Dec 26th, 2020 Archives

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Hello everyone! Welcome to the Christmas edition of the daily news service from the HYIP industry delivered since 2007. If you celebrate the holidays I hope you spent the last couple of days with your friends, family and loved ones, although in many countries during pandemic restrictions it has been increasingly difficult this year. Anyway, wherever you are and whatever you do on this festive season I sincerely thank both my older readers for your loyalty and following MNO through all these years and the newer ones who might still be just taking the first baby steps on understanding the whole concept of high risk but lucrative online investments as part of the wider HYIP industry and its best representatives.

Overall, looking back at 2020 we must agree that there will be very few people who will miss this unremarkable year for the HYIP industry which didn’t really bring any truly big programs like which we all enjoyed making money from in previous years. Rather this year has marked a new beginning for cryptocurrencies which have broken all the records as of late with BTC currently trading at over $25K mark while their rival currencies are also performing quite well. That alone should inspire us all to look forward to what the new year may bring and the potential leaders of the HYIP industry that should arise fuelled by that growth. As historical parallels go then 2017 comes to mind with its meteoric BTC rally and absolutely fantastically performing golden investment opportunities on offer. That all gives us reasonable ground to expect 2021 might well repeat that previous 4-year pattern and the new future leaders of the HYIP industry to emerge on the MNO monitor. And as I now have a free version of Basic Listing (read more on that in this article) I simply don’t know the reason why even the most budget-savvy HYIP admins can’t try to get listed here if they have something truly unique and different from others and offer lucrative investment opportunities at the same time.

As we are hopefully at the beginning of the new era in the HYIP industry it would be a wise decision to start following MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook, or subscribe to the regular blog updates by submitting your email address here. This is the best way to ensure you stay updated on the latest industry’s ever-changing trends and will always be on the lookout of the promising investment opportunities – one that we will all hopeful the year of 2021 will be in abundance for. And of course don’t be a stranger and stay in touch via Telegram @mnoblog, email at or via this contact form. Anything of substance and importance will be taken seriously and replied to within 24 hours maximum even during this festive season.

By the way, remember that the poll attached to the previous article naming contenders for the best program of 2020 will remain active until December 31 and the final results will be drawn in the last blog post of the year. So keep your votes coming here and we will see in a few days who will be crowned the best HYIP of the year. Meanwhile, let’s have a look what’s going on in the HYIP industry and discuss the latest news from one of its undisputed leaders QubitTech as well as draw the results of the last TalkBack poll and present you with the new question to vote for.



I’m pretty sure that QubitTech as a program only accepting BTC and ETH funds will fully take advantage of the current soaring cryptocurrency market and will deliver some spectacular results in the new year. By definition, the next year simply cannot be worse than this one (more on that read below in the next TalkBack question poll) and QubitTech will keep building its cryptocurrency reserves and deliver to its investors on its promise of variable up to 2% daily returns until the point of reaching the 250% target ultimate ROI. Many investors who had luck of joining the program back in June 2020 when it’s first opened its doors to new investors have gained tremendously and will hope to get even more results in 2021 which promises to break yet many new price records for BTC. If you haven’t read the full review of QubitTech posted here but still interested in investing there I will just clarify for you that the minimum starts with $100 worth of BTC and ETH which you can spend in acquiring so-called Digital Licenses which will then bring you a variable income with the possibility to make withdrawals to BTC or ETH once your internal balance reaches the $10 minimum (subject to a compulsory 2.5% withdrawal fee).

Overall, QubitTech‘s growth in 2020 has been phenomenal and the program has showed both high levels of growth in various parts of the world and the potential to become even bigger in 2021. Exactly the results of the year and QubitTech‘s plans for the future have been the main subject of the today’s webinar held in two languages – English and Russian – conducted online by the company’s CEO Greg Limon. Yesterday despite being Christmas Day there were the by now traditional weekly webinars in Zoom in four languages – English, Spanish, Russian and Thai – on which only the best promoters are invited to share their experience and develop new strategies for the benefit of the program’s future growth. And earlier on Christmas Eve there was some solid information shared on the Zoom platform about the so-called Corporate Licenses which give further opportunity to earn with QubitTech (though it’s a much riskier option than the above-mentioned Digital Licenses) on the potential purchase of investment property in Turkish Alanya for the discounted price. By the way, just earlier today there were some more details of the Friday Zoom webinar revealed and the summary of the main points getting away by Greg Limon were outlined in today’s newsletter.

Among other exciting news from QubitTech posted over the last few days was the announcement of four new regional offices in Russia opening their doors to current and potential clients in Penza, Ulan-Ude, Sterlitamak, and Tyumen, and the charity event held recently in Nigeria which surely presented QubitTech in a more positive light to local audiences. All the latest news from that QubitTech happened over the last five days can be read below:

New offices in Russia
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to share with you great news – 4 new offices just opened in Russian cities of Penza, Ulan-Ude, Sterlitamak, and Tyumen.
Penza is the largest city and administrative centre of Penza Oblast. While Ulan-Ude is the third-largest in the Russian Far East by population. Regarding Sterlitamak, it is the second largest city in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
In terms of Tyumen, the new office is the second one in the city as one is already operating there.
As a reminder, QubitTech has more than 20 offices in Russia and a few ones in Ukraine, mainly, in Kyiv and Kharkiv.
Eastern Europe shows one of the greatest results, and we wish partners to keep up the good work. In total, more than 30 offices are operating all over the world where local leaders promote QubitTech in their regions.
Best regards, QubitTech team

QubitTech Corporate License: How to buy property in Turkey for 30% of the total cost?: 24.12.2020 | 20:00 MS
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are pleased to invite you to a special presentation, during which you’ll know how to buy property in Turkey for 30% of the cost using QubitTech digital products.
The presentation will start at 20:00 and will be hosted by the top leaders of the QubitTech platform Andrey Zaitsev and Denis Tishchenko.
A special guest is a representative of the developer Konak Construction, who will propose a project of equity participation in the construction of a residential complex in Alanya (Turkey) with the infrastructure of a five-star hotel.
All the details, as well as answers to all your questions – within the presentation at 20:00.
The presentation will be held in Russian.

