December 2020 Archives

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Hello guys and thanks for visiting MNO – providing you with information on the best HYIPs, investment tips and tricks for over 13 years now. Even during these harsh times when many of us have been affected by the ongoing Covid19 pandemic with the situation worsening in many countries on a daily basis and great investment slowdown in the HYIP industry as a direct result of it I’m still feeling passionate about sharing the most precious experiences with you I have acquired for over a decade dealing with HYIPs and their admins. After all, even if you’re not active in the industry at the moment it doesn’t mean that the situation is not going to change for the better soon enough and in just a few weeks from now we will feel much more optimistic and forward-looking. That is especially true if we consider the skyrocketing BTC and other cryptocurrency price growth when BitCoin has already broken all-time record hitting the $23K mark earlier today. Whether this fantastic growth extrapolates to the HYIP industry soon as well remains to be seen.

I must admit though that the current challenges the HYIP industry is facing are unprecedented and many admins have struggled in 2020 to swing investors’ attention towards their programs with only a few of them succeeding in doing this and presenting an excellent money-making opportunities for investors while the majority having some disappointing results overall. The MNO blog has been always striving to provide with the list of the most exciting investment opportunities and I’m pretty sure that in 2021 we will see many more promising programs launching, especially considering the BTC and other cryptocurrencies surge and the widely anticipated revival of the HYIP industry in the post-Covid world we will all see in just a few weeks time. Meanwhile, if you want to participate in the new and promising HYIPs in the upcoming new season do yourself a favor and subscribe to the MNO newsletter by submitting your email address here or follow me on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook for the most recent updates on the currently listed and upcoming projects on the MNO monitor. You may also get in touch by contacting me via this online form, email me directly at or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog or on the MNO ShoutBox.

In today’s article dedicated to the HYIP Admins’ Dirty Tricks I would like to look at various unsubstantiated claims many administrators have used in the past to win investors’ sympathy and at the same time provide a viable explanation of their failure to satisfy investors’ expectations of profits. Have you ever thought about admins claiming they pay from their own pockets? How deep are they and whether they actually use their own money to pay investors?

I have an almost regular previous experience with an admin who was apologetically but consistently telling me he was sorry to have to close his program prematurely, however he had paid from his own pocket and it’s totally unviable for him to continue due to the lack of funds. So, according to his twisted logic he should have been at a personal loss every time he ran a program, yet he was rising like a phoenix from the flames over and over again just to create another HYIP and make his personal loss even bigger than before. I bet Mother Theresa herself would envy his altruism and selfless behavior resulting in the hard work for the benefit of investors.

Let’s get serious though. Can an admin lose his own money which he spent on the creation of his own program and its advertising? Of course, it’s impossible to predict if any HYIP will become a success, they all need some start-up capital or seed money before receiving even the first dollar, and even an experienced admin might have hits and misses in equal measure as part of the learning curve. However, why would you be so foolish as to experience losses and yet keeping doing it all over again and again, losing your own funds in the process? After all, any smart person will learn from his own mistakes and would not certainly make yourself bankrupt multiple times by creating new and new personal financial disasters.

Here we come to the point where it should be explained as to exactly what the HYIP admin might consider his own personal funds. Well, I can tell you that by pocketing profits from one, two or more previously run programs he might as well treat it like a well-deserved reward. And that does explain why he thinks he can spend money from his own pocket. Because it’s never really his own funds like he says, but rather funds that he stole from investors in older programs, be they long-term successful or short lived scams. And then he can claim that he had paid to investors from what he likes to deem “his own money”.

Sometimes there is another scenario possible to imagine. An admin runs several programs at the same and finances one of them (his “leader”) at the expense of several other fast scams (let’s call them “donors”). This thing can be easily done, so that the “leader” program may achieve even a cult status among experienced investors that will all praise the admin’s abilities and talent in attracting new funds, not even realizing his financial income streams are coming from deliberate fast scams running simultaneously beneath the “leader”. “This program simply cannot collapse because it’s run by a legendary admin” – they will say not knowing they themselves might be paid from funds they lost in the same admin’s previous or simultaneously run programs. Obviously, such admins always maintain the lies of being a “legendcleverly hiding their fast scams and highlighting only their better programs to maintain a professional appearance and “legendary” status. And yet they might also pay to investors from their own pocket, meaning nobody knows they pay to the investors of the “leader” project from the the funds they have pocketed in so many other sometimes simultaneously run fast scams.

So, whatever deep the HYIP admin’s pockets are and whether he states he’s been paying from his own funds, in majority of the cases it’s total lies, and only inexperienced admins may actually spend more money on their program’s development and promotion and then lose their own funds as a direct result of their incompetence and bad planning. However, would you call this situation as “paying from their own pockets” or simply losing their money as a result of their burning desire to steal from others? After all, profiting from investors’ losses and playing on their greed to invest more than they can afford to lose is the main point of creating and running HYIPs for their respective admins – not to give away their own money from charitable point of view. Do you think so, guys?

I would be grateful if you send me your ideas for any new articles from the HYIP Admins Dirty Secrets series which I plan to post on the MNO blog now on a regular basis. After all, knowing your enemy well is winning half the battle, and it’s especially important for online investors looking to get more money than they invest and overall be on the winning side in this eternal game of cat and mouse with HYIP admins. Stay tuned for more revealing and sometimes shocking articles to be posted on my blog soon, and for now let’s get to the HYIP industry and see what latest news happened over the last few days.



