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22/11/08. Interview with the admin of StabilitySurf


Today I’m publishing the interview with the admin of StabilitySurf. This program pays you 4% for 30 days and is from the category of low-ROI autosurfs that has the potential to continue for several months. For more details of StabilitySurf you can read my review here. So far I’ve experienced no problems with StabilitySurf and having been launched 4 weeks ago I believe the growth is still slow compared to other high-ROI autosurfs. But as I’ve said before, that’s not necessarily a bad sign at all. Let’s hear what the admin has to say about his program.

1. Hi, please introduce yourself to the readers and give us some background to StabilitySurf. Is this your first online venture or do you have any previous experience in this field?

Hi, my name is Frank Lefevre. I’m project manager of StabilitySurf. StabilitySurf is part of private offshore company. It’s our first project in this sphere.

2. Tell us in more detail what’s on offer to investors in your program. What are the minimum and maximum amounts we can invest? What are the returns?

We offer 20% profit for 1 month, also investors can earn by referring other people and receive 5%. Minimum investment is just 5$ and maximum 5000$.

3. How many sites does a member need to surf daily in order to earn his rebate? What happens if for some reason I miss a day surfing?

Members need to surf 10 pages a day. If members have missed 1 day surfing they need to contact our support and they will decide either to add the missing day or not.

4. What payment processors are being accepted at the moment? Will you be adding more anytime soon?

Now we accept AlertPay and LibertyReserve and don’t have any plans to add more. Because, both payment processors are easy to fund and access.

5. Your homepage tells us you are involved in various financial markets, bonds, insurance, and the like. Please tell us more about these activities. You also say “Working with us is convenient and transparent”. How can members verify this information about these financial activities?

It’s written about our company but not StabilitySurf. As for StabilitySurf – we are now making money on forex, because of small invested amount of money. Yes we will add some statements later.

6. How are you promoting StabilitySurf? Are you advertising much online? Are there any contests for members to assist in the promotion of the program?

We have our own promotion strategy – according to it, StabilitySurf will grow slowly but stable. As you’ve seen we have bought a lot of sticky topics.

About contests… hmm… now we have one referral. And as I know you are in the first place.

7. Are you satisfied with the progress made to date? How has the support given by members been? Could anything be done to improve on this?

I’ve already told in the last e-mail that I expected more support from referral contests. About progress I think it’s normal for such low ROI program. Soon I’ll ask our members what we can do to improve the situation.

8. Online security seems to be in the news on an almost daily basis now. How safe is the StabiitySurf website? What anti-hacking measures have you taken? What script are you using? Are you on a dedicated sever? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

Our website is secured. We have time-tested script + some features to protect admin zone. We are using Neversay script. Yes, we are hosted on dedicated server with software firewall for DDoS protection.

9. Your program strikes me as one that is aimed at being around for a longer term than most. But where do you see StabilitySurf going over the next several months?

In 2009 we plan to dedicate StabilitySurf as an independent company. And hope to be 1st in this sphere.

10. Good communication seems to be a (welcome) priority there. How are you keeping members informed about ongoings at the site? What kind of feedback are you getting overall?

We are sending daily mails. As I see on the forums all members are happy.

11. What do you think makes StabilitySurf any better than any one of the countless autosurfs out there now? What would you like to say to potential investors to get them to choose your program above any other?

If I tell that we are the best it will be just my opinion, because there must be lot of good programs in this sphere. But I want to tell if you want stability you need to join us.

12. What is your honest opinion of my blog? Do you think it is of any real benefit either to admins or investors? Would you change anything to improve it?

I like it, you know I’m reading it daily… As for admins – there are lot of investors. As for members all news and useful articles can be easily found on your blog. I advise you to add more analysis of programs.

Well, the interview doesn’t appear to have any detailed or qualified questions to my answers, but I hope the admin of StabilitySurf will implement their plans and will improve the website in the near future, because that’s how the program will get new investors. So far StabilitySurf has only 40 active members and about $1,300 invested and I think it’s quite a low amount compared to others. Anyway, we will wait and see if StabilitySurf can become a successful program soon. I’ll see you tomorrow, guys, with more news and reviews!

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