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11/10/2010. PandaTrade Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everyone! Tonight I’m writing to you from what is surely one of the grandest old capitals of Europe, Vienna. I’m pleased to say that the 21st century hasn’t taken away any of the charm, the charisma, or the grandeur of this historic old city, and despite coming down with a head cold – those chilly Autumn nights are setting in – I was really impressed by the Opera House, the City Hall, the many palaces, and of course the old tram cars rattling past adding a real central European old world atmosphere.

Fitting then I guess that the first subject I want to discuss with you in today’s update is something that’s left me feeling just as impressed, albeit in a much different way. It’s called PandaTrade and it’s a name you really should remember because you’re going to be hearing about them a lot in the future. In fact I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to avoid them even if you try. Not that you’ll want to of course because I’m fairly confident that we will soon be witnessing one of the next really great leaders of the HYI industry beginning to take shape here.

The success of any online venture is never guaranteed and depends on many contributing factors all having to click at the same time, but PandaTrade have done a supreme job in setting up one of the finest new programs the industry has seen in some time and is one of the most brilliantly researched, planned, organized, and executed HYI programs to emerge since the crisis. “Build it and they will come” went the slogan of one old movie poster (Field of Dreams) and that’s kinda what PandaTrade have done. They’ve put together an excellent all-round package with realistic but profitable plans under the blanket of a highly secure environment. The next step is to put it in front of the investing public and watch them follow.

I suppose the cornerstone of any leading online investment program has to be the plans. That is, after all, basically the reason why we’re all here. You can have all the flashy advertising campaigns and the paid posters you want, but at the end of the day if you don’t have something that experienced and canny investors are looking for you’re just wasting you time. But that’s one thing I can tell you PandaTrade don’t need to worry about. They have a good selection and you’re spoilt for choice no matter what your opening budget is. But more to the point they’re very well planned and organized and with the proper management can easily be sustained for as long as any of the previous industry giants did in the last two years or so.

All the plans make daily payments so I think we’re all agreed that that much is good. But for investment terms of various lengths PandaTrade offers a number of plans that pay variable interest rates and return your principal on expiry, while other plans pay a variable rate of interest and count your principal as part of the payments. It might all seem a bit daunting at first glance, but trust me, it only takes an hour to study all your options thoroughly. How long you need to think it over after that is up to you, but at least you should be familiar with what’s available and make an informed choice. I’ll try and explain them all to you here anyway and see if I can simplify everything a bit for the less experienced readers.

The first plan is called The Dow Jones Composite Fund. Yes, they’ve all got some lofty titles but don’t let that put you off, because they’re all well worth looking into. I’m starting with this one however not because it’s the cheapest (it isn’t) but because it runs for the shortest term. For a minimum deposit of $10 PandaTrade will pay you a variable rate of interest every business day, Monday to Friday, for a term of 44 business days.

Payments will be based on the daily trading performance of the program. Profits can go up as well as down, and especially at such an early stage in the program’s development, it’s not really possible to give a clear picture of what an “average” daily payment might be here, but from your member’s area you can look back at the what you’ve just earned for the day, as well as the collective performances for the last week, last month, and last three months. But you’re more or less guaranteed a minimum payment of 0.1% per day no matter what happens. The most recent payments to this plan have tended to fluctuate between around the 0.5% to 0.6% mark, but today’s payment was 1.53%. Your principal will be returned on expiry.

PandaTrade‘s second investment plan is The S&P 500 Composite Fund and also runs for 44 business days. Your principal gets returned on expiry and the fund costs a minimum of $10 to join. While a member here PandaTrade offer you variable daily payments. Again you can at least depend on a minimum of 0.1% to come back to you regardless, with payments being based on the program’s daily performance. But you can see what some of the more typical recent payments have been from your member’s area. Today for example saw customer’s earn 0.61% interest, which was in fact typical of recent payments.

An interesting side-note to this plan is that the admin here says it’s linked to a US based financial services company called Standard & Poor’s – hence the title S&P 500. If you’ve not heard of them in the past or just skip the financial pages of your morning newspaper S&P are internationally known as the owner of several stock market indices and a sometimes controversial credit rating agency (last year they even called for the removal of one European government based on their handling of the recession!). But anyway, my point was that you can visit the Standard & Poor’s website for yourself and verify that the PandaTrade plan does indeed mirror the performance of the actual S&P 500 index. Incidentally I’m sure you can do similar research on the previous Dow Jones related plan as well as the others, it’s just a bit more clear cut and easier to see with this one.

Next up we come to The NASDAQ Composite Fund. It too runs for 44 business days and makes daily payments from Monday to Friday. Payments are variable based on the fund’s performance and minimum investments here start at $10. Anyone who plays the real markets would know that anything connected with the NASDAQ can be prone to jump around a bit more and be subject to higher fluctuations. Some days this can easily be the most profitable plan for any single 24 hour period, but other days it can be less so. More for those who prefer a gamble to stability I think, but what HYIP player doesn’t? Today’s payment was 0.77%, the lowest you can expect is 0.1%, but on occasion you may well get over 2.5%. It’s impossible to predict your final profit but your principal does get returned by PandaTrade on expiry.

