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06/10/2014. FreeCombination Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! FreeCombination has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s been a slow enough start to the business week in the HYIP industry, not a great deal to report on but I do want to take a closer look at one of the latest programs to join the MNO monitor. This time it’s the turn of a program called FreeCombination which is on the Standard List. The program is following the current trend favored by a sizable section in the HYIP community of offering perpetual style plans. That is to say there are no fixed term limits on an investment there. It’s open ended, and subject to certain conditions which I’ll describe below, members are allowed to determine their own investment terms when FreeCombination will return their principals and allow them to leave. It’s been a popular model in the HYIP industry over the last year or so, some outstanding success stories (alongside some pretty dismal failures it has to be said) so let’s see if FreeCombination can emulate any of them in the coming weeks or not.

Starting with the investment plans then, the first and somewhat unusual thing about FreeCombination is that you may only invest in multiples of $10. The minimum amount you can spend is $20 (not $10 as you might have though in this case), but beyond that you can only invest $30, $40, $50, etc, up to a maximum of $50,000, and not let’s say numbers like $21 or $22. Once you join the program what happens then is that FreeCombination will pay you back a fixed rate of interest every calendar day until you decide to ask for your principal back. So whether you treat them as a short, medium, or long term program is entirely up to you. The only restriction put in you is that you are committed to a minimum lock-in period of three calendar days. I mean I can see no logical reason for anyone to want to leave any sooner and there’s a lot more dedicated short term programs out there for you if that’s your strategy, but just remember the rule is there.

But what about the earnings then you might ask? Well, FreeCombination will pay you a fixed rate of interest which is calculated according to how much you wish to spend. As with most HYIPs FreeCombination try to encourage bigger and bigger deposits with higher interest rates, but for the basic minimum $20 you are offered 3% back per day. The difference between FreeCombination and other similar HYIPs is that there are no real fixed parameters or groups of plans. For example, other programs might pay 3% for all deposits between $20 and (let’s say) $1,000. Not so with FreeCombination. They offer a different rate of interest on every amount. So invest $20 and get one figure, invest $30 and get a different figure, and so on. The rate increases by a tiny fraction every time the amount you wish to spend increases. Thankfully FreeCombination have a sort of “sliding scale” calculator which has a graph indicating what interest rate applies to what investment. Just move the cursor on your computer screen along it and see how the numbers change. The maximum interest rate available is 9% per calendar day, however as this only applies to deposits of $10,000 and more most of you won’t really need to concern yourselves with that.

If any of that sounds appealing enough for you to join, then the next item for discussion is what are your payment options. The list of processors employed by FreeCombination is fairly standard for an online HYIP like this, with nothing that requires any background checks of verification of the admin but most of the popular providers there anyway. As things stand, and I wouldn’t really expect this to change, you can deposit via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer for those of you who prefer the more traditional style payment processors, and BitCoin for anyone favoring the newer digital e-currencies. No matter what the choice, FreeCombination have committed to all payouts, both interest payments and principal withdrawal, being instant. You will still need to log in to your private members account area and submit a request, but once done the money should appear in your payment processor account in under a minute. And having monitored FreeCombination myself for a couple of days now I can confirm that this is indeed the case. By the way, just one other quick point I want to make about the plans is compounding. It’s not a practice I go for myself but if you’re a fan then just be aware that the option is made available for you.

Moving on to the more technical side of things then such as design and security, FreeCombination is powered of a customized script. Most investors, or at least the ones who express any interest in such things, seem to appreciate things a lot more when the admin makes some extra effort or expense to make his program stand out from the competition. However in this case I have to say it still looks very raw and underdeveloped. Unfinished might even be a better word because there are some serious flaws that still need to be ironed out. It does look a bit GoldCoders in some places though, so intentional or not that will help make it all a bit more user friendly for some members. Unfortunately it’s just not as reliable. For example after successfully withdrawing my first deposit after the the three day lock-in period I made another new deposit as is my obligation as a monitor. This deposit has failed to appear in my account and at the time of writing I am still waiting for the admin to fix it. If it happens to me then I have no doubt that it will happen to others, so this is really something the FreeCombination admin needs to address with some urgency.

That being said, if everything works out OK for you then I just want to say a quick few words on how to get your own principal back out of the program when the time comes. You see it doesn’t go directly into your payment processor account immediately. So from inside your FreeCombination account area you will see a tab on the right hand side of the page called “Deposit List”. Click on this first. This will then open the list of active deposits you have in the program at the time. This is where you start making the withdrawal from, however the first stop for your money like I said is not your payment processor account. First it moves to your FreeCombination account balance (which itself should be instant), and only then do you make the final withdrawal.

To appeal to a wider group of investors the FreeCombination website is bilingual, available in both English and Russian (the latter being clearly the stronger of the two versions by the way). There’s a short introductory video you can watch as well, though to be honest this is more of a purely promotional exercise rather than containing any practical information on how to manage your account. For an extra layer of safety the FreeCombination website is SSL secured by Comodo to allow safer browsing and more secure transactions. For hosting the admin has opted for SharkTech who are keeping the program on a dedicated and DDoS protected server.

If you have any further questions for the FreeCombination admin that you think weren’t covered here or have any account related issues to be dealt with then there are a couple of different ways to get in touch. As with most programs you can start by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via their contacts page. Alternatively you can also just write directly to the admin at the e-mail address you can see at the foot of any of the FreeCombination website pages. Telephone support is available (or at least it’s offered anyway) if you’d like to try their number, and is supposed to be active during business hours, 9 to 5, GMT. There’s also a Live Chat widget built into the site, so you might want to check that out first before composing any lengthy e-mails.

