Hello all! It’s been quite some time since I posted the last article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO on my blog. I recall the last one was published in December 2016, so time to put that right today. I had my own reasons to stop posting them for a while as we had very successful winter period with lots of new programs, so it was really not viable to do these articles at that time. That’s when the HYIP industry was at its peak a few months ago. Summer time sees a lot less activity in the HYIP world so I believe it’s the right time to highlight the few programs that deserves people’s attention for being the best in their class.
Note that to qualify for a place in the Top Five a program has to be listed on Premium status and deliver the best financial results. Those come from combining my own returns along with all the received referral commissions, thus making it a perfect tool for assessing the program’s popularity among readers. Programs on the MNO monitor compete with each other and the ranking is determined largely by the level of received commissions more than my own interest, so it’s pretty indicative for many savvy investors looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the best available choices from MNO. Remember though that the ranks and statuses of the listed programs in the Top Five article you’re about to read are subject to change, so always check the program’s latest status and make sure it’s on Paying before making any investments. MNO is always very fast in outlining possible problems and in some cases it’s far ahead of many other monitors, and I’m proud of that level of accuracy. So do yourself a favour and always stay safe when investing, as there are certainly risks involved in the HYIP industry. However, as we all know, there is no reward in life without risk and fortune favours the brave as they say. So, look through the list of the available programs and best of luck to you with your investments. Directly after the article there is a poll where you can vote to find the MNO readers’ favourites from the Top Five, so feel free to participate.
#1 – BitCTrade (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 336.65%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – SCAM
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 7% for 20 days, 10% for 12 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, BitCoin.
What you need to know:
BitCTrade has recently changed both their domain name and the script it was running off due to some technical issues that badly affected the payouts. It used to pay automatically, but have now changed to manual which are usually processed very fast anyway. Remember to set up a transaction password after signing up which will be required to enter every time to request a withdrawal. PerfectMoney and BitCoin are the only two accepted payment processors, though the admin promised to add Payeer soon.
Why you might want to invest:
BitCTrade is perhaps the most surprising leading program from the Top Five to my memory. It all seems to be down to simplicity there, with the only available investment plan and the admin committed to just doing his job and delivering the best results without complicating things. Almost three investment cycles and nearly two months online suggests BitCTrade has some potential to deliver even better results in the future. My hopes are high, considering the admin’s genuine efforts to bring the program back and pay to everyone even after the previous domain and script seems to have failed him. After all, the investment plan seems to have a winning combination of profitability and sustainability and the future growth is entirely possible, although not guaranteed.
#2 – BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) Up Two Places
Total return – 183.01%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 451 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
BandeiraCorp is the oldest program on MNO and the only one that surpassed one full year in stable payouts. While payouts are taking longer than the majority of other programs, the lifecycle of BandeiraCorp is simply stunning. I wonder why so many other programs cannot achieve that stupendous result that this one showed. Two places up in the MNO ranking over the last six months is certainly well deserved, and I’m only surprised as to why so many people are still ignoring this outstanding gem of a program that should serve as an example to all the ambitious HYIP admins around. Well done!
#3 – UnityReserve (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 178.88%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – SCAM
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 0.2%-5% variable daily until you reach 160% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: BitCoin.
What you need to know:
Daily interest is much lower on weekends than on weekdays. Although the profit is generally counted on a daily basis, you can withdraw at any time, and see the timer ticking on a second-by-second basis. Withdrawals are instant, and at the moment only BitCoin is accepted with more payment options to come soon.
Why you might want to invest:
UnityReserve has started at a very low point in the HYIP industry and the admin certainly has a lot to prove. However, judging that the very first investors of the program are already scrapping into the profit zone I’m quite optimistic about his ability to deliver outstanding results in the long term. Such investment plans with variable rates and set up target proved viable in the past, and on the example of BandeiraCorp we see they can work wonders. Let’s hope it will be the case with UnityReserve as well. Fingers crossed!
#4 – FexFund (click here to read the full review, click here to read the interview with the admin) New Entry
Total return – 171.55%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 38 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, 5% for 30 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed instantly at all times. Some delays are possible due to payment processor issues, but they are always monitored and reported by the admin on the website.