The Omega Stocks Capital Plan is next on PandaTrade‘s list, and this time the changes are a bit more noticeable to the more casual observers. For one thing the length of term now stretches to 180 business days (36 weeks) and only costs $1 to join. Oddly enough for this industry a plan that costs you less to join has so far proven more profitable than the ones I’ve already described. Payments are still variable but for example today PandaTrade managed a 1.53% profit for investors here and looking at the accumulative total for the week that figure seems typical of recent payouts. Just remember that it moves in both directions so don’t expect to be so pleased with your earnings all the time. Your principal is returned on expiry.

PandaTrade continues with the Gamma FX Capital Plan. This has a number of different features from the others, most importantly that your principal will not be returned on expiry. That being said, PandaTrade still guarantee you will make a profit despite the payments being subject to market fluctuations. The minimum cost of joining is just $1, and the term runs for 100 business days (20 weeks). Again it’s impossible to predict just how much you can earn but today’s payment was 1.71% and recent payments have hovered between that and maybe 2.2% or so.

Things change once more with the Vega S&F Capital Fund. Most noticeably in the length of investment term which is now set to 120 business days (24 weeks). More significant is the cost of the minimum deposit which takes a hike to $1,000. So it’s really one for the more serious players out there and will be a slow one to catch on. There’s a lot less folks prepared to throw that kind of cash around the HYIP industry today as there was let’s say 12 months ago, but in time as PandaTrade establish themselves I have no doubt they’ll get a few takers. Anyway, payments are variable and are made on Monday to Friday only. Today’s payment was 1.81% and recent payments have gone up to around 2.2% to 2.3% but haven’t really fallen much lower than today’s. Your principal is returned on expiry.

And finally, and with a minimum investment of $10,000 I think this may be for information purposes only, PandaTrade have The Renaissance Capital Fund. The term runs for 180 business days and payments are variable. Recent payments have been mostly around the 2% mark, though being made to who I really don’t know. Your principal is returned on expiry.

So that’s the plans out of the way, but how do you go about joining? Well the first step is easy enough, just register your details with them. After that you will be sent an e-mail containing a validation link which you are going to have to follow to make your account go live. After that you simply need to deposit money into your account area before then redirecting it into the plan (or plans) that you like best. With every deposit PandaTrade will provide you with a written contract in PDF format outlining the agreement between you and your wish to have PandaTrade manage the money you have deposited on your behalf.

As is by now typically the case for long term HYIPs PandaTrade deals exclusively with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Nothing wrong with either of them, they’re popular and easy to use, but do remember that all transactions made through them are final and will not be reversed under any circumstances. So think it over carefully before committing any kind of serious money to the program. This is seriously offset by the fact that PandaTrade are making instant withdrawals though. You still need to log in and ask for the payment, but once done you should see the money in your account within a matter of minutes.

For those of you who prefer to avoid dealing with online payment processors PandaTrade are also accepting bank wire transfers, so make sure and get in touch with them for further details if that’s a method you’d like better.

Whereas the payment options may be fairly run of the mill and standard fare for the industry, PandaTrade really excels in the field of security. Even just the basic features would put it above average industry standards – the website is fully SSL encrypted and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by Dragonara, who remain one of the best service providers in the business. But as with all the best online finance related websites PandaTrade is running off an excellent unique and custom designed script with numerous features in place to keep your money safely under lock and key.

They’re using a code-card protection system, something I’ve seen only very rarely in the industry in the past. Basically what happens is this – when you first become a member of PandaTrade you will be sent (by e-mail) a pass card containing 20 totally unique codes made up of random selections of numbers and letters. This is a very important document and it’s vital that you keep it safe and private as it will protect your account from getting hacked. Because every time you try to make a withdrawal from your account you will be asked to enter one of these codes. The script will just give you a number (from 1 to 20), and you then enter the 4 digit code that corresponds to that number on your pass card. It’s a very simple technique but very effective and something other HYIP admins trying to look professional would do well to pay attention to.

Communication is always an important feature of any world class HYI program, especially one that’s so decidedly out of the ordinary like this one. If you have any questions then the best place to start is of course the FAQ page and PandaTrade have a fairly comprehensive one. Not only that they also provide a step by step beginner’s guide to joining that include video tutorials. If there is still a problem then you may prefer to send your questions directly via e-mail, speaking directly to a telephone support operator, or by online Live Chat support when they are logged in. A postal address is published in the British Virgin Islands. And if you’re wondering how much you’re going to be paid tomorrow the script features a timer counting backwards to exactly what time the payment stats are going to be updated, so you know when to check back and find out if you like.

