04/03/2010. Interview with the admin of EuroNanoInvest
Hi guys! As promised in last night’s update I have another interview for you today, this time with the admin of EuroNanoInvest. Maybe collective amnesia is setting in to the industry as he is the second admin recently who has neglected to mention his own name! Not that it’s all that important or anything. The only thing that really matters is performance and so far this program hasn’t disappointed anyone. Mind you it’s still a very new program but we can only judge it by what we have seen.
Anyway, the admin has plenty to say for himself here so as usual I hope you find it in at least some way beneficial in deciding whether the program is suitable for your individual needs or not. Let me just remind you that EuroNanoInvest is a long term HYIP that offers 1.4% for 160 business days, 1.6% for 140 business days, 1.8% for 120 business days, and your principal back on expiry. For a more detailed explanation of how it all works please refer back to my original review published here.
“1. Hi Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within EuroNanoInvest. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?
Hello. Usually it’s very strange to hear questions about the role of an admin since Admin is always an Admin… And you know when our support service received your request for an interview I decided that it would be better if your questions were answered not by the technical admin or our PR manager but by me personally, by Director General. It took me a very long time to create this project, so I would like to answer your questions myself.
Today my duty is to monitor the business that has been launched a few years ago. I also track the recent trends in the development of the nano industry and develop contacts when it comes to venture projects.
My typical day starts with a cup of fruit tea. The tea remains warm for a long time thanks to the special nano-technological design of the cup which is a gift from one of our partners. Probably we’re too crazy about nanotechnologies. But I don’t mind this! Anyway, it’s the source of our income so we talk about it all the time.
After breakfast I have meetings during which I can negotiate promising venture projects. In the afternoon I usually negotiate these projects and possible ROI on these projects with analysts.
2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you tell us who else is involved in EuroNanoInvest?
The project EuroNanoInvestment is a part of our wider business dealing with attracting investments to nanotechnologies. Prior to opening the site we held conferences and seminars where we told people about the profits they may earn by investing in the building of new electronic equipment, special materials with unique features and development of new medicines that can relieve medical patients of pain.
A year ago we started to work on our site since we understood that the Internet is the best source of investments. Last November we bought a domain and now we are moving forward with confidence. Our aim is to attract maximum investments to have an opportunity to invest funds in the largest venture projects working with the large investors only.
We should admit that we are not disappointed in the opportunities of the Internet. Earlier when we held various seminars and conferences we attracted up to $100 000 a week, now our investors invest such amounts just within 1-2 days. A good beginning, isn’t it?
3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?
When we were creating our online business, our primary task was providing maximum accessibility to the public. I strove to make it easier for people to invest in nanotechnologies, so that even students and retired people could invest in them, not to mention middle-class people and the owners of big companies who wanted to increase their assets as well.
We are offering the following funds:
Nanotech in Medicine
Investment period: 160 business days
Guaranteed profit: 1.4% daily (Daily plan, Monday – Friday)
Minimum deposit: $10
Principal back: return at the end of term period
Nanotech in Electronics
Investment period: 140 business days
Guaranteed profit: 1.6% daily Daily plan, Monday – Friday)
Minimum deposit: $1000
Principal back: return at the end of term period
Nanotech in materials
Investment period: 120 business days
Guaranteed profit: 1.8% daily (Mon – Fri)
Minimum deposit: $8000
Principal back: return at the end of term period
As you see, the owners of big and small assets can generate good incomes with our help.
4. Tell us about the payment options available from EuroNanoInvest. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?
When we started working on the Internet, the first thing we came to know was the most popular electronic money. A consulting agency conducted a study for us. According to the study, there were tons of Internet users who were willing to invest their electronic money and the most popular payment systems appeared to be PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve.
That’s why we offer LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as our payment options.
5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?
In this aspect, we decided to follow public opinion. First, we selected the most popular hosting providers with DDoS security in Google, then we consulted with specialists and finally selected GigabitDC. DDoS protection is provided by Dragonara. As far as I’m concerned, we and our clients are quite satisfied with the choice.
