May 28th, 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! UnitrustDirect has been moved to Problem status due to confirmed selective payouts! Do not invest there!

Hello all! I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend so far wherever you are and whatever it is you’re getting up to, not to mention looking forward to the European Champion’s League Final if you’re interested. Still can’t get used to that being held on a Saturday myself! Anyway, there’s a couple of news updates I want to get through in a few moments, after I take a closer look at one of the most recent additions to my monitoring page. It’s called UnitrustDirect and it’s a medium to long term HYI program that also features one short term option, however at almost seven weeks online it’s not exactly a brand new program. Having said that UnitrustDirect‘s payment record since they first launched has been more or less flawless with no major problems to speak of that I am aware of to date.

What they are offering is a series of four main investment plans that require various minimum amounts to deposit, and all of which make one single interest repayment on expiry. The first and most basic of these plans is called The Starter Portfolio. It runs for a 10 calendar day term and can be joined for a very reasonable $5 minimum deposit. In return UnitrustDirect will pay a one time return of 107.1% interest on expiry, a figure that includes your principal.

For something a little more substantial, you can try their Direct Portfolio Plan for a $25 minimum spend. This one runs for a term of 25 calendar days, on expiry of which UnitrustDirect will make a single payment to you of 123.8% interest. Again that includes your principal leaving you with a net profit of 23.8%.

After that things get a bit more serious with UnitrustDirect‘s Assured Portfolio. This plan runs for a term of 65 calendar days meaning that at the time of writing has yet to make a single payout to anyone. Keep an eye on MNO in the coming weeks for more information on how this one develops and I’ll make sure this will be the first place you’ll hear about what happens next there. Meanwhile it will cost you a minimum deposit of $100 to join and in return the payout is promised to be 194%. Again that includes your principal so the profit is 94%.

The final plan, and to be fair the hardest one to recommend due to the risk involved, is called The Reliance Portfolio. It runs for a term of 125 calendar days which may not seem all that unusual when we’re talking about long term HYIPs, but when you consider that it only makes one single payment on expiry it really does require a massive gamble on the investor’s part. We are talking about a four month wait here before you ever see a cent back on your investment after all, so I can’t help but feel that UnitrustDirect would have done much much better had they replaced on expiry payments with daily payments if only for this plan. Anyway, the minimum deposit is $250 and at the end of the term you are offered a single payment that includes your principal of 403.4%. That’s a total profit of 303.4% which, should it ever actually come to fruition, I hope doesn’t stretch the program’s cash reserves too much.

Payment options are a little basic here, pretty often the case for HYIPs like this one anyway I suppose, with UnitrustDirect taking only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as payment processors. On the plus side however withdrawals are instant. And as my own first payment was completed within a matter of seconds I can confirm that that is the case. Just log in and make the request and the money should be resting safely in your e-currency account within under a minute. UnitrustDirect also accepts bank wires but only for larger deposits, so feel free to contact the admin for further details there if interested.

UnitrustDirect is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by a Ukrainian based company called TanHost. I can’t say that’s a name I’ve come across before in the HYIP industry (or at least if I have I don’t remember them) but I’m not aware of any serious problems with downtime up until this point. I’m open to correction on that if longer term UnitrustDirect members know something that I don’t, but for now it seems they’re a safe enough service provider. The program also runs off a unique customized script and the website has SSL encryption. An interesting feature to this, and quite a handy one as well if you’re in one of the longer term plans, is that you can set an automatic reminder for yourself to alert you via e-mail when your deposit is about to expire. I believe UnitrustDirect have also launched a mobile version of the site so investors who are always “on the go” so to speak (a bit like myself I suppose) can can always access their accounts via their mobile phones – as long as it’s internet ready obviously.

There’s also a reasonably good communications set-up as well and you can use a variety of methods to get in contact with their support team. Aside from contacting them directly via two separate e-mail addresses you may also write to UnitrustDirect by filling out the e-mail ticketing form found on the contacts page and submitting it. They also provide a telephone number should you wish a more personal approach or make use of their Live Chat feature. UnitrustDirect also have a Twitter account though to be honest I can only imagine that to be of very limited practical day to day use to investors. And while I personally am fairly new to the program, I also believe they run regular cash prize contests for their members. The most recent example I know of took place just earlier in the week where a generous $100 cash prize was offered to the member who cam up with the best critique of the program, pointing out its strong points and making suggestions as to how the admin might improve things. Not a bad offer for something members of any HYIP should really consider doing for free anyway.