I’ve been working in the HYIP industry first as an investor then later as a blogger and monitor for a good number of years now. Time and experience have made me a bit jaded and a bit skeptical when it comes to the outside business activities of HYIP admins, and believe me I’ve heard them all. Everything from a guy who said he repaired old Chinese motorcycles to someone claiming illegal insider trading information on tall street to some building a home made pornography empire. The stories have been as colorful as they have been varied, and some of them even sound quite feasible. But ultimately they always fail to maintain what they promise their investors.

Now I’m not saying that my feelings on PandaTrade are any different, but I have to say honestly that if I was discovering their website for the first time without any prior knowledge or experience, I’d be extremely impressed. The fact that you can (as I already mentioned in the plans) visit the Standard & Poor’s website for yourself and compare notes on the returns would encourage a lot of people to get involved I think, and they do look like a genuine investment company. I’m not saying they are, just that they look like one. You’d have to research that yourself if it’s more important to you than it is to me. But it’s an outstanding program over all with many unique features, original content with some nice graphics and multimedia presentations to help illustrate what they are trying to do, a top notch security network, and a good support system that does much to demystify what may at first look like a more complicated program than it is. Put a bookmark on this one because you’re going to be hearing a lot more about PandaTrade in the coming months. I’ll stop myself short of saying they’ll be the next industry giants – that’s up to the investors – but it’s hard to imagine anyone else being in a more commanding position.


Some really exciting news came last night from UniteTrade (reviewed here). The program’s admin fulfilled his promise and launched their own forum even earlier than expected. I can see that the forum will definitely get its share of popularity and will become a very useful source of information about the program. It’s almost for sure considering the passionate administration and paid-per-post function which will enable the members to be paid 1 cent for every message (not including spam of course). I like also the fact that the forum will be closed to public view and open only for the members so in order to see the content you must register an account. It’s a wise decision in my opinion to weed out all “tombrinkleys” and “umbertinos” from the forum and at the same time maintain a friendly discussion between fellow investors. I can give you a sneak peak already if you are still thinking of joining the new forum of UniteTrade (by the way, it has already 250+ members and counting). So the forum is divided into several sections and includes:
UniteTrade announcements (all the important news from the program will be published there),
UniteTrade members zone (here you can introduce yourself, and report about the problems with your account or submit payment proof after getting paid),
Suggestions about UniteTrade (here you can post any ideas on how to improve your favorite HYIP),
UniteTrade Testimonials (here some testimonials about the program will be posted as there will be many of them since the program has been running successfully for over six months already),
UniteTrade Contest (here you will be able to see the results of the latest referral and cash contests from UniteTrade – as you can see the cash contests will be held here and not on the MNO forum anymore).
Together with the main news regarding that some other things were mentioned in the newsletter from the program as well.
Please note that since the addition of SolidTrustPay you cannot add the payment processor to your member’s profile automatically due to some security concerns and therefore if you wish to make your withdrawal request via SolidTrustPay (the first payments via this payment processor will be processed in a few days) you will have to contact the admin and ask them to add your STP account manually. For me it was done within a few hours so there is nothing to worry about.
More on the adding of multi-lingual support was mentioned as well. Together with the already available Skype and phone support in English, Russian and Hungarian languages there will be three more languages added soon: German, French and Iranian. I believe such linguistic expansion will even further improve the ratings of UniteTrade which are doing perfectly well according to their latest Alexa stats. I believe this was definitely contributed to by the failed attempt by their competitors to block their AlertPay account (I heard that the guy spamming AlertPay with his requests was blacklisted) and the recent addition of SolidTrustPay payment processor. Please note that the instant payouts from the available investment plans (120% after 7 days and 150% after 15 days) are available only on LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay as such features are not possible for STP payouts. However, I already received some referral commissions via SolidTrustPay and I can confirm that the payouts are as fast as they should be when you deal with UniteTrade.
By the way, if you haven’t read my detailed and comprehensive interview with the admin of UniteTrade Andy you should definitely do so (click here to read). And below is the latest newsletter from him with all the main points which I already outlined for you:
Hello UT Members,
As we had promised, our own forum has been launched. In order to see the topics, and to start posting, you have to become a member of the forum, by registration. Here is the link to the forum:
The registration link to the forum is:
After successful registration in our forum, you have to log in to your forum account, read the forum rules, after which, you can start posting. We recommend you to read the forum rules very carefully, because violating any of the terms and conditions, will result in your permanent banning from the forum.
Members of the forum will be able to earn $0.01 for each post they make in the forum. However, you are strictly discouraged from spamming the forum.
The option to contact us through the forum, is not available now, but will be made available soon.
We are planning to add a lot more features to the forum, and make it unique. More details regarding it will be send out once we successfully implement those features. We will be more than happy to hear suggestions from our members, so that we can make the forum special.
We strongly recommend you to post your payment proofs, as screenshots, in our forum, instead of posting them as plain copy/paste texts.
You are not allowed to post your e-mail address anywhere in the forum, due to security reasons.
As we mentioned in our last newsletter, we have successfully added the payment processor to the list of our accepted payment processors. Members who wish to add their SolidTrust Pay account ID to their profile, should contact us with your username and your SolidTrust Pay account ID, so that we can add it for you. As most of you know, SolidTrust Pay is one of the popular and reputed payment processors online.
In the next few days, we will begin to offer telephone support and Skype support, in German, French, and Iranian languages, in addition to the already offered English, Hungarian, and Russian languages. More details about it will be made available as soon as we complete the necessary procedures.
We wish all our members a very prosperous stay with us.
Regards, Andy. UniteTrade

