May 19th, 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! It looks like the HYIP industry is grinding to another standstill with fewer quality programs starting up these days. But there’s still an abundance of news stories, and today has seen a lot of activity around the industry both positive and negative.

Let’s start with news of another suspension of AlertPay accounts operated by the admin of GorgonProjectInvest. New accounts became necessary for them after an unresolved dispute on the previous blockage. Yesterday it were even announced that AP deposits and withdrawals were back to normal due to which the exchange from AP to LR and GDP was disabled. Well, it looks like this was a bit hasty as AlertPay have now inexplicibly blocked their other accounts causing outrage from the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul (interviewed here). He labeled AlertPay thieves and said this payment option would not be re-instated. Instead members will have an opportunity to exchange their AP balance to GlobalDigitalPay with 0% fees and be paid safely to that increasingly popular payment processor. I remind you that recently a new investment plan paying 3.5% daily for 180 calendar days was introduced exclusively for anyone depositing $100 or more via GlobalDigitalPay. As for AlertPay, unfortunately it’s becoming more and more dangerous with the recent series of blockages of the accounts in short term HYI programs (the most recent example of that was EarnMoneyMarket which caused the program to collapse) as well as industry giants like ExoticFX and GorgonProjectInvest. And if the admin of ExoticFX Charles (interviewed here) still believes in a positive outcome for his program the admin of GorgonProjectInvest thinks differently. His recent newsletter blamed AlertPay for the unwillingness and inability to either unblock their old account despite all the proper documents having been sent or even verify an account properly for which they had been waiting for over five (!) months. So, in a nutshell we can say that either AlertPay does this deliberately because they like to steal money from their clients or they are simply too lazy to perform their required actions for which they are paid hefty fee of 2.5% for every single transaction. In my opinion, be it one or another it’s still an appallingly bad level of customer service and though many investors still believe that AlertPay is the safest e-currency it’s becoming more and more unreliable when it comes to operating in the HYIP arena. Considering the latest events I would not be surprised if more and more programs will be avoiding AlertPay which might interfere with its operation in the long run. I can’t really say I’d blame them for it either.

As for GorgonProjectInvest, I must say that the AlertPay discontinuation didn’t affect them much as the payouts are getting processed fast as usual today for all three investment plans with principal return on expiration – 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2%-3.5% for 180 days. GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) still remains the undoubted leader and #1 on MNO monitoring and for those who have AlertPay deposits you need only open a free account in GlobalDigitalPay here, then cancel your pending withdrawals to AP and exchange your balance with 0% fees in the internal exchange center in your member’s area and request your withdrawal to GDP. I still think that it’s much better to diversify your funds in many different payment processors and given the current erratic nature of AlertPay I would suggest not to keep too much there. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay or SolidTrustPay are all viable alternatives. By the way, all those payment processors plus Pecunix and direct Bank wires are also accepted by GorgonProjectInvest and are working perfectly well without any hassle. So take the advice of the admin of GorgonProjectInvest if you want to feel more secure about your finances in payment processors. And by the way, you may not have a choice in the matter as AlertPay have now started reversing payments made to existing GorgonProjectInvest members. If you were paid successfully to AlertPay, chances now are that they’re gonna take it back off of you. Yes, you the investor, not the admin! The money gets put back into an account frozen by AlertPay and then presumably into the pockets of the AlertPay owners. They’re certainly not refunding any investors with this money because it’s the investors they’re taking it off.
AlertPay Deposits and Withdrawals Suspended
AlertPay are up to their old tricks and this time we have had enough. They have blocked our 2nd and 3rd accounts, leaving us no alternative to remove these thieves as a payment option for ever.
Luckily, due to our security policy, we didn’t have much in the account, but it still leaves us with a massive headache for our users.
We have re-opened the AlertPay to GDP exchange so AlertPay users can safely cash out their interest payments if they need them urgently. We will look to add Liberty Reserve and other processors as exchange alternatives too in the next few weeks.
AlertPay is no longer a viable option for Investors in the HYIP arena. They are stealing funds at will and abandoning their loyal users. We suggest you all stop using them right away. We have reserves as a contingency plan for events like this, but smaller companies may not be able to continue operating if AlertPay continue to block, then steal their funds.
For the record we have sent the requested additional ID and paperwork for the first account and it has still not been unblocked. We also have another account that has been waiting for 5 (yes FIVE) months to be verified.
Enough is enough. We are sorry to inform AlertPay users of this news and rest assured your investment funds are safe, its just you will need to exchange them to an alternative digital currency to cash out your interest and principle.
Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
Paul (Angry Admin)”.

