, due to the script your daily 18% interest in SafeguardWallet may be credited at different times every day. So there is no need to contact the admin regarding this either. Please take these things into consideration and I wish you all good luck there:
“Payouts and Interest Crediting
Hello SafeguardWallet Members,
I wanted to send a clarification email out to all our members. We receive many support tickets that take away from actual support tickets that need to be answered.
Please remember that all payouts are processed within 24 hours, it may be quicker or slower depending on the day.
Additionally, interest crediting is automated. This is attributed to our script. You will earn all interest you are entitled to for your investment.
Thank you for your support from the SafeguardWallet Team!”
The administration of ZionFinance reported yesterday about a few hours unexpected downtime last night affecting Koddos servers. ZionFinance (reviewed here) is back online now and continues its stable performance going on two months already paying on three very different investment plans – 3.5%-5.5% for 12 days (principal back), 15%-19% for 8 days, 160%-200% after 14 days. Payment processors accepted by ZionFinance include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The latest newsletter posted on the website only reported on the downtime which has now been resolved:
“Unexpected Downtime
13 Jan 2013 Unexpected Downtime. Our service has been unavailable from 00:00 a.m. until 06:00 a.m. due to certain unexpected problems related to our Hosting Center. In less than 6 hours the server has been fully restored and currently is absolutely functional.”
BensonUnion (reviewed here) finally announced the winners of a somehow delayed Christmas contest with $25,000 worth of prizes up for grabs. Well, I guess nobody can actually verify if that list includes genuine people or just a bunch of random names pulled from the phone book. Anyway, no one can deny that BensonUnion becomes more popular day after day and processing instant withdrawals for about a year the project deserves some respect. BensonUnion first came to prominence in 2012 when the program took the industry by storm offering instant payouts on 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal return on expiry. Many investors have since profited tremendously from it. Later in the year contrary to earlier claims made by the project’s admin Ragnar in my original interview with him (published 13 Jan 2013 Unexpected Downtime. Our service has been unavailable from 00:00 a.m. until 06:00 a.m. due to certain unexpected problems related to our Hosting Center. In less than 6 hours the server has been fully restored and currently is absolutely functional. first came to prominence in 2012 when the program took the industry by storm offering instan t payouts on 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal return on expiry. Many investors have since profited tremendously from it. Later in the year contrary to earlier claims made by the project’s admin Ragnar in my original interview with him (published here), BensonUnion added EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and BitCoin to the originally accepted LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and direct bank wires and expanded its international support by adding more languages, phone support and other unique features not found elsewhere. So a leading place among long-term programs is well deserved in my opinion. With newly achieved heights and the first year of operation almost complete I’d like to wish BensonUnion and its investors at least another successful year online and of course more profits. Here’s the newsletter from them:
“Christmas gifts announced! Check your name in winners list!
Dear investors! BensonUnion has announced Christmas gift deposits. There is a $25,000 worth of prizes! We hope that everyone is happy, BensonUnion is becoming more and more popular every week. Our traffic rank on hit the record mark this week. We are preparing new pleasant surprises to turn your investment with BensonUnion into a top-level pleasure. Winners list can be viewed here: . Stay tuned for next updates!”
Did you know that AlphaCapitalFx (reviewed here) is offering internal e-currency exchanges between SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney? If you invested in the one of the investment plans offered by them – 5% for 31 business days or 107% after 7 calendar days – you can withdraw your profits to the another payment processor for a fee. In order to convert your available balance in the program to a different currency you simply click the Exchange link inside your profile to complete it within seconds. The reason why this gets mentioned on MNO today is that the admin Steve (interviewed here) brought up the reduced exchange rate available for PerfectMoney to LibertyReserve exchanges on his website which is only 5% now. And although the rates in all other directions are sometimes significantly higher those in need can still benefit. So if you want an exchange and don’t mind the investment plans offered by AlphaCapitalFx please feel free to join and take advantage:
“Changed exchange rate
Dear Client!
Today 14th Jan 2013, we have reduced our exchange rate from Perfect Money to Liberty Reserve.
Others rate are unchanged.
For more info , Please visit your member area at
Best regards, Steve Allen
Admin AlphaCapitalFx”.
