February 2020 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! I’m very pleased to welcome you on MNO once again at the start of a hopefully successful business week. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t expecting such a fast recovery, considering the end of 2019 proved to be one of the quietest periods in HYIP history ever. But now we can clearly see things are getting better with every passing day – more investors are flowing to put sizeable amounts of money in the more promising projects run by experienced admins. Although there are still not many of them present in the HYIP industry at the moment those listed on MNO are fully deserving of all the praise they receive, and for good reason. Many investors who trusted any of the three currently listed programs with their hard earned cash should have been in good profit already, as the general performance of the leading programs remains of outstanding character. All the programs listed on MNO (CoinWallet, Bynamic and Titan7) have shown extreme resilience to thrive in the current market, aided I suppose by the resurging growth of cryptocurrencies improving investor confidence. Such outstanding growth so far this year put, after a brief absence, MNO back into the 100,000 most popular websites according to Alexa (not too shabby considering the countless millions of sites out there now). My readership and the amount of daily visitors have been certainly growing exponentially over the last few weeks and that resulted in the wise decision by the admin of Titan7 who has recently paid $10K for a massive advertising contract on MNO. According to this Titan7 will be prominently featured on all of the pages across the MNO portal for four months, until at least June 2020. If that’s not an outstanding manifest of confidence in his own ability to surpass a few months online then I don’t know what is. Perhaps my readers will be of help at the end of today’s update when I’ll be asking your opinion on the recent move made by the Titan7 admin in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page over the next week. I will also be looking at the final results of last week’s poll, and before that will bring you the latest news from Bynamic and Titan7.

First I would like to remind you that MNO has been listing only elite programs with decent advertising budgets run by the most talented admins for quite some time already. That decision was one of the best I ever made over my 13+ year experience in the HYIP industry, as it resulted in much less work for me and much higher quality programs listing on the MNO monitor. Smart investors following MNO are usually the ones making the most of their profits in the HYIP industry and if you wish to be one of them then why not subscribe to the blog updates here and join the 3,000+ readers getting the articles sent directly to their email addresses? In order to be the first to know what’s going on in the industry in real time follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook to find out about all the latest developments as they occur. And if course I’m always pleased to answer your emails you can send at abramsonp@gmail.com, submit your queries via this contact form or just chat with me online on Telegram @mnoblog. I will also appreciate if you become an active supporter of your favourite performers by posting your payment proofs on the MNO monitor or become a contributor and share your opinions with your fellow readers on the MNO ShoutBox. Remember that freedom of speech matters here, so don’t be shy to say what you really think.

So let’s have a look at what’s happened with the most influential and talked about programs in the HYIP industry over the last few days.


Regular MNO readers will certainly agree that even though still only in its third week online Bynamic has gradually becoming one of the most popular choices among investors. They pay 0.15% on an hourly basis with the option to withdraw principal (fully or partially) after a 24-hour lock-in period for a 5% fee. Despite its relatively young age the admin of Bynamic has been active in making some improvements of his website thus inspiring more confidence among investors looking for a decent opportunity with a great degree of flexibility and control over their finances. That is actually what Bynamic offers with deposits starting from only $10 via all the popular digital currencies, including BitCoin, LiteCoin, PerfectMoney, Payeer, DogeCoin, Dash, BitcoinCash and Ethereum. Most of the withdrawals have been processed instantly so far as well, and the majority of investors certainly love this feature. In the unlikely event of a pending withdrawal you should allow 24 hours for the admin to pay your request manually, as explained in the detailed review of Bynamic posted here.

In the latest news issued by the admin of Bynamic over the last few days there were some changes announced in the affiliate and representative programs that have been relaunched recently with some new features you can read about in the first two newsletters reposted below. And just earlier today Bynamic announced the first lucky winners of its weekly Bounty contests where the most active investors are rewarded with free ETH funds for fulfilling simple tasks aimed at increasing awareness of Bynamic and its benefits to help it run for a longer period of time, thus benefiting every investor. All the winners of the first round of the weekly Bounty have my sincere congratulations while those who haven’t had a chance to participate yet should pay attention to the next round to grab of the available cash prizes this week. Please refer to the rules of the Bounty program contest on the specially dedicated page on the Bynamic website the link to which can be found in the latest newsletter from the program’s admin. All the three of them in chronological order are reposted below:

Change to Bynamic Affiliate & Representative Program
We’re writing today to let you know that we are making significant changes to our Affiliate and Representative Programs.
Representatives – Paused for Now
The current Representative model was being used dishonestly by some, and so we are temporarily shelving the offering. We will be back soon with a new and improved Representative model for you to reap the benefits of Bynamic! Until then, tuck into the tasty profits from your investment portfolio.
Affiliate – A New Commission System
Our Affiliate initiative is still in play, and we thank you for all your fantastic contributions so far – we’re just changing up the commission model. It’s still a superbly profitable initiative that you’d be mad not to take part in.
Bynamic Affiliates now receive a flat 5% single level commission on every deposit made by their first level referrals. Keep sharing news of Bynamic and keep enjoying significant commission rewards!
That’s all for now. We thank you for your support and look forward to surprising you with fantastic new changes to our platform as they come.
Until next time, happy trading!