Why you might want to invest:
FexFund is strangely still only fourth on the MNO ranking, but I would give the program five stars for its dependability and the superb level of support the admin provides to his clients. Surprisingly not that popular on MNO like others, FexFund offers quite decent and profitable investment plans, and the admin certainly preaches gradual growth while promising to stay with us for a while to annoy the critics. Initial expectations of FexFund were not that positive from some resources, but the admin has certainly proved the naysayers wrong, and hope he will keep doing a great job for quite some time. With FexFund now approaching forty days online it’s already been quite a success in terms of profitability for its investors, as each investment plan has gone at least one full cycle.
#5 – AxisCrude (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 156.71%.
Type of listing – Premium (#5 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – SCAM
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 3% for 55 days, 4% for 50 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
All withdrawals have been processed instantly so far. The initial set of plans have changed with the term increasing by five days on each plan, hence higher profitability.
Why you might want to invest:
AxisCrude is another pleasant surprise for me personally, as I didn’t expect such a wonderful performance with the program currently approaching the completion of its first investment cycle. With the frequent deposit bonuses and lengthy promo emails to members the admin of AxisCrude defied expectations with his program becoming a big success already. I believe we’re dealing with quite a talented and bright admin who wants the best not only for himself, but is here for investors as well. Let’s hope it will go well beyond the seven weeks running time so far!
Now that we’re done with reviewing the best programs on MNO at the moment, I’d like to ask your opinion on your own favourite from the list. Please take a few seconds of your time to vote in the below poll, while you can also see what your fellow investors think by clicking the Results tab.

One of the few bright lights in an otherwise slow period for the HYIP industry has surely been FexFund. At the risk of repeating myself I know I said in the last news update that a lot of people have been surprised at exactly how this program has managed to become such a success, but not me. I expected it. Because even when the wider HYIP industry is in a slump, there are always still good programs out there. Trouble is they just get harder to find, but I guess that doesn’t apply to those lucky enough to have discovered FexFund. Plans have all completed at least one cycle now since the program first launched just over seven weeks ago, including 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and 5% for 30 days. All payments have been instant from the start, and are made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. In the case of the shortest term option you can see that’s now gone past five complete cycles so I think it’s fair to say FexFund will easily be considered a great money-spinner for those who spotted this program’s great potential from the start, and ignored the naysayers and self-appointed “experts” who turned their noses up at it. For more details on the investment plans and the other main aspects of FexFund you can check out the original review published on MNO here. This was later followed by what I thought was quite a good interview with the admin of the project George which you can read here. George has since proved himself to be an admin of outstanding professional abilities in making FexFund such an excellent program when so many others (again, not me) believed the odds were stacked against him.
Anyway, as we all know continued success in the HYIP industry depends on cash flow and steady support from investors, and George have been most adept at making this happen for FexFund. There have been various referral contests now, but they’ve operated a little differently from each other. Whereas some might reward the promoter who brings in the largest net amount of cash, others focus on things like the actual number of individual investments, number of people joining under your downline, or inactive members switching to make an active deposit of any size. It all helps to make the contests a bit more fair and even handed, giving regular players who wouldn’t normally class themselves necessarily as promoters a better chance to take a prize. The following newsletter from FexFund is about that, with the winners of the last contest to run just being announced, and the rules for the new contest replacing it being explained. See for yourself below, and remember that anything you do to improve the life span of FexFund ultimately comes back to benefit you the investor:
“Referral contest no 1 is finished!
Dear Investors. Our first referral contest was very popular and it’s finished now, here are the prizes:
1. moneycat, Deposits: $13061.76, Prize: $1959.26
2. topinvest, Deposits: $12407.48, Prize: $1000
3. Nugatbit, Deposits: $5258.95, Prize: $420.72
We’ve already contacted the winners for crediting their accounts with the prizes. Please remember that currently we are running another contest with bit different rules, where we count deposits from referrals signed up not during the contest so it’s easier to get prizes.”
“Join our best promotor contest!
