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11/06/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone, and welcome again to MNO – the only blog on online investment opportunities dealing exclusively with the highest-budget programs that can afford to pay top money for the best possible results.

I must say that I’m really enjoying the recent summer weather in London and all the best things that only summer here can deliver, so excuse me for posting a bit less often these days. It’s especially true to note that all the names from the recent Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article are still paying fine, so there was no need for me to replace that. Many other HYIP monitors have lots of scams to complain about now, but the best programs are still found on MNO and are still proving that even in a slow period in the industry you can still make money if you pick the best investment opportunities and stick to the leaders. If you haven’t seen the article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO please click here to read it, so you see what the top picks are available for you to consider.

As summer is in its prime now we can all clearly see that activities in the HYIP industry slowing down. The latest example for that is the untimely departure of Carbon7Reborn a few days ago the admin of which failed to repeat his previous success and had to close up shop much earlier than planned. Of course, he had his own reasons of doing so and I will be discussing them in today’s news from the best paying programs on MNO like BitCTrade, TrafficHeap, AxisCrude, and FexFund, followed by the analysis of Carbon7Reborn‘s collapse and latest updates from Payza. So keep reading for everything you need to know! Let me start though by introducing the latest addition to the MNO monitor called ControlFinance.


ControlFinance joined the Standard List on MNO earlier today after running for about two weeks, but cannot in any way be considered old. You see, it offers you an opportunity to earn from 1% to 1.5% on every calendar day (the exact rate will depend solely on the size of your deposit) for an unlimited term, i.e. while the program exists. With such low interest offered and no chance to get your principal back during the investment term it will certainly take quite some time before ControlFinance gets noticed by a wider investment audience. The admin must realize that for sure, otherwise there was certainly no point to launch his program in summer, when investment activities are at a minimum. If the program survives the quiet summertime only then can it take off and really make profits for both admin and investors alike.

Let’s have a look at some of the main features of ControlFinance in brief, as a more detailed review will follow on the MNO blog on Tuesday. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and you may do so using PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and of course, BitCoin funds. Withdrawals should be processed instantly, and hopefully by the time of publishing the review I’ll be able to confirm this. The site itself is multi-lingual and apart from English is available in several others which I imagine will be further extended with time. The site is running off a familiar licensed script from GoldCoders, so you won’t have any problem with navigation. Hosting is provided by CloudFlare, SSL-security is from Comodo, and the domain of ControlFinance is registered for six years in advance. The company is registered in the UK which is totally cheap and anonymous, and is allegedly involved in crypto-currency trading which is quite a trendy background story for many new HYIPs these days. There are even a couple of promotional videos available on the ControlFinance site which you can also find on the MNOVision page as uploaded there by my programmer. Quite a lot of information is available on the website as well with special emphasis on advertising with lots of available advertising material and a multi-tier and multi-level affiliate program in place as well. Overall my first impression of the website is quite positive and I sincerely hope that the admin will be able to run it through the summer and beyond as only then will we see the first investors in profit and can tell whether ControlFinance is here to become a serious player on the HYIP market. Patience is the main virtue with this program for sure!


The last few days were quite turbulent for both the admin of BitCTrade and investors who saw lots of change. It all started with the announcement of a new investment plan that the admin unexpectedly added on Wednesday, just on the following day after my Top Five article was published. The new investment plan is aimed at those who don’t mind a slightly smaller profit overall if they can get it a bit faster. It pays 10% daily for 12 calendar days and is available for a minimum of $100 which can be invested via PerfectMoney or BitCoin – the only two payment processors BitCTrade is working with at the moment. Compare that to the original investment plan paying 7% for 20 calendar days which is available for a $10 minimum and you can clearly see it has been added to give investors more choice. Whether it’s a warning sign remains to be seen, as investors are usually not very confident in programs making changes during a so far successful run. In any case, the subsequent events made many people, including myself, question the admin’s ability to keep BitCTrade afloat, as there was a hacking attempt on the website. The issue started on Thursday and interrupted their work for almost 48 hours. That made some monitors put BitCTrade to Problem Status, but as I kept in touch with the admin and he kept me informed about what was going on there it only went to Waiting Status on the MNO monitor. The database of the site was corrupted by the hacker and it took quite some time and effort on the admin’s part to get everything back to normal. However, eventually it all worked out and despite BitCTrade remaining on Problem status on some monitors, I believe that should change soon as the payments have resumed as of today. Everything seems to be back to normal for me as well, but the question about the future of BitCTrade remains open. The extended period of downtime caused by technical issues the website was suffering from had a bad impact on the attractiveness of the program for new investors. I believe that it would wiser at the moment to keep a close eye on BitCTrade‘s performance and not to invest big amounts there, as even the biggest programs from the past couldn’t really cope with the negative consequences of such large-scale attacks and collapsed shortly after their reputation gets tarnished. It remains to be seen if the admin of BitCTrade can keep his program going and restore investor confidence which won’t happen overnight, or like many others simply surrender. I hope it works out well for them but only time will tell. At the moment BitCTrade still holds onto the #1 position on the MNO monitor and you can read the original review of the program here.


