May 2nd, 2011 Archives

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Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and for those of you still celebrating the traditional May Day worker’s festival as I know many of you will be then enjoy it and make the most of it. There hasn’t been much happening in the HYIP industry for the last day or two anyway, but there is a couple of news stories for us to get through so let’s move straight onto it.

We’ll start the news today with probably the fastest growing short-term HYIP now – ProfitDeluxe (reviewed here). After just five weeks online and the successful completion of 7 cycles paying 125% after 5 days to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney ProfitDeluxe managed to get into the Top 3 most popular programs on MNO. And I guess there is really something special about this uncomplicated program run by the admin Daniel (read my interview with him here) who is doing his best to live up the high expectations of investors providing new features almost every week. Last Friday, for instance, the multi-lingual phone support in four languages was added which is a really good addition to those not fluent in English. The most recent features includes adding a Shoutbox similar to what MNO has to the members area and the upgrade of the server to a more powerful one. More features are still to come according to Daniel who is striving to make his program the best in the industry. Well, the previous best program ExtraIncome managed to live for over four months offering similar plans, so ProfitDeluxe which has been online for only 35 days has a long way to catch up. But I honestly wish the admin good luck in his efforts because ProfitDeluxe has a lot of potential to become the best short-term program in the industry. Here is the latest newsletter from Daniel:

Dear ProfitDeluxe Investors,
Another week has passed and we are stronger than ever. I am happy to say that there are now over 6,500 registered members in ProfitDeluxe after just 35 days online and it keeps growing more and more. We’ve completed 7 cycles but that’s only our successful beginning. Without doubt I am sure that we will have many more cycles to come. It’s great to see so many of you doing a great job promoting the program; I appreciate it. I have been quite occupied with the running of ProfitDeluxe but it’s been very nice to be with you. As I have said previously, I still have many things to implement in the program and it will be the best program this industry has seen this year for sure – believe me.
As you may remember, recently we had scheduled maintenance and I am really happy that we had no problems during the server update. Well, now we have a more secure DDoS protected dedicated server and I hope this will help us prevent any problems resulting from future server attacks which might occur.
I am sure most of you already mentioned one more thing that we implemented during update. Of course I am speaking about the shoutbox in our members’ area. I think it was a great idea and I am happy to see that it has become really popular in just a few days.
Just a couple of rules which need mentioning:
I must ask that spam links not be posted there and that you please be respectful of each other. That’s all the rules we have there.
All payments are processed as usual. Until our next newsletter – take care.
Best regards, Daniel
ProfitDeluxe Support”.

Despite this being a holiday weekend for a lot of people, one man with almost no intentions of slowing down is Charles Martinsen, the admin of ExoticFX. Never a man to sit still, Charles has issued not one but two updates in recent days which I’d like to catch up on now. The first one is particularly relevant to those wishing to participate in his next Live Online internet meeting. Existing ExoticFX members will no doubt already be aware that this is fast becoming a regular feature to the program, where in a level of transparency not often seen in the HYIP industry Charles makes himself personally available to discuss his business with you and to respond to your questions and comments in real time. The next meeting with Charles is open to the general public by the way, so if you have a friend who’s interested but hasn’t come to a decision about joining then you might want to let them know and invite them to sit in. However if (like me) the timing is a little difficult for you and you can’t attend then you can always can always check my original review of ExoticFX (which was published here) for further information or to my later interview with Charles (published here) where he did a more detailed and eloquent job of explaining it all in his own words.

