May 5th, 2011 Archives

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Beware! BrantonsGroup is paying selectively! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well it’s been a fairly quiet day on the news front today which is something I’m grateful for after a pretty hectic day yesterday. A bit like that “Planes Trains and Automobiles” movie, only not as funny, lol! Anyway, I’m finally in Russia now and will be writing to you from here for about the next six weeks or so, and I can get back to regular business on MNO from now. Despite the lack of news however, I still have something to share with you which is an interview with Elizabeth, who some of you might already know as the admin of BrantonsGroup. They’re a long term low ROI program that only opened recently, and it has to be said a very promising looking one as well.

They started brightly enough anyway, but even between the time I sent the following questions to Elizabeth and the time it took her to reply BrantonsGroup has improved immensely following the addition of AlertPay and SolidTrustPay as payment partners. Before we hear what the admin has to say herself about the program I’ll just remind you that as an investment program BrantonsGroup are offering terms of 0.5%-1.6% for 150 business days, and variable returns for 200 business days, with your principal returned on expiry. For further information on how it all works I suggest you start with my review of the program originally published on MNO here.

1. Hi Elizabeth, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

Hello, thank you for inviting me. My name is Elizabeth Parker, I manage the customer service desk at BrantonsGroup. As you may or may not know we are divided into four main departments: the technical support, the customer service, the advertisement team and an investment team who manages the funds and keeps the profit coming. Mostly we’re involved in Real Estate and stock trading activities.

2. Can you share some facts about the BrantonsGroup business with us? How long have you been in operation? Are you the sole employee or do you have an assistant or a partner?

Our president Martin M. Jefferson is the head of the company, and if you want to trace back starting from his childhood, when he lived in Chicago, Illinois with his 8 brothers and 4 sisters – since being young he showed signs of success at that age growing up. Obviously he inherited a lot of business skills from his father, like we say – it runs in the family. At age 15 or 16 he already had his own clothing store on Jefferson BLVD. where his family estates where established. It wasn’t too much of success, but the boy showed his first signs that would lead him into something much bigger. After about a year or so he upgraded the store into a supermarket, since then he started being involved into every opportunity you could think of at that time. To establish BrantonsGroup is a long way and you cannot just go ahead and start the company without any experience or connections. It’s been a long way for all of us, someone had to go through certain phase in order to progress and be able to deliver certain skill. We’ve got quite a few people working for BrantonsGroup, we’ve got plenty of staff, so it’s not just one or two partners like you said, we are a whole dedicated team with one goal – to deliver what we stand for.

3. I’m curious as to why your homepage says you’ve been in business for seven years but didn’t have a functioning website until February.

It is almost like a celebration to be able to finally present our project for the people worldwide. We’ve got enough experience in the field of investment/management of funds, so we try to help people make money if they’re patient. We don’t offer high rates, but we want to make sure we will be able to handle all the investments and profits in a timely manner.

4. Assuming someone is coming into the online HYIP industry for the first time, can you talk us through the process of joining BrantonsGroup? What do I need to do and what can I expect to happen next and over the following number of months?

It’s really quite simple. What we do is we provide already ready service for you. What we’ve gone through the years you have here on the plate ready waiting for you. Not more not less. All you have to do is get e-currency account and start investing. Nobody ever said something was complicated. If you look at any industry you can notice that it is all about skill, but nothing is ever complicated enough not to accomplish. We offer exactly that skill to you for free, because we can.

5. What are you offering investor in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

We offer 2 types of investment, those are Unit F (up to 1.6%) & Unit T (fluctuating, average of 2.8%). It would be best to visit our website and check out our “Offers” section in order to understand better how each plan operates. We also have some features on our website that will help you determine your goal. You can also give us a shout and let us know if you need any help. Our support will be glad to assist you.

6. How, if you are involved in the same line of business, can you guarantee a fixed interest rate in one investment plan but not in the other?

The difference between two is a trading period length, one gives you 150 trading days when the other is 200 trading days. Whichever you’d like you choose is really up to you. We also offer higher rates for bigger investments, so the more you invest – the more you make obviously.

7. What happens if I want to leave the program early? Is there a minimum lock-in period for my deposit? Is there an early withdrawal fee?

Yes, we do have a policy for early investment termination. We’ll be able to return 45% of your initial investment per your request if you’d like to leave sooner than the trading period is over. On the other hand – we return 100% when the trading period is over. Again, it is for you to choose.

8. What payment processors are BrantonsGroup currently dealing with? Do you think the choice is a bit limited and that you may appeal to more investors if you expanded it? Is there something preventing you from adding more transparent processors like SolidTrustPay or AlertPay?