If you’re looking for a HYIP accepting PayPal then look no further than TrafficHeap. It recently started accepting PayPal in addition Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. I believe it became possible in the first place because the program positions itself as an advertising platform selling $50 worth ad packages rather than regular investments that will bring investors a share of the program’s profit from the last 24 hours. The interest is credited midnight GMT and is variable until they reach 180%. If you read my detailed review of TrafficHeap posted here, you might be aware that from that amount only 130% is paid to members while the other 50% can only be used to re-purchase ad packages. Each advertising package will not only bring you variable daily returns in TrafficHeap, but will also enable you to add your site to the rotator, display your advertising banner for members, or even buy affiliates who don’t have an upline yet. As you can see, there is plenty of opportunity to earn some extras while also advertising your site or affiliate link, so no wonder that TrafficHeap has been growing nicely over the first few weeks online and after four weeks the admin can boast of having a sizeable membership. Every day the profit reports have been posted on the website as to update the members of the current state of things, and only occasionally are news updates posted. The latest is on investments made via PayPal which are not credited automatically, but subject to the strict rules posted on the TrafficHeap website. Everyone can see the terms and conditions before paying for an advertising package with PayPal funds given the strict nature of PayPal and more checks in place to make sure the funds are clean. However over the last couple of days this waiting time has been reduced by the admin from seven days to three. That’ll be well received by those looking to invest in TrafficHeap via PayPal, so I expect more interest in the program from outside the HYIP world over the next few weeks for sure which will hopefully result in higher growth and more profits re-distributed among the current members of TrafficHeap:

PayPal Payments are now credited to your account in 3 days instead of the former 7 days! Thank you for your patience in case you use PayPal.


One of the programs included in the recent Top Five article was of course AxisCrude, coming in at number five as it happens. You might remember that the article finished with an opinion poll asking readers which of the five programs was their own personal favourite. Well, the enterprising admin of AxisCrude has proven to be quite the poll enthusiast, sending a link to the article to all his members and encouraging them to vote. By which I mean vote in his favour, obviously! And it seems that the AxisCrude investors were only too happy to lend their support, running away with a landslide 90% lead. The poll isn’t final of course, nor is it closed. But as the only admin to show enough initiative to promote the poll among his members, who am I to argue? Whether you agree with this point or favour any of the other four programs from the list, you are welcome to cast your own vote here.

Back to the day-to-day business of AxisCrude for now though, and the other more important update from the admin has been to celebrate the completion of the program’s first investment cycle. Finishing one cycle may not sound like the sort of thing you get excited about in the HYIP industry, I mean you’d be hoping for most programs to go well beyond that, but with the way things are going at the moment a lot of them don’t even get that far. Just to recap, AxisCrude‘s main investment plan offers 3% for 55 days if you are joining from the $10 minimum, with a second one paying 4% for 50 days on bigger deposits. As this includes your principal you can see that you don’t actually need to wait until the end of the cycle before seeing a nice size profit for yourself. You can use PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin to join the program, and all payout requests are made instantly without delay. If you would like any further info on the program that has over almost two months online slowly worked its way into the fabric of many satisfied investors portfolios then you can start with the original review first published on MNO here. Fingers crossed this first cycle will only be the first of many, because if AxisCrude can complete another round then that will almost see them into the autumn, and as we know from past years experience anything can happen then. All the news from AxisCrude is below, and once again congratulations to the admin for this modest but hugely commendable achievement:

How are you? Hope you will be good !!
We need your vote !!
Good luck. Thank you for your support

Hello. Greetings to all our active investors around the world.
Once again, we express our unreserved appreciation to every single investor who continues to stand with AxisCrude Investment LTD; we are the best.
AxisCrude Investment has continued to stand and wax strong from days to weeks and even months.
We are glad to announce to you all that we have completed 1st investment cycle and that is 55 days. AxisCrude Investment has completed the first 55 days since inception and that’s good news for us and for all our investors around the world.
Keep tight and hold on to AxisCrude Investment; we are here to stay and work for you and give you outstanding profits daily.
Please continue to spread the good news about AxisCrude Investment.
Do not forget to join our Official Facebook Group.
Once again, we appreciate every single investor; you are the reason we are still in business.
Team AxisCrude Investment Ltd
Need Assistance? We’re happy to help:
WhatsApp Support:- +44 744 719 1725
Protect your account: -Always keep your password confidential and never share it with anyone.


