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13/06/09. Interview with the admin of TheDollarDiggers



Hi guys! As promised earlier, today I want to bring you the interview with Thomas from TheDollarDiggers. As I said in my original review (published here) its something of a departure for MNO as the whole cycler and Paid To Click (PTC) side of the online investing industry is something that I myself never really got in to. Although personally I joined TheDollarDiggers as a surfing program where you are required to surf 15 sites per day for 15 days, you can see that there is a lot more to it than just that. I hope you find this interview as interesting and informative as I did and it tells you something about a side of the industry not normally covered here.

1. Hi Thomas, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in TheDollarDiggers. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello Paul. My name is Thomas McPherson and I am the Administrator of TheDollarDiggers. This is the first program I opened and managed though I am already in the industry for over one and a half years as a member of some online programs in the field of Autosurf, Cycler/Doublers, Matrices and even Online Forex, good and bad, and I am sure some of them you were once a member of yourself Paul.

2. Can you also give us some background history on TheDollarDiggers? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

TheDollarDiggers was supposed to be a Cycler program but I changed my mind and opened an Autosurf instead but since day one I already have plans to make a new concept and turn TDD, as I fondly call my program in the abbreviated term, to be a hybrid and an all-in-one program. I decided to open my own Autosurf program because I am running out of good programs to join, each day an Autosurf will emerge and suddenly will shut down. I want my program to be known as the most unique program that can be compared to a Supermarket, all are in there and being offered.

I do not have a business partner as yet but soon will have once the negotiation on a new source of funds of TDD will be finalized. I have two assistants, Addie and Alvin, who are working for me as Phone Support staff.

3. How would you best describe your program? Personally I’m more familiar with the autosurf side but there’s a lot more going on isn’t there? So maybe you will first give a brief description of the site.

TDD is an all-in-one program. We are a PTC slash Autosurf slash Cycler/Doubler slash Advertising portal program.

For the Autosurf side, there are three plans on offer, namely the Digger Quick Plan, Digger Infinite Plan and Digger 12×12 Classic Plan. I will explain them later in question #6.

4. Assuming that I have never heard of a cycler before, will you please describe it in as much detail as possible?

The name of the cycler/doubler TDD offers is Digger 3 Stage Cycler. This is the most exciting Plan of TDD. Because with a position that costs only $1.30, members are given a chance to earn total of $146.20. As the name implies, it has 3 stages and on each stages once the position cycled the member who owns it will receive incentives. The incentives on each stage is as follows –

Stage 1 – $1 in account balance
Stage 2 – 4 re-entry positions in Stage 1
Stage 3 – $130 in account balance PLUS 2 free Ad Packs in Digger Quick Plan.

There must be 10 positions bought in Stage 1 for the top position to be pushed out and be transferred into Stage 2. That is the basic calculation on how 3SC works.

Cycler/Doublers will be successful if members are willing to be team players. They are the ones buying positions on a daily basis that keep the lines moving constantly and keeping all in profit while at the same time building investment for themselves. It sounds complicated but once you get the hang of it you will see that it is powerful than Autosurfs and the earning potential is huge.

5. And now describe the PTC (Paid to Click) section of your site. I believe that membership of this plan is a prerequisite for membership of your cycler plan. Can you tell us why that is?

The PTC side of TheDollarDiggers can offer members earnings that range from $0.01 up to $0.10 per link or banner they will click. With this even free members can join. The amount depends on how many seconds the advertisement will be shown to members. And they need to wait for the first link to finish before they can click the next link.

No, it is not a prerequisite for members to join in the cycler plan. They can choose and opt not to click the advertisement available in the PTC area. And it is not actually included in the Plans offered in TDD. It is a feature that is offered to Advertisers to get maximum exposure for their programs and websites and an additional earning portal for all the members of TDD, free and upgraded.

6. Having described the cycler and PTC sections of your site, can you explain the investment plans you are offering investors in each section? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them? What payment processors are you accepting?

The first one is the Digger Quick Plan where members can earn 2% daily for 15 days with principal returned upon expiry. They must surf 15 sites for 10 seconds each daily to get credited of the fix percentage and they will do it manually. Manually means they need to click the NEXT AD button once the timer hits zero. Per Ad Pack cost $5 and maximum they can spend is $300 or 60 Ad Packs. This Plan also offers daily payouts and you have to request it manually but with the principal it will automatically go into pending withdrawal request status once expired.

The 2nd plan is the Digger Infinite Plan which is a non surf plan. With this plan, members will earn 3% weekly for as long as they have upgrades. Though there are some rules applied to follow for their upgrades to be valid because once not followed I will treat their upgrades as a donation to TDD. The rules can be seen in the Terms and Rules and even in FAQ page of TDD. And the rules are the following –

1) Your principal have a lock in period of 31 calendar days before you can request to pull it out from this plan. You can withdraw your weekly earnings though even if your principal is still in the lock in period.

2) You must buy 10 positions in 3 Stage Cycler Plan first for each Ad Pack you will buy in this plan.

Ratio – 1 Ad Pack ($500) in Digger Infinite Plan = 10 ($1.30/position) positions in 3 Stage Cycler Plan.

Example – You want to buy 3 Ad Pack costs $1500, you must buy 30 positions first in 3SC costs $39.

If not followed I will treat your upgrades as a donation to TDD.

3) No compounding allowed.

The amount of each Ad Pack in this Plan is quite high, well this is designed for those who are and want to put larger amount, and the cost is $500 and the maximum spend members can make is $5000 or 10 Ad Packs. Every 7th day the earnings will be credited in the account balance of the member and he needs to request manually to withdraw both earnings and principal.