There’s a bit more reading on the UnitrustDirect website than the average HYIP concerning the company’s alleged business activities and what they do to support such huge payments. You probably all know by now what my own feelings are on that, which is that is that the only “business” turning out those kind of payments are online HYIPs. Still, it’s up to you to research that if it’s really of such importance to you and would actually affect your decision to join what’s basically an internet based entity anyway. So as ever try to limit your spending to a sensible level and rather that depending too much on one or two programs try to keep smaller sized deposits in a greater number of them.


PrimFix (reviewed here) keeps making significant improvements by constantly adding new features and I’m glad that the admin Derek has finally agreed to answer some questions for an interview on MNO. Interest in the program keeps expanding every single day and now even the skeptics see the enormous potential to grow PrimFix has been demonstrating for its first 50 days online. The first investors to spot the program’s ability to succeed from the beginning already got some good profits on all three investment plans offered by PrimFix via SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve – 120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days and 210% after 45 days. I hope that the trust of the new investors joining in their dozens every single day will also be rewarded and they too will be in profit. To help achieve this you can also promote the program among the potential participants and not only get 4% ref commissions from every deposit made by your referrals (there is three-level referral system in the program) but also exchange the hits you attracted to the site of PrimFix with your referral link to real money which you can withdraw. This Paid-to-Promote system is now fully operational for both Standard and Lite versions of the site. From now on you can also use a five minute promotional video explaining the investment plans and how the money is earned on sports arbitrage bets in PrimFix in great detail. You can find the video on YouTube by clicking this link. Also do not forget that as a good registered program PrimFix accepts Credit card deposits via AlertPay, so any investors who want to have an additional layer of protection for their funds can take advantage that. And that’s not all – in the very near future investors of PrimFix will be able to get an extra income on their deposits by placing bets themselves. This feature will be available for SMS verified members only. More details will be announced next week. As you can see membership in PrimFix can be exciting by itself by looking how steadily the program is developing day after day. I hope to get more interesting details in the interview that is going to be published on MNO soon, but meanwhile please check out the latest long newsletter from PrimFix‘s admin Derek:
PrimFix Video and New Features
Dear members,
I know we always get a little too excited in our newsletters, so if you don’t feel like reading it all just keep in mind that PrimFix has now switched into second gear. We have improved our project a lot in the past weeks but these things will happen much faster from now on. We enjoy spending time on making PrimFix, the best HYIP site ever but I’m pretty sure most of you have already noticed that.
First of all, I’d like to say that our PTP system now works for normal referral links too. It was working only for PrimFix Lite referral links but from now on you will get credits for every visitor you send to our site. We are in the process of creating some splash pages to help you promote PrimFix, you’ll also earn PTP credits for visitors you send to this page. It will be a very simple page explaining what PrimFix is about and inviting the visitor to read more about it. We believe it is a very powerful marketing tool.
Speaking of marketing, I would like to thank several online marketing experts who joined PrimFix and invited their followers to do the same. We have noticed that many of our members are part time or even full time marketing professionals. We have finished creating a video to help you promote PrimFix even better, you can see it here: . We will include this video in the splash page we mentioned earlier, feel free to use it in your blogs, forums, monitors, lists and other tools.
Our growth rate has been outstanding, we will reach 2000 registered members sometime next week. What impressed me is that, during our last research, we noticed that a big part of our members have never been involved in HYIPs, that means we are getting a lot of attention and bringing new people to this big market.
I would like to remind you that we are accepting Credit Cards payments through AlertPay, hundreds of deposits have been made using them as we expected. This leads me to another point: there are a lot of people asking us for proof that we are a registered Company. We have top level approvals from AlertPay and SolidTrustPay under our PrimFix Limited name. We placed a link of our Incorporate Certificate on the main page of PrimFix which was obtained in the year 2009. This was also when the domain was registered.
The new big thing about PrimFix that I want to share with you today is the PrimFix Betting platform. Here’s how it will work: we will announce a certain match 24 hours before it starts and you can place bets using either your e-currency funds or your account balance. When you place a bet, you need to pick plan A, B or C, like you do in normal deposits. If your bet wins, winners who chose plan A will earn 3% profit added to their account balances, winners who chose plan B will earn 4%, and plan C 5% plus your initial deposit, so you can withdraw your deposits AND bonus right away, it won’t be deposited to the plan you chose. If you lose, the amount you bet will be deposited to the plan you chose. There will be no losers! We expect it to be ready within two weeks and only SMS verified members will be allowed to use it. You’ll find more information about this verification next week, participating on this will be really simple!
We are putting a lot of time and effort to make PrimFix succeed, so I’d like to ask you to talk about us on forums and blogs, don’t forget we offer a three-level-deep referral system and with your help, we can make PrimFix the best investment program ever.
We wish you a great weekend,
Best regards, Derek”.

