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12/06/2011. Interview with the admin of RichieFund



Hi all! As usual Sunday’s been a pretty slow day for news but I still have something for you that you might find interesting, especially if you’re a fan of shorter term HYIPs. An increasingly popular one at the moment is RichieFund, one I’m sure a lot of you will already be familiar with. If not then you can always start by checking my review first published here.

So anyway, today I have an interview with the admin of that program and I must say for once I was impressed with his refreshingly honest approach and candid admission to several years experience in managing HYIPs. No names were mentioned of course, but I don’t think that’s important. The only thing relevant is what we have in front of us today, and that is RichieFund. It’s a short term program and has already successfully completed a number of cycles on some of their plans and putting the first investors (of which I was one) comfortably into profit. Before we hear from the admin of RichieFund – suitably his name is Richie – I’ll just remind you that their terms include 27% for 4 days, 118% after 4 days, 140% after 8 days, and 190% after 16 days.

1. Hi Richie, please start by introducing yourself to the readers of MNO and telling us a bit first about your own role in RichieFund and then about your background in the HYIP industry. What kind of previous experience do you have in managing funds?

Hi, I’m Richie Carter. If I tell you I don’t have previous experience in running HYIPs, would you believe me? I doubt it. I’m an experienced HYIP and autosurf admin and I was running some successful autosurf and HYIP programs in the past. Sorry guys, I don’t want to tell you what programs I did run before but I can assure you they were some very successful ones which were running for a long time.

2. Can you also tell us a bit more about RichieFund itself? How long have you been in business? Are you running this alone or are there others involved with you? Why did you start the program to begin with?

I’m in this business from the very beginning since 2003 when the only popular payment processor was e-gold. I remember those wonderful days and there were so many good programs (12DP, Freelandoops and many many others). Of course those programs are scams now but they did run for a very long time, that’s why I call them successful and I wish those days could come back again.

RichieFund is run by two experienced admins and one programmer. Why did we launch RichieFund? Well, let’s take a closer look into this industry. We see only fly-by-night scams which are opened today and closed tomorrow. We decided to run this program to help this industry to start recovering, that’s why…

3. Please explain the investment plans to us in detail. What are the minimum and maximum amounts accepted into each plan? What rates of interest do you offer and how long do they run for?

RichieFund offers its members 4 different investment plans to choose from. The first plan, known as the ‘Daily Plan‘, offers members to earn 27% daily for 4 days with a total return of 108%. The minimum and maximum deposits are $5 and $3,000 respectively. The second plan, known as ‘4D Fixed‘, offers a total return of 118% after 4 days. The minimum deposit to join this plan is also $5, and the maximum deposit allowed is $3,000. The third plan, known as ‘8D Fixed‘, offers a total return of 140% after 8 days, and the minimum and maximum deposits set for this plan are $50 and $10,000 respectively. Our fourth plan, known as ‘16D Fixed‘, offers a total return of 190% after 16 days, and the minimum and maximum deposits set for this plan are $100 and $20,000 respectively. Principal is included in the total return of every plan.

4. Can you give us any statistics regarding the program? Particularly in relation to the number of members, the amounts paid in and out, and which plans are the most popular?

Just visit and you will find our stats there. The most popular investment plan so far is ‘4D Fixed’ but I’m sure other investment plans will become very popular in the nearest future.

5. If a reader wants to join RichieFund then what payment processors are you using? What have been the most popular choices?

Currently, we accept deposits from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. The most popular payment processors so far have been Liberty Reserve and AlertPay, and deposits are coming in from both the processors almost in an equal amount daily.

6. In relation to AlertPay, I was recently asked about the availability of credit card deposits to your program. Is that possible with the type of account you have, or is it even a service you would wish to provide?

No, credit card deposits will never be accepted on our website just because of their chargeback policy. If you wish to make a deposit using AlertPay, you need to fund your AlertPay account first and then make a deposit using your AlertPay balance.

7. Staying with AlertPay, how do you feel about the seemingly random way they have been blocking the accounts of perfectly paying programs recently? This has caused the premature collapse of most of the ones affected and a lot of people ended up losing money for no good reason, so what would you do if they tried it with you? Is there any contingency plan?

To be honest with you and your readers, we don’t like AlertPay but so far our accounts are still fine with them. If they will block our accounts, we will try to continue without AlertPay.

8. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider? Do you have DDoS protection?

RichieFund is hosted on a highly secure dedicated server provided by the anti-DDoS company, DDoSWiz, and I would give them full five stars out of five for their excellent service.

9. What about your script? Who is the provider? Was it custom made for the program? What do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Are you using SSL encryption?

Our script is unique and secure, and we assure you that you will not find one like it anywhere else. It was tested many times for all kinds of vulnerabilities, including SQL injections. The main benefit of this script is instant payouts without any risk as it’s fully encrypted by IonCube decoder.

10. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? I know you have a members forum, do you moderate that yourself and is it going to be a good place to ask questions and receive support?

We currently offer support through Online Live Chat system. Also, our members can contact us using the support form found on our website, and all tickets will be answered within a period of 24 hours, once we receive it.

11. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

The most common questions or requests we have received so far was the request to make availability to accept credit card payments through AlertPay which we are not going to implement. Apart from this most of the other common questions are being added regularly to our FAQ page.

12. I notice that you haven’t made any ridiculous claims (thank you!) about RichieFund having any kind of involvement in finance, ForEx trading, stock markets, et cetera. So is it fair to say as I did in the review that you are a regular internet based HYIP game? How long do you really think something like that can run for?

Yes, we don’t trade on FOREX, we don’t buy and sell gold or precious metals and we don’t make money from the porn industry like some admins claimed in the past, lol. RichieFund is just a regular HYIP game like all the rest our there (believe me I know what I’m talking about, they are all 100% ponzies). Regarding the lifespan of our program, sorry, I can’t predict the future, we will stay and pay to all our members as long as they wish to stay with us and we have big plans for the future.

13. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by RichieFund. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring RichieFund to a wider investment audience?

I am covering all the initial expenses because this was a lesson I learned from my previous programs I run, people with no management ability, there are thousands of examples of this. And also, after two or three months, RichieFund will grow itself, it will be natural.

14. Are there any plans to develop RichieFund further in the near future? Will there be any changes made or is what we see pretty much the finished version? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with a growing number good new programs also emerging?

Nothing is born totally perfect and I still have a lot to learn. I have many plans I won’t reveal right now because I’m not sure how successful I will be when implementing them. Our success will depend on many factors, including members’ belief and efforts.

I am serious about this project, I know how to grow money and if RichieFund‘s success depend on me, it will be great, hope members also think like me.

15. And finally, is there anything you wish to say here that wasn’t covered in the interview? Was there anything in my review of RichieFund that you wish to comment on? Anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in need of clarification?

I really like websites that interview administrators, it shows there are real people behind serious programs, but robots ready to steal. The interviews add a personal touch on our relationship with the investors. It’s a very good idea, thanks for interviewing me!

Thanks a lot also to Richie for taking the time and effort to complete my questions. I hope readers enjoyed it because it’s all too rare in this business that we see an admin prepared to stand up and call the HYIP industry exactly what it is. Good luck to him in implementing his plans for RichieFund and I hope it becomes as huge as it deserves, mostly for the sake of the investors there of course. Good luck to you too if you’re one of them.

That’s about it for today, guys. Enjoy what’s left of your weekend and I’ll see you all on MNO again tomorrow when I’ll have another review of the latest addition to my monitoring site as well as all the important news stories from around the industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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