6. What about your script? Am I correct in saying that it’s a unique and custom made just for you? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?
I always strive to live by the principle that everyone should do their part. We are good specialists when it comes to investment business and technologies and there are also people who are good at web programming, writing scripts and others. When we were launching the project we just ordered the script that would be easy-to-use for us and our clients. We made it pleasant for EuroNanoInvest clients to work in the Clients Area, as all the buttons are right at their fingertips. We’re proud to have unique scripts designed specifically for EuroNanoInvest!
7. Can you also explain the benefits to potential clients of using SSL encryption to protect the investor’s accounts?
It’s a technical issue which is in the hands of our security specialists. However we can say that encryption of the data stream from user to our site and back again warranties us and our clients a security of funds since nobody can tap the encrypted data of the clients.
8. I said in my review of your program that the only thing I didn’t like was the lack of choice regarding payment processors. Do you think this might hinder the growth of EuroNanoInvest and do you plan to add more in the future?
Just like any company, we develop and strive to offer outstanding services to our clients. We plan to expand some payments options and methods of account replenishment. But it’s worth saying here that we will be directed by the needs of our clients only. We will study the demand and needs of people through their letters and will surely make more payment processing solutions available to our clients based on that.
9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? I see you also have Live Chat support. What is the best time (GMT) to find a support operator there?
Live Chat is the most convenient tool for us to give consultations to our clients. When we faced a choice whether to provide support through LiveChat or by phone, we considered that LiveChat was an optimal solution for all the Internet users who have got used to solve their problems using keyboard rather than using a phone. LiveChat is available from 10 AM to 8 PM (GMT).
10. What other outside business and investment activities are EuroNanoInvest involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?
It is a good question however I do not like to repeat one and the same things. If you want to learn how we make money you can go to our official site following this link: https://www.euronanoinvest.com/faq/
As for those who want to learn about the core of our investment business in brief, I can say that every day we convert a definite part of our clients funds into money in our bank account and transfer it to the accounts of those venture projects we have contracts with. Those projects deal with the development of various goods the margin on which after their market entry sometimes reaches 1000%. Some of such goods are LED screens, cell phones, special kinds of concrete for construction, materials that conduct oxygen and trap dust and carbon dioxide, and etc. Having invested in those projects some time ago we still receive profits today.
11. Tell us about your postal address in the Seychelles. Is that an actual office where I would find real EuroNanoInvest employees working or is it more of a serviced “virtual” office for mail collection and things like that?
You may find the mail box of our company as well as the support team following the address on the site. Our team of managers operates from Paris, France.
12. Are there any plans to develop EuroNanoInvest further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?
It would be stupid to say that we have no competitors. People can make money through many things other than nanotechnologies. But let’s face it, nanotechnologies are much more promising than ForEx or stock trading. They’re in a mass demand that comes as a result of launching venture projects onto the market. It allows receiving thousands of percent ROI, meaning gradually we’ll be able to gain more experience and offer new investment plans with more profitable returns on investments to our clients.
13. What have been the most common questions, problems, or complaints you have had to deal with so far? Are there any particular issues that people keep contacting you about that you would like to address here?
I always follow the rule that there are no problems in work with people, there are several business issues which are to be solved. And we successfully deal with them. Actually we started our business to continuously solve some problems.
14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to the readers to convince them that your program is better than any other then what would it be?
I’m not going to say big words here. I just want to say that if some six years ago someone had offered me to invest money in nanotechnologies, I would have done that rather than started my own business, developed contacts and held conferences all around the world. Sad to say, but even nowadays there are not that many companies like us. And we’re proud of the fact that thousands of people all around the globe can invest in nanotechnologies in the sphere of medicine, electronics and material building, by receiving their daily income. Now that nanotechnologies are developing so fast, we cannot linger, we should earn while we can.”
Well whatever his name is I hope his program will be a success and perform well for all the investors who take a chance and join. That’s about it from MNO for this afternoon, guys but I’ll be back as usual a bit later tonight with all the latest news updates from around the industry so stay tuned for that!
Filed under Interviews by on Mar 4th, 2010.