One more short-term program is doing well. Even incredibly well in fact! ProsperityStructure (reviewed here) is a program that pays pretty high returns of 106%-110% after 1 day, 119%-125% after 2 days and 132%-140% after 3 days. The remarkable achievement of this program is its longevity as it’s been online for a week already managing somehow to maintain daily instant withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Apparently the admin is doing something right as the program has been running well for this long. Of course, it’s not a long term for sure but for such high profits it’s quite exceptional. Anyway, we will see for how long more it can last. Meanwhile, you can read the latest newsletter from the admin of the program Ryan addressed to both old and new investors of ProsperityStructure and containing some recent stats from the program and plans for this week:
Hello again, for some members this might be the first newsletter while for others not. Anyway, I would like to introduce myself again. I am Ryan, yes, the one that stands behind ProsperityStructure. I answer all support inquiries, work on program’s marketing and everything else related to ProsperityStructure administration.
It has come that our membership has reached almost 1000 members in just 7 days being online and paying. There are $50,000+ deposited total and $20,000 withdrawn instantly. I am happy to see our members re-depositing and referring other new clients to ProsperityStructure. I should thank you all for doing that, you really support the program in the right way.
Keeping in mind that communicating with members is the most important thing, from now I try to stay on the Live Chat for as long as possible. If I am at computer, you will be able to reach me and ask any questions you might have. I will be happy to provide answers to them.
A new week has just begun and I’m looking forward to gain another 1000 new members during this week. I am sure that this is possible, together we can do it!
Please do not reply to this e-mail as it’s being sent from our system and I will be unable to receive any messages from you. Use our Support Center for fast response and Live Chat.
Enjoy your stay at ProsperityStructure!
Best Regards, Ryan

Another short-term program paying 144% after 12 days Budgetiva (reviewed here) is one whose Alexa rating can be compared in numbers with UniteTrade. But this raised a lot of concern from investors. The question is: with such enormous popularity already and actually zero payouts made (the first payouts on expiry should be made in a couple of days) would it be too tempting for the admin of Budgetiva to scam everybody and disappear with all the money just before the first payouts have started? Who knows what’s on the admin’s mind but maybe it’s just a well thought out strategy to attract as many investors as they can to sustain the payouts from the first cycle that is due to be paid soon. Anyway, with so many monitors added already that will be a hard task for them to sustain the payouts unless they have some big budget not only for advertising but also to pay for all the expired withdrawals. Of course, nobody can predict what is going to happen in a couple of days when the first payouts from the only plan offered by Budgetiva (144% after 12 days) are owed. One I can say for sure – the level of growth is really breath-taking but if it’s healthy for the program’s sustainability when everybody seems to be getting on the train since the beginning and could possibly hit-n-run we can only guess. So you’re the ones to be the judges of the latest newsletter published last night on the website of Budgetiva as I made my point clear already:
Alexa Jumping & Ref Contest At Its Climax!
Dear members,
It is TOTALLY terrific and fascinating how much stronger Budgetiva has become since Friday when we announced on our referral contest with the generous prizes intended especially to the people who started a very heavy and big advertising campaign of Budgetiva in their websites. Since Friday, our members database grew by more than 640 members and is currently very close to 2,050 members already. And this is just in 9 days of being online, even before the first cycle of payments being completed. Our Alexa rank is JUMPING from day to day and Budgetiva has already got 74,443 unique daily visitors. You can confirm this by checking this link: Just try to compare it to other popular HYIP websites on the net checking how many days they are already online and you will very soon discover that Budgetiva is the first HYIP ever on the Internet that has managed to receive so much popularity and so many daily unique visitors in an extremely short period of only 9 days. Just try to imagine how healthy our growth rate is now and how sustainable Budgetiva can become in the long run with this level of growth.
Our Referral Contest is at its peak! The gaps between the member who has the most active referrals, the second place and the third place is very close and the competition is really breaking records. We are very happy that many members decided to take part in this contest and you have no idea how much helpful it is for the program. We remind you that our Referral Contest ends on Friday, October 15th, with the prizes of $800, $500 and $200 to the first, second and third place respectively. Don’t miss the opportunity, even if you haven’t yet started promoting the program you can still win the contest if you work hard with your advertising campaign. And even if you don’t win, please don’t be disappointed – there will be more contests in the coming months, not only referral contests. Good luck to all participants!
With Warmest Regards, Budgetiva Administration

It looks like today we have so many holidays in some of the most developed economies in the world like US, Canada and Japan which made many programs allegedly involved in Forex and stocks trading to announce it a non-trading day in which the usual interests will not be credited to members’ accounts. So please be aware of that and do not be alarmed if you can’t see today’s earnings in such popular programs like YamaFinance, Flamanta, FenixTrust and some others.

