27/07/2010. Interview with the admin of BullInvest
Hi everyone! For the first post of the new week I’m pleased to have an interview with the admin of BullInvest, which is a new long term HYI program added to my monitoring page just under two weeks ago and reviewed here. His name is Jason and his customer services partner is Deborah and together they have been doing quite a professional job of running BullInvest. It’s still a relatively young program so early days yet, but based on my own experience there’s no problems worth repeating and the payments have been, in a word, flawless.
BullInvest still have a long way to go before they establish themselves as major industry players of course but a good start as they say is half the battle. So let’s hope Jason and his team carry on as they have started and become a popular choice among investors over the coming months.
“1. Hi Jason, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within BullInvest. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?
Hello Paul, members and prospective members. My name is Jason and I’m the Vice President and I.T. director of The Bull Investment Firm LTD. You might call me the liaison between corporate and our online investors. What I mean by that is that the bulk of the activity (Trading etc…) is handled by corporate. My duties mainly consist of payments, coordinating the customer service team (along with Deborah) and handling any administrative duties associated with the website and our online presence directly.
2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on BullInvest?
The online presence of The Bull Investment firm was officially launched on July 13th of this year. I must admin Paul that launching a website to attract investors certainly wasn’t something that was an easy sell to our board of directors. As I’ve stated in previous emails, the idea to bring our business online was mine and over a number of years I’ve been lobbying for this move to be made and it finally was.
I believe that we are entering into a new era of online investing and while some may remark that they peak of online investing has passed I’d like to submit that change is all for the good.
The public is no longer naive to the ploys of those that wish to deceive others. Our strength will shine through as we continue day after day and month after month to produce a steady and reasonable return for our clients with a very minimal risk.
3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?
The Bull Investment Firm offers 5 plans each with varying degrees of profit based upon deposit amounts. They are as follows:
For deposits of $10.00 – $999.00 you will earn a varying percentage between 1.3%-1.7% daily on trading days only running for 130 trading days. For all of the plans that we offer we will return your principal deposit upon its completion.
For deposits of $1000-$2999 you will earn between 1.71%-1.89% daily for 150 days.
For deposits of $3000-$5999 you will earn 1.9% daily for 150 days
For deposits of $6,000.00 – $9,999.00 you will earn 2.1% daily for 180 days
For deposits of $10,000-$100,000 you will earn 2.4% daily for 180 days.
4. Tell us about the payment options available from BullInvest. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?
We are currently working with Alertpay, Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and NEW Strictpay funds. That means funds that can be withdrawn. We are not accepting old Strictpay funds because they are all but worthless at this point.
5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?
Our entire platform from development to launch day was designed with security being our main focus. We use a script that was custom made and then tailored to The Bull Investment Firm. There are no back doors and no one in the past nor the future will ever use this script other than The Bull Investment Firm.
All financial transactions within the site require a transaction code. All passwords and account numbers are encrypted to ensure that hackers cannot access sensitive data from within our database.
We employ a 256 bit Secure Socket Layer encryption for all transactions that are made through our site. In addition we are hosted on what I would consider to be the best host on the market today which is KoDDos. We are fully Ddos protected from all attacks large or small. As you can see we have had 100% uptime since our launch.
6. What about your script? Am I right in saying that it’s been custom made for you? What do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Are you using SSL encryption?
Yes the script is 100% custom made by our in house programming department. It has been custom fit and tailored specifically for The Bull Investment Firm.
The benefits of this aside from complete customization are the obvious security features of not having a mass reproduced script full of back doors.
On our end we are able to employ custom made cheating software as well as very easily add any features that we find are needed along the way. An example of this is the quickness with which we were able to add the reinvesting from balance feature.
7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?
Deborah Billingham is our customer support manager and she would be the one most qualified to answer this so let me pass this question to her:
Hello members, my name is Deborah Billingham and I’m the Customer Service Manager/Director for The Bull Investment Firm LTD. We offer two types of support.