Other important matters discussed in this first update include the upgrading of their customer services department which is now providing a 24 hour Live Chat support room where people from around the globe will be able to find an operator no matter what time of the day or night and have your questions dealt with professionally while you wait.
Meeting, Quick Start, and Other News
There is lots of news to relate to you today!
Next Live Meeting
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 3rd from 02:00 GMT to 03:00 GMT (that’s 10 PM to 11 PM EDT on Monday, May 2nd) in the Trader’s Society Chat Room. For assistance with time conversion, click here.
This is an open meeting, so please feel free to invite a guest or two.
I personally thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to directly interact with you and look forward to meeting more of you.
We would very much appreciate it if those that attended prior meetings would provide us with feedback of the experience on our blog. Your feedback will allow us to fine tune the meeting process. Thank you to those who have already commented. We listen to you!
New Live Support
The New Live Support is provided 24/7 like the Support Room. If you have a problem or question, you can find Live Support by clicking on the “Live Chat” photo located in the upper right hand corner on each page in the and EFX Forex Trader Apprenticeship Program websites.
New Basics Videos are being loaded today
These videos are designed for the newest of new forex participants and investigators. They are easy, slow, repetitive videos designed to provide the first level forex experience.
Continue to read the manual, watch the videos, set-up your demo account and practice as we develop the next phase of this pre-release and continue to work on the Ultimate Forex Trading Platform.
The Quick Start Tutorial is coming next week
Here are the highlights:
– You’ll learn how to predict signals days before they occur with 100% reliability.
– You’ll be given the secret that will allow you to enter the market at the perfect time, and learn how to exit it at the right moment in order to maximize your profits.
– You’ll discover how to manage your account so that you can reach financial freedom within one year.
– You’ll have access to live Trade Examples + Video Courses we created for you to get to the point as fast as possible and to start trading the ExoticFX Forex Trading Methods quickly.
– You’ll be given the Never-Before-Explained errors that make 95% of traders fail and how you can avoid them.
– You’ll get access to quiz and exercise sections we created, for you to exercise yourself and understand perfectly the ExoticFX Forex Trading Methods.
– You will learn the right way to forecast: reversal, breakout and bounces off of the market.
– We won’t bore you with extra useless fluff… you’ll only have concrete, clear, precise information for you to Trade-Like-a-Pro in no time!
– You’ll have the opportunity to learn how to use Pin Bars that give you amazingly strong signals so that you can make at least 80 -100 pips on each trade.
– We’ll teach you the forgotten moving average strategy nobody knows about and which is responsible for 50% of our profits each month.
The ExoticFX Forex Trading Methods Quick Start tutorial will enable you the opportunity to immediately begin utilizing some of the techniques we will be teaching in the Forex Trade School.
No matter if you are a Forex newbie or a veteran, you don’t need any previous experience in Forex to make shocking amounts of money with the ExoticFX Forex Trading Methods.
However, it does take time to develop a Trader’s discipline. During this interim, is a great place to earn a very good return on your investment and you can get started with as little as $10.00. That is one reason it is here: To fill the void.
There is not one program on the same level as ExoticFX. We have told you from the start…
We Will Be the Number ONE Program of ALL Time!!!
All you need to do is LOOK at the Evidence, Evaluate the Current Market Conditions, Analyze the Overall environment, and Make the Safest and Most Profitable Play the Market allows and the result will be…
Just Profits!
Charles Martinsen. ExoticFX Admin”.

The second update from Charles involves the introduction of some new investment plans. Now, I’m at this for a number of years and I know from experience that the knee-jerk reaction to announcements like this is often very negative. I mean it’s a dangerous business at the best of times so it’s only natural that some people would think that more established programs launching new short term plans is a danger sign (example “if it’s such a good idea why didn’t you do it at the start?”). Well, often enough you’d be right but I don’t believe this really applies to ExoticFX. The thing is that these new plans – one of which runs for 5 business days and the other for 10 weeks – are not open to the general public. They are closed to what I’d call the regular ExoticFX membership and will only be available to those willing to participate in the program’s ForEx Trade Apprenticeship scheme (FTA). As we all know the lowest common denominator (ie money!) is what motivates most people in the HYIP industry and I think Charles probably knows that. So I would view these new plans merely as an incentive to get more folks off the couch and actively involved in building their own future. Personally I don’t believe one should need a proverbial fire lit underneath them to take control of their own lives, but there you go. The reality of the situation says otherwise.
Serious Issues We Need To Discuss
First, we are constantly asked for a shorter term program. We have a solution…read on.
Second, we want to create a program that merges the best of HYIP and the Best of Forex and provide for you something that will truly change your lives. Something you can actually depend on. We want to provide you a program that not only fills your pocketbooks, but provides for an overall richer life and lifestyle. We feel that the answer lies in our Forex Trade School and FTA Programs. Many of you are not yet registered with our Forex Trade School and FTA program pre-release. What you are failing to understand is the long term potential of the affiliate marketing side of this program whether you want to trade forex or not. So we want you to join the FTA program for your own sake. We have a solution…read on.
Third, As we have described from our very beginning, we prefer to participate in safe, steady, longer term trades as opposed to just day trading. Don’t get me wrong, day trading can be very lucrative, but you can’t hang your hat on it day in and day out. In order to provide stability to a trader’s portfolio, or any portfolio, you need a diversification of strategies. We must participate in Short, Medium and Long term trades. Various other entities are smart to include such as ETF’s and Precious Metals etc. So, we have a solution…read on.
We Are Introducing Two New Plans That Contain The Solutions
First, these are for Forex Trade School/FTA Members Only!
(Solution to our second issue).
The FTA.01 plan will run for one week (5 business days), pay 6% Interest and return your principal and interest upon expiration for a total return in 5 days of 106%.
(Solution to our first issue)
The FTA.10 plan will run for ten weeks (50 business days) and pay a Variable Interest rate of 2.5% to 5.0% Interest per day based on our actual overall performance and return your principal and Interest upon expiration. This will translate into a minimum of 225% up to 350% total return. (Solution to our third issue)
These Plans will be available for your participation in the next few hours provided you are both an FTA and EFX member.
If you Truly want to Enhance your Financial Portfolio, Rise Above the Hit and Miss Investment Strategies provided by 99% of the HYIP and Online Investments Worlds and Take Control of Your Own Destiny, then you need to be a part of the FTA program and position yourself to learn to Trade Forex …or …at that very least …Benefit through the FTA and EFX Affiliate Programs from those that will.
You have tried everything else… Why Not Give Success a Try?
There are NO More Excuses available to you….
… all that is left is your own Procrastination!
Here’s to your Success!
ExoticFX – Just Profits!