The admin of YamaFinance (interviewed here) already announced that the website is fully operational today for the exception of interests that are not credited due to non-trading day in Japan on Monday. I remind you that YamaFinance has been a very great performer for MNO readers so far having been listed for 106 days and paying instantly to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on the following plans: 1.2% for 100 business days, 6.25% for 22 weeks, 1.3%-1.55% for 110 business days, 1.6% for 120 business days with the principal return on expiry. More about those plans can be read in the detailed review published on MNO over three months ago (click here to read it). Below is the latest news from YamaFinance:
Welcome to YamaFinance.
11 of October TSE, OSE, TFX, TOCOM are closed therefore YamaFinance traders do not conduct any trading sessions. All other operations, including withdrawals, depositing and investing in the investment funds are processed in normal mode. We congratulate all our clients!
YamaFinance – Peak of your financial imagination.

Canada’s Thanksgiving Day and USA’s Columbus Day will also prevent the members of Flamanta from receiving their profits today in all the offered plans: 1.72%-1.78% for 150 business days, 1.84% for 160 business days, 1.92% for 180 business days (more on them can be read in my review published here). The admin of Flamanta (interviewed here) already reported about that and encouraged members to call their toll-free number if they have any further questions:
Hello. We would like to inform all clients of Flamanta that 11 of October we will not trade because of Canada’s Thanksgiving Day and Columbus Day. Withdrawals and investment operations are conducted as usual.
Thank you for cooperation with us, if you have any questions please contact us by phone: +1(888) 490-54-50

As for FenixTrust, the program not only announced that today no interest would be credited to members accounts. In the second update, there was a phone number given for the members of the program speaking Chinese where they can get an answer to all their questions that might arise. I remind you that it was already the second phone number that was introduced recently in addition to Spanish and English phone support that was available earlier. I guess FenixTrust will be extending their multi-lingual support even further because it looks to me kinda trendy now among HYIPs and everybody is doing it. Anyway, FenixTrust was a kinda good HYIP in itself even before adding the phone support and I already mentioned in the review of the program (click here to read) some distinctions between their investment plans which are hard to spot for many unexperienced members. I remind you that FenixTrust is offering a fixed 0.6% for 30 business days, 0.8% for 90 business day along with fluctuating interest rates for 120-270 business days and accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here is the latest newsletters from FenixTrust combined in one for easier reading:
Hello. In view of the fact that today is non buisness day and turnovers are very low we declare today a non-trading day due to Columbus Day.
Our congratulations, dear clients! Please note that FenixTrust network works as usual except for the interest adding.
Ask your questions using phone support customer service: +598 97174012 (For english and spanish speaking users) 9:00 to 17:00 GMT -3, thank you for using FenixTrust services.
Dear clients, please note that now we have a Chinese speaking client support department. Now you may contact us by phone and get a qualitative help from our operator in Chinese language.
Phone number: +18223070381 Business hours: 8-11am, 15-17pm (BeiJing time)
We hope that our new client support department will make FenixTrust more comfortable for you!
Let investments be successful with
Administration of

The admin of EarnPlaza Matt (interviewed here) reminded everybody today that his program had been online for three weeks already. He thinks that it’s a wonderful achievement and I think the same. You can just look at the short-term plans offered by EarnPlaza (110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days, 160% after 15 days) and thoroughly described in my review (published here) to see his point. Anyway, we will see for how much longer EarnPlaza could last but as we everybody witnessed the rise of UniteTrade which offers very similar returns to EarnPlaza it’s not beyond the realms of possibility to imagine it staying online for weeks if not months. Here is the latest short newsletter from EarnPlaza:
Hello. Greetings to our valued investors. I want to inform all of you that EarnPlaza is already three weeks online. I think its not a bad for a short term program. We have a bright future and with our members support we can go a long way. Thank you all for your trust in us. As always all payments are processed and that’s all for today, in the next couple days I’m sure there will be more great news to report on.
Best regards, Matt Powell
EarnPlaza Support

