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12/05/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi guys! Glad to see you all again today for the latest news and events from the best investment programs in the HYIP industry. The MNO credo as you know is letting you be the first to hear about the latest news and developments and the first to update the status of the monitored programs. That is why if you read MNO you would not invest in such scam programs like ProfitDeluxe already which is still listed on Paying status on other monitoring sites like HyipExplorer, and GoldPoll (though they just moved it to Problem 48 hours after its collapse) to name just a few. It’s obvious that either the admin of ProfitDeluxe pays them to keep his program on Paying status days after the withdrawals stopped or else they’re too incompetent to manage their own listings properly and don’t care that people will lose money as a result. Remember that MNO monitoring IS different from others and will NEVER list scams like ProfitDeluxe on Paying status when any single issue becomes known to me. Therefore you can be sure that by checking MNO blog and monitoring sites on a daily basis you will be fully updated on the REAL situation in the HYIP industry and will have less risk to get cheated by some dishonest admins collaborating with monitors. MNO is working for you and not against you, guys, and be sure I will keep doing so even if somebody considers me a very inconvenient monitor. Well, I simply don’t care about that because I work for my readers and not for some scamming admins. By the way, if didn’t know that ProfitDeluxe has scammed already and has been on Not Paying status on MNO for two days then make sure to read MNO next time and keep yourself and your investments in HYIPs safer!

We’ll start the news for today with two updates from one of the most promising programs developing nicely over the last 6 weeks which reached the #7 spot in the MNO rankings already making it one of the fastest growing programs on my monitor. Just yesterday they finished the first 30-business day cycle and some of the early members (including me) were paid the last hourly interest and were notified about the expiry of the deposits. I remind you that GulfReserve pays 4%-5.5% for 30 business days on the main investment plan and also offers a low-ROI longer term plan which pays 1.2% for 150 calendar days and a shorter term plan with very sustainable returns paying 105% on expiry after 5 calendar days. The minimum to invest in GulfReserve is $1 and deposits are accepted via such popular payment processors as AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The payments from GulfReserve are usually processed instantly and that is just another advantage explaining the level of success the program is currently having with a lot of new members reportedly joined the program during the last few days. However you might also notice that recently the LibertyReserve payment processor had some issues with their payout interface when crediting the deposits and processing the withdrawals might be delayed. The admin of GulfReserve Alina though took the issue very seriously and was quick to assure the members that those temporary difficulties are treated seriously and that such delays will be minimal. Here is the report about that received yesterday:
I am pretty sure you are having a great time at GulfReserve and in last couple days we have noticed such a boost in our membership and investors base. This probably means that finally investors have came across GulfReserve and understand the potential that we are offering. But this newsletter is to address a different, technical and important issue.
Your deposit may take a bit to show up, That’s alright!
In last days there have been problem with LibertyReserve API which showed its side effects in almost of programs out there, especially on ones that were paying instantly to their members however GulfReserve motivated its staff and all payouts were processed in very fast or almost instant in 70% of cases.
Now it seems there is problem with LibertyReserve SCI and when you make deposit, it may not be added to your account immediately and I am going to assure you that this issue is not from our end, but its caused by problem in LibertyReserve SCI so if you make investment and it doesn’t appear then you probably have to wait a couple hours until its credited manually, or I’d say it will be super fast or almost instant.
Allow me to conclude:
All payments are made instantly to all our members to any e-currency of their choice, There is absolutely NO issue with it however if you are depositing money with LibertyReserve then there may be a slight delay before it shows in your GulfReserve account!
Regards, Alina.