OrientProfit (reviewed here) also launched a new plan today but unlike ExoticFX it’s open to all members of the program. Paying 14% for 14 days as announced actually you will get 196% after 14 days, so get paid only on expiry. In my opinion, although OrientProfit has been online for 40 days and is currently ranked as #8 on MNO monitoring investing in such a plan is quite risky especially considering that the minimum to invest there via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and AlertPay is a hefty $100. Considering that new plans are usually added when a program tries to attract more money for some reason and this one looks much less sustainable than the older ones (2.5% for 120 days with principal returned on expiry and 120% after 12 days) I tend to believe that this might be a warning sign for members of OrientProfit and I would not advise joining it. Of course, the program is still paying ok but who knows what will happen in two weeks from now? Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of OrientProfit Barnett (interviewed here) announcing the new plan:
Another working week has started. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. OrientProfit is now 40 days old with a lot of new members, as well as upgrade. We welcome you all for being part of this great project.
The board of trustee of OrientProfit have decided to introduces a MEGA PLAN which will be paying 14% daily for 14days (principal included) while cash out is at expiration
Minimum deposit is $100 whist maximum deposit is $20000.
All payments are processed as usual and all support tickets have been answered.
Welcome to another successful week.
Regards. Barnett Leon”.

It looks like MajesticFunds has reached the completion of its first cycle paying to investors 14.5%-18.5% for 8 business days having started 12 days ago. The first newsletter from the admin was just issued announcing the addition of email support in Russian. So from now on any Russian investors can communicate with the administration in their native language. Here is the latest from MajesticFunds (reviewed here):
We hope you are enjoying by investing in our company! Most of our members are already in profit and are reinvesting which we are very glad to announce.
In about 12 days, we have got more than 500 members and new members are coming everyday.
From now on, our Russian investors are welcome to send us email in Russian and use our Russian support facility.
We can assure you of a long business together and inviting you to increase your profits by investing in MajesticFunds.
Happy Earning and Thank you for doing your business with us.
Best Regards, MajesticFunds Manager”.

If you haven’t read the interview with the admin of another popular short-term program running for nearly four months now and paying 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days and 280% after 40 days for many cycles already you can check it out here. I’m sure that after the recent re-introduction of AlertPay to the list of payment processors which previously included only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney EarnoSphere might reach a higher level now, appealing to a much wider audience. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of the program George (if you want to read my review of EarnoSphere please click here):
Hello EarnoSphere members,
Our interview by money-news-online has been published, and you can read it here:
We invite you to read the interview, and we really hope everyone would enjoy reading it. Please take your time to read the interview. This interview session, moreover than being an enjoyable one to read, will be a whole lot helpful and useful for EarnoSphere members.
Thank you for attention and reading this short EarnoSphere newsletter.
Best wishes, George Santee, EarnoSphere.