It appears that I was right in warning about EliteAlliance which was previously been ranked #2 on MNO. Today it was moved to Problem status after I verified delays with payouts for over 72 hours. Today the site of EliteAlliance itself went offline and I’m not sure if they are going to be operational anytime soon. Of course it’s not so easy to believe this collapse after such a great payment record of so many months and achieving immense popularity among HYIP players due to their appearance of a private investment club. But you should remember that each HYIP listed on MNO is very unpredictable and any of them might fold any day. So I guess this is what happened to EliteAlliance recently which could no longer meet the withdrawals properly. Well, I wasn’t too harsh on them as it already happened once that the withdrawals were delayed for over 72 hours but were paid eventually. But last night, after my blog was updated I got a reply to my support ticket asking why the withdrawals were delayed. And I was wondering why I received such a meaningless reply from the support at EliteAlliance:
Hello, Funds are usually available within 24-48 “business hours” since the request.
Regards, Miso. EliteAlliance”.
But the question was exactly WHY the payouts were delayed as I can read the program’s FAQ myself. It looks to me that the program’s support staff was just given one phrase which he should reply to all the angry members. At least, it looks this way to me and I don’t know how else I can interpret such a rubbish attitude to their clients. I don’t tolerate that either and with the lack of a proper explanation combined with unpaid withdrawals and the site’s accessibility issues I have decided to move them to Problem status on MNO. In my opinion the chances for a successful recovery are quite slim, especially after all the noise and cursing on the main forums from some impatient members. Well, remember that if a program goes down and stops paying no amount of screaming will help you get your money back and though you have the right to get emotional please understand that the more you scream the less chances that you will get your money back. That is how the industry works and unfortunately, even such seemingly stable programs like EliteAlliance can collapse in a heartbeat. Please do not invest with them unless you hear positive news from me later, guys!

Not so encouraging news came today from another high-profile program ExoticFX the admin of which finally admitting to cashflow issues which prevented the program from paying LibertyReserve withdrawals for over 24 hours now. I myself received a few complaints from readers regarding this already and if payouts do not resume as soon as possible I will have to change the status of the program. I already emailed the admin Charles with a request to explain when the pending payouts to LR are going to be paid and why the Live support which was always online suddenly closed (a temporary situation, by the way. Live support is working perfectly well again now). Things are really not looking good for the investors of ExoticFX judging by the email and the announcement on the official blog of the program announcing a very suspicious bonus of 20% and even 30% offered on all LibertyReserve deposits. And it’s looking even worse that for me it is pretty obvious that in order to fill a hole in their LibertyReserve account ExoticFX is now trying to attract new funds to pay outstanding withdrawal requests. Well for me that sounds exactly like a ponzi would behave which I’m sure the majority of ExoticFX members treat it anyway despite the admin’s best efforts to prove otherwise. The recent decision is another perfect example of such behavior that simply cannot be explained away by the problems with AlertPay, allegedly due to which this bonus was offered. Charles promised to solve this AlertPay issue soon and studying the current behavior of that payment processor it would be stupid to think they will unblock any account. So I wonder where the promised solution to convert AlertPay pendings to other payment processors is and why it’s simply been forgotten by now. ExoticFX members should not be held responsible for the blocking of AlertPay accounts and they must be paid on time with no suspicious bonuses offered. This is my strong opinion and I will stick to it until I get a reply from Charles who should really admit that there is something wrong going on. Otherwise I simply do not know how to treat this recent update posted on the official blog of ExoticFX and the pending for over 24 hours LibertyReserve withdrawals which I would advise to give very serious thought to before taking advantage on this way too generous offer:
Urgent Announcement
While we still expect AP to release our account at any time, we also do not want to make our members wanting to withdraw their AP profits wait much longer.
In anticipation of the funds needed to allow them to withdraw via Liberty Reserve, we offer the following limited time option…
Effective upon receipt of this email we offer the following
Bonus for LIBERTY RESERVE deposits.
20% Deposit Bonus for all Liberty Reserve deposits of $100.00 to $999.00
30% Deposit Bonus for all Liberty Reserve deposits of $1,000.00 or more.
In addition, anyone participating in the FTA10 program will also receive a minimum return of 3.25% per day.
Both these offers will terminate at the close of business on Monday (midnight GMT).
This promotion will provide us a necessary excess without requiring us to unnecessarily close trades which will be much more costly than the overall amount we will end up paying in bonuses.
Understand, we don’t need to offer this exchange option. AlertPay has caused the issue, not EFX. However, it is a problem we will overcome.
ExoticFX is growing strong and gaining popularity. We appreciate the way our members rally behind us as we have the same bumps in the road as any serious program is forced to endure.
ExoticFX – Just Profits!