The first is our traditional ticketing support which goes directly to myself or a member of my staff 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In addition we also offer live support by appointment.
Our staff is advised to be logged into our live support suite as much as possible but we maintain no specific hours due to the hectic nature of our business. I’d like to advise everyone to utilize our live chat feature when available because it is the quickest and most efficient way of solving any issues. For all other matters please direct them to our support ticketing department and they will be handled in short order.
8. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?
Until now we have seen very few support requests that couldn’t be handled in a relatively quick manner. Things such as lost pin codes seem to be our most frequent.
We are also frequented by the due diligence seeker who is simply mailing us to ensure that we are a real company and will be there when they need us. Which of course we do not mind at all.
9. What other outside business and investment activities are BullInvest involved with? Are you doing anything more constructive with your member’s money or are you?
I will take this directly from my letter to the members which is published on the our company page of our site. The exact investment strategies (techniques) that we use are proprietary and are not shared outside of our company. However as a general rule we diversify all funds with a 50-30-20 split. This means that 50% of funds are invested in precious metals (Gold, Platinum), 30% is invested in the US Stock Market and 20% is traded on the Forex Market.
We have diversified our clients in this way with the bulk of each investment going into precious metals because over the long term they have always shown to be the most stable and secure. In addition if we do find that a particular nations currency is being devalued we can always fall back on Gold, Silver and Platinum as a safe haven. The US stock market is slightly riskier in our opinion than the metals market due to the high reliance on fundamentals that many stocks are prone to.
Market sentiment is always a factor. Yet, with good analysis comes very good profit for our organization. For these reasons we have decided to allocate 30% of our clients funds here. Our riskiest investment yet our most profitable is the Forex or Foreign Exchange market which is the exchanging of one currency for another in real time based upon the fluctuating rates of the week. This is the most profitable market due to its large liquidity and 24/5 trading schedule. There are many strategies that we employ depending upon the volatility of the day or week. Much more technical analysis is employed here and we have a dedicated team of 3 traders who specialize in the Forex market exclusively.
10. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by BullInvest. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring BullInvest to a wider investment audience?
This is where we seem to run into a bit of a snag at times. Originally it was brought to our attention that traditional methods of advertising (banners, Monitors etc..) were the way to go. In the current climate we are finding that only a very small handful of monitors were worth the funds used to pay for them. Let me stress though that members funds WERE NOT used to pay for monitors or banners to advertise The Bull Investment firm LTD. This was a company budget that was set aside prior to our launch to ensure the financial stability of the site and not put any undue stress upon the cashflow.
11. Are there any plans to develop BullInvest further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?
We are always making plans for a bigger and brighter future for our clients. We are currently in talks with a production company to produce a promotion video for The BullInvest LTD.
As of yet we have not come to any sort of agreement but we hope to reach one relatively soon. As a company and as a firm with a significant online presence we are happy to take any and all suggestions or concerns into consideration.
12. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?
Paul, there comes a time when words in themselves leave something to be desired. With the amount of hot air that is constantly circulating around the online world of investing its clear to me that anything I say is bound to fall upon deaf ears. So I prefer to let my actions and the actions of our organization do the speaking for us.
So let me just welcome you to The Bull Investment Firm and pledge our utmost support and consideration to ensure that your experience with us is up to the highest standards. Our team of specialists is here to serve you 24 hours a day. Should there be anything we can do to serve you better please do not hesitate to call upon us.”
That’s it for today guys, except to wish Jason and all the BullInvest members the very best of luck and hopefully the program will eventually grow into a popular and dependable money making website. Fingers crossed anyway! I’ll be back tomorrow (from a new location by the way, I’m going on my summer vacation!) with all the latest news and views from the HYIP industry so make sure and check back then and see you all tomorrow!
Filed under Interviews by on Jul 27th, 2010. Comment.