The administration of the most stable low-ROI program right now – SafeDepositary – made some bold promises about issuing their own debit cards in June. Well, from my own experience with HYIPs many of them promise this but none have ever even come close to fulfilling it. So if SafeDepositary is able to make this happen I would be truly impressed, but I don’t believe this is the case here. Perhaps, just like with Nigerian seminars that literally meant nothing the admin is simply trying to attract more attention to his program which has been already running successfully for almost nine months paying investors 1.6%-2.3% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry. SafeDepositary accepts all the popular payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay with direct wires also available. The minimum to invest in SafeDepositary is $10 and you can read more about them in my review posted here. And this is a short newsletter regarding the planned Debit cards in late June:
Debit cards coming soon!
Dear clients! SafeDepositary financial department is working on integrating debit cards for our clients. Some banks offered very attractive conditions and approved our request for issuing debit cards with the name and logo of SafeDepositary. SafeDepositary debit cards will be started before the end of June.

I have already mentioned in the previous updates on MNO blog that the timeframe for processing of the withdrawals for members of GorgonProjectInvest has been increased in order to accommodate the ever growing number of transactions via LibertyReserve. This occurred after the exchange center was opened for those having deposits via AlertPay who recently blocked the program’s account. With an almost mind-boggling level of bureaucracy AlertPay seem to be taking longer and longer to in unblocking the account, forcing the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul to make alternative arrangements to pay those members who now find themselves in limbo through no fault of their own (or Paul’s either for that matter). This story was already discussed on MNO a couple of times but I felt it was necessary to explain it further as some members may not be aware of the announcements made by Paul (interviewed here). Starting now the withdrawals to all the plans offered by GorgonProjectInvest (1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, 2.2% for 180 days with principal returned on expiry) are going to be processed within 48 business hours (from Monday to Friday). I guess the real reason for that is some people who continuously post on forums and make bad votes just because their withdrawal requests were delayed for mere hours. Well, after that announcement they cannot do this anymore and the admin gets more time to process the pending requests. Here is the latest official announcement posted on the site of GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here):
Withdrawals Timescale Extended to Cope with Increased Demand
We have extended the time that it takes for us to complete withdrawals from 24 – 48 hours to allow staff extra time to prepare payments. This is due to a huge avalanche of increased demand for Liberty Reserve payments from AlertPay users., due to the issues we have with AlertPay withdrawals.
We have also stopped instant payments due to the stress it puts on our system and because of security considerations due to the large amounts of funds now required.
This new procedure for withdrawal payments starts from today, Saturday 30th April.

Over the weekend I received another newsletter from PrimFix – the program which has been monitored on MNO for over three weeks and offers three investment plans with returns paid on expiry – 120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days, and 210% after 45 days. As PrimFix started just recently only payments on the 15 day plan were paid successfully but it still has enough time to establish a reputation and not only with fast payouts. In the latest newsletter the admin tried to persuade investors that his program really makes money on sports arbitrage. Well, to me a profit of 40% per month is unheard of and apart from some graphics which can be easily done manually there was really no hard evidence presented. So I would prefer to treat PrimFix just like any other HYIP where you can both win and lose money. But it’s always good to see an admin try his best to explain his program better and I believe that we could make a good interview with him for MNO soon. Meanwhile, please read the latest update from PrimFix (reviewed here) below:
Dear investors,
We wanted to share some of our results during our first month online, we have about 700 registered members and over $50,000 in deposits, our growth rate is very stable and our goal is to double our growth rate every 30 days, we have partnered with many blogs and forums and we are still looking for more partners.
We had a total profit of nearly 40% in the past 30 days, you may find it strange, since our plan B pays 60% after 30 days but most big deposits were made in the past week and not on the first days but, before we discuss that, take a look at the chart below, that is how we divided our funds over the past month. We will send a newsletter like these on the last calendar day of each month so you can keep track of our results and decide your investment strategy with PrimFix.
Link to image:
The money on hold is the money we keep in our accounts and as you can see, most of your money is being invested into sports arbitrage betting. Our next chart shows how much we made in each category. We had some awesome results with underdogs betting (betting for the least favorite player) in the NBA and NHL season, some of the profits are still coming and there are still some positions opened to possibility make some money. Our forum will be launched in the next week and we will post some advice on where to place your money with very low losing possibilities.
Link to image:
As we explained earlier, most big investors joined in the past 10 days so we are still working with those funds, but still we had excellent results. For example, let’s say someone invested $100 into plan B 30 days ago and someone else invested $100 into plan A two weeks ago, we would pay them a total of $120 + 160$ = $280 today, that is a total of 40% profit, which we made with no problems, we have to consider a flow of money in and out of our accounts on a daily basis.
We wish you a great weekend and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about PrimFix.
Yours, Derek”.

