24/07/2013. Interview with the Admin of Stable6
Beware! Stable6 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody! You might have seen in last night’s update that I had intended taking the evening off from posting tonight, which I am but only from the news updates of which there isn’t much to talk about anyway. But what I do have for you is the following long-awaited interview with the admin of Stable6, a short term HYI program first reviewed on MNO just after they launched exactly two weeks ago which you can read here. The program’s admin goes by the name of Jesha, and his program has been getting a fair amount of interest from investors in the last couple of weeks despite the summer being a generally quiet time in the industry. Plans available from Stable6 include just the two options, a choice between 6% for 25 days, or 125% after 15 days. Both plans were explained in the review, as were the other main features of the Stable6 website. I first sent the following questions to Jesha well over a week ago, so after receiving his reply just last night let’s hear what he has to say about the project.
“1. Hello Jesha, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in Stable6. What experience do you have in the HYIP industry?
Greetings from Stable6 Team!
I am Jesha Robson, Head of Support Services at Stable6. I am involved in the online operations ranging from managing the internal member support services to inter-division communications for the maintenance and development of the Stable6 website.
Stable6 is our first online investing endeavor and it has been a very pleasant surprise to know how encouraging everyone has been from monitoring partners to members right from the time we launched.
2. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?
Stable6 has 2 business plans and we offer different profit paying options in them. The first plan pays 6% principal included profits for 25 days which gives you a total of 150% for per investment. We pay on all days including weekends and holidays, where our trades are subsidized to include this strategy. Each investor can deposit anywhere between $10 and up to $6000 for per investment.
The profits are credited to the member’s Stable6 account every 24 hours starting from the day after he/she deposits. Every investment is processed individually so profits for multiple investments are paid as such. The member can then send in a request to withdraw the fund to their e-currency account, which will be processed anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
For the 2nd plan, we pay 125% as principal inclusive profit after 15 days. Investments anywhere above $10 and below $6000 for per deposit are permitted. Those who invest in this plan can request a withdrawal when the plan matures in 15 days. They are permitted to make multiple deposits in this plan and each will be processed separately. Withdrawals are processed anywhere within a few minutes up to a maximum of a few hours.
3. I expressed some criticism of your second plan in the original review. It’s not that I didn’t like it, it’s just that I would see it as a poor choice in comparison with the first plan and not worth the risk. How do you respond?
As far as we and many investors who have chosen to invest in it are concerned, the second plan is in no way inferior to the first. We are in fact surprised by your view. For those who have deposited in the second plan during the initial few days of our launch, they will be withdrawing their full principal inclusive profits in a few days while those who invested in the 1st plan will only be making about 90% of their total profits in the same period (15 days). So those who choose to invest in the 2nd plan will reap more within a short period when compared to those who are able to withdraw their profits daily – for a longer period.
So, it is with this in mind that we have included both of these plans to balance our trading strategies accordingly.
4. What payment options are you currently accepting? What’s the time scale between members requesting a payment and actually receiving it to their payment processor accounts?
Presently, we accept deposits in PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay and Bitcoin. Withdrawals are processed in batches every few minutes. However, as the number of members and investments increase, the withdrawal processing may go up by a few hours. Under no circumstance will it go beyond that timeframe. Processed withdrawals are instantly transferred to their e-currency account.
The option to compound their investment is also provided with a maximum setting of 100% for per investment and this can be independently managed by the member. The Stable6 Referral Commission scheme for both the plans is set to 6% for each referral. There is a 3 level referral scheme enabled for all Stable6 members where the 1st level pays 6%, 2nd level pays 2% and the 3rd level pays 1%. Referral commissions are available for withdrawing immediately after we confirm the investment and the referral commission is credited to the Stable6 account.
5. For readers not yet familiar with BitCoin, can you specifically explain how an investment using them will differ from an investment using the more traditional payment processors? Also I notice that the numbers are different (ie a $10 minimum is required to join via STP, but it’s 0.50 BitCoins) so can you explain this in detail as well?
With other e-currencies, the transaction fee is much lower and will not affect the profit. But with Bitcoin, it has a higher transaction fee. Suppose we accept 0.1 BTC as the minimal investment, the transaction fee will eat up almost 1/2 the returns. So, to minimize the fee, we have set the investment amount o 0.5 BTC. You will also notice that we have only set 5 BTC as the maximum investment amount for this e-currency which is around $500.
6. On the subject of payment processors, I know that Stable6 wasn’t yet running when LibertyReserve was seized. But do you think this event has affected your business anyway? What kind of impact do you see on the wider HYIP industry, and do you see a recovery soon? Also, as a user of BitCoin, do you see them becoming more prominent in online programs such as yours in the coming months/years?
Well, we were at the brink of launching a few months ago amidst many suggestions from well-wishers who pointed this Liberty Reserve issue to us and then we had to turn around and make a few amendments to the website and investing options to suit the members who would be using other e-currencies. It is understood that the industry did suffer a ‘bump in the road’ but seems to be recovering gradually and we are happy to see that Stable6 was received very warmly despite the setback.