The ongoing success of GulfReserve and the recent interview given by Alina to MNO (click here to read it) was the main theme of the latest update which featured the program’s progress during their first weeks online. All the significant signs of a quality program which GulfReserve definitely is at the moment were mentioned there including the instant payouts, a video presentation and their own blog. Alina surely has many plans in the pipeline and I hope that with the members’ support GulfReserve will be able to achieve all they planned for in no time. I myself would like to wish the very best of luck to them and invite you all to read the latest newsletter from GulfReserve (reviewed here) below:
Success Story and Progress
Today is a big day and I am very much glad to announce that first cycle at GulfReserve has ALREADY completed for several earlier investors. Another milestone has been reached as GulfReserve has over 1000 active members and so I am going to share a bit from our current statistics and its technical analyze along with some official discussion.
As per in my last newsletter I mentioned that we are already in top 10 list of online investment programs, I would like to make an addition to it as now we are ranked # 7th at Money-News-Online, and by tonight I am sure it might also advance to next level. No need to mention again that we are ranked as top 3 or even number 1 investment program at different, less-known and well-known monitors. This is what I would call a “success!”.
We have been through lots of different events, When I came across this industry with GulfReserve under my administration, I had to face several questions and issues which I wasn’t expecting as some people even refused to recognize GulfReserve anything except for an ordinary “HYI Program” but me along with my team and supporting members dealt respectively with all the issues and right now I am writing a bit of our “success story” and I am also happy to say as we can no longer be referred as “premature” anymore! I have explained about GulfReserve several times and I would like to take this opportunity once again and quote from a recent interview we gave to Money-News-Online:
Q. Can you also tell us a bit more about GulfReserve itself? How long have you been in business? Are you running this alone or are there others involved with you? Why did you start the program to begin with?
A. Actually in background there is not any company called “GulfReserve“, and neither we had intentions to start any HYIP program instead as explained in our tour and about us text that we are a private legal and recognized firm in all over GULF countries and our board of directors has shares in these various oil suppliers.
Reason behind starting “GulfReserve” was to provide an online interface to our existing investors so they can track performance 24×7 as well as deposit and withdraw online using AlertPay (which is really common in Gulf countries these days). Actually addition of remaining payment methods such as LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney was a point when we realized we are jumping in this “HYIP industry”.
We don’t really need to be part of this industry as we have our own investors base who were just waiting for an online interface while this new interface also gave opportunity to hundreds of other online investors to make profits with us and that is what is really happening.
You can read rest of this interview from here.
We indeed also faced bunch of technical issues and some of them were also security related, but we had enough inspiration to deal with them as well and get them corrected so all members do get paid on time, and instantly!
I am feeling such a pride that we never used technical issues as an excuse to delay payments or whatever but instead we took control over anything wrong and enhanced our security measures and things all the time, so that is why we recently announced a new, better and secure Instant payments system in which all new investors will have to wait less than 24 hours for their first instant payout, and afterwards there all payouts will always be instant!
To help people understand better about GulfReserve, we even developed a professional and quick video tour of only 2 minutes which would explain all viewers about how GulfReserve as a company, and GulfReserve as a website functions. You may also want to take a look at it from:
To keep attraction and keeping members motivated towards GulfReserve, we came with idea of different kind of bonuses which is usually announced every weekend and gives opportunity to both our freebie members and active investors. You can find history of all these announcements on our blog (yes! we do have our own blog, although it may not be a very big deal, lol) from here.
Technical Analyze of Statistics:
I am also glad to mention again that as an average, which I took after dividing active capital in GulfReserve by number of active members, I got an average of $65 USD per active member (remember, we have over 1000 of them), and this is active capital which is exclusive of any investments that are being made in our side plans. Ah yes, I would also like to mention that addition of “Short Term” plan in our program, which pays 105% after 5 days is also popular among new investors as they take it as a quick method of testing GulfReserve system.
You’ve earned more than what we promised!
All of members are aware of our bonuses program, so suppose if user “lovely_alina” invested $100 USD earlier in our first plan, Qatar and yesterday her investment expired with 120%, that probably means $120 USD in total, but wait, the total return was about = 125.5%
That means all our investors, who were actively following GulfReserve and reading our newsletters, checking our site earned way more than usual investors.
GulfReserve also believed in making this program work and lead it towards right direction with help and suggestions from our members and that is why we even had our own survey program which in fact paid both free members and active investors, for sure it was really helpful!
We do have more future plans for sure, and new features that we have been willing to add will also be announced in coming days, so far so good!
I am thankful to all our investors, members, promoters, monitors, blog authors (especially Money-News-Online) for their kind and hard efforts to assist me and making GulfReserve one of the top investment programs of today!
Regards, Alina.