GulfReserve (reviewed here) is now on Facebook. They are paying well so far and instantly to AlertPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve to the following investment plans: 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days, and 105% after 5 calendar days. The program has reached #7 on MNO monitoring after being monitored for 50 days. I must say that the admin of GulfReserve Alina (interviewed here) is a very proactive person and her ultimate goal is to make her program #1 in the industry. And I believe she’s moving in the right direction so far, as she shared some interesting plans for further developing her program with me. If all works well then this will be revealed on MNO soon. Meanwhile, here is the latest newsletter from Alina regarding GulfReserve coming to Facebook:
Come on board at FaceBook!
I am glad to announce we have just created our official facebook page for GulfReserve, where we would also love to see you on board!
Just like millions of other internet users, I do also believe in social networking and I am sure from our very own members base, I will find several hundreds of you being facebook addicted (just like me!), so How about you join us at Facebook as well?
…and all you have to do is: press the “LIKE” button ;-)
We will be posting all our messages from our official blog at facebook as well so you will be able to comment on them and take advantage of whatever (numerious) other features facebook offers us!
Regards, Alina.

And just a few hours after the first update a second newsletter was issued by the admin of GulfReserve Alina. I don’t quite understand why two newsletters were issued instead of just one but I must admit that the second one contains way more information. According to that email for the first 50 days online GulfReserve has reached 1500 members and continues to grow. Also a splash promotional page which is a great tool for marketing the program has been introduced and in my opinion it looks just great and answers many questions about the plans and their alleged business activities in the promotional video embedded there. And this will really help in your promotional efforts if you would like to introduce GulfReserve to others. All other news from GulfReserve can be read in the latest newsletter posted below:
Splash Page, Facebook and 1500 Members…
Its over 50 days since we launched GulfReserve and that means nearly almost 2 months of successful business and profits! Several of our earlier investors got their earlier investments expired already meanwhile hundreds of others are take tiny and cute profits from our short-term side plan.
More than 1500 active participants in almost 2 months period is indeed a great thing to talk about and therefore keeping up with our ritual of constant progress and addition of new features and bonuses on regular basis, we do have quite few things for you to have a look at!
We have just created our very own splash (or landing) page which can be used as a perfect promotional tool. This page has its own theme so it doesn’t inherit design from actual site. You should have a look your self before I describe it any further:
check OUR splash:
1. We have placed introduction article there in 3 small paragraphs which describes important outlines of program.
2. We have also embedded our video tour on same page.
3. Ability to talk to one of support representatives on livechat.
4. Investment plans with COOL drop down details effect.
5. Buttons linked to our review and interview.
6. Dynamic seals from different monitors.
7. And of course, our Facebook networking box.
Buckle down and promote SPLASH page:
I am sure that a minor tweak in your promotional link is likely to give more enhanced results, so here comes your better referral link:
GulfReserve loves Facebook:
I recently sent another email few hours ago about facebook.
Here is a quick reminders:
We will be posting all articles from our official blog at this facebook page where you will be able to comment and take advantage of numerious other features that facebook offers. All you have to do is to “LIKE” us and this may also benefit everyone who are there at facebook along us in future with upcoming bonuses and surprises.
Explanation over technical problem:
First of all I apologize for the technical problem we faced in last 48 hours which made our site un-accessible for small period and it happened due to switching our hosting providers and now since the procedure was successfully completed, its all as good as usual again!
Thank you for your kind support for this program and I am too sure that together we can make this program work and become the number one online investment program!
Regards, Alina.