A similar style reminder came today from the admin of FundsOMatic Randy (interviewed here). That was only one aspect that has been touched on by him this time – the presence of SSL-encryption which will make your investment process safer than that the sites that don’t have it. I think I already mentioned in my review of FundsOMatic about the presence of SSL-encryption (read the review here) but apparently not everybody reads MNO so probably the question arises from time to time. So if you haven’t read my review of FundsOMatic yet I’ll remind you right now that the program is run by a very experienced admin that used to run an autosurf for nearly two years and from which everybody was in profit. Quite a rare occurrence in the HYIP industry! FundsOMatic is paying on daily (0.8%-1.8% for 200 days) and weekly (7%-14% for 26 weeks) plans and the deposits can be made via many popular e-currencies including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. Here is the latest reminder from Randy regarding SSL:
Just a short and quick update to remind everyone that we DO have SSL. To access the site via SSL please do not use the WWW. Simply go to the following link.
Some pages such as monitors page will not support SSL as the monitor images must be hosted off site.
Please be sure to share this information with your down lines and perspective referrals as this will effect many in deciding to join a site with this security.
RandyM. FundsOMatic

The promotional offer from WorldPrivateFunds members got a free $10 deposit into the 1.4% for 60 business days plan is now over but another promotion has replaced it. Actually now the 5% cash bonus is returned and the admin of WorldPrivateFunds Samuel (interviewed here) will be crediting all the new deposits from $20 to $500 with such a bonus. The advantage here over other programs is that the bonus is actually a free cashback that will be credited to your account manually and can be withdrawn straight away. Other opportunities provided by WorldPrivateFunds would be the cash contest that is running in conjunction with MNO forum (click here to participate) where you can earn $5 daily by answering some questions about the program submitted by its administration. Many MNO forum readers already took their chance and won, so what are you waiting for? So far WorldPrivateFunds is doing quite alright with the payments being processed fast as usual. More on the program can be read in my detailed review published on MNO here. This is the latest update I got today:
We decided to start again with 5% cash bonus promotion from now on till Oct 25th, 2010.
All NEW deposits from $20 up to $500 (new or old members), are eligible for a 5% cash bonus that will be added manually directly to cash balance. This bonus may be withdrawal any time the member wants.
There are NOT eligible deposits from cash balance.
I kindly ask members who received and will receive cash bonus for their new deposits to post in one of the main forums.
We appreciate if you will post your payment proofs on forums and vote us on monitors. This will increase rating and popularity of our investment program.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem.
Kind Regards. Samuel Arildsen
WorldPrivateFunds Admin

The admin of 144CashAds Lewies (interviewed here) reminded us about the opening of the cashout button as usual on Mondays and about the $10 bonus that would be credited to any member’s account who invests in all six investment plans. Those unfamiliar with the unique structure of 144CashAds are advised to read my detailed review (click here to read) where I discussed the plans and how you can get the most out of them. Actually the one similarity between them is that they are all running until you earn 144% return (100% principal + 44% profit) after which they expire. The trick is you can only make your investments into the more attractive shorter term plans only after you invest in the longer term ones. These plans on offer are: 1% for 144 days, 2% for 72 days, 4% for 36 days and 144% after 12-24 days (three variations). 144CashAds accepts four payment processors: AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here is the latest news from them:
Hi, Hope you all enjoy weekend. Welcome all new members.
Payout button now opened for new current week.
10$ cash bonus for month of oct is running.
Requested all 6 plans holder members to send support mail who still not get 10$ bonus.
Enjoy earning with us and pls vote for us and payment post in forums.
Thank you. Lewies
Project admin

It looks strange to me as seemingly there are still unpaid withdrawal requests left in FxTradingWorldwide. At least, it’s what I see from the public forums while I guess all the complaints I received were taken care of by the admin. Anyway, my three pending payouts were cleared yesterday and currently I have only one left which I requested just now. So I would ask investors to let me know what their situation with pending payouts is. Yesterday the admin of the program Addy honestly told me that it might take a week to process all the pendings and actually he believed that everything should be back to normal when instant payouts are going to be introduced in a few days. Also he told members to be patient and wait for their payouts to be processed even if it takes more than the promised 24 hours. The latest addition to the promotional efforts of the admin was the introduction of a PDF presentation which you can read here and download to your computer if you want. I liked this presentation very much because it not only boasts of their current achievements but also lets us judge their plans for the future which are quite ambitious in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with that in my book and as the old Russian proverb goes “a soldier is bad if he doesn’t dream of becoming a general”. So we will wait and see what will come out from FxTradingWorldwide eventually if they manage to become the “world class and reliable program in online investment industry” like they promised in their presentation. Here is the latest newsletters from FxTradingWorldwide (reviewed here):
1. We would like to thank you most members and major investors that participate in all changes and many of our request to let us move out from critical period of funds leveling after high withdrawal transactions in recent 2 months. We doing win-Win business here which both members and our side also have profit and will be good long term partners. After approx 6 months from 17th Apr, you could see many changes to our system and program and you can find that we always keep commitment to protect your funds and keep making profit to members, even there’ hard period that the payment were delayed, but all member keep getting payment everyday and will not miss any cents from us.
2. Before this time, we allow members create multiple account (as some member have to take care other people funds account). But from now on, to let us better control, we will use one person one account policy. You could manage other people account but there need to be his/her details in that account and could present relate document to us when requested.
Apart from this, it is because we find some people split their account and try to get benefits of investment transactions and withdrawal limit from multiple ID.
3. We will start trial our instant withdrawal system from 15th October, Server time. All withdrawal request within 10$ will get paid instantly, To do this we will allow one request per day only , the request over 10$ will be manually approved by admin as usual. The limit will be increased time by time.
4. We decided keep daily withdrawal limit until after start our Instant system trial on item 3 and will increase time by time for step by step improvement.
We proud to inform you that our Profile /Fact Sheet include overview of our site contents, Our Vision are gather in a file available in pdf format
Please follow this link to download, or you can find the download link at Contact Us page
Have a nice workweek day.
Admin FxTradingWorldwide. “Your Money Factory