Bynamic‘s Representatives Program is Back and Better Than Ever!
We’re delighted to announce that the newest evolution of our Bynamic Representatives Program is complete and ready for you to enjoy!
10% affiliate commission for all Bynamic promoters!
For the latest version of our Bynamic Representatives Program, we’ve simplified and amplified the commission system to now provide our most dedicated users with single level 10% commission on all deposits made by members who joined using your unique referral code.
So if you have an audience you think would benefit from Bynamic, apply to become our newest Representative. Just let us know exactly how you plan to promote the beauty of Bynamic to the world!
Please note: Even if you were already a Bynamic Representative, you must reapply to once again become a valued Representative and continue your awesome contribution to our platform!
And please be aware that self-referring (when you sign up two or more accounts of your own and launder commission using these accounts) is easy to detect and will result in an instant ban from Bynamic.
So, if you think that you have what it takes, we really look forward to welcoming you as our latest Bynamic Representative!
Become a Representative!

Week One Bounty Payments Have Been Released, Week Two Started!  
We hope you’re having a fantastic time trading cryptoassets with Bynamic. The team here are certainly enjoying dreaming up new ways to make your experience as profitable as possible. And one of those ways is the Bynamic Bounty Program: https://bynamic.co/bounty.
Today we’re excited to announce that we have released the first week of payments to everyone who has contributed to bettering our platform as a valued Bynamic Bounty Hunter. We can’t thank you enough for choosing to spread the word about what we’re doing as well as help improve our platform by logging any bugs you encounter.
Week two of our Bounty initiative is beginning so keep up on the great work or jump in and join the fun for the first time.
Until next time, happy trading.


I guess after the first month online and the completion of the first investment cycle paying 7% for 30 days with business day only accruals and several cycles on the second 110% after 7 days plan no one can deny that Titan7 has become quite a successful program. And that is despite many predicting a fast scam, basing judgment simply based on the similarities found with the older failed ventures. The admin of Titan7 has actually proved every single sceptic wrong during the program’s smooth performance over the first weeks online. It appears though that things are only starting to warm up for Titan7 investors looking to capitalize on the program’s investment offers starting with a $25 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin and Ripple. And while the recent decision to step up its advertising campaign by ordering a four month banner on top of all the MNO portal paying $10K for the privilege might not be everyone’s cup of tea I’m pretty sure that many investors will take it as a seriously positive sign of long-term intentions looking to be the number one program in the HYIP industry. Of course advertising should be only done in addition to constantly developing the website and its features while paying all the investors on time, but I guess that is what the Titan7 admin has been trying to do over the first few weeks online in establishing a reputation before using a more aggressive advertising policy.

In addition to that Titan7 which was first reviewed on my blog here has launched an updated affiliate program aimed at rewarding the hardest working promoters with an extra income on three levels. Actually in order to get to the top and become a program representative one has to apply by having an active deposit in Titan7 as well as three active partners in his/her downline already. I guess that might be a tougher requirement compared to many other programs not even requiring to have an active deposit in order to become a representative, but at the same time it manifests a more privileged status the newly appointed Titan7 representative will obtain if approved by the admin. I will continue on the subject of Titan7‘s MNO related advertising campaign after this post as it will be featured in today’s new question on the MNO TalkBack page, but meanwhile have a look at the latest affiliate program updates as brought to you by Titan7:

Affiliate program update
Dear partners and Titan7 platform leaders!
Now “For partners” section is available on our website https://titan7.cc/for_partners
In this section you can get acquainted with with the types of our affiliate program details, see the leaderboard of the top 10 platform partners and apply for the status of a representative of the Titan7 platform!
What does the status of a representative give and how to get it?
– Increased referral commissions from the first level of the team
– Displaying your account with contact information in the “Representatives” section.
– Dedicated 24/7/365 technical support for platform representatives.
– The ability to request any promotional materials to promote the platform.
In order to obtain the status of a representative, you need to have your own active deposit, as well as 3 partners in the first line with active deposits.
Best regards, Titan7 team.


The final news item I want to discuss for today concerns the results of the most recent opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with a new question. Actually I want to turn things around a little bit on the way these articles are usually presented, by starting with the new question and following up with the old results after that. The reason for that is because I think the question I’m asking today is a relevant news story in its own right and worthy of some discussion as a stand-alone issue amongst investors.