As promised by the admin of GulfReserve Alina (interviewed here) she posted full clarification and instructions for those depositing via Credit card for the first time via AlertPay interface if they want to invest in the short term plan paying 105% after 5 calendar days in which case would be extended to a longer period of time. Other plans offered by GulfReserve include – 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days – all providing instant payouts also via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Other items in today’s newsletter from GulfReserve (reviewed here) included the winners of their Facebook contest:
Official Newsletter
As I mentioned earlier that I will be writing a detailed newsletter about the issue with Short-term investments made using new Credit cards. Apart from this issue, GulfReserve is progressing as usual and as expected. We are constantly working on new and new features, schemes, promotions, contests, bonuses and other stuff and I am too glad to announce that we have over 2100+ active participants in GulfReserve.
We have been online for period of over 2 months and every next day had its own story of success and it still continues. Let me remind you that few days ago we got our desired “green signal” from AlertPay to be able to start accepting Credit card deposits, and it sure is a ADVANTAGE for GulfReserve and this option has became one of most popular method of investments. Let me also remind you that we got our clearance after proper verification procedures held by AlertPay so there is absolutely no doubt that GulfReserve will NOT be facing any account suspensions or similar other problems from AlertPay that other popular investment programs faced lately.
Now the situation we have here is only for those investors who invested in short-term plan and have not used the same credit card previously. It is the policy of AlertPay to hold these funds for a period of 7 to 14 business days to avoid fraudulent activites. Since our short-term plan pays 105% only after 5 days of investment, then you can sure see the difference and for this purpose we had a full bench meeting held and I have been told to take these actions:
(i) All investments made by Credit card in short-term plans will be extended, so instead of 5 day, these investments will expire after 7 or 10 days.
(ii) This information is updated in our database, so if you have such of an investment then you will be able to see when it will expire in its details.
Let me also clarify that this issue is not from us, and even I am still paying instantly to all investors who invested from fresh CC in other plans like Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. They are getting paid instantly with out any issues!
Let me also clarify that there is no loss and you will be paid exact 105% which can be withdrawn instantly after your new investment period expires.
Let me also clarify that if you have invested in short-term plan using your main AlertPay balance, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or even already verified CC, You will get paid on time and instantly, there are absolutely NO concerns about your investment!
Meanwhile, our FaceBook frenzy is on heat and once again we have announcement of latest winners as well, I have already explained about this contest several times so I really would like to skip writing about it once again, so straightly, here are the latest winners:
$10 USD bonus investment: “Bonus Trayad”.
$5 USD bonus investment: Ayesha Khan.
$5 USD bonus investment: Daniel Lipowicz.
To participate in our FaceBook contests, direct link is:
Regards, Alina.

Without doubt SafeDepositary (reviewed here) has been the industry’s favorite long term program for over ten months now providing investors with sustainable returns of 1.6%-2.3% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry. They accept all the major payment processors (AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay) and provide instant payouts. Since SafeDepositary joined MNO monitoring two and a half months ago it definitely became even more popular. But as long as it grows and gets older the investors need new ideas that will make them stay in the program and not swap SafeDepositary for other promising new long term programs popping up in the industry recently. So one big thing that is destined to make the program more popular I guess is the admin’s promise to issue Debit cards to SafeDepositary members. According to the latest newsletter it took them more time than originally planned, however they promise to have everything ready soon though without any timeframe being mentioned. More developments on the website itself will include the translation of the site into four more languages (currently you see the language icon on the site which doesn’t actually have anything except English available). The translation should be ready within the next few weeks and it will definitely attract more international members to the program. In the latest newsletter it was also mentioned that the interest would not be credited to members’ accounts next Monday due to it being a non-trading day. Here is the full newsletter from SafeDepositary:
Upcoming updates status
Dear clients! As you may see we didn’t release any news for almost 30 days but it doesn’t mean that we stopped making improvements at SafeDepositary. Please click “read more” for more information.
First of all we kindly ask all clients to wait until we find a solution with debit cards. It’s a bit harder than we thought before but it’s solvable. The problem is that we need to order a minimum of 5000 cards to get these cards with our custom design. We found another solution but it will take longer time than we previously thought. We will keep everyone updated in company news. As you may remember we promised to add multi-language interface, its going to be integrated by June 15th or even earlier. SafeDepositary website will be available in Spanish, French, Italian and German. Please remember that no interest will be credited on Monday 30th because of non-trading day. Thank you for understanding!