MAHIFund (reviewed here) which got off to quite a successful start a few days ago issued their first newsletter today. The admin of the program Anuschka introduced the review on MNO proudly and thanked everybody for their massive support which resulted in 250 members already. That is not a bad achievement for a program paying on three medium-term plans – 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back), and 170%-180% after 30 days. MAHIFund accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a low $5 minimum to invest in each plan and provides instant payouts to all payment processors. The admin admitted that they had some recent issues with AlertPay instant withdrawals which have since been fixed, but even if you face a pending withdrawal please be patient as it will be paid manually. Here is the entire debut newsletter from MAHIFund:
Malcom Arsley Holding INC: 1st Newsletter
Dear member
It’s with an enormous pleasure I’m sending out this first newsletter to our online customers.
I’m Anuschka Cuperus, Ceo of MAHIFund project, which is full property of Malcom Arsley Holding INC.
We just launched our website few days ago and we cannot trust what we are seeing. Our launch has been so exiting and it’s with proudness we reached today 250 members so fastly!
Many Actors have their part in this awesome launch and we would also thanks every customers, monitors & blogs for this amazing support.
We would like give a special thanks to Mr Abramson, Administrator of Money-News-Online.Com, for his impressive article published about MAHIFund.
This article is a detailed and perfect review of our project and we invite each member to read it. You can find it at the following address:
I would like to talk about one problem which is finally solved in our program. We received some complaints about the alertpay withdraw going in pending for some users when it should be sent instantly.
This problem has been successfully solved. I would remind there, we process all payments instantly. However in such case as unknown error, api error or server problem, your payment can be placed in pending.
In this case, your payment will be processed manually as soon as our administration notices it, or the payment will be returned to your account so you can cashout again and instantly.
You don’t have to fear if you see your payment in pending, this is a normal process in problem cases.
Time has come now to explain you the next upgrade you should see on MAHIFund during coming weeks. We are working with our programmer to offer a multi language website. We deal with many international investors and we know how it can be convenient to enjoy the website in your mother language. It’s why we are working on and this feature should be available in next days.
A telephone number for support will be displayed soon in order to satisfy most of you, this questions coming often to our live chat or via ticket.
I’ll conclude this email by announcing our first testimonials contest! Open from now, we’ll close it in a week by choosing the best testimonial received. The winner will receive $100 bonus deposit in his MAHIFund account.
This is a simple and funny way to earn $100, don’t miss it!
Sincerely, Anuschka Cuperus
Ceo of MAHIFund.
Malcom Arsley Holding INC”.

CyproRealty (reviewed here) has also reminded us they’re still in operation recently and sent out another newsletter today which featured all the program’s features including the investment plans offered (1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry) and payment processors used – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. Actually the update contains nothing new but just reminds us about the program’s existence which is kinda excessive in my opinion, considering the previous newsletter from CyproRealty was almost identical. Here is the latest from them anyway:
Greetings from CyproRealty Team.
We want to begin today’s news update by first thanking all our members for their great support. CyproRealty is now 9 days old online with a very encouraging traffic flow of an average of 2600 visits per day. CyproRealty is growing stronger and larger by the day.
Here are some facts you should know about CyproRealty.
1.We pay our members 1.2%, 1.7%, 2.0% and 2.4% daily interest for 180 days (Principal Returned) withdrawal request is processed within minutes of requests to 48hrs. Your earning will be dependent on your capacity to invest. Please refer to the investment plan for more details.
2. Our site is very secured, we have ensure DDos protection and SSL Encryption for quality service, it is ran on a licensed goldcoder script thus we are safe from hackers or any other form of online attacks.
3.We accept a wide range of investment options which makes it easy for participation (LR, PM and AP).
4.We pay our members a 5% Referral commission directly to their CyproRealty account for every investor they refer to our project.
5.We offer a 24/7 professional customer support service.
All withdrawal requests have been processed.
Just to remind you all, CyproRealty do not process payments Saturdays and Sundays. This is clearly stated on our FAQ section for all members to read.
Thanks for your participation.
Best Regards, Eric Mook
Support Staff. CyproRealty.

There was some good news today from SquareBoxTrends (reviewed here) which paid me earlier and was therefore moved back to Paying status on MNO Premium list. Apart from SquareBoxTrends I was also paid by the following programs during the last 24 hours:
Opulentia, OilCash, MGFunds, ExoticFX, GulfReserve, MAHIFund, OnlineInterests, SafeDepositary, ExtraFinances, EarnoSphere, GorgonProjectInvest, BrilineLimited, PrimFix, CyproRealty, ViscoCorp, EurosFund, LucrativaFund, WABFunds and BrantonsGroup.

I hope to see you on MNO again tomorrow and bring you hopefully good or better but potentially bad news regarding ExoticFX. Stay tuned for more news and updates from HYIP industry and I will see you then!

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