The 3rd plan is the Digger 12×12 Classic Plan. This actually is just recently added and like with the Infinite Plan there is a rule applied to be followed. There is a ratio of 1 Ad pack is to 2 positions in 3 Stage Cycler Plan. This one is open for 10 days only then it will be closed for upgrades for 10 days then will be open for 10 days again. The minimum amount is $12 and that is the cost of an Ad Pack and the maximum amount members can make is $240 or 20 Ad Packs daily. The payment on this Plan is upon expiry and it will automatically goes into pending withdrawal request status once expired.

The processors I am accepting is the 4 most popular which are AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and LibertyReserve.

7. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of TheDollarDiggers. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DdoS attacks and malicious hackers? What script are you using? What about spyware?

TheDollarDiggers is now hosted in a dedicated server, an own box. TDD also have DDOS protection and SSL Encryption though the latter is not yet activated but overall I can say that we can battle with those who are and will try to attack TDD. The script was acquired directly from Neversay. And yes I have anti virus and spyware installed in my computer.

8. What do you think about screening the sites being advertised in the surfing rotation to protect your members from viruses? I’ve heard a couple of real horror stories about people getting all manner of malicious viruses planted on their PCs. Personally I think its the responsibility of the computer owner to secure it. What’s your own opinion?

Well I can say that it is a must to screen sites being advertised that is why I included it in the Terms and Rules that once a member caught violating, it will result into suspending and even deletion of the member. I check sites daily to make sure there are no rules violated though now I am also relying in the report given by members because TDD have more than 500 sites rotating.

9. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy are you using? How big a part have the existing members played in this? Are you satisfied with that level of support? Could anything be done to improve on this?

I am using monitors and blogs like yours to promote TDD and I am also doing banner exchange with programs I see potential of staying longer than others. Members are doing great because they are really bringing in new members to TDD. I am planning to buy also banner ads in some major forums we have but I am not yet doing it because my priority is to finish the new project I want to incorporate with TDD then I will do a massive advertising for TDD.

10. I find it difficult to remember a time when the reputation of the whole surfing industry was as low as it is today. Although I know there is a lot more to TheDollarDiggers how are you dealing with such a negative image? Is it affecting the growth of your program?

I just make sure that I communicate with members on a daily basis and pay them with their requests on time because I know this way members will feel more secure. TDD is having a slow but steady growth and I am happy with that.

11. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months?

As I have said above we are having slow but steady growth and I am content with that. The total members TDD now have is 381 and 128 out of that are upgraded and the total deposits are now over $8,700.

12. What level of customer support do you offer members? How can they contact you if they have any issues with their investments?

The typical support is through email. They can send me an email using the SUPPORT button in the site or go send me directly an email to or I am doing my best to answer questions as soon as I can.

We also have Phone Support and the numbers are +1-951-468-1601 or +1-858-769-5328 ext 110.

13. What is your overall opinion of the online investment industry? Would you like to share any of your own memorable experiences with us, good and bad, in this industry? Not as an admin but speaking as an observer and investor yourself.

I am sad and disappointed with the turn of events in the online investment industry particularly in the Autosurf arena. We used to have programs and Administrators who just honestly told us that theirs is a game and a ponzi that needs members upgrades to continue and it was well supported. Now many will say things like they have backup business to support their programs and we know that it is just to get more members and when members start trusting them, boom, they will be gone. And because of them programs that are trying to be honest are being affected because investors find it hard to trust anymore.

14. What can we expect to see next from TheDollarDiggers? How do you plan to sustain it? What are your plans, short term and long term, to develop the program and maintain payments to a growing number of members?

I have more plans to come for TDD to achieve other sources of funds. Right now TDD is doing good and in a very positive balance. I made sure that each Plan offered in TDD will help each other and will not bring down the total funds. I also invest some of the profits made in other programs I am a member of for almost 2 years now.

My short term goal is to reach 500 members before TDD turns one month old. Why? Because once hit I am going to start deleting accounts which are inactive and owners are not even logging into. What I want and TDD need are members who are active and willing to be a Team Player that is not selfish.

My long term plan is to turn TDD from being 50% ponzi into a real money generating program that is not relying from upgrades of members. I said 50% because TDD is now well sustained mostly from profits generated from 3SC and the programs I am putting some of the money into. But of course I want someday that it will have a real source of fundings and guess what I am already working on it now. I am negotiating with a future partner overseas and I will give more updates about it once everything is polished.

15. And finally how would you like to sum up the reasons and benefits of joining your site to those readers who might still be skeptical? Why is yours any better than any other site operating at the moment?

First before we conclude, I want to say thank you to you Paul for the support you are giving to TDD and for giving me and TDD a space here in your blog.

TDD is not just an ordinary Autosurf program. We are offering more earning avenues to all the members who are with us and I am still making plans to add more ways for them to earn more and each Plan is well calculated and well thought not to put TDD in jeopardy. TDD is not relying 100% from the funds coming in from members. And you will surely enjoy being part of TDD FAMILY because we have great and active members helping each other to earn and be in profit.

As usual I would also like to thank Thomas for taking the time to contribute this interview to my blog. I’ll just add that I think he has done a tremendous job as admin in taking the site as far as he has given the difficult circumstances surrounding the industry at the moment. As I said in my review I wouldn’t like to be the one predicting success or failure for any site that offers surfing based plans at the moment, but I can offer an informed opinion based on my experience with them. And I can only say that based entirely on merit TheDollarDiggers deserves to be a success. Will it actually happen though? I don’t know but the site is in an extremely capable pair of hands with Thomas. The success of the program depends on you, the investor, but I hope that Thomas and TheDollarDiggers will have a big impact on the online investment industry soon.

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