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31/12/08. Interview with the the admin of the Best Program in 2008 – AggeroInvestment


Hi, my dear readers! On the last day of the year it’s traditional to strike a balance between old and new and think about what you’re going to achieve in the New Year. Well, I thought that on my blog it would be a great thing to have a look back at 2008 and choose the best program of the year. I think many of you will agree with me that AggeroInvestment deserves to be labeled as such to the most extent. Really, the admin of the program Roger did his best for AggeroInvestment (where you can earn up to 127.5% in 15 days by the way) to become the most successful surfing program of the year. Currently AggeroInvestment is more than 4 months online and after recently going private, a couple of days ago the admin opened the doors of the program again for new members to join. This opportunity will expire soon so now is  the best chance for you to join if you still haven’t shared in the success of this great program. AggeroInvestment was a leader in the industry for 2008 and I’m sure it will remain the leader for the coming 2009. At least I know that Roger is an admin to be trusted and we all can be sure that he will do his best to make his program (and that means us, the investors) the most stable and profitable experience. You can read the previous interview with Roger here and below is the most up-to-date interview with him. Enjoy it and think positive for the coming year, just like Roger advised!

1. Please introduce yourself to the readers of my blog and tell us a little bit about yourself and about the history behind AggeroInvestment. Do you have any helpers in running AggeroInvestment or you’re doing this by yourself?

Hello readers! I am Roger Clark, the admin of AggeroInvestment (AI). Before I started this program, I’ve been in and out of this industry for quite sometime already. All the way back to StudioTraffic and 12DailyPro days. Burned many times also, but love this industry so I kept on coming back. AI is my first venture on being an admin. Together with my wife, I think we form a formidable team. She helps me out with the money matters, while I take care of the site, investments and support. We started AI in the hopes of changing this industry for the better, and to get the investor’s trust again.

2. When you first started your own program 4 months back did you honestly believe that it will be one of the best (if not the best) programs in 2008? What were your expectations and were they lived up to?

To tell you the truth, I really didn’t know what to expect. I was up against a (once) very successful “Mega” site that people’s priorities then were to go with the higher paying ROI sites than mine. Had they still been here, my site may probably not be as successful as it is now. To be called the best by you this year would definitely be an honor. That will cap off 4+ months of hard work and patience. Now, I have a reason to try to be the best site again in 2009.

3. Tell us more about the investment plans AggeroInvestment is offering to potential customers. I know the plans were different originally. What adjustments did you make to it and why?

When we started, it was a 7.5% non-surf and 8.0% surf plan daily for 15 days. I believe the 0.5% difference wasn’t fair to those who surf daily. So to be a little more fair and be more competitive against the other sites, I changed the plans to 7.0% non-surf and 8.5% surf daily for 15 days. It gives our members more reason to surf daily and view the ads being advertised by our advertisers and co-members.

4. What are the surfing requirements to earn daily rebate? How many sites do one need to surf in order to be credited for the day and what will happen if one misses a day?

You have to surf between 0-5 premium sites, the banner site then at least 15 regular sites to earn your 8.5% rebate daily. If you can’t surf a day for whatever reason, you swill still earn a 7.0% rebate. It’s a win-win situation no matter what after 15 days.

5. Why did you choose manual surfing for AggeroInvestment site? Does it attract more advertisers wanting to make their site known? Do you have some additional income from advertisers?

We are an advertising site first and foremost. Advertisers pay for their sites to be viewed, whether purchasing rebates for credits or purchasing advertising and/or banner space. Manual surfing is the best way for their sites to be viewed. I think they are getting the services they paid for via this way.

6. What payment processors does AggeroInvestment accept? Would you consider adding more options in the future?

Currently, we accept 4 major payment processors: SolidTrustPay (STP), LibertyReserve (LR), StrictPay (SP) and AlertPay (AP). There are members who suggests other payment processors to be added, but for now, I believe the ones we have should be enough.

7. I know that payments to some payment processors are made instantly while others should wait. Can you specify these processors and tell us why you did it this way?