Dear Promoters, we’ve prepared for you the best promoter contest, all details are available in here: https://fexfund.net/referrals_contest“.
“The best promotor contest
Terms of Promo Contest:
Every member can participate in the contest, with active or with no investment.
The contest is about getting as many active referrals as it is possible during the competition time.
Active referral is the referral with the investment.
The prizes for each contest are available on the competition subpage.
All prizes will be added to the chosen account balance and will be available for immediate withdrawal or reinvestment.
BTC investments are calculated with current BTC to USD exchange rate only for contest purposes.
Currently we are running this contests:
Contest valid from Sat, Jun 3rd 2017, 00:00 until Sat, Jun 17th 2017, 23:59“.
As BitcoinsBrain was listed on MNO from day one it was entirely possible for some of you to get up to 50% profits during its almost three week run. The program promised to pay from 0.3% to 0.31% hourly for an unlimited term with payouts processed automatically to members’ BitCoin accounts every 4 hours, therefore giving them an opportunity to scoop 7.2% to 7.44% on a daily basis. I believe that from the very first day BitcoinsBrain was running almost entirely on auto-pilot, as the admin already tested the script on the previously successful outing AtomicBitcoin that ran earlier this year. With exactly the same script he couldn’t really replicate the success of his previous hit, and I believe it was largely due to complications with BitCoin confirmations and a highly congested network of transactions. As BitcoinsBrain paid out exclusively via BitCoin even converting PerfectMoney and Payeer deposits into BitCoins it was entirely possible such a negative effect prevented the program from running for longer. The admin stopped the payments yesterday and it was impossible to get any comment from him on that. I guess BitcoinsBrain simply ran out of money in the end, but the admin this time has certainly failed to promote his program properly, as he has not even delivered promotional banners and the program lasted without them for almost three weeks. Good run, I suppose, considering the comparatively worse results from so many other programs online who never deliver any profits to even the first first investors. So taking all this into account we can certainly say that BitcoinsBrain was a moderate success story enabled some investors to emerge with a decent profit. At the moment obviously no one should invest there, as the program is now a scam and stopped paying, so stay away!
One of the preferred payment options for many of the bigger spending HYIP investors has always been Payza which is currently accepted by the two programs from the MNO Premium List – BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and TrafficHeap (reviewed here). Reasons why are well documented by now of course, you have very affordable direct funding and withdrawal options that don’t require any third party exchangers taking a commission, and go straight to your bank account or credit card. Payza of course also have their own debit card, so the profits you make from HYIPs can be turned straight into cash from any ATM worldwide, or spent on consumer items over-the-counter in your local shops and stores. And of course most famously there’s the option to file a dispute with Payza if a HYIP scams you. There’s no absolute guarantee of a full refund, but steps will be taken to recover as much money as they can for you assuming you weren’t already in profit. There’s a lot more to Payza than just that of course, and they are getting some recognition from the wider online business community now as you can see from the latest report taken from the official Payza news blog:
“Payza Wins Customer Choice – Best International CNP Program at 2017 CNP Awards
Payza was honored to win the Customer Choice – Best International CNP Program at the 2017 CNP Awards in Orlando, Florida. The CNP Awards celebrate the best Card Not Present programs and innovations each year. The win was a first for Payza at these awards and the company’s second major industry award this year, following the Best Online Payment Method Award received at MPE Awards 2017.
The win is especially meaningful as the “Customer Choice” awards are determined through customer votes and testimonials. The support of companies who use Payza for their online payment needs is what made this win possible.
In writing about Payza’s win, CNP had this to say:
“Payza, a first-time winner at the CNP Awards, nabbed this year’s Customer Choice Award for Best International CNP Program. Launched in 2012, Payza is a UK-based digital payments company with offices in Canada and India. It provides online payment services for banked and underbanked populations alike in more than 190 countries.
The company notes that it is one of the few online payment options available for businesses and freelancers in regions such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and many other developing and emerging markets.”