Pipping AxisCrude to fourth spot on the MNO Top Five list is FexFund, another program run by a good professional admin who seems to know what he’s doing. Although in this case the program hasn’t been around quite as long, the fact that it offers a more modest profit in a shorter to more medium length term. The FexFund investment plans include 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and 5% for 30 days through PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin for a $10 minimum. Part of the ongoing success of FexFund is of course down to the sensible no nonsense approach to advertising and promotion being pursued by the admin, George. He’s given the FexFund investors a greater financial stake in the program by continually running referral contests with various goals at the the end of them. This gives the members a vested interest in keeping the program growing, while saving money on the more traditional advertising methods. If you want more information on the program and its investment plans then FexFund was originally reviewed on MNO here. If you like what you see then a perfect companion piece for the review was the interview with George which you can read here.

So in recent news updates to come from FexFund, we can see that George has made some changes to the way investors can claim their bonuses for sharing payment proofs. A media page has also been added, so members can add links to their own (or other) reviews, interviews, videos, or any other coverage they come across dealing with FexFund. Apart from that, potential software bugs that could have (but didn’t) cause problems with BitCoin re-investments have been identified and fixed, underlining George’s reputation as a proactive admin who doesn’t wait until tomorrow for things he can do today, surely a key element in any successful HYIP. FexFund has also announced the appointment of a representative agent in Brazil with the possibility of another to follow in Ukraine. It’s all a bit hush-hush for the moment as I guess the exact terms of the deal have yet to be signed, but expect further information before too long. Meanwhile you can read the latest from George and FexFund below:

Payment proofs changes, Media page available now.
Hi! We’ve made small changes on Payment Proof bonus section. From now on you need to only post the link to the forum, there is no need to take a screenshot from the wallet anymore as won’t be showing them on the page. Because of that the bonus is changed to $0.2 for the payment proof. Instead of that we’ve added Media section, where you can find the link for Reviews and Inverviews with us. If you know any other Media reviewing us (we don’t count any monitors) then please send us the link.
Also a quick reminder about our best promoter contest:
Dear Promoters, we’ve prepared for you the best promoter contest, all details are available in here:

[News] FexFund Friday’s update
Good morning!
It’s another beautiful day outside the window (no rain!) and another good day in our site’s history. We are entering into the 43rd day on the market and we ain’t gonna stop!
It’s Friday, I listen to Led Zeppelin and drinking awesome coffee – could it be any better? Yes! I have some news for you and to keep it short, let’s begin:
– We will be opening an agent office in Brazil. While it’s not our “official” office and agent is not hired by us, he will be representing our company in that gorgeous country for all interested investors. So far we cannot leak any details as we are finishing the deal but as soon as we get there, I will keep you updated.
– We might be opening an agent office in Ukraine, but we are still in talks with an interested agent.
– As the business is doing well, we’ve decided to make some investment to it, from our own pockets. In few days we will get three physical cryptocurrency mining machines which will be mining some alt currencies. When we see good results, we consider getting more devices to have more ways to secure our investor’s profits.
– We have made little changes on the site, removed one bug which could cause a problem while reinvesting funds with BTC balance and also removed payment proofs images on the site. Instead, we put all our interviews and reviews we are aware off so future (and current) investors can read other people’s point of view about FexFund.
I’m also getting a lot of signals from people cheated by other sites. I cannot help them with that, and I feel sorry for them. The only thing I can recommend is to stick with reliable businesses like FexFund is.
Stay tuned for more news and thanks for being with us.
Have a wonderful weekend.
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.


