Oct 14th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! ValueSpecificsLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Not much to report on tonight, which is welcome for a change. As I myself wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to the summer I’ve decided to take a short beach holiday and so will be writing from the Mediterranean shores of Israel for the next couple of weeks. It’s been a long day getting here but at least I’m pleased to announce a new program on my monitor which is positive. I’ll tell you more about that in the news section in a moment, but first I want to have a closer look at another recent addition called ValueSpecificsLtd which launched about a week and a half ago. This is a medium term program and hasn’t completed its first investment cycle yet, and the first members who took the chance and joined already still won’t be in profit just yet. I’ll report on than when it happens later in the week, but first let’s get down to the basics and see what ValueSpecificsLtd is all about and whether you think it might be worth joining.

It’s a pretty easy choice as to join ValueSpecificsLtd or not, given that they only offer one single investment plan. It also makes a pretty short and easy review, and you’ll either like it or you won’t. There’s no real middle ground or third option for you other than take it or leave it. It is quite sustainable though which, alongside profitability, are the first two things you should consider when weighing you your options with online HYIPs. In the hands of the right admin there’s no reason why a good number of investors shouldn’t be able to profit from this one over the coming weeks, however whether the person running ValueSpecificsLtd is such an admin is something we won’t know until that starts happening.

If you wish to join ValueSpecificsLtd then you will be required to make a minimum $20 deposit. The investment term runs for 20 business days, (that’s four weeks), during which members earn 6.5% interest every day from Monday to Friday. The same rate applies to all deposits no matter how big or small, subject the program’s own minimum investment rules (ValueSpecificsLtd doesn’t have a maximum limit). Your principal is counted as part of your interest payments, so by the time of expiry you should hopefully have withdrawn 130% in total. That’s your own money back plus 30% net profit for yourself.

To put that into a more practical example, let’s say we invest $100 with ValueSpecificsLtd . In return for that members should be allowed to withdraw $6.50 every day, Monday to Friday, for the next four weeks. You would break even, that is earn back an amount equivalent to your original investment, after 16 payments, and complete the term with a total of $130.

Nothing at all wrong with having just the one investment plan in place of course, after all, that’s all you need if you happen to like it. But as well as the choice of plans being pretty basic, so too is the choice of payment processor. ValueSpecificsLtd are currently dealing with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer. Nothing that requires any verification on behalf of the admin, but probably enough to satisfy most HYIP players. Payments to members are handled manually by the ValueSpecificsLtd admin and so need to be requested from inside your private account area, once done you will then be required to allow anything up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed.

Looking at the more technical, design, and security features around ValueSpecificsLtd , I can see the program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders. This will always give any program using it a familiar feel to regular users, and as expected ValueSpecificsLtd is quite user friendly and easy to navigate throughout. For hosting the admin has opted to keep the website on a dedicated server with the support and protection of OVH, and for an extra layer of protection ValueSpecificsLtd is using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you have any further questions for the admin you think might not have been answered here or any account related issues you need to contact the admin about then there’s a couple of different ways of getting in touch. You either need to fill in your details in the e-mail support form you’ll find on the ValueSpecificsLtd contacts page, or alternatively just mail him directly at the listed address. You’ll also notice a postal address for ValueSpecificsLtd in the UK though as is always the case with HYIP websites I’d suggest you dismiss this as no more than a virtual hosted office and not where you might find anyone physically located that’s connected with the program. What might be a bit more useful to you is the telephone number that goes with it if you think you might get a reply calling them on it. Fans of social networking sites will be able to find ValueSpecificsLtd with profiles on the likes of Facebook and Twitter, though not much else as there hasn’t been much activity on either of them since the program launched. Granted it is still quite new, I suppose. And finally if you have a Skype account you might be able to connect with the ValueSpecificsLtd admin there if he happens to be online and logged in at the same time as you.

Texts and website content seems largely original in the sense that it isn’t a copy/paste job that you might often expect in the HYIP industry. But that by itself doesn’t make the information contained any more original or valid. In this case ValueSpecificsLtd claim to be a financial investment company involved with “information technology, education and the forex market” which is pretty broad to say the least. There is of course nothing to actually support these claims that you can independently research and verify for yourself. And remember, even if it was true then there’s nothing to guarantee these activities necessarily have to be profitable. So treat ValueSpecificsLtd as you would any other online HYIP, stay comfortably within a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, and if you do decide to join the program then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The newest program that joined the MNO monitor today is called MajesticCoins which has been online and paying for five full days. MajesticCoins is a more traditional style short-term program that will be loved by many investors for their ability to deliver fast profits in as short a period as one day. Unlike many other programs though, MajesticCoins doesn’t require you to deposit bigger amounts to take advantage of the higher (usually ridiculously high) profits. So, every investor whether he’s got only the minimum requirement of $10 or thousands of dollars to spare will be treated equally. This is a kind of refreshing approach from MajesticCoins that accepts all the popular payment options in the HYIP industry including PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, and BitCoin. The investment plans include the following – 104% after 1 day, 115% after 3 days, 142% after 7 days, 205% after 14 days, 450% after 30 days. And of course, as the program is running off a GoldCoders script members shouldn’t forget to make a withdrawal once their plan expires and they see the profits on their balance. The admin then promises to pay everyone within a 36 hour maximum, however he specifically mentions that usually all the withdrawals should be processed within 4 hours, and I can confirm that my first withdrawal was done pretty fast indeed. Their website looks attractive, is entirely SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from possible attacks provided by DDoSGuard. Of course, the admin states that the program is able to deliver such high profits by mining BitCoins of which he specified in the introductory welcome message posted on the site on day one:

MajesticCoins has arrived!
Hello and welcome.
MajesticCoins has finally arrived. Today it is our pleasure to introduce Majestic Coins to the world.
MajesticCoins is a legal company incorporated in San Jose, Costa Rica. We offer earnings starting from 104% after 1 day in several different currencies like PerfectMoney, Egopay, Payeer and of course BitCoin.
Our main mission is BitCoin mining from investors’ provided capital. We already have powerful BitCoin mining devices as well as partners across the world that participate in our mining campaign, or as we like to call it “Majestic Network”. Our successful mining tactics allow us to provide you with an investment opportunity and you can benefit from it by earning 104% after one day and much more if you participate in a longer investment plan.
We also award members that have referred other people to our project with a 3% affiliate program. You will discover that and much more once you join Majestic Coins. Don’t waste any more time – become a member today.
Thank you, MajesticCoins

Another important update posted by the admin today was in regards to Live Chat which has been introduced and promised to work around the clock to provide the best possible assistance to investors who might have any questions. With so far only English language chat on board the admin is also open to suggestions from members about what other languages have to be added to MajesticCoins , so if you have any ideas then feel free the share them:

MajesticCoins – 24/7 chat support available!
Hello, MajesticCoins is getting more popular every day, so we decided to provide 24/7 support to our members, visit our website, you will see chat button on the lower right corner, don’t hesitate to contact us when ever you need assistance, for user convenience admin is also available on a chat
Right now live support is available on English language, which language you prefer? Get back to us and we will add extra languages.
Thank you, MajesticCoins

Finally, today one more update was issued and sent out to current and future investors of MajesticCoins where the admin started a video contest. There are some reasonable cash prizes and the winners will be announced in exactly two weeks from now. So, if you have any skills or artistic flair and would like to earn some extra cash then please check out the details below. Videos can be done in different languages, by the way, so you don’t have any reason to abstain apart from either your own laziness or passive disinterest. Here are the rules of the contest which were also posted on the specially dedicated for that purpose page on the MajesticCoins website:

MajesticCoins – Video Contest!
Hello everyone,
Create a video about MajesticCoins and earn $20 for participation, $20 is a amount that’s guaranteed, all you need to do is just create a video, but there is also an opportunity to win $100, best video producer will be awarded with $100 in his desired currency, so make sure you do your best work.
Video should contain information about registration process, deposit and withdrawal process, explain how it’s done to your best abilities, also add some extra information, that increases your changes to win. Please note that there is no language restrictions, you can do video in English, Russian or any other language.
Contest will end and winner will be announced after we have received 5 videos or after 2 weeks, that’s on 28/10. Create your fantastic video today and email it to us at: video@majesticoins.biz. Remember to be as creative and original as you can be, do your best work.
Thank you, MajesticCoins

As you can see, the admin of MajesticCoins is quite active and seems to realize when good opportunities to advertise his program pop-up as his wisest choice was to come to the Premium listing on MNO too. The full review of the program will be posted on my blog tomorrow, so don’t miss it!


Unfortunately I have to finish the news for today with some rather disappointing news about GepardAlliance. It was a good performer while it lasted, in fact was one of the longer running programs on my monitor with five months almost behind them, but looks as if its finally come to an end. We can speculate all day about what the possible reasons for the program’s demise, but it won’t make any difference. Personally I get the feeling that with so much of a massive effort going in to somehow pass GepardAlliance off as a legitimate business, perhaps some of the more naïve HYIP players may have taken them at their word and put way too much money into the admin’s lap. Just a guess, but it doesn’t change the facts. The first reports of missing payouts have started snowballing now, there’s been no action taken by the admin, so GepardAlliance has started its journey to Scam Status on my monitor. At first I had only moved them to Waiting Status, but if I’m honest that’s just me being hopeful – never say never and all that – and the likelihood of the program recovering is slim at best. So consider yourselves warned from this point on, GepardAlliance is no longer paying their members and no further investments are advised there.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list2FXLtd, RemiTradeAssuredAssets, LaxoTradeBrinoGmbH, GrandAgroFinanceEastOil, OneStability, MikroCredit, MajesticCoins (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: FreeCombination, ValueSpecificsLtd.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization.

That’s all for tonight, guys. If you like MNO please follow me on Twitter and like me on Facebook. I’ll be back tomorrow with the full review of MajesticCoins , the daily news from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry, and will also introduce another promising program joining the Premium List on MNO and working exclusively with BitCoins for now. Interested? Then don’t miss tomorrow’s update? See you all then!

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