I don’t quite understand why my account in FairHYIP was not credited with the regular weekly profits last week. So to find out more about that I contacted the admin and received the following reply:
Hello, FairHYIP portfolio is marked as “non-liquid”, so now is frozen.
All funds will be returned in full.
It’ll be an announcement this week about this matter.

So it just makes me wonder what was the reason and when the invested money will be returned to the investors. I’m looking forward to receiving the promised newsletter that will hopefully better explain the real reasons behind this decision. Of course, I will update on MNO when I have more details about that. At this moment though FairHYIP has been put on Waiting status on MNO due to the unclear status of the program to me.

Two more programs have been moved to Problem status today. They are EMSFinance and YoKapital. As for EMSFinance they suddenly disappeared last night and I can’t access their site up to now (if it still exists) so in my opinion that might be the end of it.

Regarding YoKapital you might remember that I reported on my blog on Saturday that the payments were slightly delayed on that day but still were processed later on. While on Sunday I didn’t receive anything and the last thing I saw on their chat is that they posted about another delay stating:
As our support staffs are on break for the weekend, today’s payout will be made between 22.00 and 23.00 GMT (10.10.2010).
Well, this morning straight away I checked my accounts for a possible automated payout from YoKapital but discovered nothing. Then I checked their site and there was nothing but complaints piling up in their Shoutbox. I realized that the program might be in trouble and immediately moved it to Waiting status on MNO just to find out later today that the site is inaccessible. There is a very poor chance that YoKapital will return after all those delays and the silence from the support so I can conclude that the program was planned as a scam from the beginning. You may remember that the first principal withdrawals were allowed after 30 days but the program vanished into thin air exactly when this was due to happen. So that is my assumption. Of course, we cannot predict such dirty scams as YoKapital but I just hope that the admin of that program if he reads my lines feel ashamed of himself as it’s because of people like him/her that the industry is in such a bad condition.

Another program that might go south already is InWolton. I was inspired by their recent motivational emails and agreed with many points the admin tried to express. I felt that it came from the heart. Unfortunately those emails abruptly stopped a couple of days ago and I felt it was a bad sign straight away as if the admin was really determined to do what he was doing then nothing would stop him from his commitments. Well, I believe my suspicions are well grounded as today I wasn’t able to withdraw my profits from InWolton instantly like usually happened before. I also received a note in my Shoutbox when somebody told me that his withdrawal request was in pending status since yesterday with no answer from the admin. If this is not alarming then I don’t know what to call it. Does it mean that InWolton is gone and all those words about inspiration and motivation were nothing more than a last gasp attempt to get more funds before scamming? Well, if it’s true I’m very disappointed in the admin, and if it’s not true then I’m waiting for his reply on my support request sent to him today. Of course, I have moved InWolton to Problem status on MNO already and investments are not recommended, at least until (if) we hear from the admin first. I will keep you updated on MNO if I get more information regarding them.

It appears that RedOrchidInvest site might be under DDoS attack as I received the following message from their support:
Please excuse the failures of our site
We are under Ddos. Jane
Well, the first thing after getting this email I went to their site and to my surprise it loaded perfectly well for me and I haven’t noticed even slight difficulties with loading. Anyway, please be aware that since the RedOrchidInvest site is supposedly under an attack it can explain some downtime. It doesn’t affect the payments though as I was paid perfectly ok today. If you wish to find out more about RedOrchidInvest which is ranked #7 on MNO and offers multiple investment plans you can refer to my review of the program published here or my interview with the admin Nathan which was published here.

