May 7th, 2011 Archives

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Hi guys! For the second day in a row I have only daily news from the industry to discuss with you and no new programs to tell you about. Personally I don’t mind it as I have a lot of business to take care of in Russia while I’m here but I know that many readers are watching my blog carefully to find some new quality programs. But it looks to me like the industry is coming to a standstill as more and more programs are collapsing and the admins are probably too afraid to launch new ones at this time. More programs have scammed today including DynamoFunds and CitrusFinance who both announced some kind of bonuses recently, something probably considered a huge warning sign by more experienced investors anyway. A very popular short-term program PicoProfit has also stopped instant payouts to LR and PM and at this moment pays instantly only to AlertPay and processes selective payouts to some monitors. Therefore I had to move it to Problem status on MNO. The warnings from PicoProfit as usual came in the latest message where they announced those too-good-to-be-true plans:
Dear Investors!
We added some new plans in our program PicoProfit. 400% After 2 days!
300% After 1 Day
Hurry up to invest by the profitable plan. As for the given plans there are 50 available deposits; after it the offer will be closed. We are glad to work with you.
Your PicoProfit”.

GoldInstant and DollarsInstant might be in trouble as well and I have received a few complaints from readers so I would suggest you be very careful about them as well, one of which also introduced similar plans. Considering that GoldInstant and DollarsInstant might be run by the same administration and that the instant withdrawals to LR and PM have stopped recently I believe it’s just one step away from becoming a scam. And I think it might have happened already. Here is the latest suspicious update from GoldInstant:
We added 2 new VIP plans. Your can deposit trough member area. 200% After 12 Hours, 300% After 1 Day
GoldInstant. Best Regards.
Anyway, I have decided to move GoldInstant along with DollarsInstant to Problem status on MNO as well because this all but screams scam and if not today then tomorrow. Please do not invest there!

I would also ask my readers to report their payments from OilCash to me which most likely is also run by the same administration team and which stopped paying instantly. OilCash which doesn’t accept AlertPay announced that the payouts would be processed to LR manually within 12 hours of the request being made due to some technical issues:
Dear investors! At this time there are problems with instant payment system LibertyReserve! While the problems are completed, the payment in that currency will be held in manual mode 1-12 hours. OilCash”.

The admin of TencontFunds exposed a nasty and mean spirited side to himself when he tried to scam his investors by asking them to create an API in their LibertyReserve account. Please do not do this because this will not help you get any money back. Rather it will only allow him to empty your LibertyReserve account which that scammer will definitely enjoy. I wish any stolen money will bring him nothing but unhappiness and if he thinks that MNO readers are fools then he’s mistaken. I have already revealed more scamming tricks on my blog that this thief could dream of.

ExoticFX have been busy recently and issued several updates during the last two days. The first issue to be addressed by its admin Charles (interviewed here) was a difficult situation with LibertyReserve payouts whose API hasn’t been working properly for the last few days. This lead to the necessity to process LR withdrawals manually, which in turn created a huge work overload for ExoticFX support staff who need to process thousands of daily payouts for their ever expanding legion of members. Charles was quite harsh on the more impatient members in the last email and even asked them to leave ExoticFX if they were going to treat it like a regular HYIP game. Here is the update from the program:
Liberty Reserve Problem
In case you dont read our releases in full, the Liberty Reserve API is BROKEN and has been broken since at least April 28th.
We have been manually paying all members since that time and it is a real pain in the a$$.
Especially when there are hundreds of transactions to process daily.
You can see corroboration of the issue by reading this thread at Talkgold
Not many admins have spoken of the problem in fear that their members will panic. We feel that telling you the truth is far better than concealing it in fear you wont respond well.
Doing this manually can be frustrating and, of course, very time consuming especially when there are so many ridiculous withdraw requests for 10, 20, 30 cents, etc. What I cannot begin to understand is why would you make requests for a dime? What is the point? Have we not already proven ourselves enough that it is worth risking a dime until it, at the very least, becomes a dollar?
Those of you treating this like your typical hyip would be better served to please withdraw and go play in the traditional hyip arena, because, quite frankly, we dont need you and we really dont want you. That may sound harsh and perhaps it is. But the reality is we have better things to do than to coddle those that have such great fear of this industry that they dont read 1/10th of what we write and they feel the need to send 3, 4, 5 support tickets because their dime or even their dollar didnt arrive in their LR account within the first 20 minutes after the close of the day. Please, do your fellow members a favor and remove your investment and participate them somewhere else. We just dont have the time at this point to deal with you.
We are dealing with the New Quick Start Program, a Basic Training Program, Video productions, Trading Account Creation, Forex Trade School graduation levels, plus ExoticFX New Plans, Meeting Schedules, and a whole array of features that make this the most phenomenal program online.
This is your NON-TYPICAL High Yield Investment Program Your once in a Lifetime Opportunity.
If you dont feel the same, please dont waste our time.
ExoticFX Just Profits”.