We’ve added SolidTrustPay and AlertPay as well. Although we are disappointed with AlertPay’s fees, they seem to be quite expensive for our investors and for us. Even cents matter to us, we can’t loose simply because someone’s fees are high, that is unprofessional. We also have a Wire option available if someone wants send the funds directly to our bank account. SolidTrustPay let’s you fund the account using your credit or debit card which is very convenient for a lot of our members.

9. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

No, I don’t think we should disclose such information to the public. It also is not important, those are just numbers. We concentrate on what we do and the quality of it, the numbers, the active users, withdrawals/deposits are just a byproduct, and of course we are satisfied with our numbers so far.

10. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? I see that you have Live Chat, but can you tell us what kind of working schedule you keep there? Tell us also about the telephone number, and if I don’t reach an operator then tell us how the “callback” service works?

You can request a callback, specify the time, location and leave your message. You’ll be given a call per your instructions, one of our staff will call you to see if you need any help. Live Chat is open pretty much all the time, at least 20 hours a day. We constantly experiencing a high volume of request through Live Chat as well as by phone, but we try to respond as soon as possible of course.

11. I know that the BrantonsGroup website is bilingual. Is customer support available in other languages or is it just English at the moment?

We’ve got English and Russian support available. We are looking forward to expanding this with more languages sometime in the near future.

12. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Can’t think of anything, really. Just common daily requests/questions. I look at them as favors from my side, as I don’t find any problem as an actual problem. We get asked a lot about the differences in Unit rates. But that you can find on our website. We have pretty much everything described in our FAQs and through out the website, any information you’re looking for – you should be able to find it there.

13. Can you tell us in detail about the security of BrantonsGroup? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? Tell us also about your DDoS protection. What script are you running off? Is your website protected with SSL encryption?

Yes, we are protected against DDoS attacks, our guard is Dragonara. We also carry the SSL certificate on our website to protect all the data from Internet thief activity. Our hosting provider is Iweb Technologies Inc. So far we’re happy with all our choices, can’t complain.

14. What will I find if I was to visit your postal address in the UK? Is it a real working office staffed by BrantonsGroup employees? Or is it just a virtual hosted office for mailing and registration purposes?

It’s a real address and surely is packed with staff. We’ve got all department working around the clock up there. You’re more than welcome to come visit us sometime, we have free coffee for our visitors.

15. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

We don’t disclose such activity to the public. It is our strategy and it is unique, we constantly maintain our business model. It’s almost like a secret you cannot give out to anyone, otherwise someone will start copying. It’s just a business rule, nothing more. It is unprofessional to elaborate on details of your business model.

16. How is it possible to receive members money, exchange it, withdraw it, trade with it, and then reverse the process to return the profits to members accounts in such a short time. Is that really possible?

With BrantonsGroup it is. If you ask someone else – we’re not sure. We offer reasonable rates and we have just enough time to accomplish what you’ve described above.

17. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by BrantonsGroup. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

We target high quality Ad websites related to investment. We advertise on Blogs, forums, investment communities. We use SEO Ad as well. We use our own methods that we cannot disclose as mentioned before.

18. Are there any plans to develop BrantonsGroup further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive in such difficult times?

We try to surprise our members with something new and fresh 2-3 times a month. We will constantly run special offers, we will add more payment processors, more language as we develop further.

19. As the administrator of an online investment program what advice would you give to those new to the business? Particularly with regard to protecting themselves both financially and personally from some of the more unscrupulous scams out there?

One advice we can give is to not get addicted to investments and to look at it as an additional source of income. You surely can multiply your funds within a year or so, but sitting and waiting will not make you grow. We ask to avoid making money with our investment options, and have a primary or secondary source of income where you are involved in the process, because in our case – we do the work for you. I hope that makes sense and will reach everyone who’s new in this business. Guys, please don’t hurt yourself, money is not everything in the world.

20. Finally, was there anything you feel not covered in this interview that you feel MNO readers should know about? Would you also like to comment on the review of BrantonsGroup? Was there anything in it that did not agree with? Anything you felt was incorrect, unfair, or otherwise in need of clarification?

We actually were impressed. You did a good job. Looking forward to another interview/review sometime soon. It was pleasure talking to you and we also wish you good luck and prosperity. Bye guys.

Thanks a lot to Elizabeth for that and thanks also for the sound advice offered in answer 19 that any online HYIP player would do well to consider. And of course good luck to her in turning BrantonsGroup into a successful program and more especially good luck also to the existing and the future members there. I hope you found something useful here in helping to decide whether it’s a suitable addition to your portfolio.

That’s about it for today’s update guys. Thanks for reading and I’ll be back as usual tomorrow with all the news stories from the programs monitored by MNO that you’ll need to know about. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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