Among short term programs a similar success story has been underway at EarnoSphere, even though it’s still flying under the radar and didn’t become nearly as popular as the recent scams like ExtraIncome and ProfitDeluxe. Possibly it’s for the best because without the more steady and slow growth EarnoSphere would not be able to achieve the remarkable four months online anniversary which it celebrates today. EarnoSphere offers you quite attractive investment plans with payouts processed on expiry – 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days, 280% after 40 days. The minimum to invest via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney is $10 and the program entered the MNO top 10 most popular programs recently as well. They are evolving nicely and according to the stats the admin George (interviewed here) gave to members today over 5,000 members joined since its first introduction. A payment proofs page was added to the site today where you can see all the latest payouts which recently became instant for those investing via AlertPay. Today the admins adds a 5% bonus to all investors joining with $120 or more via LibertyReserve. I don’t know if it is a wise move and I’m kinda suspicious that the bonus is only offered for LR deposits but if you have trust the admin you can definitely take advantage of that. More news from EarnoSphere (reviewed here) can be read in the latest newsletter posted below:
Hello EarnoSphere members,
I hope you all have enjoyed/are enjoying your day, and send this newsletter with great pleasure and excitement.
EarnoSphere has passed over 120 days of being online, and more than 5700 members are happy to earn with us.
There are 24 completed rounds – for users, who chose “115% after 5 days” plan, and joined 120 days ago. Today, the 3rd round of `280% after 40 days` plan is successfully completed. Many of EarnoSphere members have already got profit with `115 after 5 days` plan, and only ones, happy investors have become RICH with `280% after 40 days` investment offer.
No doubt, EarnoSphere is popular and a great program at this time. I sincerely thank all of you for showing your continuous support for EarnoSphere from the very beginning itself.
EarnoSphere has 120 days anniversary today, so I am happy to announce that I will have some small gifts for you – during today we’re having Special Deposit Bonus.
Here is the deal: Invest at least $120 using LibertyReserve and receive a bonus of 5% into your EarnoSphere account balance. This means you can withdraw it or make a new deposit from these funds! You may act now while the offer is valid.
The contest is going only today, hurry up to make your new deposit now!
From now you can check our payment proofs. We have opened a special page at EarnoSphere, where you can really check that EarnoSphere is genuine. You can find `proofs` page in the bottom menu of EarnoSphere website.
That`s all news for today, dear EarnoSphere members.
Please vote and post payment proofs for EarnoSphere and participate on discussion boards to share your thoughts about the program.
Stay tuned for EarnoSphere next newsletter, I wish each and every member of EarnoSphere, a prosperous stay with us.
Best Regards, George Santee. EarnoSphere.”