As you might know ExoticFX is heavily promoting their Forex Trade School free-to-participate program, but it looks to be of no avail. From the beginning I knew that this would be a difficult scheme for them to sell as the mentality of HYIP players is totally different from what they were hoping to find. I can certainly understand Charles’ disappointment, but I definitely don’t share his surprise. Way too many people in this industry are too passive for their own good, and have some inexplicable aversion to taking an active and positive role in something that could yield long lasting educational benefits for themselves. Well, take it or leave it anyway you like, but at least the opportunity is there for the taking:
We Thought You Were Interested In the FTA Program
I am beginning to realize it isnt just my imagination. At first I thought, this cant be, and No way, you are just imagining things. But of late I am seeing perhaps more clearly. After all, it was our decision. Maybe we were naive, or perhaps our research was imbedded with a desire to provide something spectacular to those that, quite frankly, just dont want it.
Whatever the situation is, personally, I for one am sorely disappointed.
Yet, I am still wrestling with it and I hope this isnt my impatience getting the better of me, but I am not seeing the interest level in the FTA that I thought would be there. We have provided the guidelines, we have provided a Quick Start, and we are putting into place everything we said we would, but we are not seeing those that proclaim interest following through to a level that would make us want to invite them to trade with our funds.
So allow us to repeat ourselves. If you are interested in being invited to this FREE program then the following is REQUIRED:
– Are you registered and interactive in our forum?
– Do you regularly ask questions and provide feedback to others?
– Do you present your knowledge to others at the forum and assist them in understanding, thereby showcasing your mentoring talents?
– Do you regularly attend our meetings and ask questions and provide feedback during the meeting? Before the meeting? After the meeting?
– Are you registered and interactive at the ExoticFX Blog?
– Do you regularly provide feedback, ask questions and reply to others to again showcase your enthusiasm, dedication and level of understanding?
– Are you available and do you have the time to dedicate to the training?
– Do you have affiliates in the FTA and EFX programs?
– Have you demonstrated your ability to attract others and build your position for future mentoring?
I see only a handful so far.
Now is your opportunity to outshine those that are not willing to try.
Charles Martinsen. ExoticFX Admin”.

Following that I received another newsletter where the always sprightly and industrious admin described once again the advantages of the scheme. I’m just wondering why all the fuss because regular HYIP players want profits and nothing else. If they simply don’t want to know about ForEx trading then it might be time to try and bring it to a wider non-HYIP related audience. But if you’re interested in find out something new and possibly exciting you’re welcome to join this educational program which is running under the umbrella of ExoticFX (reviewed here):
“Quick Start” Accolades
After just a few days release we are already seeing members singing the praises of this fantastic program and this only the beginning.
I had to share this one with you as it is our sentiments exactly.
All I can say is WOW! and WOW! again.
I have been trying to learn Forex Trading for the past year. I have never seen anything like the Quick Start Program. It is worth a fortune. I have seen courses selling for thousands that are not nearly as good as this.
Whoever wrote it should be congratulated. It is clear, simple, easy to understand and teaches you just what you need to know to be a forex trader. I am going through it for the second time now and will go over it again to make sure I learn everything in it.
Finally …I am confident that I will be able to realize my dream to be a successful forex trader and make a good living at it. Thanks ExoticFX.
If you have yet to realize that we are NOT just BLOWING SMOKE, but are offering an OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME, you need to do some research and see for yourself!
Quit wasting time playing the hyip games and START TAKING CONTROL of your OWN DESTINY!
You can do this and we will help.
Charles Martinsen
ExoticFX Admin”.

