May 16th, 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! StockBiz has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead. I had a couple of recent additions to the MNO monitoring page that I’d like to look at a bit more closely for you over the next couple of days, starting this evening with a fairly lucrative looking short term HYI program called StockBiz. At first glance you might think it’s a bit similar to the large number of short term games that have come to dominate that side of the industry in recent months. And indeed there are similarities in areas like design and hosting, but on closer inspection StockBiz is organized along some completely different lines when it comes to the actual investment plans. Gone are the ultra short one and two day plans, replaced with something that resembles a more traditional short term HYIP.

The plans themselves are nothing special. Well, I mean they’re fine, they’re just not unique and we’ve seen the very same ones used many times in the past. Used to great effect as well it has to be said, and in the hands of the right admin have proved both popular and successful. It also has to be said that the short term HYIP industry has taken a few knocks recently, so we’ll just have to wait and see how people respond to how StockBiz are presenting them.

There’s three plans you can choose from, all of which pay you on expiry. So first up is a plan which runs for just 5 calendar days. It costs just $10 to join but you are free to deposit as much as you want if you like your chances, due to their being no maximum limit. What you are offered in return is a one time payment of 120% interest made as I said on expiry. This payment also counts your principal as part of it. So for example a deposit of $100 should get you back $120 five days later.

Following that StockBiz have a plan which runs for a term of 10 calendar days, also making just the one final payout on expiry. The minimum required to join remains unchanged with $10 being the basic asking price for membership, though if you can afford it there’s also no maximum. Once you’re in StockBiz are then offering a single payment of 145% interest on expiry, principal included. So the same $100 spend here would get you back $145 ten days after joining. Sounds nice but it’s worth noting that redepositing in the previous plan (principal plus profit) for a second cycle brings an almost identical return. OK, it’s not exactly equal but it’s only very marginally less.

The remaining plan runs for a term of 15 calendar days and will also set you back a $10 minimum to join. Obviously it carries the highest risk but if it pays off then the potential reward is a whopping 170%. Which means were you to just make a deposit of $100 then you should hopefully expect a payment of $170 on expiry. That includes your principal so obviously the profit itself is 70%. Again, if money is not a problem for you then there is no ceiling put on maximum deposits.

Payment options are basic enough with StockBiz, and currently are limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The admin goes some way towards compensating for the lack of choice however with the use of instant payouts. You still need to log in and request your payments of course, but once done the money should appear in your e-currency account in under a minute. Instant payouts can also act as a handy monitoring tool for investors as well, and as long as they remain in place you can give yourself a better picture of StockBiz‘s overall health.

StockBiz is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server by the increasingly well known provider AntiDdos, who seem to be handling a huge amount of short term HYIPs in recent months and mostly as far as I am aware without any serious problems. You can also view all sorts of program related statistics about things like the number of members, deposits made, withdrawals, and so on. Customer support if you have any questions or account related issues for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page.

Texts concerning the programs alleged business activities are predictably vague and give almost nothing in the way of practical information, let alone proof. For what it’s worth StockBiz are another one of seemingly millions of online HYIPs claiming to be working in the currency exchange business. Something we’ve all heard before and something we all know by now to take with a pinch of salt. Just remember as I’ve said so many times in the past, the only way possible to lose more money than you can afford to in this business is to spend it. Don’t gamble with the mortgage money and you won’t lose the mortgage money. It’s a simple rule to remember. Keep it sensible, don’t be greedy, and StockBiz could even turn out to be a fun experience where you can make a few extra bucks for yourself.