Bitcoin is gaining a lot of attention in cyber space rapidly and is a wonderful option or online investors who prefer such services. We felt that by including Bitcoin as an e-currency choice in Stable6, we will be able to reach out to a different kind of investors (which we have, delightfully!) and we find it to be a very safe and equally reliable source of e-currency.
7. How secure is the website of Stable6?
Our team of programmers and us have gone through an extensive period of focusing on the security of our website Stable6 months before we launched and also continues to be observed frequently. Therefore, Stable6 is a very solid structure with many protection forces that keep it safe and functioning smoothly.
8. What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
We have hosted in Koddos, which is one of the leaders in providing premium level dedicated DDOS protection for online programs. The statistics for the security platform are Dual Xeon E5620 2.4 GHz, 16 GB total RAM, 1000 Mbps Dedicated Bandwidth, 5 Gbps or 500,000 PPS protection from attacks and an exclusive Custom Firewall for additional security.
9. What kind of script is Stable6 running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?
The entire Stable6 design skin has been integrated in a customized Probiz Script which has gone through multiple levels of internal development and security enforcements before launch and our programmers have made sure that our members will find this sleek and simple design user friendly and highly efficient and secure for their investing needs.
10. Can we see any statistics regarding Stable6? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
Those who have been actively following on the latest Stable6 updates and newsletters, should be aware by now that we celebrated with our 1st 1000 members milestone with a 1 day Promotional Deposit Bonus offer. It has been a very exciting experience for us and with each new day, amidst the ever increasing work load come supportive emails and chats from members who appreciate our work. Currently, we have around 1100 members and that is rapidly increasing with every hour.
Some members and monitoring partners have stood by our side from the time we launched and have been supportive in introducing Stable6 to many online communities globally. We really appreciate their support and will continue to build their trust as we move on.
11. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? I notice Skype account on your website, so during what time (GMT) will members find an operator there?
Stable6 has a compact member support system in place where we offer HelpDesk, Social Networking, Live Chat and Email 24/7. Besides this we also have active Facebook and Twitter profiles that are regularly updated with information and announcements on Stable6. As for Skype, it has been a regular practice for Stable6 members to communicate with our support staff through our Live Chat and Mingle Box (the latest addition to our website) and therefore as and when our schedule permits, we make it a point to stay active in it too. There is no particular schedule followed for Skype whereas Live Chat and Mingle Box is available for everyone 24/7.
12. I notice you have Twitter and Facebook accounts attached to Stable6. I know it’s still early days, but what use do you intend putting them to (as they are one of the great wasted opportunities for dozens of other programs)? Do you see them primarily as a means of communication with your members or as a way of actively recruiting new investors?
Social Networking has become a vital force behind many a business and we do not see why it would not be the same for investing programs too. After all, a large fraction of internet users communicate through them and to promote a program through them would be a great way to get their attention. Right now, we post anything from announcements to latest updates besides the regular interaction that takes place between members and Stable6. We would be looking at promoting ourselves in these communities by gradually implementing our marketing agenda.
13. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
Stable6 is a user friendly investing program which maintains a very comprehensible and concise method of executing tasks. Members also have a wide range of interactive interfaces to contact us should they need any assistance from us at any point.
14. How have you been promoting Stable6 up to now? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
We have gradually been making our presence felt across the industry and the results have been rewarding. We are satisfied with the growth and will be taking up some lucrative advertising methods in the future to increase our exposure in the industry. For now, we are looking at adding more graphic displays in and around public forums and blogs such as yours.
15. What plans do you have for the future of the program? Will there be any changes or improvements coming?
We just completed the first 1000 member mark in Stable6 and celebrated this achievement with all our members with a 1 day 6% Deposit Bonus offer. It was wonderful to have so many responses and we look forward to springing up quite a few surprises for everyone along the way. Also, we have added a Mingle Box for everyone in the Stable6 website recently to encourage users to interact amongst them and with us 24/7. This should introduce a great deal of transparency to Stable6.
16. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt unfair or mistaken then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.
I believe much has been covered in this interview and we would like to thank you for this opportunity to highlight our presence to your readers at MNO worldwide. It must be noted that your commitment to this industry has been immense and we believe that even though the industry may be just recovering from a sudden spur of implosion after the Liberty Reserve issue, it is the pioneers like you that keep it afloat through your efforts. I would like to wish you, Paul and your blog – MNO a very bright future.”
Thanks a lot to Jesha for that, and I hope it was both interesting to existing members and helpful to any potential investors still undecided as to whether you would like to join Stable6 or not. But whatever the outcome let me just wish the best of luck to anyone involved, and hope it turns out to be a profitable experience for you. I’m going to leave it at that for today everyone. Hope you enjoyed reading and see you again really soon on MNO, so stay tuned for more news from the programs covered on my monitor. See you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Jul 24th, 2013. Comment.