In his final update, and I’m guessing this was in no small part prompted by the ongoing LR issues, Charles has announced the addition PerfectMoney as a payment partner. Fans of SolidTrustPay will also be pleased to hear that they will also be added in the near future, hopefully by the end of the month. While the current problem with LibertyReserve might be out of their hands, no one can say that ExoticFX haven’t made every possible effort to provide you with a viable list of alternatives. I suggest you use them. Charles closes by saying their FTA Quick Start is about to move to the next level, so no doubt we can look forward to a more detailed report on that by the end of next week.
We have added Perfect Money as our 5th payment processor at ExoticFX.
You will find it as an option inside your EFX account.
Many members are complaining about the high cost of fees at AlertPay. Liberty reserve continues to have problems with their API (although we expect them to solve the problem soon). HD-Money is not used by our membership and GDP is rarely utilized as well.
We felt Perfect Money would provide an alternative and has been requested by a few members.
We will also be adding Solid Trust Pay as well sometime this month.
As a side note We will be adding the Quick Start II to our FTA program over the next two weeks. This will provide additional trading strategies only slightly more complicated but with an even higher % success rate. (82%). So look for that to be released in about 10 days.
Enjoy. Charles Martinsen

By the way, following the great success of the first interview with the admin of ExoticFX Charles (click here to read it) MNO is co-operating with him for a second interview where we are going to discuss the latest developments in the program. This time I would like it to be more interactive with MNO readers so I am going to include some of your questions too, guys. So, if you have any questions to one of the most rapidly growing programs online – ExoticFX – please do not hesitate to send them to my email address Please note that the questions will be accepted for the next 24 hours only, so if there’s anything you either don’t understand or just wish to comment on, don’t miss the chance. Click here and submit your questions via my support page. By the way, since the second interview was announced in the latest update from ExoticFX I have already received a few questions from the program’s members and not only about the investment program itself but about the other ExoticFX projects including the Forex trade school. Here is the update:
We Need Your Input on This Now.
With the growing popularity we are experiencing and the fact that ExoticFX has climbed the ranks so fast, we are scheduled to do another interview at Money News Online and we are happy to do it.
Paul is announcing this interview to his members and requesting that they provide the questions so that the whole affair is more of a Q & A session with the members.
Since no one is more in tune with what we are doing than our own members, you are invited to also provide questions. You can submit them to MNO at the following email address.
These must arrive by Sunday.
I would appreciate it if you would assist in this and show Paul and the MNO readers how popular we truly are. Please dont let me down here. Having only one or two questions show up would definitely be an embarrassment.
I look forward to your questions. Charles”.

Just to remind you what ExoticFX is all about I can say that the program has reached the #4 spot on MNO ranking after only 77 days of monitoring. It currently accepts five payment processors – LibertyReserve, GlobalDigitalPay, HD-Money, PerfectMoney and AlertPay – with a $10 minimum to invest. There are four daily paying plans available for members – 1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry. In four more plans you will be paid on expiry – 110% after 2 weeks, 125.6% after 4 weeks, 146.5% after 6 weeks, 192% after 8 weeks. And finally two more investment plans are only available for those who have a free account in the FTA scheme – yet another incentive to join – 106% after 1 week and 225%-350% after 10 weeks. And don’t forget – I’m waiting for your questions for the second interview with ExoticFX submitted to my email

Please note that the site of EarnoSphere (reviewed here) will be unavailable tonight for a few hours. According to the admin George this is being done to improve the security of the website:
Hello EarnoSphere members,
Hope you all have enjoyed/are enjoying your day.
I am here to say that EarnoSphere website will be unavailable tonight, between 21:00 and 06:00(GMT)
We are making this matter aware to all of you beforehand, so that you may not panic when you see our website being unavailable at that time. This procedure is done in order to give the best possible protection for our website.
Thank you for staying with EarnoSphere,
Best regards, George Santee, EarnoSphere.
I remind you that EarnoSphere has been listed on MNO for almost seven weeks and is paying on four investment plans – 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days, 280% after 40 days – to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. You can read more on EarnoSphere in my recent interview with the admin George here.

I have been paid today by the following programs:
GorgonProjectInvest, InvestNetGroup, SafeDepositary, ProfitDeluxe, MajesticFunds, MGFunds, ExoticFX, BrantonsGroup, MakeDepositToday, PrimFix, GulfReserve, BrilineLimited, ViscoCorp, EarnoSphere, Opulentia, EurexTrade, PermanentProfit, WABFunds, EurosFund and ModernProCapital (the first instant payments received).

That’s about all the news I have for today, and though much of it was not that positive I hope next week will see more paying programs and more earning opportunities. And MNO blog will be providing you the most up-to-date information from the HYIP world as always. Stay tuned for that and have a nice weekend!

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