The admin of Opulentia Daniel (interviewed here) informed members know today that the lower display resolution issue had been resolved and from now on even the owners of small netbooks can browse the site without any inconvenience. Here is the latest from Opulentia:
Opulentia: Tweaking our site
We noticed that users using lower display resolutions have problems displaying our site. We have fixed that now. If you had problems viewing our site in the past, please try again.
Thank you.
Kindest regards, Opulentia Support”.
I remind you that Opulentia has recently become one of MNO’s top 5 programs and its popularity grows daily since the addition of SolidTrustPay and AlertPay to the list of accepted payment processors. Of course the low $1 minimum which can be also spent via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay also adds popularity to the program paying 2.15% on every business day for 365 days and 11% for 55 weeks with principal back on expiry. More about Opulentia and its investment plans can be read in my detailed review of the program posted here.

I would like to congratulate the winner of the best testimonial contest managed by MAHIFund which was submitted by one of my active ShoutBox participants – IndiHyip. He received a $100 bonus deposit in the program according to its latest update:
We are glad to announce the result of the testimonial contest. The customer who won have the username : IndiHyip.
$100 deposit bonus on Beta plan has been added to his MAHIFund account.
More contests are coming soon.
I remind you that MAHIFund is a program having been monitored on MNO for 12 days and paying instantly for AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits made into the following plans: 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back) and 170%-180% after 30 days. In a few days the first principals from the program should be paid back and then we will see if MAHIFund (reviewed here) is a serious enough program. I will keep you updating on MNO about that!

Unfortunately the huge growth that for some unknown reason HighEarn has received during its first days online didn’t encourage the admin to run it for a long time as he promised in the previous newsletter. It looks like he has decided to keep all the money for himself instead and stopped instant payouts today. HighEarn is just another example of a bad HYIP from which only the admin profited from as the first depositors on the daily plan only managed to break even while those with deposits from on expiry plans got nothing at all as the program stopped paying exactly on the day when the first principals should have been returned. According to HighEarn‘s FAQ the admin reserves the right to pay within 12 hours in some cases, however the suddenly evaporation of payments to all payment processors including AlertPay made me suspicious about the whole thing so I contacted the admin. So far he has failed to reply. This only proved my suspicion about HighEarn and prompted me to move it to Problem status on MNO. Please do not invest there as the program is a proven scam now!

As predicted by skeptics ExoticFX didn’t pay anything even on Friday, as promised by the admin and the program has officially become a scam now after all the lies have been exposed and all the promises have been broken. ExoticFX has obviously become one of the most underachieving flops of 2011 so far. It only lasted for three months while offering long term plans but fell victim to AlertPay’s policy of freezing accounts and keeping all the money without which the program could not continue. Unfortunately this is a risk which nobody could plan for but I wish the admin of ExoticFX Charles had been more prepared for. Some smart members of ExoticFX still managed to make a profit from the on expiry plans, but for others the program became just one huge disappointment. I really expected better from this one, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. Well, I’m looking forward to his next program under a different name for sure!

These are the programs that paid me promptly for the last 24 hours:
UnitrustDirect (the first instant payment received), LucrativaFund, GulfReserve, SafeDepositary, ReProFinance, EarnoSphere, StockBiz, OsWealth, EliteAlliance, Insectrio, BrantonsGroup, MAHIFund, Opulentia, EurexTrade, InvestNetGroup, GorgonProjectInvest, UnicornInv, EurosFund, PrimFix and AlphaForex.

That is all I wanted to report tonight, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow with more information from the HYIP world, plus (fingers crossed) I’m also hoping to receive an interview from MAHIFund which I’ll be publishing if it’s returned early enough. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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