The administration team at ExoticFX are currently working diligently on implementing a new addition to the script with the help of which the investors willing to deposit in one of the plans (read about them in my review of ExoticFX posted here) will be able to trace the whole process from submitting the request to Bank wire deposit till the money is displayed in their account. Direct Bank wires are being advertised by the admin Charles (interviewed here) as a great alternative to e-currency deposits where some of them like AlertPay for instance can suspend the account of any program without any legitimate reason and do significant damage. I bet this will not happen when it comes to direct Bank wire deposits but I would still like to see the solution promised by ExoticFX whose withdrawals to AlertPay are still pending. I hope the script will enable members to convert their AP to other e-currencies soon as well as I believe this should be a priority. Right now I know many investors with ExoticFX via AlertPay which was considered to be a safe choice at that time, until it started blocking accounts without any reasonable explanation that is. Anyway, in today’s update from ExoticFX the whole process of making Bank wire deposits has been explained, so for further info keep reading:
ExoticFX Bank Wire Explained
We have added Bank Wires and there a couple of things we need to explain to you.
When you initiate a Bank Wire to ExoticFX, we see the pending order in our Administrative area. Once we receive the wire in our Bank Account, we will immediately process it and add it to your EFX Account in USD.
Over the course of the next few days we will add an email confirmation to the script. When you post a Deposit via Bank Wire, our script will then send you an email informing you that the wire is Pending Arrival. It will also deliver to you the Bank Wire Document that you may print and take to your Bank in order to ensure that all information required is available to you at the moment you actually place the wire.
Upon receipt of the funds in our Bank Account, we will process the wire and post the funds to your EFX account. Once this is done, another email will automatically be generated to you confirming the funds have arrived in your EFX account and are available for you to Invest.
The same will hold true for Withdrawals.
When you request a Withdraw via Bank Wire we will see the request in our Admin Area. We will process Withdraws as we receive them throughout the day. Bank Wire Withdrawals will not have to wait until the next day like ecurrency withdraws. Bank Wire withdraws will be processed as we are notified they are requested and in the same order as we receive them.
Once we have ordered your Bank Wire from our Bank and cause your EFX account to report the Wire has been ordered, it will show as completed within your EFX account and an Email will be generated informing you the Wire has been ordered and paid.
We anticipate having the script-generated email confirmations created and installed within 48 to 72 hours. In the meantime, once you arrive at the Bank Wire Instruction page, please print this page, review it and determine that all is correct. If it is not correct in any way, then please initiate the wire instructions again. This causes extra work for us, but we can deal with it until we have the email confirmation system and an ability for you to cancel previous or invalid attempts.
Bank Wire Deposit Option is now operational.
When you log into your EFX account, go to
ACCOUNTS page then Scroll Down
You will see the Information required to make deposits via Bank Wire.
After providing the banking Information necessary, you will be able to Deposit and Withdraw via Bank Wire.
To Make a Deposit after you have provided the necessary information, simply go to DEPOSIT page then Scroll Down
Your Bank Account number will be selectable from the drop down menu.
Enter the amount of the bank Wire and the EFX Keycode, then Submit.
From there you will be taken to the next page where all the necessary Bank Wire Instructions are Pre-Filled in for you.
COPY and PRINT that page!
Present it to your Bank when making your transaction
in order to ensure no mistakes are made.
Wire Transfers may take from 1 – 5 days to arrive in our account. We will process them and add them to your EFX account as quickly as possible (generally the same day).
All incoming wires will be converted to USD to enable ExoticFX internal accounting.
Only the Bank initiated acceptance and exchange fees will be applied to your Deposits and Withdraws.
ExoticFX will not assess any additional handling charge.
Charles Martinsen
ExoticFX Just Profits!”.

The benefits of joining CyproRealty which also was discussed in my review of the program (published here) was the main subject of another newsletter sent by the admin recently. I remind you that by depositing via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you have a chance to be paid 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry. The most recent newsletter from CyproRealty which has been online for only 5 days is posted below:
Greetings from CyproRealty Team.
We want to begin today’s news update by first thanking all our members for their great support. CyproRealty is now 5 days old online with a very encouraging traffic flow of an average of 2600 visits per day. CyproRealty is growing stronger and larger by the day.
Here are some facts you should know about CyproRealty
1. We pay our members 1.2%, 1.7%, 2.0% and 2.4% daily interest for 180 days (Principal Returned) withdrawal request is processed within minutes of requests to 48 hrs. Your earning will be dependent on your capacity to invest. Please refer to the investment plan for more details.
2. Our site is very secured, we have ensure DDos protection and SSL Encryption for quality service, it is ran on a licensed goldcoder script thus we are safe from hackers or any other form of online attacks.
3. We accept a wide range of investment options which makes it easy for participation (LR, PM and AP).
4. We pay our members a 5% Referral commission directly to their cyprorealty account for every investor they refer to our project.
5. We offer a 24/7 professional customer support service.
All withdrawal requests have been processed.
Just to remind you all, CyproRealty do not process payments Saturdays and Sundays. This is clearly stated on our FAQ section for all members to read.
Thanks for your participation.
Best Regards, Eric Mook
Support Staff. CyproRealty.