Staying loosely on the subject of Payza, that will be the topic of the next opinion poll I’ll be running on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll get to that in a moment, but first let’s see the results of the last poll. You might remember I had two questions that time, both related to the summer season, how you see it going for the HYIP industry, and what you see yourself doing regarding your personal investments. In the ten years that MNO has been operating it’s fair to say that the majority of times the summer has been a slow point of the year. That’s by no means written in stone as they say, a couple of years have definitely been very prosperous, but generally speaking the summer can be quite forgettable. But what about this year? We are coming off the back of a major HYIP industry slump at the moment, and as the business bottoms out the only way to go is back up again. The million dollar question however is when. Are you expecting things to stay as quiet as they are and the recovery to come as usual in autumn, or do you think things will get better before that?
So, the first question I asked readers was “Do you believe that summer will be generally slower than spring in the HYIP industry?” You’re an optimistic bunch I have to say, with an overwhelming 64% majority of you voting “No, I believe this summer will see the HYIP industry growing.” And why not? We haven’t yet seen the first week of June finish yet, and there’s a lot more business that can be done in July and August as well. Anything can happen I guess, and there isn’t any exact right or wrong answer to a question like that. The other 36% of readers, definitely a minority but a significant one, took the opposing point of view and voted “Yes, there will be less high-budget and longer lasting programs around.” An interesting division of votes there, and we have almost three months to wait before we see which side is correct!
The second question was a bit more personal in nature, asking how individual readers will be spending their time in the HYIP industry for the coming few months between now and autumn. The question asked “What are your personal investment plans this summer?” Again an overall optimistic (I think!) response, with the runaway winner with 46% of the voters seeing no reason to change existing strategies. They voted for the option “I’ll invest the same as usual”. In second place another 31% of readers expressed an even more aggressive view, saying “I will invest more”. The remaining 23% of readers are feeling more cautious about the summer, voting for the option “I will invest less”. Finally I’m pleased to say that absolutely no one, 0%, voted for the answer “I won’t invest until autumn”. What’s life without an occasional gamble after all?
The conclusion I would draw from all of that is this – people have positive expectations from the summer , and they want to spend money. But not just on any cheap scam that comes along, only on the best programs – the ones MNO is exclusively working with. Experienced admins will do well if they try their best to make quality programs. People will appreciate it for sure.
Moving on to the next question now, like I said just above it’s related to Payza. The thing is, not that many programs make the effort to include Payza as a payment option these days due to them being quite strict on who they approve. But when a program does come along that accepts Payza it’s almost inevitable that it becomes a huge hit. There’s no need to repeat exactly why they are so popular with HYIP investors, I think that’s been covered well enough in the last piece. It’s also easy to see why some HYIP admins don’t even bother to try, though if the investors who favor Payza were a bit more forceful, maybe even selective about what they will and won’t join, HYIP admins might eventually start to act. So, the exact question for the poll then is this:
Would you like to see more programs on MNO accepting Payza?
Possible answers are:
1 – Yes, even if I don’t use Payza I’m still more likely to join
2 – No, I don’t like Payza and they can cause problems for some programs
3 – It has no affect on my opinion of a program
Thanks in advance to everyone who votes guys, you can do so on the MNO TalkBack page here. The poll will stay open for at least the rest of the week, and as always is completely anonymous and untraceable. It only takes a second to click on your preferred option, and remember it’s not just out of simple curiosity because the results of all the polls that run on MNO add up to give admins a better picture of what investors expect from what they are joining if a program is to become a real success.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BitCTrade, BandeiraCorp, UnityReserve, FexFund,
AxisCrude, TrafficHeap, FatFunds, AurumBank.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7Reborn.
From MNO Basic list: BetCruisez, SwissCredit, CryptoGolden, BitXxa (the first instant payments received).
That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and will look forward for more later this week. I’m very grateful to everyone who follows MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribes to the Daily News via Feedburner here. Please keep voting in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack and stay in touch by writing emails via this contact form. I hope to talk to you again in a couple of days and will make sure to deliver the most important updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. After all, that’s the only type MNO has been dealing with for some time. And remember – MNO is For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Top Five by on Jun 6th, 2017. 1 Comment.
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