There isn’t really much chance that the current leader of the industry, obviously that’s QubitTech, is going to be ousted between now and the end of the year. Or any clear time after that either that I can see. If you haven’t heard anything yet about this fantastic program that has been paying for over six months already then you’re welcome to read my review of QubitTech posted here. However, if you’re short on time let me briefly remind you that the program accepts investments starting from a $100 minimum via BitCoin or Ethereum. You then have to accumulate at least $10 on your balance before being able to request a withdrawal which is then manually processed within 72 hours and subject to a 2.5% fee. With QubitTech you don’t know exactly how much you earn per calendar day as the results are posted on a daily basis and can fluctuate all the time. Although your daily interest can rise up to 2% the average rate is about 1% which gives you about 25% per calendar month. Therefore, in order to break-even with QubitTech you have to wait about four months, but then you will be fully rewarded for your patience by getting paid until your investment reaches the full and final 250% ROI on which it expires.

The enormous appeal of QubitTech for potential investors might have been propelled by not only the promise of high returns, but also by its unorthodox approach to advertising which has seen the program promoted both offline and online. The variety of methods and its effectiveness are further managed by the company’s leadership teams in many countries around the world. The best promoters not only get rewarded with multi-tier affiliate commissions, but could participate in so-called BaseCamps and share experience with their fellow promoters and gain knowledge from the advertising experts. For example, the third BaseCamp has been recently concluded in Turkey and the results have been outlined in one of QubitTech‘s latest updates. Among the 2021 BaseCamps it was specifically mentioned about the upcoming Italian event that will happen in April next year in Sicily. Already the traditional leadership meeting using the Zoom platform is scheduled for tomorrow and will be conducted in four languages at different times provided below. Among other news from QubitTech – a second office has been open in Nigerian city of Lagos and new master distributors in Brazil and Colombia has been introduced. All the updates posted on the QubitTech‘s website over the last four days can be found below in chronological order:

Second QubitTech office in Nigeria
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are happy to announce that the second QubitTech office has opened in Nigeria, in the city of Lagos.
Lagos is a major financial centre for all of Africa and is the economic hub of Lagos State.
The event brought together many guests as well as local leaders. This is another important step for our platform to capture the African market.
We congratulate our leaders from Africa on the success in promoting QubitTech services and attracting new leaders. Earlier, also a few conferences have been held on the continent, in Kenya and Uganda.
Follow us!

Results of the third BaseCamp
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re pleased to inform you that BaseCamp in Turkey (Belek) ended on December 14, 2020, breaking all records for the results.
The event brought together over 170 leaders from all over the world. This is significantly more than the number of participants to the first BaseCamps.
All the participants were divided into 8 teams: from “Whales” to “Wolves”. In a tense struggle between “Hares” and “Bears”, which lasted until the end of BaseCamp, the latter won. Natalia Khristolyubova was recognized as the best player among all teams. Best Social Media – Nikolay Melega.
The total volume of all teams in 10 days was more than 1500000 USDT on the first line in partner networks. Besides, the participants of the third BaseCamp attracted about 5000 new users, and the results of their work increased several times.
The fourth BaseCamp starts in South Africa in the second half of January 2021. The event will be open to African leaders (as well as foreign-language teams of 25 people – in this case, an interpreter will be provided).
There are still free places –
And after that, in February, BaseCamp will be held in Brazil, registration for which is also already open –
If you have questions about BaseCamp, you can write to us on Telegram:
See you at the next BaseCamp!

Italian BaseCamp in April: Registration Available
Dear users of the QubitTech platform
We’re pleased to announce that the first BaseCamp in the European Union will take place in April 2021. The exact dates are still being determined, but it is already known that the event will take place in Sicily (Italy).
Registration for the upcoming Italian BaseCamp is available now –
The event will bring together all the European leaders of QubitTech; however, we will be glad to see leaders from other regions.
Pre-booking cost is 250 USDT. Full participation payment in the event will be available later through the QubitTech personal account.
Recall that BaseCamp is an exclusive training program developed by QubitTech. You’ll improve your sales skills, work on personal growth, and release your fears. And all this with an excellent entertainment program and in the company of the educational advisor of the QubitTech Academy, the famous European business coach Andreas Tissen.
Follow our news!

New master distributor in Brazil and Columbia: Marco Nastasi
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re glad to present to you our new master distributor – Marco Nastasi. He will actively promote QubitTech and our products in Brazil and Columbia.
Marco is a businessman and investor in different sectors. He is a specialist in entering digital markets at a national and international level, as well as, an expert in the positioning of technological brands. Besides, he is a recognized leader in Latin America and in the six continents for being passionate about the blockchain, cryptocurrency and new technologies markets. His passion has led him to explore innovative fields to create great communities that touch the entire planet.
We wish Marco continued success for the benefit of our platform and for attracting other leaders in Latin America.
Follow our news!

Friday Leadership ZOOM meeting
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We invite you to take part in the next QubitTech Leadership Zoom Meeting that will take place this Friday (December 18).
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will get the invitation link on your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 15:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 19:00 (MSK)
Follow the news!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: QubitTech.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That seems to be everything I wanted to share with you all today. Thanks a lot for reading MNO and I hope you find the information here useful. I’ll be back with more latest updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry in a few days time. Stay safe and healthy and keep following MNO – For Money Lovers!

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