I’m talking here about Titan7 which as I’ve already mentioned above is making a simply massive statement of intent with the admin’s new advertising drive. Spending $10,000 on an advertising campaign on just one monitor, i.e. MNO will raise a few eyebrows but to be honest it’s a lot more likely the admin has some positive experience with similar operations with previous programs and knows the results he can expect. In that sense it’s actually quite a shrewd plan of action. It may be a controversial move, but mostly I suspect with the promoters and owners of monitors not chosen by the Titan7 admin to participate in what might turn out to be the biggest program of the year. Yes, I know it’s still only February and there’s a lot more work to be done, but we can only assess the program based on its performance to date which has been flawless. Anything can happen next of course, 24 hours can be a long time in the HYIP industry never mind four months, but such a costly and long running advertising campaign would simply not be launched by someone who isn’t 100% committed and determined to force his program into becoming one of the industry giants of 2020. A lot of other less predictable factors need also to fall into place for Titan7 to achieve this goal, the ones that we can consider however seem pretty solid, such as the admin’s working budget, initial results since launching, professional attitude, results from older programs, and so on.

I suppose one massive contradiction we can say about the HYIP industry is that if there’s just one thing that’s always the same it’s that things are always different! Confusing? Well, if you’ve been around the industry for a couple of years I think you know what I mean. Nothing ever stands still for too long. So what do you guys think of this move by the Titan7 admin? He’s definitely proven one important thing about his program so far which is that it’s not a fast scam. With the first investors already in profit it can’t be.

Do you see it as a possible longer term success story running for at least as long as the admin is promoting it in the opening months of the 2020 season? He’s certainly nailing his colours to the mast, or putting his money where his mouth is if you prefer that cliché, what I want to know is how MNO readers see all of this. Are you optimistic for the future of Titan7 or a bit more sceptical? The exact question I want to put to readers in the newest poll therefore will be as follows:

What do you think of Titan7 paying $10K for four months advertising on MNO?

Your possible answers can be chosen from the following, please if you don’t see it in exactly the same way that I’ve worded these options just pick the one that comes closest to your own personal thoughts.

– It’s a good sign as the admin shows ambition, resources, and experience
– It’s a positive sign, but Titan7 still has to prove itself with flawless work
– It’s a negative sign as it creates a false sense of security for investors

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates in this and any other of the regular polls which run on the MNO TalkBack page, you can find the voting buttons here. The poll will stay open for around another week or so, allowing everyone who would like to vote an ample opportunity to do so. As always all votes remain 100% confidential and untraceable, unless you would like to discuss your own thoughts on the matter with other readers on the MNO ShoutBox.

So let’s move back to last week’s poll results now, where you may remember I was asking readers about their favourite style of investment plan. Just to give some background to this, as you know certain trends come and go in the HYIP industry with differently organised plans becoming trendy to an extent that they might even be said to dominate the upper end (i.e. more serious and professional side) of the business. In recent times this has seen the growth of so-called open-ended investment terms. These are plans which offer a variation on the older style perpetual programs which don’t have any expiry date, meaning that when you joined you were unable to leave and the program paid you for how ever long they managed to survive. There are some similarities with the open-ended style plans which also run on a perpetual no expiry basis, however offer investors the option to set their own expiry date and pay them for that term. Currently Bynamic and CoinWallet are the best examples programs following this model.

The alternative to that of course is the more traditional concept of offering investors investment plans with fixed expiry dates when you know exactly when you will leave and exactly what profit to expect. Titan7 is the primary example here, with two plans that run for 7 days and 30 days respectively and publish the exact percentage profit that members should be hoping for.

My question then was about which of these two systems you preferred. Results were somewhat one sided I must say. The exact question was: What style of investment plan do you currently prefer in the HYIP industry?

A strong majority of 64% of readers took the option “Open-ended terms that allow me to leave when I want”, though when I stop to think about it this isn’t really all that surprising given that some of these programs have been among the most popular and profitable for MNO readers over the last year. The remaining 36% of you took the more traditional view and cast your votes for “Fixed terms where I know exactly how much I may earn”. The point of the exercise of course is just to see what direction the HYIP industry might take in the next let’s say six months. Neither answer was right or wrong, it just indicates that if HYIP admins are paying attention to what investors like most at the moment and if they are prepared to give it to them. I could easily come back in six months and ask the very same question to the very same voters and receive a completely different result, I just want to see the general trend as of the current time. The lay of the land as they say.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Bynamic, CoinWallet.
From MNO Standard list: Titan7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading, plus the trust and support you’ve shown in MNO over its more than 12-year online journey. I hope you find your investment experience a pleasant and profitable one and my site will hopefully be of help to you if you need any advice on the best online opportunities. I’ll be back with more news and possibly new additions to the MNO monitor in a few days time. Stay tuned to MNO – For Money Lovers!

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