I don’t know if it’s exactly correct to say this is the “biggest” news story of the weekend, but it’s definitely the most underwhelming. After about six weeks in business Carbon7Reborn has collapsed rather unceremoniously, with more of a whimper than a bang. The admin’s stated goal of outrunning the excellent performance seen by the original incarnation of the program – you might remember the Carbon7 program that took the industry by storm and was by some distance the best thing on the net back in 2015 – was perhaps a little over ambitious under present day industry conditions. Whatever the reasons why, investors just weren’t taking the bait this time out and Carbon7Reborn has fizzled out after what was a disappointing run. To give some credit to the admin here he did at least make a decent attempt to continue making payments even after he admitted to me that the program was finished. Kudos to him for that, but that still doesn’t mean people weren’t hoping for something better. Just to remind you, Carbon7Reborn only completed one full cycle of its main plan that offered 7% interest per business day during a 30 calendar day term. You could point to the several full cycles of the other option that paid out 110% on expiry of a 7 day term, however I don’t count this one because of the massive withdrawal fees imposed that meant you really only barely did better than break even from it. In a personal e-mail to me the admin himself admitted his huge disappointment with the performance, citing the current HYIP industry climate as the main factor. Of course, I don’t know the exact ins and outs of what went on behind the scenes with Carbon7Reborn, but I think the admin and I would draw the same conclusion – you can still make money from HYIPs, the industry just needs a longer recovery period if anyone is going to achieve quite the results he said he was aiming for.

The problems with Carbon7Reborn first came to the surface late last week when payments started getting erratic. They were still made within the stated 48 hour timeframe, but it was clear that something was changing in the program as there was a massive slowdown in the regular processing times. I contacted the admin, and was replied with a frank admission that this was the end of the road for the program. As it’s the weekend at the time of writing no one is due a payout today anyway, however if you are tempted to make a new deposit in Carbon7Reborn based on the assumption that payments will resume as usual on Monday then please don’t! Even if you were paid right up until Friday as you expected. Carbon7Reborn is finished as a viable working program now, and any further investments will only result in a loss for you. I have no doubt we will see the Carbon7Reborn admin back with a new program before too long, whether he chooses to stick with the old brand or try a new direction remains to be seen.


There’s been a lot to catch up with from Payza recently so that’s where I’ll finish the news update for today. Actually not much of it is really related directly to the HYIP industry as such, and focuses more on their continued efforts to branch out into the world of more mainstream online business. The reason I occasionally like to include such updates from Payza however is that it still carries such a hugely respected reputation in the industry despite so relatively few admins making the effort to get a verified payments button from them. At the moment just from the MNO monitor alone I can only name two programs using Payza, one being the oldest established name on the list BandeiraCorp (first reviewed on MNO here), and the other being the still relatively new TrafficHeap (reviewed here). The resulting effect the mere presence of Payza can have on a program is clearly seen on the current opinion poll that’s running at the moment on the MNO TalkBack page. If you haven’t voted already then please do so here. The question is basically aimed on finding out how much importance investors attach to the presence of Payza in the programs they join. Not necessarily do you use Payza personally or not, but rather does just seeing them there and knowing what the admin had to do in order to get them on board give you an extra shot of confidence. So far over 93% of readers say that a program’s use of Payza has a positive influence on their decision to join, even if they won’t necessarily be using Payza itself. The poll still has some time to run so the numbers may change, but honestly I wasn’t expecting it to be so singularly lop-sided like this. It’s a clear signal to HYIP admins by the way, many of whom may be struggling at the moments as we saw from Carbon7Reborn, of the steps you need to take if you really want to lead a successful program. The latest business news from Payza is all included below, and is taken from their official news blog:

Payza’s Complete Payment Solution for Businesses Using Bitcoin and Fiat Currencies
In Payza’s latest Bitcoin update, the company announced that members can now hold Bitcoin right in their Payza e-wallets. This has a big impact on merchants who want to be able to accept payments in Bitcoin and traditional fiat currencies. It’s also exciting news for businesses who need to make Bitcoin payouts to their affiliates.
As a merchant, there are several ways to take advantage of Payza’s new Bitcoin features. You can now accept payment in Bitcoin, you can even set prices for your items directly in Bitcoin instead of having to peg that amount to a fiat currency. Bitcoin you receive can now be held right within your Payza e-wallet. You can instantly convert those Bitcoin to fiat currency whenever you like.
Payza is proud to offer new Bitcoin services for our merchants.
To complete our new range of Bitcoin services, we’re also updating our APIs to help merchants who make regular Mass Payments.
Automate your Bitcoin payouts
Payza’s MassPay API and Payza’s SendMoney API already make it possible for merchants to send multiple payments in a single click to other Payza members. These payments can be made in any currency Payza supports, which now includes Bitcoin.
But what if you need to make Bitcoin payouts to affiliates who don’t have a Payza account? That will soon be possible too. Payza’s team of developers is updating our APIs to let you send Bitcoin to other Bitcoin wallets with just one action. This will help you automate your payouts, regardless of where and how your recipients want to receive their payments.
If you make regular payouts in both Bitcoin and fiat currency, chances are right now you are using multiple solutions to facilitate your payments. With Payza, you can soon make all of your payouts using just one system, saving you time and trouble. Your affiliates will love it too, thanks to Payza’s low fees for Bitcoin transactions.
When using Payza’s APIs to automate your Bitcoin payouts, you’ll soon have two options on where to send those bitcoins. You can either use your recipient’s Payza email address to send bitcoins right to their Payza e-wallet, or you can enter their Bitcoin wallet address to send Bitcoin to an external wallet.