On the subject of any alleged business interests, FreeCombination describe themselves as a “major contractor and real estate developer” in Ireland. Ten years ago that might have sounded promising, but now being the worst affected industries in one of the worst recession hit economies in Europe, this claim does little to boost the confidence of anyone who takes these things seriously. A business that only accepts dollars in a country where the currency is euros also doesn’t make a lot of sense, but there you go. Personally I’d always make the point to even the most inexperienced of investors that even in the most unlikely event that what an online HYIP tries to tell you is their business were true, there’s still absolutely no way it’s guaranteed to be profitable. The very same rule applies to FreeCombination which you should always treat like any other online HYIP, that is to say a form of gambling. That means you need to establish a responsible and sensible spending limit that you will not under any circumstances exceed, and if you do join FreeCombination then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



How wrong were those who suggested the change of plans in 2FXLtd from the previous 8% for 25 days to the current 4% daily forever with principal back anytime on demand might be considered a warning sign! Since it happened around two weeks ago 2FXLtd has only strengthened its position in the HYIP market, becoming the clear leader in he industry and especially among the no expiry perpetual style programs. Recently taking the #1 spot on the MNO monitor 2FXLtd continues to surprise us with stable payouts via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin for a $5 minimum spend. Since my original review of the program a month ago many things have changed and the current website has significantly improved in terms of design. It’s also more appealing when it comes to the investment offer with the more flexible options for withdrawals for savvy and experienced players. From the most recent improvements reported in the latest newsletter issued today and dedicated to its second month online the admin discusses the four minute promotional video. You can watch it on the main page of the 2FXLtd website. Also, as the company positions itself as a Forex-trading company you can see the daily Forex profit reports, extensive list of regional representatives, and, more recently, the latest Live stats on the deposits and withdrawals processed by 2FXLtd as they happen. The results of the previously announced video contest will be posted later, and is now closed for any further entries. The admin also couldn’t help but share the good news of achieving the #1 spot on MNO which is the only rating counting the level of popularity of each program monitored among MNO readers, so that was worth mentioning for sure. To further cement the success 2FXLtd is enjoying now the admin made the decision to purchase a third banner spot placed on top of the MNO monitor for the duration of one month. And since there were so many updates for the last month or so which made 2FXLtd look and feel totally unrecognizable from the time I first reviewed it here, I feel obligated to do an updated version tomorrow. Stay tuned for that and meanwhile check out the latest newsletter from 2FXLtd re-posted below for all the latest news and updates:

2FXLtd News – Two Month Anniversary and Video Presentation
Dear members,
Today we have great news for you!
Our program has already passed a mark of two months of its activity. Thanks to our stability and excellent performance gains, we have already had gained attention of more than five thousand people with a total investment of more than $2,000,000. We are grateful for our clients’ trust and, of course, justify it. We have already got into the top five best investment programs of the nowadays and took the first place in the most authoritative internet ranking
We have recently added a video presentation of our business on the official website of the program. We sincerely hope it will help you get acquainted with our company and all our offers. Video presentation will also be a good tool for working with our (and yours, of course) partners. Our presentation is available on the Home page of 2FXLtd.
By popular demands, we have also implemented the ability to display the statistics of deposits, payments, and referral partners in real time. Now this information is accessible to every website visitor.
We have also added the further detailed report on our activities on Forex trading. Traditionally, you can find them in the section “Forex trading reports”:
We thank all the participants of our video contest. We will summarize the results and determine the winners in the near future. Nonetheless, this does not mean that our contests are over. We will announce another one soon.
Stay tuned for updates!
Sincerely yours, Alfred Cope (CEO of 2FXLtd).


Unfortunately it looks as if GESGroup has collapsed already – today the instant withdrawals have been switched off and the admin apparently has no desire to keep his program going. I emailed him about it and moved GESGroup to Waiting status on the MNO monitor as soon as I heard the first complaints. However no answer followed and seemingly the admin just pulled the plug just after completing the first cycle of payments. I honestly thought that GESGroup could have lasted much longer than that, but it seems my readers were not interested in the program either, as thankfully almost no one invested there over the first two days. Now that the program is on Problem status it’s simply impossible to do so, as my monitoring script automatically disables my referral links and will only re-direct you to my monitoring page whenever a program program there is moved to On Hold or Problem Status. Sadly for everyone GESGroup was yet another failure not capable of running for more that one investment cycle which is really a shame considering its moderate and sustainable returns and gradual expansion. Please do not invest there any longer!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list2FXLtd, HashPrimeAssuredAssets, TradingAllianceLimitedCryptoAssetsLaxoTrade,  BrinoGmbH, EastOil.
From MNO Standard list: FreeCombination.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and I’ll see you all again tomorrow with an updated review of 2FXLtd which is aimed at highlighting their new investment plan and all the changes that happened over the last month. Please follow MNO on Twitter, like me on Facebook, and you can also subscribe to the daily news by entering your email address in the form on top of the MNO blog. Do not forget to vote on the MNO TalkBack opinion polls asking whether you think the admin of HashPrime can be trusted in her attempts to revive interest in the program after freezing the return of deposits for a further five days. All the news from the HYIP industry you need to know can always be found on the MNO blog first, as for the MNO monitor I can safely say that it’s the fastest updated monitor in the HYIP industry, therefore you can be sure that you will be the first to know the real status of the program you’re interested in joining. Remember you’re always on the money with Money-News-Online!

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