Dec 2nd, 2013 Archives

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Beware! FinMutual has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, particularly anyone celebrating the holidays in the US. It was quite a stormy few days in the HYIP industry towards the end of last week it must be said, so I hope this new business week will bring an upturn in fortunes for all of us. So I want to start this evening’s news update with a closer look at a the latest long term program added to the MNO monitor’s Premium List called FinMutual. You might remember it was first introduced on my blog last night but I should make this quite clear to you right from the start lest there be no misunderstanding – FinMutual is a new addition only to the MNO monitor, but is not in fact a new program by any means. They have in fact been running since last July so I guess many readers will at least know the name if not being actual members. So as long as you’re aware of that then let’s proceed and see exactly what FinMutual are offering members and potential members, and see if you think they might still be worth taking a chance on.

Starting then as usual with the investment plans, or rather I should just say “plan” as FinMutual only has one of them, you can join the program for a minimum deposit of $25. The plan then runs for a term of 160 business days (32 weeks) with daily interest payments available from Monday to Friday only. The plan itself is broken down into a number of sub-categories, paying members an interest rate which depends on the amount of money they have invested. For most readers depositing between the $25 minimum up to a top value of $999, FinMutual are offering 1.8% interest per business day. They are also factoring your initial principal into those payments, so don’t expect that back in a separate transaction on expiry. Total payouts therefore come to 288% over the course of the term, from which 100% was your own money to begin with and 188% is your net profit. The break-even point, ie when you earn back an amount equal to your own investment, comes just inside the 12th week of the investment term, so the very first members of FinMutual should have been seeing their first actual profit payments already by now.

Of course for the bigger spenders FinMutual don’t limit you to just that. For a $1,000 minimum spend they are offering members a daily interest payment of 2.2% per business day, also for the same 160 business day investment term. Your principal is already counted as part of those payments, leaving you with total earnings of 352%, from which 252% is your profit. The maximum spend for this option is capped at $2,499.

And lastly for the biggest spenders out there prepared to part with $2,500 or more (FinMutual have no upper limit on how much you may spend), investors here are offered an improved rate of 2.6% interest per business day for the 160 business day duration. This eventually comes to 416% in total payouts, though with FinMutual counting your original investment as part of the daily payments it’s 316% net profit for yourself.

A couple of other quick points you may wish to be aware of before progressing any further include that compounding is not allowed in this program. I wasn’t exactly a fan myself anyway so personally I’m glad the FinMutual admin has opted no to complicate things unnecessarily, though I know a lot of readers do think differently and like to try it. Also there is no mention of an early withdrawal option for your principal, not even for a fee, so if you do join FinMutual just make sure it’s with a sum of money you are fully prepared to commit for the term and are 100% sure you won’t need to try and get it back after a couple of days or weeks (not an easy thing to do for everyone with Christmas just weeks away now).

If you think the plans are suitable to your portfolios then and worth joining then I suppose you will probably want to know about the payment options as well. I must admit they’re about as good as anything else around at the moment, with all the mainstream popular handlers plus a couple of the other more fringe players for anyone who likes a choice/alternative. You can deposit in FinMutual using any of PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay. As well as those already established names you can try the newer (though they have been around a while now) challenger PexPay, or even BitCoin which FinMutual is another of the expanding list of HYIPs to start making use of since the demise of LibertyReserve. Anyway, payouts to members are processed manually by the FinMutual admin. You will need to log into your account there and make a withdrawal request. Once you’ve done so the terms and conditions require you to allow anything up to a maximum of 48 hours for all transactions to be completed.

Moving on then to the subject of web design and security, FinMutual is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Noc4Hosts, and the website has an SSL certificate from Comodo. It runs off a script under license from ShadowScript which is one of the better service providers available to HYIPs at the moment. If you’re interested I even had an interview with its developer some time back which you can read here. Anyway, one of the requirements of the script that makes the process of joining FinMutual slightly different to what you might be used to is that you are first required to fund your account wallet. Once you have done that you will then be required to re-direct that money into the plan you have chosen in order to activate it by clicking on the “Token” tab. It’s important to remember this because if you don’t move your money from your online wallet to an active investment account then it will just sit there dong nothing, and FinMutual won’t start paying you any interest until you have done so.

If you have any further questions about the program you think I might not have covered here or any account related issues you need the admin to deal with then there’s a number of different ways you can get in touch with the admin. For a start you have the usual online customer support form that you fill out and submit. Alternatively you can simply write directly to the listed e-mail address, whichever you prefer, though they probably all end up in the same inbox anyway. You will see that FinMutual have listed a UK postal address, though from experience I know these are generally virtual serviced offices and not where you find anyone connected to the program physically working from (in this case the same address was used by older HYIPs in the past anyway). Any fans of social media sites will also be able to find FinMutual keeping a profile on Facebook, though in four months online so far I can’t really see that they’ve made any kind of effective use of it as a communications tool.