Friday Leadership ZOOM meeting
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We invite you to participate in the next QubitTech leadership meeting in ZOOM, that will take place this Friday (December 25). This is going to be the last leadership zoom webinar in 2020. It is obligatory to participate as there will be lots of interesting discussions there.
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will get the invitation link on your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 16:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 18:00 (MSK)
Follow the news!

QubitTech charity event in Nigeria
Dear users of the QubitTech platform!
We are glad to inform you that QubitTech has carried out a charity event for children with disabilities.
The QubitTech team met with Lagos State’s children and were delighted to see them happy and healthy.
Gifts included bags of rice, packages of noodles and cash assistance.
This gesture did not go unnoticed as the leading Nigerian newspaper ‘The Nation’ deemed this wonderful gesture newsworthy and published it.
Link to article –
We are proud of our Nigerian team and wish them expansion and great success in the coming year.
Follow us!

Important webinar: RESULTS OF 2020
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We invite you to participate in the webinar held by Greg Limon. The CEO of QubitTech is going, to sum up, the results of the year and tell about the plans: there will be discussions about future technological innovations and upcoming BaseCamps.
The webinar will be in two languages: English (11:00 UTC) – and Russian (19:00 MSK) – Participation in the webinar is free; the link is available to everyone.
Do not miss it!

Leadership Webinar Results
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
Here’s a summary of our CEO Greg Limon’s leadership webinar this Friday.
Greg focused on a successful charity event in Nigeria and called on all our partners to support this initiative. More about the initiative of the QubitTech Nigerian office –
Greg also highlighted the improved terms of the Quick Start Bonus, which will take effect on January 1, 2021. Within 15 days of one period any new user can get unlimited digital licenses by inviting 2 new users in strong and weak leg (4 new users in total).
Another important news is the QubitTech New Year holidays, which will last from January 1 to January 15, 2021. You will learn more about this in a separate newsletter, which will be released soon. Don’t miss it.
In addition, Greg spoke about other important news:
– announced promo at Big QubitTech Forum;
– upcoming event for the top 30 QubitTech leaders in Tanzania;
– 4 new QubitTech offices in Russia;
– 2nd new office in Nigeria;
– the last conference in Colombia;
– new master distributor in Latin America;
– upcoming BaseCamps in Africa, Brazil, Peru and Italy, for which registration is already open.
Greg Limon’s next leadership webinar will take place in the new year.
Follow our news!


Lastly for today I want to take a quick look at the results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll and replace it with another new question, probably the last for the year. After 13 years online as a monitor I’m really pleased that so many readers have chosen to stay with me. Of course there are other blogs and monitors which are also perfectly good sources of information, I can only comment on my own one here so I’m glad you guys are still here with me. But why? I mean sure, I know it sounds like a funny question but it’s still a pertinent one. What is it that you take away from the MNO website that you don’t think you quite get elsewhere? The exact question was put as follows: What differentiates the MNO website from other monitors in your opinion?

Well, given that this is a professional profit motivated industry, it can’t be too much of a surprise that 42% of you voted for the option “Early access to dependable/professional new programs”. What else can I say, except I do hope I can continue delivering this service in the future. Running just behind that with 33% is a more multi-purpose answer of “No one single feature, it’s all unique” for which I am also grateful. 17% of the voting readers answered that “Unbiased news coverage and fast accurate monitoring” is the best thing setting MNO apart from other monitors, while the remaining 8% said “Knowing all content comes from personal experience” which of course is equally true of all the other statements, it just depends on how much importance you personally attach to each one. For the record there was another option which received zero votes, which was “Ease of communication with fast personal reply times”. This disappointed me because I do genuinely try my best to answer everyone as fast as I can. Well, maybe it’s not exactly the main service, rather just a courtesy to readers, but I’ll keep doing it anyway.

My next question is short and simple. Just a yes or no reply all we really need to hear from you, provided your memory goes back a while. It’s a “loaded question” in many ways I admit, certainly in the sense that you already know what my own thoughts are and the fact that there probably isn’t really a good answer here as such. The actor Jim Carrey summed it all up more eloquently and with better words than I can think of here. But at the end of the day it has to be said, you could still have made more money than you spent. I doubt anyone will remember 2020 as a good year overall, but you shouldn’t be depending on HYIPs for a full time income in the first place and if all you wanted was a couple of extra bucks for the fun of it you could still do that much at least. My question for MNO readers will be this:

Has 2020 been the worst year you remember in the HYIP industry?

I’ll try and give you a few different options to vote from, please choose from the one that best matches your own experience below:

– Yes, the worst year I remember
– It was bad but I still earned money
– No, not the worst year I remember

As always thanks in advance to everyone who votes, it’s much appreciated. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, just about each readers personal experience. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will remain open until the new year’s first post at least.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: QubitTech.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That will be all for this Boxing Day as they call it in the UK. I’ll be back hopefully by the last day of the year with some positive news and the final results of the poll naming the best program of the outgoing year. So, if you haven’t voted yet please do so after reading the article here and make your personal contribution to the vote. Stay safe and always be on the money with Money-News-Online! Thanks for reading and see you soon on the best website for money lovers!

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