GrapeVineFunds (reviewed here) has been online for 25 days paying 1.1%-1.3% for 150 business days, 6.2%-6.4% for 30 weeks and 30%-35% for 8 months. In today’s short newsletter the admin made some surprising offer to all the investors to purchase a personalized bottle of whiskey for their Christmas table. This is weird but if we believe in what he said on his website their company is involved in alcohol. Really, buying whiskey from an HYIP makes me laugh but if you want to purchase some and could confirm it to me I would gladly publish your story on my blog. Here is the latest from GrapeVineFunds:
Hello. 25 days old and never in my wildest dreams could I have anticipated the way things have turned out, just this weekend only we had several large deposits as confidence in GrapeVineFunds grows with every day that passes, I want GVF to be the the most stable HYIP out there. Our investment team have acquired a large number of vats of Malt Whisky which has matured for almost 8 years and we are going to invite members to buy their own label bottles in time for the Christmas trade. Obviously there would be a minimum quantity but if you wish to register an interest just send me an e-mail. Just imagine giving a brilliant present of your very own named Malt. GrapeVineFunds.

For the last 48 hours I was paid by very many programs listed on my monitoring site. Among them are the following:
FundsOMatic, InternationalCommerce, OnyxInvClub, OrderDollar, OilStructure, Vodapex, UniteTrade, PawnShopFund, ProsperityStructure, FxTradingWorldwide, Budgetiva, EarnPlaza, GroupUniversal, GainBucks, EzProfit, FiboTradePro, VividTrade, OptimumPride, Famega, TradersPower, 144CashAds, Flamanta, CherryShares, RedOrchidInvest, YesInvestment, GloTrade, InnoClub (the first payment received) and NanoFund (the first payment received).

As you might have noticed the newcomer to that list is NanoFund. This is a new program that only started a few days ago and was added to MNO Standard list last night. The program is not complicated at all and can be described as mid-term program with high returns depending on the deposited amount. NanoFund pays you from 6% to 12% for a 20 calendar day term (depending on your original investment with them) so your potential returns could be from 120% to 240%. Just remember that the principal is not returned on expiry and is included in the daily payouts so your pure profits from NanoFund can be from 20% to 140% which is not bad for 20 days. You can invest via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a minimum of $1 so the program is affordable to any investor and even for a beginner. The investment process is also quite simple – no need for any signups and just click the Invest button, choose the amount and payment processor to invest, and your email address. After that you will see a confirmation containing the details of your deposit in NanoFund and the following information:
You successfully invested $200.00 into NanoFund. You will be paid automatically to your Liberty Reserve account (U0752710) daily for 20 days.
You can make an extra deposit at anytime you wish. You can have many deposits running at once.
Please post your payouts on the forums each time you get paid. This helps strengthen our program. We also do a daily contest where 10 peoples’ posts are picked at random and they each receive $1. So not only are you supporting us but you are also very likely to receive extra money just from posting your payouts!
Thank you for investing with
Let people know you just invested with us by posting on the forums

NanoFund is a very simple website running on a simple script that makes payouts each day automatically to your LR and PM accounts and uses a timer showing you the time left to the next payout so you can observe the process. NanoFund is hosted on a dedicated BlackLotus server with SSL-encryption. As was mentioned above NanoFund also hold regular contests and all members posting payment proofs on major investment forums have a good chance to win a $1 cash bonus simply for letting others know they were paid. The first newsletter was sent tonight and I’m republishing it below (a detailed review of the program will be published on MNO soon):
It’s been another exciting day here at NanoFund. Payouts are going smoothly, new members are joining at a positive rate and our system is working at 100% efficiency.
Remember we have a 7% affiliate bonus program for people that want to invite their friends.
I’d like to thank those members that have been so kind enough and support us on the forums by posting your payouts. It really does help us and I appreciate your work.
I am awarding 5 forum members today for posting their payouts. You have each been sent $1 each! Thank you for supporting NanoFund! Remember to keep posting your payouts and supporting us.
Winner 1: dhomnirhahs (for regularly posting his payouts on talkgold and MMG)
Winner 2: dvdtonelo (for posting his first $20 payout on his $250 deposit on MMG)
Winner 3: pavel (from MMG. a big well done for posting a screenshot image of your payouts each day)
Winner 4: sp903 (for posting his daily payouts on talkgold)
Winner 5: italia (for posting his daily payouts everyday on DTM, MMG and TG)
Well done to all those winners and I hope you enjoy your $1 reward :). Please keep posting your payouts.
As a reminder here is where you can post your payouts or just offer your support:
If you have a blog or some friends why not invite them with your referral link? You’ll earn 7% of whatever they invest so it really is worth doing! (You can get your ref link from
That’s all for now!
Charles. NanoFund Admin

There was actually so much news accumulated for the last two days and the review of PandaTrade was very extensive so I’m pretty exhausted now and will draw the results of my poll and offer you two new ones tomorrow. So far you can keep your votes coming and thanks in advance for that!

Please stay tuned for tomorrow’s review of InnoClub and the regular daily news from the industry. Thanks for your attention guys and see you all tomorrow!

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