Payments to both LR and SP are instant. STP and AP waits when I do the next payment run. The reason for this is both LR and SP have “instant pay” options. Had STP and AP had it, it would’ve been instant also. That gives me less work. But all is ok because I’ve never had to pay any request for more than 24 hours waiting since we started and I pride myself of that. And that is even on weekends when I didn’t have to issue payments until Monday.

8. Can you tell us a little bit more from the stats? How many members AggeroInvestment currently has? How many of them maxed out members?

We opened up registrations again last Dec. 27th to cap off our 4th month anniversary. We had 4336 members then. As of this writing, we have 4918 members. We also have 30+ maxed out members currently. A couple of them are new members.

9. What was the purpose of privatization of AggeroInvestment a month ago and then opening the doors to new investors again? It really sounds a bit confusing and many members can’t understand why it’s been done.

Many people think this “opening” is going to last a long time. They are wrong. We are going private again sooner than you think. Let me get this straight also as I receive many complaints about the “opening” and think more of it as a negative than a positive. The MAIN REASON we went private is so our membership doesn’t go out of hand and hard to handle on MY part. When we went private, I tried my best to train each and every one of my members so that when we open again, they will be READY TO HELP ME. I sent training materials so when somebody signs up under you, they do not have to run to me for support with basic questions as they can ask you. Thus it lessens my workload. Hear this, I do not need new members to sustain this program, but I am also not selfish for not letting others who want to join, join. I will let them join so they can also receive the blessings you are experiencing in here. I always know what my limits are. Right now, we are still in the baby stages of the program and we still have a so much more potential. Members just have to trust my judgment and not think too much negative about everything I do.

10. What promotional strategy does AggeroInvestment utilize to attract new members to the program? To what extent the program depends on new spends to pay out to current members?

I just started a new contest, and it is a BIG ONE! My budget for this is over $2500 just because our program is healthy and still going strong. And just because we can afford it. This should attract many new members to our program, and this should give the current members some incentive on getting new members into the program. And like I said in my previous answer, the program doesn’t depend on new spends or new members to pay out current members.

11. Do you have some plans to make AggeroInvestment more sustainable in the long run? How do you think it can be achievable?

I have planned this from the start. Other admins start a program and hope that their members will continue to make spends to sustain the program. That is why some of them fail. Then there’s the others who do not fail, they just simply scam. Many of them planned that from the beginning. Not me. I started searching for outside ways to make money. I believe someone posted this on one of the public forums, I make money from other’s money. That’s how it goes and that’s how I plan it to go on for a long time.

12. Why do you think AggeroInvestment successfully lasted 4 months online and how much time do you anticipate your program will last? Do you consider AggeroInvestment one of the best autosurfs in 2008 and what is the main recipe for success?

I believe we succeeded to last this long because of my dedication to the program and my members. All I do is THINK POSITIVE for my program ALL THE TIME. I am trying my best to achieve what others haven’t done this past year, and that is to last enough time for ALL the members to make money. As far as how long I think it will last, I will do it slowly but surely. I will try to be more successful every new month compared to the previous month. Of course, I have to think that I am the best to achieve that!

13. What would you like to say to the readers of my blog for the coming new year? What would be your predictions regarding surfing industry as a whole?

Think POSITIVE! I know this industry has more downs than ups in the previous months. You can change it! Believe that you can change it! We can definitely change this industry. There’s going to be more programs popping out, that we cannot change. But just be smart. There are a couple of established programs out there already. Stick with the ones you trust. Stick with the admins you trust.

And there you have it. Sound advice indeed from the admin of one of my personal highlights of 2008. If anybody wants to take a lesson in how to run a successful online autosurf, it would start and finish with AggeroInvestment. For the members reading this feel free to leave a comment on your own experiences with the program, or indeed your own highs and lows of 2008. For those of you who aren’t members yet, I can only suggest you get the skates on! This is a very narrow window that will close soon so don’t wait around too long.

And now as this will be my last post of 2008, I will take this final opportunity to wish all my readers and e-mail subscribers and your loved ones a very happy, peaceful, and prosperous New year for 2009. Enjoy the celebrations wherever you are. I’ll be back tomorrow with more news, just not too early ok, lol!

Happy New Year everybody!

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