There is a message on the website of SquareBoxTrends now informing members that the site is being moved to a protected and dedicated server:
Site is being moved to a dedicated DDOS & will be back up soon.
As you might remember from my review of SquareBoxTrends (read it here) the security of the site was actually the only weak spot which I brought to your attention. And now that the admin is trying to fix this issue as soon as possible shows his serious intentions in my opinion. The latest update on the site itself is dated Friday and announced that the active members of the program received a 3% bonus from their deposit in any of the plans offered by SquareBoxTrends (1.1-1.6% for 60 business days, 1.3%-1.8% for 80 business days, 1.5%-1.95% for 100 business days, or 1.7%-2.2% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry). This was a good present for the royal wedding:
29th April 2011
Today we have given our staff the day off for the Wedding of William and Kate. And as such we are giving our loyal members a 3% bonus to their available cash balance with our compliments. We have paid yesterdays requests already.

TencontFunds started accepting AlertPay starting yesterday, becoming the third payment processor after LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accepted by them. I notice that WebMoney is also shown now as an accepted payment processor but there was no word about that in the latest short update posted on its website:
We have added new payment system AlertPay. Now you can do deposits and withdraw profit using payment system AlertPay.
I believe this introduction of the most popular payment processor AlertPay will definitely attract more investors to TencontFunds paying instantly on four investment plans (0.6%-1.3% for 5 days, 1%-2% for 15 days, 1.4%-2.5% for 30 days, 1.8%-3% for 60 days) and returning the principal on expiry of your investments. The full review of TencontFunds can be read on MNO here.

Unfortunately, Alteriva stopped paying to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and therefore was moved to Problem status on MNO yesterday. In my opinion Alteriva had every chance to become the next big short-term program by having all the right features including an original script, instant payouts, its own forum and even a Youtube presentation. Unluckily for the investors the admin of Alteriva probably got greedy and decided to scam even before the completing two cycles. I honestly don’t know the reason for that but I believe that there were just too many hit-n-runners which never helps the situation. Of course, it’s just pure speculation as the admin stopped replying my emails but it looks like a viable guess if you consider that Alteriva‘s site really looked better than the majority of others. For those who invested via AlertPay I would suggest to take advantage of withdrawing your deposit prematurely with the 20% fee. This way you will at least have 80% of your deposit paid instantly to your AlertPay account. I myself received the last payment to AP yesterday and it was still instant, though I’m not sure if that’s still the case today. But it doesn’t hurt to try anyway! It’s a real pity that such a quality program as Alteriva became another short-term scam but as you know the industry sometimes is very unpredictable and very promising programs are sometimes the first to go. Sorry for everybody who lost money there, and I hope you will be luckier in other HYIPs.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 36 hours:
ProfitDeluxe, CitrusFinance, OilCash, FondosMayores, PicoProfit, EarnoSphere, GoldInstant, AnoxCash, BrantonsGroup, InvestNetGroup, MakeDepositToday, PerfectHourlyForex, SafeDepositary, PrimFix, BrilineLimited, GorgonProjectInvest, ViscoCorp, EurosFund, TencontFunds, ReProFinance, ExoticFX, Walwex, GulfReserve and Opulentia.

The newest addition to my monitoring page is a short-term program called DollarsInstant and as the name implies pays instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. The program is brand-new and started just a few hours ago so there is a good chance to make some money from it, especially considering the plans on offer. You can invest in DollarInstant in one of three plans starting from a $10 minimum: 106%-130% after 1 day, 120%-300% after 3 days, and 400%-2500% after 30 days. The site is running on a licensed script from GoldCoders and is hosted on a dedicated server protected by AntiDDos. DollarInstant looks to me is just like another installment of some very similar programs run by the same administration. Anyway, I will give you my full opinion on DollarsInstant tomorrow when I plan to publish a more detailed review. Stay tuned for that, guys!

That’s all I have to report today, guys. Stay tuned for more news and views on MNO tomorrow!

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