It looks like ViscoCorp (reviewed here) followed the unfortunate example of its sister program EurosFund and offered a very unsustainable plan paying 8% for 120 days for deposits starting from $250. Of course, the same advertising tricks were used by ViscoCorp who try to persuade you this plan is extremely popular and therefore it will stay limited until all the $250-cost units are sold. Can you imagine investors rushing into a program and investing hundreds of their LibertyReserve dollars into this plan? I honestly can’t picture it but if we believe what was written on the program’s website they’ve already sold over 400 units which should total over $100K in LR. Would you still be running an online HYIP if you got such huge money if you were in the admin’s place? Very few people would I think, so it’s probably safe to assume that the stats are fake, just like the plan where you will have a 960% return on your deposit in 4 months time. Of course such plans should be avoided at all costs, but at the same time this announcement should sound encouraging for those smart members invested in the main plan currently offered by ViscoCorp – 1.5% for 150 days with no principal returned. Obviously, all the gathered profits from the newly launched four month plan are going to be used in paying investors from the main plan for a few more months. The admin of ViscoCorp is not original and is doing exactly the same thing which was already discussed many times on my blog and can seen in my article on EzProfit posted here. This is the latest news taken from the site of ViscoCorp:
120 Days Premium Launch !
Interest 8% will be sent to your account daily for 120 days.
Principal deposit included the interest return. Interest GUARANTEED.
Limited invest amount offered, will be closed for invest once the units sold out. 1 unit = $250.
Description : Interest 8% will be sent to your account daily for 120 days. Principal deposit included the interest return. Interest GUARANTEED. Limited invest amount offered, will be closed for invest once the units sold out. 1 unit = $250.

The following programs featured on my monitoring page paid me for the last 24 hours:
EarnoSphere, GulfReserve, StockBiz, EliteAlliance, InstantSuccess, GorgonProjectInvest, ExtraFinances, EurosFund, ViscoCorp, BrilineLimited, LucrativaFund, WABFunds, MGFunds, Walwex, UnicornInv, Opulentia, MakeDepositToday, CyproRealty, OnlineInterests (the first instant payment received) and MAHIFund (the first instant payment received).

As you can see for the last few days my monitor has grown by two more programs. The first one is called OnlineInterests and is another fast short-term game offering a wide range of investment plans with instant payouts on expiry via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. $10 is all you need to try your luck in one of their plans – 105%-127% after 1 day, 121%-220% after 4 days, 132%-300% after 6 days, 148%-500% after 9 days, 195%-1300% after 18 days or 400%-3000% after 35 days. Most probably OnlineInterests is being run by the same administrator responsible for running many successful and not so successful short term programs which can be easily recognized from the similar investment plans and website layout, a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL encryption, DDoS protection and hosting provided by AntiDdos and instant payouts. Such features are actually very attractive to the majority of HYIP players but I guess the admin learned his lesson from the recent freezing of an AlertPay account which made him close his previous program prematurely and now only LR and PM are accepted. Although they are not as popular as AlertPay OnlineInterests can sill do reasonably well without them. The full review of OnlineInterests can be found on MNO by tomorrow.

The second program which only started today and from which I already received the first payments instantly is called MAHIFund. This program looks much more professional than the previous one and I guess it’s aimed to run for a longer time. It provides investors three plans with reasonable returns of 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back) and an on expiry plan paying 170%-180% after 30 days. The minimum to invest in MAHIFund is $5 only which can be spent via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and even AlertPay and the payouts are processed instantly. MAHIFund is not just a name but it stands for an acronym standing for Malcolm Arsley Holding Incorporate. Some notable features include hosting on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection and full SSL-encryption throughout the site, great and a sleek design, certificate of incorporation from the Seychelles, Live support which is actually online as well as a ticketing system and of course a very professional and totally customized licensed script from ProBizScript which is a new name to me. A more detailed analysis of MAHIFund and the investment plans on offer will be in the upcoming review which you shouldn’t miss because I believe that such a quality program is capable of having a good impact in the industry.

That’s about all for tonight, guys. Please enjoy the MNO Chat which just re-opened yesterday and I hope to see you all back here tomorrow! Stay tuned for more reviews and daily updates from the most popular programs in the industry – only on MNO!

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