And so for the website content (texts) and business plans allegedly supporting the entire thing, FinMutual are describing themselves as being involved with “crowdfunding”, or bridge loans to new companies. Given that they only offer the most basic and sketchy description of what this means themselves then I’m not sure how appropriate it is for me to go into the subject at any great length on their behalf, but suffice to say there’s basically very little in the way of practical information there you can research and verify for yourself. Which of course only means that you treat FinMutual as you would any other anonymous online HYIP and with the same degree of caution and common sense. That will partially involve you establishing a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose without any serious consequences if things don’t work out with your investment, and if joining FinMutual at all then you do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The recently launched RemiTrade remains possibly one of the most promising programs from the year end season and perhaps the huge interest shown by readers so far means that they recognize its potential after reading my detailed review posted here. Anyway, as the festive season is coming the administration of RemiTrade decided to post their holiday schedule well in advance, so investors can plan their withdrawal activities properly in accordance with the following posted today:

December Company Holidays Schedule
Due to the holidays we have the following official non-trading days.
25 December 2013
26 December 2013
31 December 2013
1 January 2014
We will start our trading activity as usual on JAN/02/2014.
All deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly as usual. In accordance with our Terms of Service no interest is paid on these days.

By the way, I just remembered today one peculiarity in RemiTrade‘s script which I neglected to mention in my review (which I have now edited). Variable daily payouts which represent the share of the company’s trading profits for one business day are actually credited to members’ accounts on the following day. That means that the money you have earned today will only be paid to you tomorrow. Payments therefore are made to members PerfectMoney and Bitcoin accounts from Tuesday to Saturday, even if the money is in fact generated from Monday to Friday. You will also need to keep this in mind when reading the above update concerning non-payment days. Payouts from your RemiTrade account are still instant of course, and the investment term runs for 240 business days. I hope I’ve explained everything here but if you have any further questions regarding RemiTrade please Contact me and I will try to assist you regarding this, or any other program, listed on the MNO monitor.


Realizing that December might be the slowest month of the year for investor activities, either preoccupied by holiday plans or simply holding off from investing in HYIPs for other reasons, the admin of Gener8Profit Jack announced the launch of a Facebook group in support of his program today. Providing a service for investors to discuss the best features of Gener8Profit or put your questions to the admin can certainly breathe new life into the program that’s been paying on an 8% per day for 15 days plan for about four weeks now. One of the main advantages to Gener8Profit have been the almost always instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, OkPay and PerfectMoney accounts all this time. The latest newsletter from Gener8Profit (reviewed here) containing the link to the new Facebook group is below:

Gener8Profit News Update: NEXT PHASE STARTS NOW
Greetings members,
Thanksgiving is behind us and now we start the next phase.
Today we replaced our Facebook Page with a Facebook Group. Groups allow members the chance to be more interactive with us than a page does. December is well known for being a slow month in the hyip industry. We felt it was important to plan our promotional strategy in a way that leaves room to grow. AND GROW WE SHALL!
If you are active on Facebook, there is a good chance that you will have already visited our group prior to reading this. If not, we encourage you all to join our Group at the link below. You can share your experience with others as well as share your referral link and maybe even make a few extra dollars for yourself.
From today on you will also see all new news about Gener8Profit posted in the Group.
One last thing, PLEASE Do Not Post links to any other program in the Group as this will result in being banned without warning.
Best Regards, Jack Tyler


MultiPowerVentures is paying like clockwork on all their investment plans for nearly three weeks now – 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days. Officially the payments to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, or BitCoin are done within 48 hours, but from my own experience I never waited more than 12, so let’s hope the admin maintains this for the near future. Today in the news section of the website he announced investors in MultiPowerVentures would no longer be able to change their payment processor accounts anymore, which has been done to increase the security of members’ accounts and prevent them from being changed by hackers. It’s good to see that MultiPowerVentures (reviewed here) trying to step-up the security of members’ accounts and an admin making improvements to his program. Here’s the latest update on the recent security measures:

We have disabled payment processor profile editing
Today we disable editing of payment accounts on your profile. Please contact us if you wish to edit your payment accounts. Please include a valid reason for this change request. Also include your secret question and answer in your request for faster processing. Thank you!


In the past I often received some requests from readers to suggest a particular exchanger which I found trusted and reliable to deal with. Well, I’ve only engaged with such activities with a handful of exchangers in the first place, but it struck me that it would be useful to have a list of exchangers that I dealt with myself in the past and who I found dependable. So I asked my programmer to work on it earlier and create a page where you can eight exchangers I would personally recommend. It’s not quite the finished article just yet, and I will be developed into something more creative and useful with time. But now it’s been launched so you can have a look for yourself and choose your own exchanger if you like. All exchange providers are welcome to contact me personally at and suggest adding their own service provider which I will consider, after the necessary research of course. Some banners to advertise the MNO Approved Exchangers page will also be ready very soon and will be placed on my site as well. Please note that approved exchanger status on MNO simply means that I myself have never experienced any problems with those listed and have no unresolved complaints from readers. However if you have any particular testimonials or complaints you wish to submit for any listed exchanger you’re welcome to Contact me and choose the “Discuss exchangers” tab in the drop-down menu there. Remember that the MNO Approved Exchangers page is still in test mode, so if you have any corrections or suggestions please do not hesitate to let me know.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GeniusCapitalLimited, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, IncomeAlways, DublinCryptoriumLimited, Gener8Profit, InvGlobalWealthersInc, RemiTrade, DailySharePro,  FinMutual (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, BallInvest, WelorTrade, AmberShares, ValuePathFinance, Financ, GoldDailyPay, CashWoods (the first payments received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow for more news and updates from the programs monitored on my site. If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to Contact me or write directly to my email address I try to reply to as many as I can within 24 hours, but as I get a huge volume of mail please be patient. I also encourage you to actively participate in the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page about how the past year has been going for you and your finances. Thanks for reading and see you all soon!

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