Payza Receives Recognition and Awards from FinTech Community for Cross-Border Payments Initiatives
Launches numerous services targeting rapidly developing regions and quickly captivates cross-border payments market
Payza, an award-winning global online payment platform, is quickly gaining recognition as a leading payments solution in the cross-border payments sector for their ongoing eCommerce and remittance offerings. Among this year’s achievements, the company is proud to announce their recent victories for the Customer Choice Award for Best International CNP Program at the 2017 CNP Expo and the Online Payment Method Award at the 2017 Merchant Payments Ecosystem conference.
Payza has been pushing the boundaries in the international payments industry for over 5 years, by consistently delivering innovative solutions and convenient services, supported by top-of-the-line customer service. With a strong focus on eCommerce for 2017, the company’s emphasis has been on cross-border business offerings worldwide, in many cases, by offering local currency solutions and specialized local funding options such as Boleto and Oxxo to encourage domestic economic growth. Another of the company’s core offerings has been their facilitation of remittances: these peer-to-peer transfers across borders, have proven foundational to the international marketplace.
“We helped raise the bar of how shoppers and merchants around the globe interact with online payments in a convenient and secure way,” said Payza CEO, Firoz Patel. “Our success could not have been achieved without our loyal international community. We have a deep appreciation for all our members and are eager to offer continued quality services to meet the needs of today’s global online consumer.”
Patel was recently invited to speak at the Payments Canada Summit in Toronto, Canada’s premiere payments conference, regarding ‘The Building Blocks of a Global Payments Ecosystem Driven by Innovative Payment Platforms’. Mr. Patel offered a compelling presentation on how these new payment platforms, such as Payza, are providing payment services to the unbanked and under-serviced, leading to a fundamental change in how entire communities interact with the global online marketplace.
More recently, Payza became the first payment network to include bitcoin within its eWallet. Unsurprisingly, this announcement spurred excitement within the FinTech community and received notice across international media outlets. Since the company first began offering Bitcoin services to their members in 2014, it has become one of their most popular features. The company is actively working on the release of several other cryptocurrency services for 2017, including Altcoin exchanges and instant Bitcoin funding options for the Payza Card, the company’s reloadable prepaid card.
“Consumer demand is actually what’s making the change right now,” said Mr. Patel in a recent interview with Alastair Greener at Telegraph Studios for Business Reporter’s Future of Payments. “The trends are being determined by their needs, and their needs are dictating that people are looking for faster, easier methods of payment. They just want something more like a one-stop-shop.”
About Payza
Payza is an award-winning payments technology platform, owned by MH Pillars Ltd. The highly secure platform provides businesses and consumers around the world with practical solutions for processing online payments. Payza supports 26 currencies and serves over 13 million members in more than 190 countries.
Payza serves traditional and emerging markets, providing a wide range of built-in tools including: Online payment processing, online global money transfers, fraud screening, subscription billing, transaction dispute resolution, cryptocurrency exchange services, and global payouts.
More information is available about Payza on its website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the company’s blog.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:

SegWit and the Future of Bitcoin
Bitcoin has a scaling problem. When the cryptocurrency software launched in 2009, the nature of the blockchain technology on which it was built meant that there was a hard cap on the total amount of transactions that could be processed in a given amount of time. In the past eight years, the basic technology hasn’t really changed, but the user base has grown so large that the Bitcoin network is struggling to handle the transaction volume, and unless something changes, this issue will only get worse over time.
Blockchain technology was designed by the anonymous developer(s) of Bitcoin and has come to be a core technology in almost all cryptocurrencies today. The Blockchain is a public ledger where all Bitcoin transactions are recorded and bundled into 10-minute blocks which are limited to a maximum size of 1MB. The scaling problem is the result of this size limit; Bitcoin has become so popular that it can no longer process all the transactions made within any given 10-minute period.
The Solution
To address this problem, developer Pieter Wuille has introduced to concept of SegWit, short for Segregated Witness. SegWit addresses Bitcoin’s scaling problem by “segregating” the transaction signature (the “witness”) from the input data. In short, signatures, which validate transactions, would be stored separately from the blockchain. This will free up more space within each block to store more transaction data and help streamline transaction processing.
Since signatures make up about 65% of the size of the input data, removing them can increase the effective block capacity by more than double. On top of that, SegWit also solves the problem of transaction malleability, a minor security flaw which makes it possible for hackers to change the signature of a transaction before the block is confirmed, which invalidates any later transactions in the chain.
The trouble with SegWit is that this still may not be enough to completely fix the problem. Bitcoin is growing so rapidly – now with over 10 million users making hundreds of thousands of transactions per day – that even doubling the capacity of a block is only a temporary solution. This was pointed out by the Bitcoin mining community, who took a stance against the developers, favoring a hard fork over the latter group’s proposed solution.
A hard fork is what happens to a blockchain when a new rule chain is introduced to the software that makes it incompatible with the previous version. For example, to upgrade the Bitcoin network in order to allow block sizes to increase from 1MB to 2MB would create a hard fork.
After some debate, the two parties have agreed to a compromise called SegWit2x, with the mining community agreeing to Segregated Witness in return for the execution of a 2MB hard fork within 6 months of SegWit implementation.
However, SegWit2x may be too little too late. Ironically, the sheer popularity of Bitcoin, which led to the scaling problem in the first place, meant that there were too many interested parties that needed to agree to the upgrade, causing the execution of SegWit to be delayed (it was originally suggested in 2015). Bitcoin competitor Litecoin recently executed the SegWit upgrade to their blockchain.
Litecoin, even though it is the 5th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is smaller than Bitcoin and therefore in a better position to adapt to the latest technologies available. Franklyn Richards, Litecoin Foundation director, initially admitted that the implementation of SegWit could serve as a test for Bitcoin, but the announcement in late March caused such a renewed interest in the Bitcoin competitor that Litecoin’s value tripled during the month of April and has doubled again since then, growing from roughly $5 USD to around $30.
This success has led many to speculate that Bitcoin missed their opportunity to capitalize on SegWit, leading segments of the cryptocurrency community to abandon the most popular coin in favor of newer, more innovative options.
The Future of Bitcoin
Bitcoin was originally developed with the goal of creating a decentralized currency, free of influence from political forces and the banking industry, and grew popular because of those ideologies. While it’s necessary for the developers of Bitcoin to make changes in order for the currency to survive, many Bitcoin enthusiasts believe that the proposed changes give too much power to the Bitcoin Foundation, thus making the currency no longer decentralized. If Litecoin or another altcoin develops a better way to solve the scalability problem while maintaining decentralization, it may spell the end of Bitcoin as we know it.
The power of digital currencies in today’s economy cannot be understated, as more people and companies invest in cryptocurrencies and retailers large and small begin accepting them as forms of payment both online and in-store. To learn about some of the leading Bitcoin competitors, check out our Beyond Bitcoin series:
Beyond Bitcoin – Cryptocurrencies and Altcoins to Watch in 2017
Beyond Bitcoin Part 2 – Steem, Ripple and Litecoin
Visit the Payza Blog regularly as we will be following cryptocurrencies closely in 2017 and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for e-commerce news from around the web.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 132 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BitCTradeUnityReserveBandeiraCorpFexFund,
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: SwissCreditCryptoGolden, BitXxa.

That’s all the news for today, guys. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I’m off to the great outdoors to enjoy the summer days. Perhaps this is a good idea for you as well, as the HYIP industry seems to be at a standstill now, so there is no need to waste your time looking for cheap programs whose admins are desperate for fast easy money. It’s always better to stick with the proven ones and watch out for any new additions in the next business week here on MNO, to assert whether it’s worth joining them. Thanks for reading and see you all in a couple of days with a full review of the latest addition to my monitor ControlFinance accompanied with the latest news from the HYIP industry. Most probably I will share all the important information with you all on Tuesday, so stay tuned and updated by following MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, or subscribing to the Daily News reports on this page. MNO – For Money Lovers!

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