There was some bad news received in the latest newsletter from ExoticFX. It looks like after taking hold of GorgonProjectInvest‘s funds they have now temporarily suspended the account in ExoticFX as well. And just like in GPI‘s case the admin of ExoticFX Charles (interviewed here) offered a temporary solution that will be added into the program’s script within the next few days and will allow you to convert your AlertPay withdrawals into any other e-currency of your choice – be it PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, HD-Money or GlobalDigitalPay. Of course it will take some to prepare a working solution for that but Charles asked members not to worry about it and he’s very sure that after providing the necessary documents to AlertPay the ExoticFX account will be unblocked. I will keep you updated on MNO on how things work out but in the meantime, another payment option is going to be added to the program’s interface and you will now be able to deposit via Bank wires as well. ExoticFX is offering (1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days, principal back, 110% after 2 weeks, 125.6% after 4 weeks, 146.5% after 6 weeks, 192% after 8 weeks) but special rules will apply to Bank wires which Charles explained in the update as well. Also some mentioned were the changes in the current referral program that would allow you to earn commissions on two levels (both in ExoticFX itself and Forex Apprenticeship Program that will launch paid services soon as well). By the way, for those who would like to find out how to promote ExoticFX to your downline in a most efficient way there was a special column launched on the official blog of the program where you can find all the tips and tricks given by the professional gurus of affiliate marketing. If you are already a member of ExoticFX (reviewed here) you mustn’t forget to check out part two of the Questions and Answer session with MNO readers which was so extensive that it had to be published over two days. Click here and then here to check out both parts of Q&A session for yourself and find the answer to the questions that might be curious about. And this is the latest newsletter from ExoticFX in full issued today:
Huge News Bank Wire Option EFX Affiliate Guru Program Bonuses
Bank Wire will be available in a few hours!
No sooner than MNO posted our latest Interview, we were bombarded with requests to NOT wait for the EFX Trade Account to launch before we allow Bank Wires.
You Asked For It You Got It!
Starting in a few hours you will be able to send funds directly to our Dantex Bank Account in Hong Kong. We simply need to formulate a way for you to do it from within your EFX Account.
We will update you at that time as to all the details involved with using Bank wire transfers.
I will tell you that although we still prefer to work with USD, you will have the option to send funds in ten (10) different currencies including
USD – U.S. Dollar, EUR – Euro, GBP – British Pound, JPY – Japanese Yen, CHF – Swiss Franc, AUD – Australian Dollar, SGD – Singapore Dollar, HKD – Hong Kong Dollar, NZD – New Zealand Dollar, CAD – Canadian Dollar
*Exchange fees will apply when necessary. Only when funds are fully received will they be credited to your EFX account. Only the final amount of funds we receive will be entered into your EFX account.
EFX Affiliate Guru
We are launching a column on our Blog that by design will teach you steps to setting yourself up to take advantage of the affiliate bonuses that will be offered through the FTA and EFX programs. This column will describe ways for you to attract others to both the EFX and FTA programs. The time is NOW to position yourself for the commission structure that will be a major part of the FTA Program. When the FTA Program is fully launched there will be so many referral commission opportunities that we want you to be able to reap those rewards.
Added Referral Bonus
As part of this structure and push to get you headed in the right direction, we are restructuring the current affiliate program. Once launched later this evening or tomorrow, you will receive a 5% bonus for every referral deposit (or FTA purchase when available) for all those you personally refer. You will also receive a 2% bonus for every referral deposit (or FTA purchase when available) for all those your referrals personally refer.
In restructuring this affiliate program to also accommodate purchases, the diminishing returns or previous withdraw exclusions will be removed from the overall equation. In other words, no longer will a previous withdraw affect your bonus. You will now receive a full 5% on every deposit (or purchase) made by those you refer and an additional 2% for any deposit (or purchase) made by those your referrals personally refer.
There will be other bonus and/or commission opportunities made available to you in the future such as the Monitor Profit Share program, etc.
AP Deposits/Withdraws
AlertPay has temporarily suspended our account today. Not to worry, we are forwarding the information they have requested and expect it to be fully resolved shortly. In the interim, we are creating a script add-on that will allow us to convert your previous AP deposits, Investments and Withdraws to an alternate currency. Be patient and we will have this done in a couple of days. Dont panic, as this is nothing to worry about. Like I said, we will just convert your AP funds to an alternate ecurrency and then forward them to you, simple as that.
Closing Notes
Be sure and check out and register for all our websites:
Blog, Forex Apprenticeship Program, ExoticFX, EFX Forum, Twitter, Facebook
in order to receive the full benefit of your membership with us.
Also, check out our latest Interview on Money News Online (MNO)
It is most certainly your time to succeed and we are excited to be a big part of it.
Charles Martinsen. EFX Admin
ExoticFX Just Profits!

GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) still holds the #1 spot on MNO monitoring and remains the most popular program among readers offering three investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, 2.2% for 180 days. Several members were a bit concerned this morning when many investors were not able to access the site for several hours. As usual there was nothing to worry about as the site of GorgonProjectInvest is hosted on the best hosting provider BlockDos and the admin of the program Paul (interviewed here) always informed me of any difficulties with loading that might arise from time to time. This time was no exception as I was contacted by Paul who reported that his site was offline due to technical issues on their servers which have apparently been resolved now since the website is loading fine again. And as I can see from the forums the payments from GorgonProjectInvest are still processed.

Similar server issues hit another program from my Top 5 today – UnicornInv – which is also hosted by BlockDos. And as in the previous case the problem was resolved within hours. I already received my daily payouts from them as well as the update from the admin Thomas (he was earlier interviewed on MNO here). UnicornInv offers two perpetual (no expiry date) plans of 1% every business day or 6% every weekly. The payment processors accepted include SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the minimum to invest is $20. You can read more about UnicornInv which has been successfully monitored by MNO for five and a half months already in my detailed review posted here.

Unfortunately I have to move JzBux to Problem status on MNO today though it’s a paid-to-click program and changing the status was not critical as with some HYIPs. The recent update posted on JzBux‘s site a few days ago that was called “JzBux is Bugless Now!” can be treated like a bad joke now as more and more members reported more bugs lately. That includes not crediting members accounts after clicking and withdrawals magically disappearing after being requested. And I’m not even talking about the delayed withdrawal requests that were reported to me on the shoutbox or via e-mail though were not confirmed yet. I think the admin of JzBux is either totally incompetent in what he’s doing or is deliberately misleading the members to create excuses for payout delays. One way or another I consider it impossible to leave JzBux on Paying status on MNO at the moment while nothing seems to be working on the site. I have moved it to Problem status until all bugs are fixed and all the pending withdrawals are completed. I would not to put any money on upgrading membership of JzBux either. Any additional information on your payment status from JzBux will be appreciated if you are a member there! I will update you on MNO if I hear more details.

The newest program that was added to my Premium list on MNO yesterday and hopefully will be reviewed tomorrow is called CyproRealty. As the name implies they claim to be involved in building in Cyprus. Of course an experienced HYIP player will dismiss such statements because there is no proof on the site and only some address in Cyprus given. CyproRealty is a brand new program and started operating only two days ago. They offer long term plans with 1.2%-2.4% interest credited to your account during a term of 180 business days and return your principal on expiry. Your daily returns from CyproRealty are fixed and will depend on the amount deposited (the minimum starts at $10 and the maximum is unlimited). Three payment processors are accepted – AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The program is running on the ever popular licensed GoldCoders script and it’s a secure SSL-protected site hosted on a dedicated Staminus server from Koddos. Apart maybe the design which is a bit bland in my opinion CyproRealty deserves a look. It will be reviewed on MNO tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys!

For the last 48 hours I was paid by the following programs featured on my monitoring page:
MajesticFunds, MakeDepositToday, OilCash, EarnoSphere, SiliconValleyGroup, GorgonProjectInvest, VivaProfit, GulfReserve, EarnMoneyMarket, MGFunds, EliteAlliance, VinkoTrade, SafeDepositary, InvestNetGroup, PermanentProfit, EurosFund, ViscoCorp, WABFunds, Opulentia, BrilineLimited, SimpleGain, BrantonsGroup, UnicornInv, ExoticFX, EurexTrade, ReProFinance and CyproRealty (the first payment received).

That’s about all for today, guys. Hopefully you have found something interesting there and hopefully you will be returning tomorrow for more. And I’m off now to watch the second semi-final in EuroVision song contest. I’m hoping to be in the same location in Dusseldorf soon, but for a different reason. But I hope to see what the arena and the acoustics are all about. See you tomorrow on MNO!

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