The first program on MNO I would like to introduce tonight is ForexTMS. The project started in December 2012 as a Russian speaking website with an English translation following. The program accepts deposits starting from $10 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and pays daily with principal returned on expiry of the wide range of investment plans – 0.5%-1.8% for 1 day, 1%-2.8% for 10 days, 1.2%-3% for 30 days, 2%-4% for 100 days. As you can imagine the interest is dependent on the size of your principal, with bigger spenders getting the higher rates. Experienced investors might be glad to know that payouts from ForexTMS are now processed instantly, so it will take you only seconds to get paid. The site runs off a unique and custom script which I have never seen before, is SSL-secured by Thawte and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by Koddos. Needless to say the site is bi-lingual and since the administration is obviously of Russian origin you should excuse any mistakes in grammar you may find in the English version. 24 hour Live chat is now available with multi-lingual support which I can confirm actually works as it announced in the latest update from ForexTMS posted today:
“Innovations in January
Dear investors,
Now payments on our website are processed automatically: You can withdraw your profits instantly. And also we have live chat working around the clock. You can get advice at any time.”
All in all, my first impression of ForexTMS is quite positive – the project is already established with many supporters on forums and monitors, a wide variety of investment plans suited to all categories of investors, and instant payouts available to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (although the admin didn’t exclude the possibility of funding via credit cards which is something totally unheard of). I’m also glad to say that ForexTMS took the most expensive type of listing on MNO – Premium with a Sticky option for a month and I believe it’s a good sign as well. A more detailed review will be done by tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!
The second program joining MNO is a brand-new project only launched today called AIOFinance. The admin opted for Premium Listing and I must say at first glance I’m more than impressed. The design looks really good and is definitely made by a professional. The impact made on anyone seeing it for the first time should be quite impressive. There’s only one investment plan on offer with several variations depending on how much you spend (6% to 7% for 20 calendar days) and the minimum to invest starts from $10 which can be deposited via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney payment processors. Since AIOFinance is running off a licensed Shadows Script (you can read my interview with its developer here) you have to fund your e-wallet first and then re-direct your money to the plan you like. I’ll go through the whole investment process in more detail in the upcoming review of AIOFinance, but for now you need to know that withdrawals are processed within 24 hours of request and that the original principal is included in profits and not returned on expiry, thus leaving you with 20% to 40% net profit. The site is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by BlockDos and is promptly SSL secured by GeoTrust. As I said already, I’m quite impressed by the overall quality of the program and will be looking forward to reviewing it after receiving my first payout.
Finally, the last program joining MNO tonight is not new. It’s PremierLeagueProfits – the project that’s been monitored on Basic listing for a week already before the admin decided to make an upgrade to Standard tonight thus making it eligible to feature on MNO blog. The program accepts all the major payment processors starting from a $10 minimum – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. There are two long-term investment plans available at PremierLeagueProfits both of each will return your principal on expiry – 1% for 180 business days, and 7% for 30 weeks. The payments can be requested from your account daily and are promised to be processed very fast, usually within 12 hours but can be as long as 48 hours, so please keep this in mind. The script looks familiar and I certainly encountered it before, but seriously, I don’t remember any more or less famous programs running on it. PremierLeagueProfits is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server which I believe also provides them with DDoS protection. The member’s area is SSL-secured by GeoTrust. The alleged business behind PremierLeagueProfits is arbitrage sports betting. We saw such stories many times before, but never true and PremierLeagueProfits is just a regular HYIP, though I must admit that the admin is slowly improving his website which still doesn’t look too attractive to say the least but maybe with time it will result in some level of popularity too, although with such low rating plans I find it hard to believe. A full review of PremierLeagueProfits will follow on MNO soon and I will just leave you the latest short update from the admin introducing the new Live Chat feature where you can reach him:
“We have installed a live chat for easier communication, this will not be online all the time at present but we will try to have it as often as possible.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion, ForexTMS (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SureInv, StallionGold, SafeguardWallet, DiamondAsset, BensonUnion, 4FXInvestment, TureProfit, ZionFinance, Nubcoyu, BankPaying, Xgolding, AlevrasInvestments, AlphaCapitalFx, MGProfit, GISolutions.
From MNO Standard list: BGTGroups, OnwardAds (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, XtremeRichness, ForexMoneyBank, Sun7Life, Monearn, PerfectLottery, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit.
That’s all for tonight, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow for more news and updates from the HYIP industry and a more detailed review of ForexTMS after it was moved to Paying status on my monitor. Stay tuned and get your updates daily from the oldest and biggest HYIP related blog online –!, BensonUnion/a
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Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 14th, 2013. 1 Comment.
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